It's the "new mail" thing that got me.
I thought I could use "Apply rules on selected messages" even on the
Works like a charm.
I new there would be an elegant solution somewhere!
Thanks again for your time.
On 8 Apr 2021, at 20:02, Marc ARC wrote:
My Bad ( I meant by So
What is in the "Email Address(es)" field for the IMAP Account Settings for
this server?
On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 3:38 PM Tracy Valleau wrote:
> If I get this email:
> From: ANN
> Subject:Re: May 2021 invoice
> Date: April 8, 2021 at 1:04 PM
> To: ME
> and I hit reply I get
If I get this email:
From: ANN
Subject:Re: May 2021 invoice
Date: April 8, 2021 at 1:04 PM
To: ME
and I hit reply I get
From: ME
In a reply, The from should be ME
the to should be ANN
This is massively messed up!
My Contacts list is fine. Can I purge something to get th
My Bad ( I meant by Source the source the mail comes from so the From
for the rest of us ;-) )
Defined on the Inbox
• If From ( here you can get finer with; address, . . ) is in
• Move to whatever you want
Eventually you can check the condition you use with a smart mailbox.
I must be an idiot.
I'm working on my IMAP Inbox.
I've set up an IMAP box called Newsletters next to it.
I've set up the following rule on the IMAP Inbox:
All of the following are true:
Source is in Newsletters Source
Move to Mailbox Newsletters
But for the life of me I can
Marc, this is very elegant.
I'm trying it ASAP.
On 4 Apr 2021, at 13:54, Marc ARC wrote:
What I use to filter out (marketing)mailing lists from my inbox is the
I defined a Marketing mailbox where I drop a (the first?) mail from
that source
I defined a conditio