Hi Henry, John..

I’m actually running v1.14 v5937.. I just moved up to 6059 at your mention of 
it working fairly well.

The rules window looks a lot nicer to navigate vs v5937.. Some of my issues 
disappeared too. I am able to get a lot of my rules behaving by switching from 
“From->address” to “From->name” and they’re triggering now. So I think I’m good 
for the time being. Thank you both!


On 10 Dec 2024, at 12:30, John Cooper wrote:

> Rick Flower wrote (at 11:25 AM on Tuesday, December 10, 2024):
>> Hi all ..
>> I’m having some issues with rules which I want to use to move items from the 
>> inbox into a folder such as “Bulk Mail”.. I have a bunch of rules for 
>> instance for the bulk folder that look like :
>> If Any of the following are true
>> From Address is —> Grovemade <he...@grovemade.com>
>> From Address is -> Credit Karma 
>> <notificati...@notifications4.creditkarma.com>
>> From Address is -> Dutch Bros Coffee <goodvi...@members2.dutchbros.com>
>> …
>> Action is to Move To Mailbox [ location/name of mailbox ]
>> Many things work fine but some do not and I’m not sure why the rules are not 
>> triggering.  I’ve got a bunch that are like this and I’ve changed “is” to 
>> “contains” and others.  Am I missing something? Thank you!
> Just a guess, but maybe these rules are too specific? If Grovemade sends from 
> i...@grovemade.com instead of he...@grovemade.com, that wouldn't be caught. I 
> would just use "From Address contains —> grovemade". Same with the others.
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