I personally don’t want to see, but I would never fault those who do or want 
better vission. I hope it turns out like you want it to, good luck to you.  I 
don’t think science will be fixing detached retinas anytime soon, so I suppose 
I’ll never have to grapple with this problem.

> On Apr 4, 2022, at 5:41 PM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Warning, this is a little long.  I’ve debated whether or not to share this 
> with the list, but I’ve known many of you in this community for a long time 
> now, so I thought I would, since it could potentially be of interest to 
> others here who have my same visual condition.  If you don’t want to read, 
> feel free to hit the delete key. :)
> Last fall, , National Public Radio did a story about a clinical trial that 
> was being conducted using a new gene editing technique called CRISPR to treat 
> Liber’s Congenital Amaurosis, which is the condition that caused my 
> blindness.  Being an inquisitive sort, I decided to try and find out more.  
> My cousin who works in genetics was able to track down the study, and I 
> subsequently volunteered to be a participant.
> The whole story is long, but here’s a synopsis.  I went to Portland OR in 
> November, where they had to do a genetic panel to make sure I was a match for 
> the specific genetic mutation that they’re studying.  Shortly before 
> Christmas, I received the news that I am in fact a match, and that I had been 
> accepted for participation in the trial.  There followed a fair amount of 
> pre-surgery stuff, such as having a congenital cataract removed in order to 
> give the surgeon better access to my retina.  But all that is now done, and I 
> leave on Wednesday for Portland.  The procedure will be performed on April 12.
> Crispr is pretty amazing stuff.  It has a lot of promise in a wide variety of 
> applications that could make many people’s lives better.  My layperson’s 
> explanation of it is that they will turn a tiny bot armed with scissors loose 
> in my retina.  The bots’ job will be to cut out the malfunctioning area of 
> the gene and mend it, so that the gene starts to produce the necessary 
> proteins to send visual information to the brain.  Over time, this is 
> expected to produce a gradual improvement in my vision.  For a more medically 
> based explanation, you can check out this link: 
> https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-020-0493-4 
> <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-020-0493-4>.
> I know that we all have different feelings about the “cure.”  As for me 
> personally, I have never sought it out.  In fact, many who know me were 
> surprised that I volunteered for the trial—to some extent, including myself. 
> I do have some vision, and I do use the vision that I have, so I wouldn’t say 
> no to any improvement, should that be the outcome.  But my primary motivation 
> for volunteering was to help further the science, and whatever my personal 
> outcome, I’m excited to be a part of that.  So far, none of the participants 
> has had reason to go out and buy a new car, so, my expectation is that, while 
> I may see better, the overall picture of my life won’t change that much.
> Though I do experience moments when I wonder if I’m certifiably insane for 
> letting someone take a pair of pruning shears to my genes, I’m  optimistic 
> and excited at the prospect of leaving this legacy for others who have LCA.
> If you’ve read all this, thanks for reading.  It is not currently my plan to 
> send updates to the list, because it is off-topic and will not be of interest 
> to everyone.  But if you want to be updated, let me know, and I can email you 
> privately.
> Cheers,
> Donna
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