Re: Possible Switch To VarioUltra Braille Display

2020-02-05 Thread alia robinson
me either, I love my actilino. wouldn’t go back if I could. VU had its chance with me, too many repair issues for my liking. On Feb 5, 2020, at 2:37 PM, Anders Holmberg wrote: Hi! I did the oposit so i switched from VarioUltra to Actilino. There were at that point no other sollution for me. Ho

Re: Outlook On IMac

2020-02-07 Thread alia robinson
the most accessible app with mac is applemail, nothing else comes close. On Feb 7, 2020, at 1:30 PM, J. Cyr wrote: Good day, I recently switched from a (Older) Microsoft PC to my new IMac. To put it mildly I'm just fumbling around at the moment. I was wondering, is there a guide for how to u

Re: Transfer files with Finder

2020-03-01 Thread alia robinson
go to your sidebar table. if your phone is plugged in it should be there. On Mar 1, 2020, at 4:00 AM, Nebojsa Tasic wrote: I can't find Devices in Finder in order to transfer files to iPhone. Any advice? -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list.

Re: Non contiguous selection.

2020-04-21 Thread alia robinson
you have to put command in too, so for me that’s the bottom three keys before the space bar. On Apr 21, 2020, at 6:01 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote: Hi! >From what i have understood things in regards to the subject i should use the >VO+arrow keys to go through a list of files and then press VO+ent

Re: New display, new buttons.

2020-04-25 Thread alia robinson
the mac has unmapped those keys for panning. I finally figured this out with my actilino. you have to remap them. On Apr 25, 2020, at 10:28 AM, Pete De Vasto wrote: Not sure what’s going on here. If you’re not in keyboard help mode, but anywhere else, does pressing D2 or D5 pan the display? Th

Re: New display, new buttons.

2020-04-25 Thread alia robinson
you have to map them. if you do command b your display will ask you to choose them. On Apr 25, 2020, at 11:32 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote: Hi! Its here the problem is. I can’t even add those keys because they don’t appear in the table. -- The following information is important for all members o

Re: Silencing VoiceOver with the control key

2020-05-03 Thread alia robinson
it is, works everytime, but you need to just press it once. if you press it again it will resume. you must be pressing it twice. On May 3, 2020, at 8:57 PM, Petrus Tuerlings wrote: Hi all, I know this was discussed a few weeks back but can’t remember if there was a solution? If I use the VO+A

weird voiceover problem

2021-11-22 Thread alia robinson
I just got a new mac and all was working fine until a few days ago. now when I’m in safari and hit command w to close a window it closes it visually, but my voiceover is saying open whatever link I was focused on in a new tab. on the screen it’s closing the window, but it’s saying something else

Re: Apple mail in Monterey

2021-12-29 Thread alia robinson
nothing should change too much if you upgrade. go to the view menu to disable conversations. > On Dec 29, 2021, at 10:43 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Hi all, > > So I have a couple of questions related to this thread. > > 1. I’m still running Big Sur. I do not have to

Re: How to change Voiceover voice on Apple Watch

2022-01-15 Thread alia robinson
donna, you’ll see voiceover on, tap that, and scroll down. there is a toggle to enable siri voice for your watch there. it’s right before the braille settings. > On Jan 15, 2022, at 8:30 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > No, that just changes the language, it doesn’t change

need help with VO pitch

2022-01-20 Thread alia robinson
I sort of want to use a different voice beside alex, but I have found on other voices when it reads certain things, like controls are links and other items the pitch is way way lower. I know alex does it too, but not to this awful degree. I can’t find anywhere to tell it to just read everything

Re: need help with VO pitch

2022-01-20 Thread alia robinson
esired setting. > > HTH. > > - Brad - > > > > > On Jan 20, 2022, at 11:27, alia robinson <>> wrote: > > I sort of want to use a different voice beside alex, but I have found on > other voices when it reads certain things, lik

Re: need help with VO pitch

2022-01-20 Thread alia robinson
CMD + Shift modifiers, use the > right/left arrow keys to select Pitch, and then use the up/down arrow keys to > adjust Pitch to your desired setting. > > HTH. > > - Brad - > > > > > On Jan 20, 2022, at 11:27, alia robinson <>&g

Re: need help with VO pitch

2022-01-20 Thread alia robinson
Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer > > On Jan 20, 2022, at 9:50 AM, alia robinson <>> wrote: > > thanks, I looked at that, and I see where you can change it all, and I did, > but it’s still awful. it’s like the voice I choose has a pitch

