Re: [MlMt] Schedule posts

2016-11-24 Thread Gary Hull
You can enable the Send Later field when you compose an email, then type in a natural language time. There's a drop-down menu to the left of the Signature drop-down, that contains Send Later. Turn it on. You can change the defaults using a command-line command that Benny will have to tell you (

Re: [MlMt] really delete

2016-10-27 Thread Gary Hull
Randy, By putting individual's email addresses in the To slot, you're causing mailing list conversations to show up in the Inbox even if the mailing list is redirected to the Mailing List mailbox. Please only put MailMate Users in the To slot. Bill, et al., will still see it. If you need to

Re: [MlMt] MailMate 1.9.5 - how to get old functionality back

2016-09-21 Thread Gary Hull
On 21 Sep 2016, at 18:06, Mark Wadham wrote: On 21 Sep 2016, at 10:05, Mark Wadham wrote: 2) How can I disable the new inline html preview page when replying to html messages? It seems to make the reply button take several seconds to bring up the editing dialog and I really don't care about

Re: [MlMt] Google login issues?

2016-09-03 Thread Gary Hull
On 3 Sep 2016, at 2:11, Richard Rettke wrote: On 2 Sep 2016, at 2:08, Gary Hull wrote: I moved all of my accounts from Google to Runbox and (if hosted there) Pair. For throwaway free accounts I made new ones at AOL and Yandex. Life is so much simpler now. Thanks for

Re: [MlMt] Google login issues?

2016-09-02 Thread Gary Hull
I moved all of my accounts from Google to Runbox and (if hosted there) Pair. For throwaway free accounts I made new ones at AOL and Yandex. Life is so much simpler now. Gmail gets hammered by all kinds of hacking schemes, so Google uses a high-false-positive algorithm. Any kind of forwarding o

Re: [MlMt] Devonthink

2016-08-29 Thread Gary Hull
On 29 Aug 2016, at 16:06, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 28 Aug 2016, at 4:04, Gary Hull wrote: When I filter by "" and then by "Subject:Devonthink" and then remove "Subject:Devonthink" it does return me to the results of the "

Re: [MlMt] Devonthink

2016-08-27 Thread Gary Hull
On 27 Aug 2016, at 18:53, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 27 Aug 2016, at 5:08, Gary Hull wrote: Experimenting with the filtering, it seems that if you double-click on an item in a column it does a filter on that, like "all messages where From =," and then you get get th

Re: [MlMt] Devonthink

2016-08-26 Thread Gary Hull
would be nice to have stacked blue bars showing all filters, and be able to minus out individual filters without removing them all ... and to drag them to change order, and select ALL or ANY. On 27 Aug 2016, at 10:25, Gary Hull wrote: Maybe this: When you filter by for instance double click

Re: [MlMt] Devonthink

2016-08-26 Thread Gary Hull
Maybe this: When you filter by for instance double clicking on an e-mail address, the pane that displays the results has at the upper right in a new, blue bar the buttons [Details] [Save] [-], where the hyphen may be (haven't tested it) "remove this filter," but an ESC can also do that if that

Re: [MlMt] Matching on attachment names

2016-08-15 Thread Gary Hull
Maybe try testing with a file where "Note" is a separate word, with no tailing underscore, to see if the string matching is fussy that way. On 16 Aug 2016, at 0:02, Eric A. Meyer wrote: Hi there, I have a smart mailbox that matches for any message with the string "meeting notes" in the subje

Re: [MlMt] search for different Flags

2016-07-14 Thread Gary Hull
On 14 Jul 2016, at 23:52, Robert Brenstein wrote: On 12.07.2016 at 16:38 Uhr +0900 Gary Hull apparently wrote: Thanks. This finally made me figure out tags, and yes, they seem quite handy! The "T" modifier in Search View is great! Thanks again. Can you elaborate on the T modi

Re: [MlMt] search for different Flags

2016-07-12 Thread Gary Hull
in Search View is great! Thanks again. This being said, a more convenient combination of keys to change the flag color would still be useful. Alain On 11 Jul 2016, at 4:37, Gary Hull wrote: To change the flag colors you have to use the fussy Shift-F, release, press number process. Is there

Re: [MlMt] search for different Flags

2016-07-10 Thread Gary Hull
To change the flag colors you have to use the fussy Shift-F, release, press number process. Is there any way to change them so that a quicker and easier keyboard shortcut could be used, such as a function key, or at least a non-shifted lowercase f? On 29 May 2016, at 17:10, Benny Kjær Nielsen

Re: [MlMt] "throttled" source ?

