Re: [MlMt] Markdown Heading ##

2022-09-08 Thread Jan Erik Moström
> On 7 Sep 2022, at 19:13, Zak McClellan wrote: > > After a Google search it appears that the former behavior (without a space) > is not the norm. This tricked me some years ago, '#xxx' is used for hashtags while '# xxx' is a markdown heading. = jem _

Re: [MlMt] OK, it's not ME...

2022-02-17 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 16 Feb 2022, at 17:30, Randall Meadows wrote: > But just now the exact same problem happened—MailMate went to the background > and my browser came to the front—while I was merely navigating through a list > of message using the arrow keys. I know I have not customized anything > related to t

Re: [MlMt] How to disable copying text as Markdown?

2022-01-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 27 Jan 2022, at 2:03, Quinn Comendant wrote: > How do I disable this? I always want unformatted plain text on my clipboard. > > It seems this functionality should be something extra that is available in > the Commands menu, not default copy behavior. I don't know the solution but I think plai

Re: [MlMt] Markdown / HTML Tables

2021-07-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 25 Jul 2021, at 9:12, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: If at all possible, this decision should be left to the receiving email client. Yes !! <= a large numer of ! not typed out = jem ___ mailmate mailing list https://lists

Re: [MlMt] Memory usage

2021-05-11 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 11 May 2021, at 9:10, Patrik Fältström via mailmate wrote: > I have 2.988.939 messages Jag är imponerad !! ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Updating SpamSieve

2021-05-07 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 6 May 2021, at 19:10, Antonio Leding wrote: Interesting - is there any reason why the CPU architecture would be a factor here? Or is the thinking that the complete wipe was required just due to normal cleanup and possibly a change to a new OS? One thing that might be different (I have no k

Re: [MlMt] Utterly baffled by Mailing Lists

2021-03-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 26 Mar 2021, at 10:28, Paul Atlan wrote: I can’t imagine, with the number of power users using MailMate, that there aren’t some interesting solutions around … I'm unsure if you're referring to mailing lists like this one, and/or newsletters. The latter I have no experience with so I can sa

Re: [MlMt] "Not Junk" button?

2021-02-27 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 26 Feb 2021, at 16:06, Robert Wall wrote: I tried clicking "Junk" again when I'm in the "Junk" folder, just in case that was the solution, but it's greyed out / inactive. If you select the message you should get a yellow bar with a button "move out of junk" = jem

Re: [MlMt] BCC contact visibility on sent messages

2021-01-12 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 12 Jan 2021, at 17:00, Raza Rizvi wrote: Am I right, or is this as it should be? Since the email is sent to the server who distributes it, it is reasonable to assume that the email you receive from the server doesn't include other BCC addresses (that would be a bug in the mail server in

Re: [MlMt] Running one mail account completely separate from others

2020-12-22 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 22 Dec 2020, at 15:35, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote: How about separate users in MacOS? That would allow you to have completely different MM configurations. Good idea ... but unfortunately it would mean that I need to keep the setups for these accounts in sync (can two users on the same machi

[MlMt] Running one mail account completely separate from others

2020-12-22 Thread Jan Erik Moström
I have a number of email accounts but I would like to run one account completely separate from other account, like "this is the only account currently visible for MailMate". This to avoid some mistakes that could have some undesirable consequences. I don't mind quitting MailMate switching from

Re: [MlMt] No trash after 7 days

2020-11-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 26 Nov 2020, at 9:58, Antonio Leding wrote: Hello Mailmate users, Does mail mate auto-delete trash after 7 days? After migrating from Apple Mail to MM, it seems all of my Trash mailboxes no longer store messages after 7 days… I have stuff in my trash that is from early September. I have

Re: [MlMt] latest version/update crashes during

2020-09-30 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 30 Sep 2020, at 11:21, Max Andersen wrote: thus i'm now "stuck" using gmail webui...please help :) Can't you go to the web site and download from there? = jem ___ mailmate mailing list http

