Re: [MlMt] Key binding for “show images”?

2021-12-22 Thread Charlie Garrison
;m seeing with `loadImagesOnce`. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Key binding for “show images”?

2021-12-22 Thread Charlie Garrison
guess I could just test it.) -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] MM mentioned on Late Night Linux

2021-11-16 Thread Charlie Garrison
lMate (& BBEdit) when out of the office. ;-) Keep up the good work Benny. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.f

Re: [MlMt] Can't get SMTP account functioning

2021-08-30 Thread Charlie Garrison
manually for each connection. -cng On 31 Aug 2021, at 8:28, wrote: @ Charlie Garrison, re the Activity Monitor: I selected the SMTP account in the monitor, and it appeared empty - despite many attempts to to send mail. I have a hunch about the problem's cause. It has

Re: [MlMt] Can't get SMTP account functioning

2021-08-28 Thread Charlie Garrison
activity logs for that connection. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Easiest way to attach a message as an EML attachment to an already existing draft?

2021-03-09 Thread Charlie Garrison
h a  _second_  message as EML to that first draft. I don't use that feature, but I think you want to do this: - in list view, select the multiple messages you want to forward - then do `Message —> Forward as Attachment` Does that achieve what you want to do? -cng -- Charl

Re: [MlMt] custom key to view as html

2021-03-04 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 5 Mar 2021, at 13:11, Randy Bush wrote: perfect! but where did you find `fooAlternative` special function names? I don't recall, but probably from this list. Most of my key shortcuts came from examples shared on this list. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Gar

Re: [MlMt] custom key to view as html

2021-03-04 Thread Charlie Garrison
t view of message "H" = "nextAlternative:"; // shows HTML view of message "L" = "loadImagesOnce:"; // load remote images once ``` I show html version by default, so the `previous/next` might need to be reversed for your use case. -cng -- Charli

Re: [MlMt] PGP/GPG signing and encrypting

2021-02-11 Thread Charlie Garrison
y talk about a purchase, that's just for the plugin for Apple Mail (no plugin needed for MailMate); otherwise it's free software. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <

Re: [MlMt] 2nd IT&IP Service Notice: Campus Email Protocols IMAP/SMTP/POP Disabled - 2/1

2021-02-03 Thread Charlie Garrison
-- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Suggestion for a toolbar button to switch between plain text and html

2020-12-10 Thread Charlie Garrison
to plain text when viewing messages) ``` I don't know whether there is a toolbar button for it. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia _

Re: [MlMt] send as

2020-10-22 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 23 Oct 2020, at 12:02, Evan Silberman wrote: > How can I setup MailMate to ‘send as” another alias? Under the "From" popup menu, select "Customise..." -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <http://www.garri

Re: [MlMt] OT: iOS mail client

2020-09-06 Thread Charlie Garrison
can be informed. I trust I've achieved that now, and if I haven't then I doubt I can clarify it any further. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Bo

Re: [MlMt] OT: iOS mail client

2020-09-06 Thread Charlie Garrison
sword or a token is irrelevant to me; they had direct access to my mailboxes with those creds. Are you able to revoke the token they have stored on their servers? At least the password is something you can change (to revoke access). -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garriso

Re: [MlMt] OT: iOS mail client

2020-09-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
not "stolen" email creds. Unless they have changed, Spark keeps creds __on their servers__ and not just in IMAP client. Reading between the lines of their docs; their servers access your mailboxes directly (not just via iOS app), which is how they know when to send push notification

Re: [MlMt] OT: iOS mail client

2020-09-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
It's not ok with me when companies hide either behaviour. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia ___ mailmate mailing

Re: [MlMt] OT: iOS mail client

2020-09-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
dn't check whether they were sending other data back. Disappointing and frustrating. :-/ -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumb

Re: [MlMt] OT: iOS mail client

2020-09-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
Spark has a good UI. This is now way off-topic for this list. But I still feel the pain where I got burnt and have scars from dealing with Spark, and I feel I have to warn others who obviously have good taste since they have chosen MailMate. :-) -cng -- Charlie Garrison