Re: Accessible VPN for all devices, plus 30 days free

2022-02-27 Thread alia robinson
I think this is highly inappropriate. where does this kind of thing stop? I don’t want promotional emails on this list. > On Feb 27, 2022, at 12:55 PM, Kliph via > > wrote: > > Ok, I have been using Express VPN for almo

Re: OT: A bit of personal news

2022-04-05 Thread alia robinson
I personally don’t want to see, but I would never fault those who do or want better vission. I hope it turns out like you want it to, good luck to you. I don’t think science will be fixing detached retinas anytime soon, so I suppose I’ll never have to grapple with this problem. > On Apr 4, 202

Re: experience with N1 MacBook Air

2021-05-05 Thread alia robinson
can you not try to get speech on with your braille display? I know I had to do that once, did a read all then used the display to turn up my VO volume, maybe speech volume got muted or turned down. > On May 5, 2021, at 6:42 PM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Update finished, s

Re: experience with N1 MacBook Air

2021-05-05 Thread alia robinson
LOL, I should have read farther. I just said the same thing. > On May 5, 2021, at 6:34 PM, Pete De Vasto wrote: > > Donna, > > I so totally understand and feel terrible about all the frustrations you’ve > been going through with this setup. I know, through talking with you on > another list,

getting new mac, best way to migrate data apps etc

2021-07-20 Thread alia robinson
the subject says it all. what’s the best way. I want to use the migration tool, but everyone is saying it breaks voiceover, ideas, thoughts? alia -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of

Re: getting new mac, best way to migrate data apps etc

2021-07-20 Thread alia robinson
right, I knew it was you this happened to. I’m not the best at any of this to begin with and my husband does IT on windows, so has no clue. > On Jul 20, 2021, at 9:41 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Alia, > > I know that using Migration assistant has worked for some people,

Re: Question regarding the Doc on Mac.

2020-06-27 Thread alia robinson
I don’t get anything like that, but I set up where command n will open my downloads so I never use the doc, not for anything honestly. On Jun 27, 2020, at 9:52 AM, 'Gary Price' via MacVisionaries wrote: Yo everyone! This is Gary here. Please can anyone tell me if they have noticed something s

Re: Is there a braille command for moving to the dock in IOS?

2020-06-28 Thread alia robinson
can’t you map a key for moving to mail? I did that once. On Jun 28, 2020, at 1:38 PM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries wrote: Not yet. I kinda like the dock how I have it, so I guess I’ll have to decide what is more important, keeping the dock in its current configuration or changing it up s

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-06-30 Thread alia robinson
when you are held down by the neck by a racist cop, you can talk until then shut up! there is absolutely no comparison *at* all, and whites have no clue. how absolutely and totally disgusting. white male privelege is real people. you don’t have to stand up for yourself. society does it for you!

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-06-30 Thread alia robinson
and things like this is why crap like that signature shouldn’t be allowed. it brings out the crazy conspiracy theroists. LMAO turn off alex jones. On Jun 30, 2020, at 11:02 AM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote: Amen Ray! The whole thing including the "Communist Chinese Biological weapon attack" is just t

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread alia robinson
I wasn’t going to speak up again, but mark is obviously not going to in a timely manner, take this shit off list. I don’t need to be dared to look up wackadoo conspiracy theories. take your shit off list. no one wants to hear it. On Wed, 1 Jul 2020, CHUCK REICHEL wrote: > Hi Simon, > OK. > falli

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread alia robinson
other than it’s bigoted and racist, and disrespectful and insensitive, no there’s not a *thing* wrong with that! *rolling eyes* On Jul 1, 2020, at 5:27 PM, Robin wrote: Don'tThink: There's AnyThing Wrong with Mr.BarefootRay's Signature, so He shouldn't Be Forced to Change or Alter HisSignature

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread alia robinson
religious and political sigs have no place on a mac list. the only thing we should be speaking about are our macs. if white racists want to start their own group go ahead. funny how you bigots tout free speech until someone calls you out on your hate, and then we need to shut up! free speech g

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread alia robinson
and my point is made. we just lost a good member of the list as opposed to this piece of trash who is spouting this shit and staying. I too am gone. I can get mac support anywhere. I am ashamed of what I’ve seen here, and to those who were supportive you rock. to people like ray, phil and chuck

Re: Converting kindle books on the Mac?

