Hi Henry, John..
I’m actually running v1.14 v5937.. I just moved up to 6059 at your mention of
it working fairly well.
The rules window looks a lot nicer to navigate vs v5937.. Some of my issues
disappeared too. I am able to get a lot of my rules behaving by switching from
“From->address” to “
Be advised that Rules in MM are by their nature designed to be exact &
specific. This guidance is basic. You’re on your own discovering how to develop
the exact rule that fits your own goals. I’m happy to give you general advice
on a user-to-user basis, not writing it for you.
Seems to m
Rick Flower wrote (at 11:25 AM on Tuesday, December 10, 2024):
> Hi all ..
> I’m having some issues with rules which I want to use to move items from the
> inbox into a folder such as “Bulk Mail”.. I have a bunch of rules for
> instance for the bulk folder that look like :
> If Any of the fo
Hi all ..
I’m having some issues with rules which I want to use to move items from the
inbox into a folder such as “Bulk Mail”.. I have a bunch of rules for instance
for the bulk folder that look like :
If Any of the following are true
From Address is —> Grovemade
From Address is -> Credit Ka