On 23 Nov 2018, at 8:51, Jack Stewart wrote:

I'm liking most of what I have read about Mailmate and want to use it but I am completely inexperienced with IMAP, have no good friends who use it, and am wondering:
    1) What transition problems from POP to IMAP will I encounter?

Since you have used POP I assume that you have your emails stored locally, IMAP (usually) stores your messages on the server. So you will probably have to export your emails from your POP client to mbox files and then import them into MailMate. If the messages imported are stored on the server (if you use MailMate they are unless you install a mail server locally on you Mac) then you need to have the storage on your server to do this.

    2) What is not to like about IMAP compared to POP?

Probably several things but there are also things to like (simple migration between clients for example).

(e.g. Will I be able to easily retain my existing 500 mailboxes with their present contents?)

If they live locally (unless you have set some "leave on server" flag in your mail client) you probably need to do some manual work.

= jem
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