2016-06-30 Thread Gary Hull
On 30 Jun 2016, at 15:59, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote: This morning i'm noticing I'm missing some mails in various folders. I could see them on the online archives of mailing lists, and they are available on gmail directly but in mailmate they where not there. I thought my source might be offlin

Re: [MlMt] Apply Rules

2016-06-28 Thread Gary Hull
On 25 Jun 2016, at 20:47, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 17 Jun 2016, at 10:02, Gary Hull wrote: I can't seem to get the Apply Rules command to undim, either in the contextual menu or the Mailbox menu. What is the step-by-step to use this command? “Apply Rules” is very limited i

Re: [MlMt] deleting junk

2016-06-27 Thread Gary Hull
On 28 Jun 2016, at 7:00, Howard Wettstein wrote: I get lots of it and often a quick look is all that it takes to see it’s all junk. Is there a command to delete and mark as read in one shot? Is there a permanently delete command? I have several e-mail addresses, and most junk comes to address

[MlMt] Apply Rules

2016-06-25 Thread Gary Hull
I can't seem to get the Apply Rules command to undim, either in the contextual menu or the Mailbox menu. What is the step-by-step to use this command? ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Where did my window go?

2016-05-31 Thread Gary Hull
y 2016, at 23:00, Gary Hull wrote: I previously looked at Apple > System Preferences > Displays, thinking that the singular "Display" might have been a mistake, but there's no Arrangement tab nor Gather Windows button (nor radio button nor check box). I just now lo

Re: [MlMt] Where did my window go?

2016-05-30 Thread Gary Hull
s > Mission Control, but there are no tabs at all there. There is a Group Windows by Application check box. Is that what is meant by "Gather Windows"? OS X El Capitan v. 10.11.5. On 31 May 2016, at 10:21, David Vereschagin wrote: On 30 May 2016, at 20:34, Gary Hull wrote: The D

Re: [MlMt] Where did my window go?

2016-05-30 Thread Gary Hull
The Display prefpane of MailMate? Where is that? These are the only panes I see: MailMate > Preferences > - General - Counters - Viewer - Composer - Signatures - Tags - Bundles - Security - Software Update On 31 May 2016, at 3:10, Randall Meadows wrote: On 30 May 2016, at 11:23, Frank Arocha

Re: [MlMt] installing on 2nd computer

2016-05-14 Thread Gary Hull
I think you can just install it and set it up with all the same settings and the same accounts. Your mail is not on your first computer (other than as copies). It's on the IMAP servers at your mail ISPs. If you install another copy of MailMate, it will download all the mail from the IMAP ISPs.

Re: [MlMt] Gmail source is unavailable

2016-05-09 Thread Gary Hull
On 10 May 2016, at 4:10, Adam Liter wrote: Since getting home and since connecting to a few other networks, I have continued to be unable to get MailMate to access Gmail via IMAP. It continually says that it is unavailable. You can use telnet via a terminal window or telnet app to test IMAP.

Re: [MlMt] Cannot delete 4000 messages. Instead, they get moved, and become un-deletable.