Re: [MlMt] OT: iOS mail client

2020-09-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
and it would be nice to have an iOS alternative that is as nice to use. I chose Edison Mail (Email) - it's no MailMate, but good enough to replace Apple Mail on my phone and tablet. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <http://www.garrison

Re: [MlMt] pasting text from Word into a message

2020-08-29 Thread Charlie Garrison
ed utility though, rather than OS.) -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.frer

Re: [MlMt] Moving from Apple Mail to Mailmate

2020-08-26 Thread Charlie Garrison
y. For me, that's best of both worlds. To reduce the amount of server storage, like others on this list, I use both local Dovecot and archival outside MM. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 38

Re: [MlMt] Modifying Reply Date Format

2020-06-10 Thread Charlie Garrison
unusual to have the year first, that we generally figure out that the month comes next. ;-) Sure, the iso8601 standard is fine. But I made an assumption :-O that "uncouth Americans" would not use that format. If using iso8601, then all numbers is just fine and dand

Re: [MlMt] Modifying Reply Date Format

2020-06-10 Thread Charlie Garrison
ormat you like, as long as it can only be interpreted one way. Ambiguity leads to pain which leads to loss of income; just don't do it. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW

Re: [MlMt] Mystery messages being created…

2020-02-09 Thread Charlie Garrison
27;s not a price I'm willing to pay, so I paid the price of looking for alternatives with smart background handling. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380

Re: [MlMt] Mystery messages being created…

2020-02-06 Thread Charlie Garrison
to be dealing with their support either. They are not doing anything illegal; since they clearly state they are going to take over your email accounts. I was far from happy allowing a dodgy company to take over my email accounts. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison

Re: [MlMt] Mystery messages being created…

2020-02-06 Thread Charlie Garrison
ubt it.] -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] apple mail sound on catalina

2019-12-12 Thread Charlie Garrison
them out of so I could have a consistent copy of all icons that I want for MailMate. Try copying the sound file out of and put in your ~/Library/Sounds folder. Then you should be able to select it. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services

Re: [MlMt] Problem with Exchange imap

2019-10-08 Thread Charlie Garrison
keeps "doodeling" for ages, not updating. The Activity log is more or less empty: I've used [DavMail]( in the past, when I had to access Exchange hosted email. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Serv

Re: [MlMt] Extending togglefilterkey to switch work/personal mail on/off ?

2019-08-22 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 23 Aug 2019, at 9:56, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote: ..but can keyboard shortcuts modify that same environment ? Key shortcuts __within__ MailMate, yes. You might need a bundle to make it work (I don't know it well enough). -cng -- Charlie Garrison Gar

Re: [MlMt] Extending togglefilterkey to switch work/personal mail on/off ?

2019-08-22 Thread Charlie Garrison
could create a key shortcut to set a ENV var and use that as the home vs work toggle. This is for Bundles, but may be useful: - -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <h

Re: [MlMt] Extending togglefilterkey to switch work/personal mail on/off ?

2019-08-22 Thread Charlie Garrison
separate Smart Mailboxes so I can have different "views" of messages. Instead of having a toggle in the filters; how about using a key shortcut to switch between the two Smart Mailboxes. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services

Re: [MlMt] Gravatar-hack for MailMate

2019-03-03 Thread Charlie Garrison
and I asked for clarification. Next time I won't do that; I'll just ask the crystal ball instead of getting snark from this list. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumb

Re: [MlMt] Gravatar-hack for MailMate

2019-03-03 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 3 Mar 2019, at 20:39, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 26 Feb 2019, at 14:02, Charlie Garrison wrote: It's not working for me though; would that be due to me using a beta version rather than latest 1.x release? Yes, I  _think_  I noted that in my initial email, but I might be wrong :)

Re: [MlMt] Gravatar-hack for MailMate

2019-02-26 Thread Charlie Garrison
it? -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Gravatar-hack for MailMate

2019-02-21 Thread Charlie Garrison
e one you supplied. Would you be willing to point out what the differences are for the Gravatar icon? Or, is there any docco to explain the structure of the headersFormatting.plist file? Thanks, Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services

