On 2024-03-06 at 11:06:49 UTC-0500 (Wed, 06 Mar 2024 16:06:49 +0000)
Quentin Stafford-Fraser <mailmate@lists.freron.com>
is rumored to have said:


What I really want is to have more than one SMTP server associated with my main IMAP account, and select the outgoing server based on my From: address. I don't think there's a way to do that?

Not obviously.

I do have a workaround that works for me, but I can't be sure that it would for you.

I am a contributor to ASF projects and so I have a forwarding-only apache.org address. Because I'm also a PMC member and Foundation member, much of the mail hitting that address is fairly important to me. However all of that mail ends up in my main personal account (which also handles many use-specific addresses, e.g. for this list.) If I use my personal account to send mail with the apache.org address, it will not get very far because ASF has therir own SMTP infrastructure that I am supposed to send through when using that address and a "-all" SPF record. So I have an account named "Apache Send-Only" with its "email address" field set to billc...@apache.org with no Address Pattern. The IMAP config points to my own server, just like my main account. My main account uses 'b...@scconsult.com' as its email address, but it also has a complex Address Pattern configured that assures that it is associated only with addresses that both deliver to that account AND can use my SMTP server. (I also use a different local username for authentication and final delivery that isn't in any email address, but that's not critical and not everyone can do that.)

The Apache account therefore ends up 'owning' the messages sent to my ASF address. If I reply to a message that was originally sent to my ASF address, MM knows to use that address in a reply. It uses the ASF SMTP server to send messages, but it drops the 'Sent' copies of messages into the right IMAP folder. The account is only subscribed to Drafts and Sent, and

My workaround, for now, is to add another IMAP account that I otherwise barely use, set it up with the PoBox email address and SMTP server, and Mailmate will then send things correctly that way. I don't need to worry that the IMAP server is empty, but it does have to be a genuine working IMAP server, or Mailmate will mark that account as offline.

It's a bit of a nuisance, too, because Mailmate will also save Drafts and Sent messages onto that otherwise-unused IMAP server. So I then need to set up rules to move everything to the correct account. And then I need to do this same setup on all of my machines...

You can point multiple MM accounts at the same IMAP account and define the 'special' mailboxes differently for each MM account. So as above, I have distinct Sent and Drafts folders for the ASF traffic and tell MM to use them for the ASF account.

So does anyone have a good way of saying "Here's an SMTP-only server which you should use when the From address is X" ?

Interestingly Fastmail do provide exactly this facility in their (very good) webmail interface, but when I tried switching to that, I realised that, good as it is, it isn't Mailmate... :-)


mailmate mailing list

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
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