Re: [MlMt] Use an SMTP server without an associated IMAP server?

2024-03-07 Thread Quentin Stafford-Fraser
Ah, thanks, Bill - that's a good solution: using limited IMAP subscriptions! I had thought of duplicating the IMAP settings from another account, but didn't want to have two copies of my mail. Your subscriptions+special folders setup is a nice one! Quentin

Re: [MlMt] Use an SMTP server without an associated IMAP server?

2024-03-07 Thread Bill Cole
On 2024-03-06 at 11:06:49 UTC-0500 (Wed, 06 Mar 2024 16:06:49 +) Quentin Stafford-Fraser is rumored to have said: So... What I really want is to have more than one SMTP server associated with my main IMAP account, and select the outgoing server based on my From: address. I don't think t