Re: [MlMt] MailMate and Exchange

2019-01-24 Thread Charlie Garrison
y two years ago. I do recall it was quick and simple to setup and worked flawlessly. I think all I did was configure davmail to point to the exchange server and pointed MailMate to the davmail server. The rest was automagic. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Ser

Re: [MlMt] MailMate and Exchange

2019-01-24 Thread Charlie Garrison
it for a while.) -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia ___ mailmate mailing list https://list

Re: [MlMt] Menubar icon

2019-01-01 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 2 Jan 2019, at 12:36, Sherman Wilcox wrote: Also take a look at BarTender for managing an unruly menu bar.  Agreed! And because Bartender does that so well; I can keep the MailMate icons in the primary menu bar. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer

Re: [MlMt] Menubar icon

2019-01-01 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 2 Jan 2019, at 12:30, Dave C wrote: The green menubar icon with number that indicates MailMate status, how can I get rid of this icon? My menubar is quite crowded. Prefs -> Counters -> In Menu Bar checkbox -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Se

Re: [MlMt] Scheduling questions, one on topic and one off-topic

2018-04-27 Thread Charlie Garrison
day. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Scheduling questions, one on topic and one off-topic

2018-04-26 Thread Charlie Garrison
;ve got an "old" version of Fantastical. The above string results in a location of "MIT-place seminar room". Is that what you were asking? -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO B

Re: [MlMt] Script to open message in specific browser and delete all messages with same Subject

2018-03-14 Thread Charlie Garrison
scripts for finding and deleting messages; I’m pretty sure it’s doable. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] Security

2018-01-18 Thread Charlie Garrison
s the fault of Spark though; I was shocked when I learned how much of my data, including passwords, they had copied off my phone.) -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653

Re: [MlMt] Hide Quota %

2018-01-15 Thread Charlie Garrison
pparently way under 1MB in size. :-D 17.3% of Quota Used (43.2 KiB of 250 KiB) I checked disk usage on the server for that account; disk usage for the directory (including dovecot indexes, etc) is 56MB. Benny, what sort of info do you want for diagnosing this one? -cng -- Charlie

Re: [MlMt] High Sierra, APFS, Time Machine, and MailMate...

2017-12-11 Thread Charlie Garrison
-cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum]( ___ mailmate mailing li

Re: [MlMt] High Sierra, APFS, Time Machine, and MailMate...

2017-12-10 Thread Charlie Garrison
sly tempted to reformat it as HFS+ before I start using it. If that new laptop has an SSD, then APFS is your only choice. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tum

Re: [MlMt] Focus on message list

2017-10-30 Thread Charlie Garrison
ws a sequence of actions; very cool. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] Focus on message list

2017-10-30 Thread Charlie Garrison
quot;mainOutline", "nextUnreadMessage:"); // move focus to message list, select next unread message -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] Share with Mailmate message not at the front most

2017-09-20 Thread Charlie Garrison
to have to find the message generated. Any possibility to modify this behavior? I’m sure Benny will clarify, but I believe that is a warning dialog from the OS. There is nothing Mailmate can do to avoid it. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services

Re: [MlMt] MailMate and DavMail

2017-08-16 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 16 Aug 2017, at 23:48, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: I'm pretty sure I have users using DavMail I used DavMail to access a work account for a year. I found it to be completely transparent with MailMate. -cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Ser

Re: [MlMt] Gravatar in header view and other customizations

2017-06-13 Thread Charlie Garrison
es Benny makes to the original file? Or, Benny, any thoughts on incorporating gravatar/user icons into MailMate? Thanks, Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbaru

Re: [MlMt] Gravatar in header view and other customizations

2017-06-13 Thread Charlie Garrison
, like messageVerifications.plist. I knew that sort of stuff was possible, but I hadn’t looked at any examples. Thanks for making this available. Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarum

Re: [MlMt] MailMate and Exchange server

2017-05-10 Thread Charlie Garrison
and haven’t touched it since. Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] Markers and Joined Files

2017-03-16 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 17 Mar 2017, at 17:06, Jim McCarty wrote: When I join files with markers at the beginning and the end of each file (AIFF format), the resulting markers do not maintain their positions in the resulting joined file. AP Version 2.3.1 (1729). Wrong list?? -- Charlie Garrison

Re: [MlMt] Screen flashing during message composition

2017-02-16 Thread Charlie Garrison
the preview asynchronous. I suspect that would resolve the flickering. cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](http://www.ietf.