2016-05-06 Thread Gary Hull
On 6 May 2016, at 11:49, Roger Bohn wrote: 2. I selected 4000 of them, and hit the “delete” key on my Mac. In the past, this has purged messages from the Deleted Messages folder, and from the server. 3. The messages did not disappear from the DM folder. Instead, they changed color to red, *a

Re: [MlMt] SideBar organisational tabs/menus

2016-04-26 Thread Gary Hull
Have you thought of adding a message thread arc panel to these? Why not go for everything, including the kitchen sink! On 26 Apr 2016, at 18:53, Jody Foo wrote: Hi all, just chipping in here. I've done quite a bit of modifications to my sidebar layout, so here are two images just an example us

Re: [MlMt] SideBar organisational tabs/menus

2016-04-26 Thread Gary Hull
I figured it out. 1. Right-click on MailMate App, choose Show Package Contents. 2. Open Resources > Layouts > Mailboxes 3. Copy the plists into that folder Now the new options appear in the View > Layout menu. On 27 Apr 2016, at 2:16, Gary Hull wrote: These look really interesti

Re: [MlMt] Josh Fishburn's message of 4/23

2016-04-26 Thread Gary Hull
FastMail is an e-mail service, something like Gmail. Those two and Runbox are the only three services with a "bus factor > 1" that let you use your own domain name, rather than the service's own domain name (as with Yahoo Mail). FastMail is in Australia, but was briefly owned by the Opera brow

Re: [MlMt] SideBar organisational tabs/menus

2016-04-26 Thread Gary Hull
These look really interesting. Where do the plists go? I peeked in Application Support, but none of the folders looked right. On 26 Apr 2016, at 18:53, Jody Foo wrote: Hi all, just chipping in here. I've done quite a bit of modifications to my sidebar layout, so here are two images just an ex

Re: [MlMt] Disable Saving of Sent Mail

2016-04-23 Thread Gary Hull
This sounds like a bug somewhere. The sent mail should have a unique ID so that every element in the IMAP ecosystem would recognize any mail with that ID as being the same as any other. On 24 Apr 2016, at 4:48, Josh Fishburn wrote: Hello, I use FastMail, which I have set to do its own saving

Re: [MlMt] syntax in smart folders editor

2016-04-22 Thread Gary Hull
On 22 Apr 2016, at 14:53, Howard Wettstein wrote: I’m trying to set up smart folders but find some of the syntax )(a lot of it) hard to follow, I mean in the drop-down lists. Is there someplace I can find more or less detailed explanations? Thanks very much. Perhaps if you describe a specifi

Re: [MlMt] new user help

2016-04-20 Thread Gary Hull
On 20 Apr 2016, at 13:44, Howard Wettstein wrote: Just beginning and not familiar enough with sophisticated software to follow a good deal of the help files. Is there some sort of introduction or tutorial that will help me get started? Are you stuck on any particular thing? Have you got MailMa

Re: [MlMt] How do I make a Smart Mailbox of all Flagged messages?

2016-04-06 Thread Gary Hull
- Choose New Smart Mailbox, name it Flagged. - Mailboxes tab: [Any] of the following mailboxes [All Messages] - Conditions tab: [All] of the following are true: [Tags/Keywords] [include] [Flagged] Leave other settings as is. On 6 Apr 2016, at 12:06, TJ Luoma wrote: I had one before but n

Re: [MlMt] Software update?

2016-03-15 Thread Gary Hull
Benny, can you assure us that the latest update was not forced upon you by an order from the Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste in order to make our email accounts easier to hack? On 15 Mar 2016, at 23:47, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 15 Mar 2016, at 15:44, Paul Hoffman wrote: I just got a mes

Re: [MlMt] alphabetize recipients

2016-02-23 Thread Gary Hull
Benny, I think at this point, since your previous request was ignored, you need to unsubscribe this account from the mailing list, perhaps sending along a private message to the email address explaining why you're not allowing "Mailmate" as a From name. On 24 Feb 2016, at 0:34, Mailmate wrote:

Re: [MlMt] Rule Condition to Limit to a Source Mailbox

2016-02-19 Thread Gary Hull
On 19 Feb 2016, at 13:24, Fredrik Jonsson wrote: Gary Hull 2016-02-19 12:52 wrote: there are two cases that I'd like to automate with a rule to mark them as seen: 1. Stuff that I've glanced at for a fraction of a second and then clicked the Archive button. The time viewed is not

