None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to the
right place, and do:
ebook-convert .epub
If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll put
an epub in the same place you ran it from.
Obviously, this won't work with drm infested mobi files.

On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi.
> I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:
>> Hey.
>> The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called calibre.
>> Not sure if we can use it yet, but just curled it, will write more if it 
>> works.
>> /sandi
>> On 4/22/12, Annie Skov Nielsen <> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Do any of you know an application for the mac, that can convert mobi to
>>> epub, html text or rtf. I have tried stanza, but it will not work very well.
>>> I have played a little with calibre, but it is inaccessible. Do any of you
>>> know an application that would solve that problem.
>>> Best regards Annie.
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