Re: [MlMt] New Yahoo! Mail restrictions for 3rd party e-mail client access as of Oct. 20th 2020

2020-08-25 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 25 Aug 2020, at 21:13, Greg Earle wrote: If removing and re-adding your account does not work, generate a third-party app password to access your account. -- I'm not sure whether I'll be able to continue using MailMate with these new restrictions after October 20. As others have said

Re: [MlMt] New install on new computer won't respond

2020-07-08 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 8 Jul 2020, at 15:11, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote: recommendations on which build of MM I might be best to use? I'm running the latest beta (I think) release build 5671 and it seem to work just fine for me = jem ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate

Re: [MlMt] duplicate messages in all mail

2020-06-28 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 27 Jun 2020, at 17:12, Evan Silberman wrote: I noticed that I have duplicate messages in all mail. For example, when I search for a message from a sender, I see the message twice. Do you mean that you see the *same* message twice or that you have two copies of the same email? (You can ri

Re: [MlMt] Mailmate fails to connect after awhile

2020-06-11 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 11 Jun 2020, at 16:48, Williper Larnloge wrote: I do. Hmm…wonder if I broke something in there. Thanks for the pointer. I think in my case something very simple ... at least it hasn't happened since I "fixed" it. I use two virtual screens (Desktops in macOS speak) and for some reason Li

Re: [MlMt] Modifying Reply Date Format

2020-06-10 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 10 Jun 2020, at 20:30, wrote: When one replies to an email, MailMate formats the date/time like so `On 10 Jun 2020, at 16:18...` While I understand that is how most of the world references dates and times, I am one of those uncouth Americans and wondering if there is a way to ch

Re: [MlMt] Mailmate fails to connect after awhile

2020-06-10 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 10 Jun 2020, at 19:59, Williper Larnloge wrote: No idea what is causing, but it’s happening to me, too. I’m using 5692. Seems like I should have upgraded a long time ago ... I'm only on 5671 Do you happen to use Little Snitch? I *think* it was a ... "user error" that caused my problems, b

[MlMt] Mailmate fails to connect after awhile

2020-06-10 Thread Jan Erik Moström
Here is something that have happened a couple of times the last 18h or so. I'm running Mailmate as usual and notice that it can't connect to any of my mail providers (several addresses, three different providers). "OK, your internet is down" you say - well no, all other apps works just fine

Re: [MlMt] AltaMail vs. Preside?

2020-05-09 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 9 May 2020, at 19:07, Bryce Wray wrote: So, any takers? Thanks for whatever info/opinions you may wish to share. I've never heard about these two before so thanks for bringing them to my attention. For me personally the notification stuff isn't a problem since I turn them off for email -

Re: [MlMt] Problem getting custom shortcuts to work, I'm missing something

2020-04-29 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 29 Apr 2020, at 11:13, Fredrik Jonsson wrote: I believe it should be a semicolon extra like this. { "m" = { "a" = ("toggleTag:", "Aktuellt" ); "k" = ("toggleTag:", "Kanske"); }; } Yes, I noticed that before ... I actually got the idea that it

[MlMt] Problem getting custom shortcuts to work, I'm missing something

2020-04-29 Thread Jan Erik Moström
I have this setup { "m" = { "a" = ("toggleTag:", "Aktuellt" ); "k" = ("toggleTag:", "Kanske"); } } in the file /Users/jem/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings/jem.plist I've also enabled "Custom Key Bindings" and entered "

Re: [MlMt] Standard reply/respons mails

2020-04-22 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 22 Apr 2020, at 16:29, Denis Ricard via mailmate wrote: I would add to what Stefan said that, in addition to TextExpander which I used for a while, there is also Typinator which I use now and that I now prefer. Both TextExpander and Typinator can do what you need, including things like pres

Re: [MlMt] Mails I send from Iphone not visible in 'Sent messages' in MailMate on computer