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-06 Thread Charlie Garrison
else can suggest a solution for you. cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
. -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum]( ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 5 Feb 2017, at 20:39, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote: Yours has the problem i would loose the current selection and would need to search/naviagte for that again.   That’s what the new window is for. The previous window maintains the current selection. cng -- Charlie Garrison

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-04 Thread Charlie Garrison
ld be usable with a single keystroke. cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-02 Thread Charlie Garrison
p if there are unread ? Would that be feasible ? Then I at least don't have to have a mile long list in the mailbox view. Sounds like a job for a smart mailbox. I have various smart mailboxes for showing only unread messages. Is there a reason for not using a smart mailbox? cng

Re: [MlMt] Inline image in signature - how to?

2017-01-31 Thread Charlie Garrison
& message reply), create __one__ copy of the image on your web server, and put a __link__ to the image in your sig. It’s common practice (although still not liked by many) to put an image __link__ in html sigs; just not the image itself. -- Charlie Garrison Garriso

Re: [MlMt] Inline image in signature - how to?

2017-01-31 Thread Charlie Garrison
backing up their mail system when __every__ message included the attachment vs without the image attachment. When management saw that increased cost; they decided that linking to images on the server, rather than embedding, was a __much__ better idea. ;-) cng -- Charlie Garrison

Re: [MlMt] Downloading utility?

2017-01-17 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 18 Jan 2017, at 13:40, John Muccigrosso wrote: How did you install Dovecot? I installed it on a linux box on my LAN, but for installing on OSX I’d go with brew. cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <>

Re: [MlMt] Downloading utility?

2017-01-17 Thread Charlie Garrison
allowed…) Anyone else thought about a parallel mail program or downloader utility that will download messages after X days after being received? Yes, Dovecot as parallel program, and use MailMate as the downloading program. cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer

Re: [MlMt] Triggering markdown with 'complimentary close' above signature

2016-12-21 Thread Charlie Garrison
to be on the following line from the sig marker, not with a blank line between sig marker and sig content. Benny, I gave an example in an earlier message in this thread. Would it be helpful if I sent a proper report to feedback address. cng -- Charlie Garrison

Re: [MlMt] Triggering markdown with 'complimentary close' above signature

2016-12-20 Thread Charlie Garrison
the space on either end leads to the being ignored by the markdown processor I read that to mean that MailMate fails with dash,dash,space. And yes, reading the Usenet RFC, dash,dash,space,newline is correct sig marker. cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer

Re: [MlMt] Triggering markdown with 'complimentary close' above signature

2016-12-20 Thread Charlie Garrison
fix it so it handles proper sig markers? cng -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum]( __

Re: [MlMt] More questions

2016-12-19 Thread Charlie Garrison
fer the message to remain in the list until I say “Refresh”, at which point the unread messages are removed from that smart mailbox. I have attached ‘refresh’ to a key shortcut “R”. So once I’m done, a quick tap on R key and message list is, well, refreshed. -- C

Re: [MlMt] Triggering markdown with 'complimentary close' above signature

2016-12-19 Thread Charlie Garrison
to read: - (“Signatures in Usenet postings” section) Yes, the references were originally for Usenet before being adopted by email. I’ve been using dash,dash,space for 20 years; I’ll need a compelling reason before I switch. ;-) --

Re: [MlMt] Triggering markdown with 'complimentary close' above signature

2016-12-19 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 19 Dec 2016, at 23:42, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 14 Dec 2016, at 21:39, Charlie Garrison wrote: Feature request: Give special treatment to the signature marker so it’s not interpreted as Markdown formatting. I do give it special treatment, but only to `--` and not `--`. Note the