2022-06-21 Thread alia robinson
yep, calibre works, but you really need the serial number of a kindle device, and sighted help to set it up, but once it is it works great. > On Jun 21, 2022, at 8:26 AM, 'Mervin Keck III' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Someone asked me if it was possible to convert Kindle books on the Mac

Re: Opening a Contiguous Set of Text Files Into a Single Document

2022-08-25 Thread alia robinson
you just have to cut and paste the different documents into one file. > On Aug 25, 2022, at 9:38 AM, Dave Carlson wrote: > > Herbie, > Okay, then you’re saying that when I unzip, it will come out as a single > large text file? I don’t know how that is accomplished. > > Dave Carlson > Farfar, P

Re: MacOs Ventura is Out.

2022-10-26 Thread alia robinson
so am I missing something? how the do you remove voices you don’t want?! sorry, but I have three versions of some, enhanced premium etc, and I do not want them all, but where you used to just uncheck them and remove I don’t see that option now? alia > On Oct 26, 2022, at 9:59 AM, Jessica M

Re: MacOs Ventura is Out.

2022-10-26 Thread alia robinson
I was afraid of that, sigh. Alia > On Oct 26, 2022, at 10:18 AM, Herbie Allen wrote: > > As with iOS16, looks like many of the voices are now built int the system The > ones you can delete have a trash icon by them. -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visio

help with voices

2022-10-26 Thread alia robinson
Okay, with alex I guess I’m used to the weird pitch change, when announcing different controls but is there a way to stop this annoying change when announcing different controls etc. I’d like to change to a different voice, but this annoying practice is keeping me with alex, thanks. -- The fol

Re: help with voices

2022-10-26 Thread alia robinson
I know. I guess I just got used to alex doing it. it seems subtler than when Moira does it. I love this voice, but I can’t abide by it doing that. I want my voices the same through the whole computer experience. alia > On Oct 26, 2022, at 10:49 AM, Herbie Allen wrote: > > It’s something with a

Re: help with voices

2022-10-26 Thread alia robinson
here is currently a way to change this but hopefully that get’s fixed. I >> use Siri 4 and have the same issue. >>> On Oct 26, 2022, at 09:46, alia robinson wrote: >>> >>> Okay, with alex I guess I’m used to the weird pitch change, when announcing >>> di

Re: Should I upgrade to Ventura?

2022-10-28 Thread alia robinson
seems okay to me, much more responsive. speech is much faster across the board. I think you’ll be fine. Alia > On Oct 28, 2022, at 8:13 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Hi all, > > As some of you may remember, I teach, so I am often hesitant to upgrade my > Mac during the

Re: Ventura: System Settings is a Very New Experience

2022-11-01 Thread alia robinson
I highly recommend the search function in system settings. just put login items. I literally did this an hour ago. > On Nov 1, 2022, at 8:10 PM, Dave Carlson wrote: > > I wanted to review the place where I set up applications to automatically > launch after login. I can’t figure out where it i

Re: Voiceover says "verified" repeatedly on YouTube website

2023-07-13 Thread alia robinson
yes, and it’s majorly annoying. tabbing away and back usually fixes it. Alia > On Jul 13, 2023, at 8:13 AM, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Hi, > > I’ve noticed recently as soon as I load YouTube website, Voiceover keeps > repeating “verified” at leasst 10 times. This beh

help with new keyboard

2014-01-31 Thread alia robinson
I just got the Logitech K750. I love it, but am having one problem. My function keys are now performing the functions of playing media etc instead of opening voiceover utility. I have the box checked, and my apple wireless keybard and laptop built-in are performing as normal, but not the k750. C

Re: Stopping Mail from speaking subject and preview window of every message being download

2014-02-11 Thread alia robinson
I think people confuse what some of us mean. I for one am not talking about a "notification" I am talking about when I am in the preview or the body of a message, and it continually says "one row added" that is nothing to do with do not disturb or notifications, and there is no fix for it, and

Re: Stopping Mail from speaking subject and preview window of every message being download

2014-02-11 Thread alia robinson
app where you are focused on a table, and that table gets > updated, will cause Voiceover to speak the information "x row[s] added". > > -- > Have a great day, > Alex > > > > > On Feb 11, 2014, at 11:25 AM, alia robinson wrote: >

Re: Stopping Mail from speaking subject and preview window of every message being download

