On 15 Jul 2023, at 1:01, Creed Erickson via mailmate wrote:
> For most things on the computer, Apple’s Migration Assistant is not what we
> want to do. A pristine install of many software packages is what is needed.
> However, MailMate and all its bits are exactly what we want on the new
> mach
The Mailmate Help or full manual have sections on migrating settings and
accounts possibly without passwords by copying them across from current
settings. That sounds like what you want. I have notes that I took. But you
could look it up. Let me know if you want my notes.
- -
Please excu
I’m helping a friend set up his new Mac and migrating software from the old to
the new.
For most things on the computer, Apple’s Migration Assistant is not what we
want to do. A pristine install of many software packages is what is needed.
However, MailMate and all its bits are exactly what we
Same after setting the columns quit MailMate so that all settings written to the config files. And also backup the config files. Von meinem iDingens gesendet...Am 14.07.2023 um 18:01 schrieb Steve Mayer via mailmate :
Maybe the MailMate .plist files could be saved off (into source control??) a
Maybe the MailMate .plist files could be saved off (into source
control??) after you’ve got it working so that recovery for these
types of situations is shorter?
Steve Mayer
On 14 Jul 2023, at 9:39, Erik Mueller-Harder wrote:
I love the “Standard Single Column” for the corresp
I love the “Standard Single Column” for the correspondence pane. Very nice!
So I took r5970 for a spin. Thrilled by the new *Standard Single Column*, as I
said, especially for the correspondence pane. And perhaps I’m imagining
things, but it seems like navigation is a smidge faster, too.
I s
On 13 Jul 2023, at 20:26, Bill Cole wrote:
> I've tried each of the not-even-test-versions 5965-5970 currently visible in
> the 'archives' directory and all crash on launch on Big Sur.
Just for the record, I believe this particular issue will be fixed in the next
But I have crash repo