[MlMt] Rule Condition to Limit to a Source Mailbox

2016-02-18 Thread Gary Hull
I don't like to have mails lurking around in the archives and the like without being marked as Seen, even if "Seem" means that I decided not to look at them. When I look in my Unread folder under Mailboxes, there are two cases that I'd like to automate with a rule to mark them as seen: 1. Stuf

Re: [MlMt] Layouts with Non-Columnar Formatting

2015-12-01 Thread Gary Hull
On 2 Dec 2015, at 0:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: There's a chance, but I haven't done any work on it yet (and it's a major change/feature). The reason that this occurred to me is that I was reading a detailed review of Macintosh mail applications where MailMate was declared "The Best Third-

[MlMt] Layouts with Non-Columnar Formatting

2015-11-30 Thread Gary Hull
MailMate has a customizable layout engine that allows for all kinds of variations, but if I'm not mistaken, the panel devoted to listing email messages is limited to a strict spreadsheet-style row and column format. Many mail clients, while still listing messages row by row, allow the formattin

Re: [MlMt] Can a pop account be used with mailmate as well as IMAP accounts

2015-11-27 Thread Gary Hull
A problem with this idea is that Google has security procedures that cut off automated access to accounts at the drop of a hat. I constantly noticed that particular Gmail accounts were a week out of date in MailMate (or two months, in the case of accounts I rarely used), and I had to go into th

Re: [MlMt] selecting a message marks it as read

2015-11-14 Thread Gary Hull
The way it's always worked for me, and continues to, is that 1 second after selecting a message it's marked as read. I use the preview at bottom layout, and that's where I read messages. It makes sense that when I select a message and its content is displayed in the preview pane, that MailMate

Re: [MlMt] Any way to prevent auto-correcting two spaces after a period to one?

2015-06-08 Thread Gary Hull
But guess what? It doesn’t mat­ter. Be­cause ei­ther way, it’s not part of to­day’s ty­po­graphic prac­tice." Sincerely, Ben Klebe On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 11:12 PM, Gary Hull wrote: On 8 Jun 2015, at 9:40, Eric A. Meyer wrote: On 7 Jun 2015, at 20:16, Gary Hull wrote: On 8 Jun 2015,

Re: [MlMt] Any way to prevent auto-correcting two spaces after a period to one?

2015-06-07 Thread Gary Hull
On 8 Jun 2015, at 9:40, Eric A. Meyer wrote: On 7 Jun 2015, at 20:16, Gary Hull wrote: On 8 Jun 2015, at 2:44, Ben Klebe wrote: The autocorrect is system-wide in Cocoa text fields. To change it, go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Text and uncheck “Correct spelling automat

Re: [MlMt] Any way to prevent auto-correcting two spaces after a period to one?

2015-06-07 Thread Gary Hull
On 8 Jun 2015, at 2:44, Ben Klebe wrote: The autocorrect is system-wide in Cocoa text fields. To change it, go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Text and uncheck “Correct spelling automatically.” Strangely though I can’t replicate this behavior and furthermore why would you want two spaces

Re: [MlMt] QuickLook HTML documents showing grey panel (r5078)

2015-03-31 Thread Gary Hull
Relating to attachments: Is there a way to bulk save everything with one click, rather than one by one? Or is this another thing I asked about before and forgot :-) On 31 Mar 2015, at 18:45, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 30 Mar 2015, at 20:44, Scott A. McIntyre wrote: I've noticed this f

[MlMt] Printing Multiple Email Messages

2015-03-31 Thread Gary Hull
I really like the way that when you select multiple email messages, they are all displayed crammed together on the screen with a horizontal rule separating them. Unfortunately, when you choose Print, the messages, no matter how short they are, print on separate pages. Maybe this is a system

Re: [MlMt] writing a blog about the wonders of mailmate - searching for input/feedback/nuggets

2015-03-23 Thread Gary Hull
You forgot the fact that Benny is available 24/7/365 (plus February 29) via the mailing list, direct e-mail, or the support forum, for support, and is quick to release a special version of the program to fix your problem, although it's most likely that what you want to do is already possible if

Re: [MlMt] get/check mail manually ?