2014-02-11 Thread alia robinson
Yes, write them. I am doing that. IMO it makes reading my tons of mail impossible because I am constantly being stopped to hear one row added. enter is a workaround, but enter doesn't automatically interact with text, and if I forget to do it and want to review text I am not in the field to do t

Re: The age old question of which braille display to get

2014-02-24 Thread alia robinson
I have always wanted a braille display, but imo it is nearly impossible to afford one. I can't see paying *that* much for something, I just can't. I keep reading about cheaper options soon, but cheaper has simply seemed to mean less useable, imo. Alia On Feb 24, 2014, at 8:54 AM, Justin Mann

Re: iPhone and iOS messages

2014-03-12 Thread alia robinson
I find it amusing someone writes in chastising someone, i.e. let the moderator moderate, berating/moderating the person he was complaining about being a moderator in the first place. Alia On Mar 12, 2014, at 7:54 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote: > Ray this sounds like a message that should have been se

Re: Opening Safari Pages from other Apps

2014-04-05 Thread alia robinson
Yep, that's happening to me too, after this last update of mavericks. Alia On Apr 5, 2014, at 12:19 AM, Cheryl Homiak wrote: > I am not having this behavior but something very annoying is happening here. > I can quit safari with cmd-quite with no problem. But if I try to just close > a window

Re: Selecting non-contiguous items

2014-04-18 Thread alia robinson
do v/o and command and enter. that will work. On Apr 18, 2014, at 8:08 PM, Lisette Wesseling wrote: > Hi, > Can somebody please explain how to do this? I'm not having any luck using vo > enter. > In finder, in list view, I'm interacting with the table of documents. I press > vo enter twice on

perkins mini

2014-05-09 Thread alia robinson
does anyone use the perkins mini? I am trying to find a fairly affordable braille display, and I want one I can store books in without having to take my phone or computer with me. this looks decent, but would love any input. thanks all. Alia -- You received this message because you are subsc

Re: perkins mini

2014-05-09 Thread alia robinson
Yes, it's on the list, but am just not sure. It is practically the only one I think I can afford, except the braille pen, and that one people say the currsor routing buttons don't work with voiceover, and you also can't store things on it. Just wanted some real world experience from a user. The

Re: perkins mini

2014-05-09 Thread alia robinson
I thought of that, but it can't store anything, and for reasons of my own I'm not too happy with freedom scientific. thanks though. Alia On May 9, 2014, at 9:44 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote: > Hi Alia. > > You could probably go with a focus 14, it is nearly the same price. -- You received

Re: perkins mini

2014-05-09 Thread alia robinson
this one is a small note taker too. It has a sd slot. I assume it can update that way. Alia On May 9, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: > I don't think any braille display will update unless you use windows. I wish > the manufacturers who manufacture Braille displays would let us upda

Re: perkins mini

2014-05-09 Thread alia robinson
Nope, this is out of pocket. What went wrong with your seika/perkins display, just curious. Alia On May 9, 2014, at 10:19 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote: > Hi Alia. > > In fact I agree with you. > > I have not seen the perkins mini, but as I remember it is seika displays, I > had an USB seik

Re: OS X 10.9.3 is out

2014-05-15 Thread alia robinson
Nope, the email stuff is worse than ever. VO/J is even worse, sigh. Alia On May 15, 2014, at 7:10 PM, Jonathan Mosen wrote: > None of the accessibility annoyances in Mail are fixed as far as I can tell. > The collapsed disclosure triangle bug still exists and so does the unreliable > VO-J. >

Re: Is iTunes Accessibility Now Partially Broken?

2014-05-17 Thread alia robinson
No, not seeing this, all is fine with my itunes. Alia On May 17, 2014, at 2:38 AM, Jonathan Mosen wrote: > Hi Everyone, yesterday, I upgraded to Mavericks 10.9.3, and the new build of > iTunes that was available at the same time. I have the source list activated, > and now as I arrow through

Re: strange messages

2014-05-23 Thread alia robinson
It's just got an image tag in there that voiceover is telling you about. If it is a picture of someone it will say one face or whatever. It seems cool to me, cool but useless. Alia On May 23, 2014, at 12:59 PM, Jean wrote: > Hello All: > Ever since one of the most recent upgrades of Mavericks