2020-03-05 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 5 Mar 2020, at 14:06, Joakim Frögren wrote: Dear Jan Erik, I would really appreciate if you or someone else could give me a hint on how to do that. I am on macOS Catalina and Iphone 7. För mailmate så kan du gå in på sources, gå till aktuellt konto, markera den mailbox som ser ut att var

Re: [MlMt] Mails I send from Iphone not visible in 'Sent messages' in MailMate on computer

2020-03-05 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 5 Mar 2020, at 11:50, Joakim Frögren wrote: I have a problem in that the mails I send from my Iphone are not visible in ’Sent messages’ in MailMate on my computer (MacBook Air). How can I solve this? Check if you use the same outbox. = jem ___

[MlMt] Replying to redirected email - setting the to and from addresses

2019-10-04 Thread Jan Erik Moström
At work I have an email address which I don't want to add to MailMate. It's an Exchange account and I've set it to redirect email to my regular account. Assume that I've sent a test email to the email account which then redirect this to my regular account. When this shows up in MailMate it has

Re: [MlMt] Mail-Templates?

2019-02-20 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 20 Feb 2019, at 9:44, Matthias Schmidt via mailmate wrote: thanks, I’ve been using that one and the keyboard short cuts sometimes just don’t work. All in all I consider Textexpander buggy and I was looking for an alternative ;-) The way I use "templates" is to create them in Typinator (I m

Re: [MlMt] Mass deletion of rules and smart mailboxes

2019-01-23 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 23 Jan 2019, at 14:56, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: > You can also edit it if you can figure out what to remove :) Thanks ! = jem ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Mass deletion of rules and smart mailboxes

2019-01-23 Thread Jan Erik Moström
I've been "patching" my mail setup by using various rules attached to mailboxes + smart mailboxes. For various reasons this patching doesn't work any longer for me ... it's too confusing. So I want to clean up a bit, is there some easy way to remove all smart mailboxes and rules attached to reg

Re: [MlMt] Probable New User with POP Question

2018-11-23 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 23 Nov 2018, at 8:51, Jack Stewart wrote: I'm liking most of what I have read about Mailmate and want to use it but I am completely inexperienced with IMAP, have no good friends who use it, and am wondering: 1) What transition problems from POP to IMAP will I encounter? Since you have

[MlMt] Fuzzy text - just me or ...?

2018-10-16 Thread Jan Erik Moström
I just downloaded 5537 and noticed that the text in the sidebar is slightly larger than in the previous version I used and also a bit fuzzy. It kind of looks like the text has been increased by 5-10% and the scaling has been done by increasing the pixel size (not the font size). The screensho

Re: [MlMt] OmniFocus command doesn't work

2018-10-05 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 5 Oct 2018, at 11:20, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote: It works for me in High Sierra. Yes, it used to work for me also ... I'm not when it stopped working, if it was when I updated to Mohave or of it was after that. = jem ___ mailmate mailing list mailm

[MlMt] OmniFocus command doesn't work

2018-10-05 Thread Jan Erik Moström
Here is something I just discovered - have anyone a explanation for why it doesn't work? First a test: + I have OmniFocus open + I use the Quick Entry to create a new entry + Works Another test: + I have OmniFocus open + I switch to MailMate so that it's the front app + I use the Quick Entry

Re: [MlMt] Rule to bounce messages with no subject

2018-10-05 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 4 Oct 2018, at 16:12, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote: As a side-rant… what kind of mail client allows you to send a message with a blank subject! Oh. Ya. Gmail. And mailmate ... and most other clients I know of ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.

Re: [MlMt] Some small questions I hope?

2018-09-27 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 27 Sep 2018, at 8:29, Maurice Mines wrote: I have two questions, one how can I get the most current message to appear at the top of the list, instead of the very bottom of the list? If you click on the column namn you can sort on that field, click a second time and the sort order will rev

Re: [MlMt] Delete/change email address for auto-complete list? Or a warn list?

