On 19 Jan 2018, at 9:53, Daniel Torrecillas wrote:

Thank you. I've been looking around at email clients and I saw that Airmail and Spark both had some sort of additional functionality which required them to store email addresses and associated passwords on their servers. That makes me uncomfortable.

I couldn’t get Spark off my phone quick enough when I found out how they were abusing my details. :-O

You can be heaps more comfortable and relaxed with MailMate; it’s a proper email client that doesn’t strive to move personal details into the cloud. (I’m starting to RANT; it’s the fault of Spark though; I was shocked when I learned how much of my data, including passwords, they had copied off my phone.)



    Charlie Garrison                   <char...@garrison.com.au>
    Garrison Computer Services      <http://www.garrison.com.au>
    PO Box 380
    Tumbarumba NSW 2653  Australia

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