Re: strange messages

2014-05-23 Thread alia robinson
My hints are off, just checked. I still get these. Alia On May 23, 2014, at 1:21 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > They are hints, like when VO says "to enter text in this edit field, type" or > other hints about what to do. Mavericks introduced a cool new feature that > tells you basic information abou

Re: No Pitch Change when Backspacing with Alex

2014-06-06 Thread alia robinson
I don't think it ever has indicated that they are uppercase when you backspace, but really I don't care, but wait I just tried it on mine, and the pitch changed. hmm, that is weird. I have my delete set to tones, you might try that. Alia On Jun 6, 2014, at 7:21 PM, Jonathan Mosen wrote: > the

Re: No Pitch Change when Backspacing with Alex

2014-06-06 Thread alia robinson
Yes, that makes perfect sense, glad this helped. Alia On Jun 6, 2014, at 7:36 PM, Jonathan Mosen wrote: > Hi Alia, you are a genius! A genius! I think I Understand what was happening > now. My "when deleting text" option was set to change pitch, so this > counteracted the pitch change of the

Re: OT can anyone lend any credence to this?

2014-06-15 Thread alia robinson
and of course there are people who are ready to get angry instead of doing the logical thing and asking pandora. Alia On Jun 15, 2014, at 6:02 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Goes to show don't it? There are some pretty damn stupid blind people who > will do anything for the sake of sensationism.

enable mart

2014-06-19 Thread alia robinson
I am afraid this is offtopic, but I am considering purchasing a braille display from enablemart. Has anyone bought from there? how are they? feel free to email me offlist. Alia -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe

more questions about braille displays

2014-06-21 Thread alia robinson
I like to research thoroughly before any purchase. I have asked about certain displays etc, and think I am decided on a braille edge. My question is general for those who have opinions pro or con. braille displays are expensive, and have a lot of moving parts. I worry about reliability. Is it

Re: more questions about braille displays

2014-06-21 Thread alia robinson
I do too, although I am liking audio more lately with the bard app. I just don't know about having an expensive specialized piece of equipment. I am so torn, and I know voiceover isn't supporting braille as much as they do the audio part of voiceover. Alia On Jun 21, 2014, at 7:55 AM, Teresa C

Re: more questions about braille displays

2014-06-21 Thread alia robinson
I am still waiting/hoping voiceover will enable auto-scroll. the one I'm looking at has storage capabilities though. I don't travel much, so carrying around something isn't an issue for me. thanks for all the discussion. Alia On Jun 21, 2014, at 10:14 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote: > I read lot

Re: more questions about braille displays

2014-06-22 Thread alia robinson
I wonder if reading on a display will improve my speed reading braille. I would think the more I read the better I will get. With paper braille my fingers get all irritated. I have always had to stop reading for a few days if I read a lot because my fingers would be painful and red with broken s

Re: more questions about braille displays

2014-06-24 Thread alia robinson
I have used the focus display a little bit, but the braille edge is the one I'm getting if I get one. I want to be able to store books on it. The hand-copied thermaform braille is torture. I had to read a book for school once with it, and I litterally had to ask for an extension on the final a

Re: OS X 10.9.4 is out

2014-07-01 Thread alia robinson
My itunes isn't doing that, at all. it works fine. Alia On Jun 30, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Gabriele Battaglia wrote: > > Il giorno 30/giu/2014, alle ore 21:15, Dionipher Presas Herrera > ha scritto: > >> gabriele what is the problem with your itunes, mine it's working fine >> perfectly... > Hi

to anyone with a braille edge

2014-07-09 Thread alia robinson
if anyone with a braille edge who doesn't mind talking to me would email me asap, I have questions, please email me privately. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiv

question about applemail boxes

2014-07-20 Thread alia robinson
You know how some of the mailboxes are moved to with keystorkes, i.e. inbox is command+1. Is there a way to set a command up for a mailbox you want to move to? I hope this makes sense. Alia -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. T

Re: question about applemail boxes

2014-07-20 Thread alia robinson
again (vo-cmd-f5), and unlock it > (vo-cmd-shift-space). > 4. Use the same commands to drag mailboxes around on the favorites bar if you > want a different order. When you're done, remember to re-enable cursor > tracking with vo-shift-f3, or things will start behaving rather oddl

email problems

2013-10-24 Thread alia robinson
Okay, when I am reading email and more comes in VO is interupted to say ‘three rows added’ or however much mail I got, and focus is taking away from the body of my email. I get a lot of long mail, and this is a huge problem. Also having the issue where vo-J doesn’t focus the email on text, and I