2018-05-31 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 31 May 2018, at 4:04, Randall Gellens wrote: (1) Is there a way to delete or modify the emails that get auto-populated? Tell MailMate to use your address book for looking up email addresses (the composer preference pane -> Auto Completion Sources). = jem _

Re: [MlMt] Scheduling questions, one on topic and one off-topic

2018-04-27 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 26 Apr 2018, at 15:29, Jan Erik Moström wrote: is there some way to get Mailsmith I didn't notice this Freudian "misspelling" until it was pointed out to me just a few minutes ago ... I of course meant MailMate :) = jem ___ m

Re: [MlMt] Scheduling questions, one on topic and one off-topic

2018-04-27 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 27 Apr 2018, at 12:03, Charlie Garrison wrote: > Fantastical creates the event next Friday. Thanks = jem ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Scheduling questions, one on topic and one off-topic

2018-04-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 27 Apr 2018, at 0:34, Charlie Garrison wrote: I've got an "old" version of Fantastical. The above string results in a location of "MIT-place seminar room". Is that what you were asking? I'm more interested in the date, BusyCal - which I use - focus on friday and puts the event today, not n

[MlMt] Scheduling questions, one on topic and one off-topic

2018-04-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On-topic question: is there some way to get Mailsmith to send the selected text in a message to the calendar instead of the subject line? I would like to let the Calendar use the selected text for parsing the date/time as well as the title of the event. Off-topic question: if someone of you i

Re: [MlMt] recentsd used by MailMate?

2018-03-12 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 13 Mar 2018, at 7:09, Angelo Machils wrote: Even though I don’t use Apple Mail (it’s not even configured), I notice that recentsd is started and using a lot of memory if the system has been on for some time (between 2 and 2.5Gb.). The only thing I can find, are some older reports of this be

Re: [MlMt] Does MailMate mirror everything back to the server?

2018-02-21 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 21 Feb 2018, at 15:38, John Cooper wrote: The biggest adjustment is not to worry about emptying the IN mailbox but establish a set of smart mailboxes (and tags) to create a workflow similar to what you had before. Takes a bit effort but it is surely possible. Smart mailboxes work equally

Re: [MlMt] Does MailMate mirror everything back to the server?

2018-02-21 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 20 Feb 2018, at 21:08, Ron Britton wrote: I'm trying to keep an open mind. Just because I've done things one way for 25 years doesn't mean it's best (usually the opposite). :D I tried IMAP a couple of years ago, and I just wasn't happy having to go onto the server to get copies of emai

Re: [MlMt] Moving providers

2018-02-14 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 14 Feb 2018, at 10:29, wrote: I've done that before too when moving mail between different accounts. What I'm a little unsure about is when I'm moving the same account to a different server. I've had bad experiences in the past when syncing mail to a new server in that it just

Re: [MlMt] Moving providers

2018-02-14 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 14 Feb 2018, at 9:19, wrote: Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best procedure when moving IMAP providers/servers? I have a couple of domains with a couple of email addresses on each and 2-3 GB of mail on the server (and in Mailmate of course). I'm not 100% happy with

Re: [MlMt] Enhancement request: Right click on URL and launch non-default browser?

2018-01-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 26 Jan 2018, at 15:37, David Green wrote: You could always use Bumpr  And a similar program: which, in addition to just presently user choice, allows you to add some rules for auto-selecting on browser or another. Or Choosy https://www.c

Re: [MlMt] Security

2018-01-22 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 22 Jan 2018, at 15:30, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: At least not for the Inbox. I guess push notifications could also be used for read receipts, but again, MailMate doesn't support that. Which is good :) ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.frero

Re: [MlMt] Security

2018-01-22 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 22 Jan 2018, at 15:04, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Thank you. I've been looking around at email clients and I saw that Airmail and Spark both had some sort of additional functionality which required them to store email addresses and associated passwords on their servers. That makes me uncomfo

Re: [MlMt] Security

2018-01-17 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 17 Jan 2018, at 8:33, Fabian Blechschmidt wrote: Or sent anywhere? MailMate is not "cloud" - so except the mail server itself I assume it stays on your machine. Except for the obvious thing of logging in to the mail server to validate that you is you. = jem ___

Re: [MlMt] Rule for mailbox X in all accounts?