Re: [MlMt] Couple of Questions

2016-12-19 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 19 Dec 2016, at 22:25, Robert M. Münch wrote: 1. In the mail list I'm missing some times in the received columns when the date is shown as "yesterday" Is the column wide enough to show times as well? (I’ve not seen that problem so just taking wild guess.) -- C

Re: [MlMt] # messages in a thread

2016-12-19 Thread Charlie Garrison
On 19 Dec 2016, at 23:00, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: While I remember, the latest test release includes an optional “Thread Size” column. Very nice; thanks for that feature (that I didn’t even know I wanted). ;-) -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services

Re: [MlMt] Triggering markdown with 'complimentary close' above signature

2016-12-14 Thread Charlie Garrison
breaks without that blank line. -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum]( ___ ma

Re: [MlMt] BusyContacts

2016-12-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
I meant to delete this one, when I realised I was replying to wrong message. (Not sure how I messed up that one, oh well.) On 6 Dec 2016, at 8:18, Charlie Garrison wrote: On 5 Dec 2016, at 20:05, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: I don't think Contacts needs to be launched for the Address

Re: [MlMt] BusyContacts

2016-12-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
book (used by Contacts, MailMate & other apps) continues to sync just fine. -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] BusyContacts

2016-12-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
just fine, no need to open Contacts for syncing to happen. Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] BusyContacts

2016-11-30 Thread Charlie Garrison
Right? I don’t about “should” do it that way, but certainly “could” do it that way. For me, I just use contact groups; business contacts in one group, personal in a second group. Of course some are in both groups, and I have a couple of extra groups for special use cases. -- Charlie Gar

Re: [MlMt] SpamSieve and Inbox vs All Messages

2016-11-20 Thread Charlie Garrison
st it, but like getting the feedback too. Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

[MlMt] SpamSieve and Inbox vs All Messages

2016-11-20 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning, I’ve had SpamSieve set to apply to new messages in “All Messages”, but that also catches outgoing messages. If I change that setting to “Inbox”, will messages get passed through SpamSieve before being filtered into another mailbox? Thanks, Charlie -- Charlie Garrison

Re: [MlMt] read mail threads becomes unread again ?

2016-11-15 Thread Charlie Garrison
server sync until being launched, at which point some sort of race condition starts. -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] A Few Questions/Suggestions

2016-11-02 Thread Charlie Garrison
advantage of messages templates and AppleScript for auto-data-enter into messages. Any ‘hooks’ available in MailMate are of interest, even for an alpha quality feature. :-) Thanks, Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <

Re: [MlMt] Viewing text vs HTML part of message

2016-10-23 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning, On 24 Oct 2016, at 8:21, Bill Cole wrote: On 23 Oct 2016, at 16:53, Charlie Garrison wrote: On 22 Oct 2016, at 2:45, Bill Cole wrote: This seems like an excessively complex alternative to the "Prefer plain text" checkbox in the Preferences->Viewer pane... But

Re: [MlMt] Viewing text vs HTML part of message

2016-10-23 Thread Charlie Garrison
already exists, pointer to some docco pls) Thanks, Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] Viewing text vs HTML part of message

2016-10-23 Thread Charlie Garrison
rid of overly big html/images (feels like its inspired by Facebook) from new mailing list system. -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](http://www.ietf.

[MlMt] Viewing text vs HTML part of message

2016-10-18 Thread Charlie Garrison
, in preference to html? Thanks, Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum](

Re: [MlMt] Applying default columns to smart mailboxes

2016-10-11 Thread Charlie Garrison
ts hit home, and triggered my human nature. I felt compelled to step forward. Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conun

Re: [MlMt] choice of mailserver on osx

2016-02-10 Thread Charlie Garrison
info somewhere in the help/blogs/elsewhere about setting up Dovecot to use as a local IMAP server. Works great! Charlie -- Charlie Garrison Garrison Computer Services <> PO Box 380 Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Australia [Conundrum