2015-01-19 Thread Gary Hull
On 15 Jan 2015, at 18:08, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 15 Jan 2015, at 1:25, Gary Hull wrote: It would be nice to: -- Have more and longer options for Synchronize Schedule, such as Daily (at which point it might be nice to be able to specify the time, since for every 10 minutes it doesn&#

Re: [MlMt] get/check mail manually ?

2015-01-14 Thread Gary Hull
It would be nice to: -- Have more and longer options for Synchronize Schedule, such as Daily (at which point it might be nice to be able to specify the time, since for every 10 minutes it doesn't really matter, but for daily, you may want it in the morning just before work or something. For We

Re: [MlMt] filter today's mails // condition Date > Relative

2014-11-03 Thread Gary Hull
Mailbox apparently has a feature where an email can be morphed into a to-do item somehow. I'm not sure how it works. But it occurred to me that the Send Later time phrases could be used here. For instance, if you use your inbox as a to-list (and many people do, like it or not), then you could h

Re: [MlMt] MailMate 1.8 released -- last week

2014-10-27 Thread Gary Hull
Before jumping into getting a graphic designer, you might want to investigate retaining a user interface person. When you say you're going to get someone to refresh the icon and toolbar icons and so on, I take that to mean that the UI is not on the table. There are many "hidden" things that I t

Re: [MlMt] Collecting and de-duplicating email

2014-08-29 Thread Gary Hull
There's Edit > Select Duplicates, if that's what you mean. It works pretty well. On 30 Aug 2014, at 5:29, Joshua Kehn wrote: I need to get a lot of correspondence collected from multiple people, ideally in an automatic and simplified way. This is like an audit, basically any emails from some

Re: [MlMt] Duplicated sent messages (in Sent Mail and in filed-in box), Gmail

2014-08-05 Thread Gary Hull
MailMate is an IMAP client. Gmail uses an undocumented midification of IMAP that it calls Gimap. MailMate is not completely compatible with Gmail. IMAP services like Runbox and Fastmail are fine. Apple's Mail app ran into the same problems with Gmail. Google is not particular eager to have peop

Re: [MlMt] Warn sending encrypted mail about unencrypted subject

2014-07-16 Thread Gary Hull
One solution would be to silently accept the entered subject, but then replace it with something like "Encrypted Email - PGP," or something more "cryptic" (no pun intended) while moving the subject to the first line of the email like this: Subject: My username is spandex1, passwd is pqowiefjpo

Re: [MlMt] Smart Mailboxes vs. Filters

2014-07-06 Thread Gary Hull
On 6 Jul 2014, at 18:20, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: “Mark as Read” is available as “Set Tag Seen” This works for me (now that I know it's there). Thanks! A question: Under what circumstances is Mailbox > Apply Rules (or right click on a mailbox > Apply Rules) dimmed? I often can't seem to get

Re: [MlMt] Smart Mailboxes vs. Filters

2014-07-04 Thread Gary Hull
On 4 Jul 2014, at 16:37, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Note that if you enable the experimental 2.0 features in the General preferences pane then all mailboxes (IMAP and smart mailboxes) have an additional pane in the mailbox editor (“Mailbox ▸ Edit Mailbox”) named “Rules”. This allows you to do fi

[MlMt] Smart Mailboxes vs. Filters

2014-07-04 Thread Gary Hull
MailMate has smart mailboxes. Gmail has filters. For all I know there may be mail clients with both. Essentially they are the same thing. A filter looks at an incoming message and does something to it. If that something involves putting it into a particular (virtual) mailbox, then it's the same

[MlMt] Introducing the new Gmail API

2014-06-25 Thread Gary Hull
Does this solve the undocumented Gimap problem, and will MailMate support it? "While IMAP is great at what it was designed for, it wasn’t really designed to do all of the cool things that you have been working on, which is why this week at Google I/O, we’re launching the beta of the new Gmail

Re: [MlMt] Feature request - highlighting related messages in a thread.