2018-01-10 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 10 Jan 2018, at 13:16, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: If I understand correctly then this would be very much like the existing standard mailboxes (like “Archive”). It's on my todo to makes these configurable (both to allow users to reduce and expand the set of standard mailboxes), but I haven't

[MlMt] Rule for mailbox X in all accounts?

2017-12-30 Thread Jan Erik Moström
Is it possible to define a smart mailbox that lists all messages from mailbox X in each account *without* having to list them individually? ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Dowload of fonts

2017-11-11 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 11 Nov 2017, at 8:38, Patrik Fältström wrote: I just got a spam message and wanted to investigate it more closely. Mailmate wanted to download a font though to display the message. This happens to me one in a while, most from some mailing list with a Japanse (?) sender. = jem ___

[MlMt] iOS client that doesn't suck?

2017-10-23 Thread Jan Erik Moström
Does anyone know of an iOS email client that + Don't use top posting + Use plain text Also, as an added bonus: can create smart mailboxes based on the IMAP tags that MailMate creates? = jem ___ mailmate mailing list https:/

Re: [MlMt] Advice for new user

2017-10-22 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 23 Oct 2017, at 3:52, Robert Goldman wrote: What do other users do? I'm not going to be of much help I'm afraid. I used to keep a number of mailboxes for the various courses I was teaching, etc, etc. But I spent more time filing that actually looking things up. For the last 5 years or

Re: [MlMt] A couple of newbie issues

2017-10-17 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 17 Oct 2017, at 13:40, wrote: Saving attachments: I often get messages containing several attachments. However, I very rarely need to save all the attachments and I almost never want to save them in the same place. So I really need to be able to choose which attachments from a

Re: [MlMt] Sort by unread / Selection Bar Always at Bottom

2017-09-15 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 15 Sep 2017, at 8:36, Robert M. Münch wrote: Hi, yes I do this for other folders as well. But I have many, so for the folders with low frequency I try to avoid it. However, the sorting by unread and than by received would be nice anyway as a shortcut. Maybe a single switch to just show unr

Re: [MlMt] Templates

2017-09-15 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 15 Sep 2017, at 0:46, Robert Brenstein wrote: Saved messages in Drafts might have been usable for this if MM allowed to edit drafts as new messages as it does for sent messages. This has been requested — see [ticket 1632](

Re: [MlMt] Question about redisplay after mail fetch

2017-09-13 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 12 Sep 2017, at 20:48, Robert Goldman wrote: However, I do NOT see it in the message list pane in the upper right. Is there something I am doing wrong to make this (not) happen? My first reaction to this was: have you the counters set to display new messages and not unreplied/recent or so

Re: [MlMt] Request to move 'QuickLook' and 'Save' buttons to left

2017-08-28 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 28 Aug 2017, at 9:17, David Ledger wrote: What address does 'Send Feedback' use? I can redirect the list message to that, hopefully adding those files. "MailMate Feedback" ___ mailmate mailing list https://lists.

Re: [MlMt] clicking on threaded conversations messages dissapear

2017-08-27 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 28 Aug 2017, at 8:30, Max Andersen wrote: > How do I send you that file without sharing it on this public list ? I would suggest that you use the "Send Feedback" command in the "Help" menu. = jem ___ mailmate mailing list h

Re: [MlMt] indent

2017-08-21 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 21 Aug 2017, at 16:05, Aaron Falk wrote: > Is there way to get an indented, wrapped paragraph? A quote? Start line with a '>' = jem ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] indent

2017-08-21 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 21 Aug 2017, at 16:02, Aaron Falk wrote: Am I confused or is this a bug? If you use Markdown then an indented line means, this is code and should be displayed as is. = jem ___ mailmate mailing list https://lists.freron

Re: [MlMt] 2.0 beta vs. v 1.9.7

2017-08-15 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 15 Aug 2017, at 14:42, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Curious, when was the latest beta release for the 1.9 series ... when I saw this message I remembered that it was a very long time since I updated MM in some way. The version I'm running is 1.9.6 (5347) and I have "Watch for beta builds" en

Re: [MlMt] Green badge?