Re: email problems

2013-10-24 Thread alia robinson
Hey, thanks for the suggestion, but I already have it off in notifications. It’s not a notification thing; it’s from the apple mail itsself telling me I’m getting mail It has always said “two rows added” or whatever it says, but never when I had focus on text reading it. I have my mail set to

Re: email problems

2013-10-25 Thread alia robinson
Nope, didn’t help. the thing is I think it’s from the mail app itself, not a notification thing. I had do not disturb on last night, and it still does it. It’s just the mail app adding rows of email, and when it does it announces ‘eight rows added, or whatever, but that interupts my email readin

Re: email problems

2013-10-25 Thread alia robinson
That’s right. that’s why I stopped using conversation view. I had forgotten that, now it’s doing it in every view. the only work around I can think of is to disable automatically receiving mail which I can do, but would rather not. Alia On Oct 25, 2013, at 7:56 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: > I'

Re: email problems

2013-10-25 Thread alia robinson
I could try that, it might work. thanks for the tip. I hope they fix this though. Alia On Oct 25, 2013, at 1:30 AM, Nicholas Parsons wrote: > I don't think it's a notification thing at all. What if you press command O > on the messages you want to read? This way it opens in a new window and

opening folders in finder

2013-10-26 Thread alia robinson
okay, I have a drive on my desktop with lots of folders in it. I used to open the drive, go into my folders and when I hit command w it closed only the window I was in leaving me on the main folders of my drive, but now when I do a command w it closes the entire drive and brings me back to the d

to the person having bookshare problems

2013-10-29 Thread alia robinson
If you are trying to open .xml files on saphari this never works for me. I have to switch the extension to .html, and they work everytime. Alia -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop

Re: Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-05 Thread alia robinson
Don’t try to save it as html. Hit enter on the file to rename it, put html in the place xml is on the end of your file, and when you open it it should open in safari. I simply copy and paste into text edit from there and save as rtf, but you can read it on safari if you want. On Nov 5, 2013, at

Re: Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-06 Thread alia robinson
don’t open it, go to your file list, press enter on the file instead of opening it. you can then rename it by deleting the xml part, and type in html, then open the file again. It will ask you if you’re sure you want to change it, and you say yes of course. Alia On Nov 6, 2013, at 8:24 AM, Chr

Re: Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-06 Thread alia robinson
I don’t know why it would. I either have to do vo/space or command/o to open a document in the finder. Alia On Nov 6, 2013, at 9:51 AM, Christine Grassman wrote: > I must be missing something, because whenever I hit enter on a document name, > it opens. > (grin) -- You received this message

help with voices and dates

2013-11-09 Thread alia robinson
Okay, I prefer the australian voice, but live in the U.S. I have a probem though. the voice reads dates wrong now. Is there a way to get a U.S. reading on dates using a non U.S. voice? Alia -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries"

Re: help with voices and dates

2013-11-11 Thread alia robinson
No, I am talking about the mac. I don’t want to change the voice, that’s the point. I want to use the australian voice without it changing the dates to the other format. thanks for the help. Alia On Nov 11, 2013, at 5:24 AM, Thuy wrote: > Hi. Only just saw this, so sorry for the delay in repl

Re: help with voices and dates

2013-11-11 Thread alia robinson
That’s kind of what I thought. It says mail I got two days ago is october 11 since it is reading the 9 as october and the 11 which should be november as the day of the week instead. Alia On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Alex Hall wrote: > I don’t think that is the problem. Most Nuance voices do

Re: help with voices and dates

2013-11-12 Thread alia robinson
Lol, right! I’m not sure what to do. I tried letting it read numbers instead of words, but I hated that. I think if I change my region I could have other problems, but not sure how bad they would be? Alia On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:59 AM, Nicholas Parsons wrote: > Why don't you Americans star

Re: VO-J and Mail

2013-11-13 Thread alia robinson
It has been doing it with me since I updated. everytime you get new mail it sends you out to the inbox again, and says ‘one row added’ I *hate* it!!! Alia On Nov 12, 2013, at 11:16 PM, Janet Ingber wrote: > Hello Everyone, > > When I use VO-J to jump from the message list to an individual ema

