It's the "new mail" thing that got me.
I thought I could use "Apply rules on selected messages" even on the inbox.
Works like a charm.

I new there would be an elegant solution somewhere!
Thanks again for your time.

On 8 Apr 2021, at 20:02, Marc ARC wrote:


My Bad ( I meant by Source the source the mail comes from so the From for the rest of us ;-) )

Defined on the Inbox
• If From ( here you can get finer with; address, . . ) is in Marketing
• Move to whatever you want

Eventually you can check the condition you use with a smart mailbox.
So you see if it gets you the mail you want and also allows you to clean out not moved mail

On the inbox the rule will only be triggered when new mail comes in. You can simulate this by dragging a mail from another mailbox to the inbox

Hope this works now for you



On 8 Apr 2021, at 17:47, Paul Atlan wrote:

I must be an idiot.

I'm working on my IMAP Inbox.
I've set up an IMAP box called Newsletters next to it.

I've set up the following rule on the IMAP Inbox:
All of the following are true:
  Source is in Newsletters Source
Move to Mailbox Newsletters

But for the life of me I can't get it to work. I've tried using various variations on Source (Source / No specifier , Source / Mailto) and even the From field (From / No specifier, From / User ) ... to no avail.

Would you have any idea about what I did wrong?


On 4 Apr 2021, at 13:54, Marc ARC wrote:


What I use to filter out (marketing)mailing lists from my inbox is the following:

I defined a Marketing mailbox where I drop a (the first?) mail from that source

I defined a condition based rule on my inbox:
- if source is in Marketing mailbox
- then move to Marketing mailbox ( or Auto_Marketing mailbox° )

By setting up submailboxes (on the sender) you can then easily see what is related to which list/sender.

Or on the marketing mailbox you can setup a definition based rule to move the mails to other mailboxes



On 26 Mar 2021, at 10:28, Paul Atlan wrote:

I’m trying to sort my mailing lists into something halfway manageable and readable. If I use the “out of the box” Mailing List mailbox, with the following settings:
Sort for unique values of List-id > description
And name mailboxes as:
I get a baffling array of names such as:
 * 420a598457b46e0aa26a7a673mc list
 * 15marches.substack.com
 * 245.44880.info.alternatives-economiques.fr
 * 245.44922.info.alternatives-economiques.fr

It seems some people use the list-id to name their lists, others an identifier, others yet a url …. And basically, whatever item I choose to sort by, or rename by, I’m never going to get a proper list of names. I’ve tried to rename some of the lists, which would work except … some list managers seem to change list-id’s every few mails, so I have mailing lists spread over many separate mailboxes …

I’ve started building rules to identify and tag each and every newsletter, but this is brittle (the ux being what it is, it’s difficult to have rules with more than 4 or 5 conditions, so I’ve spread out the newsletters over multiple rules), any new newsletter needs to go through a process….

I can’t imagine, with the number of power users using MailMate, that there aren’t some interesting solutions around …


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