2017-06-03 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 3 Jun 2017, at 20:52, davecc wrote: It is also in menu bar (sorry not mentioned before). Clicked in menu bar: says 1 flagged mag in Inbox. Sorted by flag (twice), no such msg. Suggestion, make a smart mailbox that matches flagged messages then you can see which message it is. My expe

Re: [MlMt] Green badge?

2017-06-03 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 3 Jun 2017, at 2:27, Dave C wrote: What is the significance of the green badge? It depends on what you have specified it to mean, in other words it's user customisable You can check what they are currently set to by going to preferences -> counters and look there. It probably has noth

Re: [MlMt] Data detectors ... some substitute?

2017-04-03 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 3 Apr 2017, at 9:34, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: It works for me to select the date and use the Calendar command. For your email it also works for me to not select the text, but I haven't checked if that worked with the original email. You might be able to debug the command from a Terminal w

Re: [MlMt] Data detectors ... some substitute?

2017-04-03 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 3 Apr 2017, at 9:47, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Ah, if nothing is selected in a displayed message then “Copy” puts the message file itself on the pasteboard. It can then, e.g., be pasted in a Finder window. Pasting it in a Composer window would attach it (since MailMate itself now sees it as

Re: [MlMt] Data detectors ... some substitute?

2017-04-03 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 3 Apr 2017, at 9:36, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Maybe you tried getting the date string into the email by dragging the email into the composer? (This attaches the email as if you used “Message ▸ Forward as Attachment”). No, I think I did a copy&paste ... but perhaps I'm remembering wrong. _

Re: [MlMt] Data detectors ... some substitute?

2017-04-03 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 3 Apr 2017, at 8:35, Jan Erik Moström wrote: There is one thing I'm missing from Mail and that is data detectors. For me the Calendar command doesn't seem to work - nothing happens. Does anyone have a suggestion for how to quickly create calendar entries from something like &q

[MlMt] Data detectors ... some substitute?

2017-04-02 Thread Jan Erik Moström
There is one thing I'm missing from Mail and that is data detectors. For me the Calendar command doesn't seem to work - nothing happens. Does anyone have a suggestion for how to quickly create calendar entries from something like "April 6, 10:15-12:00 in MA 136" directly from MailMate (and ple

Re: [MlMt] Domain whitelist for remote content, revisited

2017-02-23 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 24 Feb 2017, at 8:50, Sam Hathaway wrote: Yes, I was clicking "forever" as well, but didn't have the patience to get past that initial period where there were many new domains to classify. OK (when I was using Mail this was how I handled this) = jem ___

Re: [MlMt] Domain whitelist for remote content, revisited

2017-02-23 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 23 Feb 2017, at 19:11, Sam Hathaway wrote: - I'd like to see some of these images. - Hm, do I click "Load Once"? I have no idea how many questions Little Snitch will make me answer. - OK, let's do it! - [Answer like a dozen allow/deny questions] - Damn, I guessed wrong and denied a domain t

Re: [MlMt] Create replies from templates

2017-02-03 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 3 Feb 2017, at 19:32, Martin Guddat wrote: I am looking for a way to automate reponding to email without getting to generic, so I want to give a proper greeting as well as matching salutation. For this I would like to use something like templates. For a given response I would have to select

Re: [MlMt] Tags not stored with IMAP?