2014-06-04 Thread Gary Hull
Thread Arcs still leave my threads gathered together, so I have to click-click-click tiny little expansion arrows over and over again, which in the end are not in reverse chronological order with my other mail in the mailbox, but rather gathered together in threads. I don't know how others use

Re: [MlMt] Feature request - highlighting related messages in a thread.

2014-06-03 Thread Gary Hull
I prefer reverse chronological order (even if that means threads are broken up). Highlighting thread messages would be nice, but the main thing is strict reverse chronological order. Is that available? Neither Thread no Correspondence seem to do this. And MailMate's performance just isn't snap

Re: [MlMt] Suddenly, lag in address-completion?

2014-05-30 Thread Gary Hull
I get less than a second lag with 100,000+ messages and all the addresses involved in those. My A's are about 350 different addresses, for instance. Hardware is late 2012 Mac mini, souped up with SSD and fastest CPU and 16 GB RAM, no disk encryption. On 30 May 2014, at 22:50, Luca Allodi wrote

[MlMt] Bounce to Sender

2014-05-29 Thread Gary Hull
I think I may have read an old thread there where Benny may have expressed his opposition to this idea because it flouted RFC gospel, but used to have a Bounce to Sender option where you could send a sort of counterfeit bounced e-mail to trolls or people from your past who you're not t

Re: [MlMt] Automatically stored attachments

2014-05-29 Thread Gary Hull
Maybe a [Quick Look] [Save] [Save & Delete] choice? But of course many people use their e-mail mailboxes as longterm file storage areas, for things that they 95 percent don't think they need and don't want to bother finding a folder to save them in, but they might need and don't want to delete

Re: [MlMt] image size options for attachments

2014-05-26 Thread Gary Hull
On 26 May 2014, at 20:22, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 25 May 2014, at 22:30, Nancy Selvage wrote: Is there an option in MailMate for changing image sizes when you attach an image to an email? You got other answers, but here is the official one: No, mailMate does not offer resizing of image

Re: [MlMt] image size options for attachments

2014-05-26 Thread Gary Hull
blems interfacing with gmail, I switched to Postbox. Gary Hull wrote: On 26 May 2014, at 5:30, Nancy Selvage wrote: Is there an option in MailMate for changing image sizes when you attach an image to an email? I am considering switching from Postbox (which does not have this feature) You

Re: [MlMt] image size options for attachments

2014-05-25 Thread Gary Hull
On 26 May 2014, at 5:30, Nancy Selvage wrote: Is there an option in MailMate for changing image sizes when you attach an image to an email? I am considering switching from Postbox (which does not have this feature) You mean downsampling within MailMate? No. You can make a feature request in

Re: [MlMt] Specifying an "identity" per mailbox.

2014-05-23 Thread Gary Hull
According to a recent ticket: "The choice of signature is relatively simple: MailMate reuses the signature that you used for your most recent message to the same person. If that does not exist then MailMate uses the most often used signature for the sending address. It, of course, requires tha

Re: [MlMt] Using Gmail

2014-05-16 Thread Gary Hull
re was more label-compatibility coming in MM.  On 16 May 2014 at 8:13:44 pm, Gary Hull ( wrote: My impression is that MailMate doesn't deal well with Gmail by design, and there's no plan to natively support Gmail. MailMate is a standards-based e-mail cli

Re: [MlMt] Using Gmail

2014-05-16 Thread Gary Hull
My impression is that MailMate doesn't deal well with Gmail by design, and there's no plan to natively support Gmail. MailMate is a standards-based e-mail client that follows the various IMAP RFCs. Gmail uses an undocumented proprietary fork/hack of IMAP ("GIMAP"). There's only one developer fo