Re: best way to import music into itunes

2013-11-16 Thread alia robinson
IMO the best way is just to open the files you want to play. command O is good for your first run on tons of music, but for new stuff that’s how I’ve begun doing it. Alia On 16 Nov 2013, at 9:42 am, Kevin Shaw wrote: > I have made an alias of the Automatically add to iTunes folder and it sits

more issues with voiceover focus and mail

2013-11-17 Thread alia robinson
Okay, I have more serious issues coming up with mail. when I am reading a message in modern layout I usually listen to the first few lines to see if I want to read it. the lines are read as usual, but if I try to vo/j nothing happens. I also hit delete and nothing happens. It’s like the focus is

Re: more issues with voiceover focus and mail

2013-11-17 Thread alia robinson
my currsor tracking is on. I just checked to make sure. Alia On Nov 17, 2013, at 8:43 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote: > VO shift f3 toggle cursor tracking has thosd symptoms. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from

Re: A FaceTime question

2013-11-28 Thread alia robinson
do you really think it is safe or wise to write to the list with your bank card info?! Alia On Nov 27, 2013, at 10:25 PM, Angus MacKinnon wrote: > Using OS 10.9, is it possible to phone 1-866-222-3456 (TD Bank) and enter -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
voiceover still says ‘one row added’ while trying to read mail. it also doesn’t focus on the message when you do ‘vo/j’ on a message. It keeps you in the message list so when you go to review text you aren’t actually focused on the message at all, but still on the inbox list. Alia -- You re

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
this is untrue. when reading mail in lion vo did not say one row added in classic view or modern view. It did say it in conversation view, but when you vo/j on a message it read normally. I read hundreds of mail messages before upgrading to mavericks, and when you were focused on the text of a m

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
no, you can’t disable it. Alia On Dec 17, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Jessica D wrote: > If you find it to be annoying I think you can disable it somewhere in system > preferences. > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Dec 17, 2013, at 9:46 AM, John Panarese wrote: > >> Yes, one row added will be spoken

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
exactly, and it worked fine before mavericks and now doesn’t. I am kind of put off by people saying just get used to doing it differently. Obviously something that was working is no longer working, imo that is a bug, and how many bugs am I supposed to be expected to “put up with” before the oper

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
for me enter never interacts with text, yes it reads it, but more often than not I am on the header field, and the currsor isn’t tracking as it reads. If I want to open a link, or review text I have to vo down and interact with text. that is far more work if I forget to do it, and it’s never con

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
that is my point. I can’t press vo/j to read mail anymore because of the one row added announcements that didn’t used to happen, and if you open it with enter or command o you aren’t in the text field to be able to interact you either have to vo down and interact with text, or use the item choos

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
I am getting a lot of mail, and it does interfere greatly for me. with imap you can’t tell it to do manual retrieval, so yes, it is interupting me every couple of minutes. for the amount of mail I get it makes it unuseable. they will either have to fix it or I guess I will have to live with do

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
when new mail comes in it will interput your reading and say ‘one row added’ has been doing this since the upgrade. On Dec 17, 2013, at 12:59 PM, ROBERT CARTER wrote: > Hi, > > When I am on the messages list and I press VO+J the text of the mail message > starts reading immediately. If there i

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
if I do a return or a command O am not focusing in the text fields, so I have to vo down or use item chooser to get to links in mail. If I am doing vo/j alone the currsor moves as it reads. It makes working with links in mail more difficult. Alia On Dec 17, 2013, at 1:09 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
I realize that, but when it happens five or six times a message it becomes tedious. I am simply saying for me, who gets long messages, and lots of them it is making mail unmanageable, that is all. I appreciate help and suggestions, truly I do, but when the work arounds are becoming this annoying

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
It puts me in headers, almost everytime. I always have to vo down to get to text. On Dec 17, 2013, at 1:15 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote: > If I open a message with the return key it puts me in the body of the mail > message. Maybe I'm missing something but I can't see the need for vo-j. > seems lik

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
I used to be able to read messages fine. Only if I was in the message list did it say ‘one row added’ once I interacted with text it didn’t read that at all. It is since the upgrade to mavericks, and as I said some of my emails are pages long, so I am doing this ten times an email. Alia On Dec

Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-17 Thread alia robinson
Mine isn’t consistent, at times it does, at times it doesn’t. I have no idea why. On Dec 17, 2013, at 1:17 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote: > I have to vo-left or right to get into the headers. mine always leaves me at > the first of a mail message when I press return to open. -- You received this

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