2017-02-03 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 2 Feb 2017, at 18:30, John Cooper wrote: I'm surprised to find that the tags I apply on my main computer aren't attached to the same messages on my secondary computer; they appear to be machine-specific. I take it that tags aren't supported by the IMAP standard? They are stored on the ser

Re: [MlMt] Inbox vs All Messages

2017-01-16 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 16 Jan 2017, at 16:56, Robert Brenstein wrote: I think you misread my post. I meant that it seems that Sent, Drafts, and Archive are included in All Messages and that is the difference to Inbox. The documentation implies that but does not state it explicitly. I haven't checked everything i

Re: [MlMt] Inbox vs All Messages

2017-01-16 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 16 Jan 2017, at 13:56, Robert Brenstein wrote: All Messages All messages that you have, no matter in which mailbox the physically reside and Inbox New messages, the inbox is a unified inbox for all accounts. You can see the individual account is you expand it Send Messages Mess

[MlMt] Automating Mailmate - best way?

2017-01-10 Thread Jan Erik Moström
Hi, If I want to automate certain aspects of my mail handling what is the best way to go about this. Classes of things I would like to do are + Create a new emails + Call on a script with references to one or more selected emails (+ Trigger a script based an a filter) I looked at the applescr

Re: [MlMt] BusyContacts

2016-11-30 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 30 Nov 2016, at 21:26, Charlie Garrison wrote: I don’t about “should” do it that way, but certainly “could” do it that way.  For me, I just use contact groups; business contacts in one group, personal in a second group. Of course some are in both groups, and I have a couple of extra group

Re: [MlMt] BusyContacts

2016-11-30 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 30 Nov 2016, at 12:49, Robert Brenstein wrote: So, to rephrase it, if someone does not want to mix email-related contacts with regular contacts, one should designate Apple's Contacts as basically a private address book for MailMate and use BusyContacts or else for regular contacts. Right?

Re: [MlMt] BusyContacts

2016-11-28 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 28 Nov 2016, at 16:59, Cevc, Baltasar wrote: is anybody using BusyContacts and knows to to use its contact database for MailMate instead of the bug-prone standard Apple crap? What do you mean with "to use"? (I use BC) = jem ___ mailmate mailing

Re: [MlMt] Schedule posts

2016-11-24 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 23 Nov 2016, at 19:54, Jan Erik Moström wrote: How do you all schedule posts? Thanks to all who answered, I should have found this by myself but apparently I'm getting half-blind or something. = jem ___ mailmate mailing list mai

[MlMt] Schedule posts

2016-11-23 Thread Jan Erik Moström
Hi, How do you all schedule posts? For various reasons (I know, I know) I would sometimes like to schedule posts for a later delivery. Does anyone do that in MailMate? = jem ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] SpamSieve and Inbox vs All Messages

2016-11-20 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 20 Nov 2016, at 23:12, Charlie Garrison wrote: I’ve had SpamSieve set to apply to new messages in “All Messages”, but that also catches outgoing messages. If I change that setting to “Inbox”, will messages get passed through SpamSieve before being filtered into another mailbox? In my expe

Re: [MlMt] List headers view default?

2016-11-15 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 15 Nov 2016, at 14:45, Bill Cole wrote: resolves normally for me from 4 disjoint networks in Zurich, Newark NJ US, NYC, and Detroit. The SOA serial number on the DNS zone implies that the last change was almost 2 years ago and the A record hs a fill day TTL, so it's

Re: [MlMt] List headers view default?

2016-11-15 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 15 Nov 2016, at 9:43, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Yes, this does not currently work very well. For now, I've changed the default behavior to the list format, but I need to make this (and many other mailbox related settings) more easily configurable. Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in th

Re: [MlMt] Changing names of flags

2016-11-15 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 15 Nov 2016, at 9:38, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: No, they are currently hardcoded. I guess I could make it optional if you have a convincing use case which could not be solved using tags :-) Nope :D = jem ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.

