None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to the
right place, and do:
ebook-convert .epub
If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll put
an epub in the same place you ran it from.
t;> Trimming u'images/00016.jpg' from manifest
>>> Trimming u'images/00015.jpg' from manifest
>>> Creating OEB Output...
>>> 67% Creating OEB Output
>>> The cover image has an id != "cover". Renaming to work around bug in Nook
I just found a potential solution. The slider only goes up to a max of 350 wpm,
but the setting is stored in:
To see it, run from terminal:
defaults read VoiceRateDataArray
I get something like this:
Please go into system preferences, then to date and time.
From your email, your date is behind by over a year. Once you fix that,
check the box that tells it to set automaticly. Try opening your ssl
sites again and things might work a little better.
On 1/1/2012 12:55 PM, jean parker wrote:
It might be smart quotes.
Googling osx disable smart quotes seems to bring up some guides, if you
want to turn them off.
For example, an apostrophe (') should turn into a right quotation mark
(’), and a normal quotation mark (") should turn into either “ or ”
depending on which end of the quotation
I have started a new project, the Historical Access Preservation
Project, or HAPP. The website is at:
The goal of this project is to preserve the software needed to access
older systems that are no longer in wide mainstream use, such as DOS,
Macintosh pre-OSX
e between our macs. I'd like any ideas on how best to do
> this. We used Hamachi a couple of times but it doesn't seem to
> work any longer. Thanks, Jim
> - Find me on facebook or: Skype: jimintexas Yahoo or
> Aim/Ichat: jgatteys Msn:
In all these thread replies, I don't think anyone has
answered the author's question. While I don't have a mac,
the same thing should apply here. To get an approximate value for
words per minute, you should be able to do something like this:
1. Select a portion of text, for example out of a book,