[MlMt] Changing names of flags

2016-11-14 Thread Jan Erik Moström
Is it possible to change the name of the flags, from "Red", "Orange", ... to for example "Apple", "Banana", ...? = jem ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Strange question: "hiding" new emails count during certain times of the day

2016-11-10 Thread Jan Erik Moström
I'm playing around with an idea I got, is there some easy way to turn off "unread mail indication" for (smart) mailboxes during certain times. I can control if the number of unread messages for a (smart) mailbox is shown or not, but is there a simple way to automatically control this setting (

[MlMt] Organisation of smart mailboxes?

2016-10-28 Thread Jan Erik Moström
I've started to use a number of smart mailboxes and I want to keep most of them in a "group" (they belong together but doesn't necessarily have a relation to each other). The natural way would be to put these into a "folder" or something similar. And this is also what I do for handling for exa

Re: [MlMt] Viewing text vs HTML part of message

2016-10-24 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 24 Oct 2016, at 14:54, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: > Even when it allows the Swedes to try to take over the mailing list ;) :D = jem ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Viewing text vs HTML part of message

2016-10-24 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 24 Oct 2016, at 9:43, Thomas Grundberg wrote: Ibland önskar jag att det sätt datorerna kodar bokstäver hade uppfunnits i t.ex. Kina, då hade vi sluppit ASCII. Skrivit av Moström, i Umeå Västerbotten Hehe, håller med. Och världen hade välsignats med räksmörgåsar! M önskar att det är

Re: [MlMt] Viewing text vs HTML part of message

2016-10-24 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 23 Oct 2016, at 23:21, Bill Cole wrote: plain text in the One True Encoding, US-ASCII. :) Ibland önskar jag att det sätt datorerna kodar bokstäver hade uppfunnits i t.ex. Kina, då hade vi sluppit ASCII. Skrivit av Moström, i Umeå Västerbotten :D :D :D = jem

Re: [MlMt] Devonthink

2016-08-29 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 26 Aug 2016, at 13:00, Jan Erik Moström wrote: Price, initial buy yes, but the upgrade fees has been pretty widely spaced ... I've probably had DT for 10-20 years (I have no idea) and think I've payed for upgrade once or twice. I actually had to check and I bought Devonthink i

Re: [MlMt] Devonthink

2016-08-27 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 26 Aug 2016, at 18:31, Howard Wettstein wrote: I wish I could hang out for an hour with a DT user and see how it goes. Looks fascinating but complicated. Also, I've seen references to syncing it across one's machines and devices. Is it possible, easy to do this? Yep, the new version allow

Re: [MlMt] Devonthink

2016-08-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 26 Aug 2016, at 22:29, Paul Sture wrote: > Can you please explain what the 'the all-important “-“ command' is? Same question, what have I missed? = jem ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Devonthink

2016-08-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 26 Aug 2016, at 4:32, Roger Bohn wrote: Devonthink is overkill - it has a lot of document management capabilities that are not needed. (And the price reflects it.) Managing PDFs, taking notes and excerpts from them, linking among documents, built-in OCR, and on and on. It's all a matter o

Re: [MlMt] Devonthink

2016-08-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 25 Aug 2016, at 18:01, Scott Schulz wrote: In DT, is the sync functionality included with the application? That is, if I buy a version, will it sync to other copies of that without an additional fee? I am a longterm EN user, but with their recent price increases, I am considering a move t

Re: [MlMt] Devonthink

2016-08-25 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On 25 Aug 2016, at 16:38, Howard Wettstein wrote: I’m intrigued by comments about Devonthink. Could someone give me a brief description of the program and how it works? I don’t mean a technical account, just a short message about how to use it, what it does, etc. Or a link to where I can find

[MlMt] What is the difference between the different HTML stylings?

2016-08-25 Thread Jan Erik Moström
For the first time I looked at the HTML options ... and notice that there were different themes available. So I sent a couple of test mails to myself (to two different accounts) and checked how they looked in gmail (web and Apple Mail) and to another address (Mailmate and Apple Mail). But the

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