Re: accessing documents in pages on other apple devices

2014-04-21 Thread Phil Halton
Is pages for IOS any more usable than Numbers for IOS? I found numbers to be fairly useless for my needs, but I think Pages might be a little more useful on IOS. Any Major limitations inherent in the IOS version? On Apr 21, 2014, at 5:41 AM, Nicholas Parsons wrote: > The best way is to save t

Where to put Numbers Applescripts?

2014-04-22 Thread Phil Halton
Sorry, I lost the directions for where to put that Table renaming applescript so that it's accessible in the numbers app. I've put it in Philhalt/library/scripts/numbers/ (philhalt is my username) but whenI look in the Numbers/services menu item, from within the numbers app, it isn't there. --

Re: Where to put Numbers Applescripts?

2014-04-22 Thread Phil Halton
Thanks, I enabled the scripts menu and the script, which I placed in user/library/scripts/numbers, showed up as you said it would. I didn't have a "applications" subfolder, but that doesn't seem to matter. Maybe for the sake of organization it would be good for me to create it and place the Numb

Re: Where to put Numbers Applescripts?

2014-04-23 Thread Phil Halton
I found that putting scripts in the "applications" folder caused them not to show up in the Extras menu, but instead were shown only as a subfolder of the applications folder when you select "show users scripts" from the extras menu. When I put the numbers folder with the rename script in the l

Re: Shortcut to Speak Word Count in Any application | Here's How It's Done

2014-04-27 Thread Phil Halton
Nic, where are you getting your applesript training materials? I'd like to get back into programming and could use some good training sources for AppleScript, which looks like it'd be fairly easy to use once the syntax is understood. I've looked around in the Applescript editor's help system and

Re: Money Reader Not Working

2014-04-28 Thread Phil Halton
This has happened to me once or twice and I've found, simple as it is, that rebooting the phone will often correct these weird occurrences. Give it a try. In fact, an Apple rep told me he reboots his phone once a day to make sure everything is working as it should - can't hurt and it often hel

Re: Question on Pages application

2014-04-28 Thread Phil Halton
In my limited experience with Pages, I've found that using the command F search facility requires that I use the window list to move between the search pane and the document itself in order to preserve the search results. That is, If I search for a word or phrase and it is found, then if I escap

Re: AppleScript to Open the Current Safari Tab in Google Chrome

2014-04-28 Thread Phil Halton
if you follow the link to download the script, it will bring you to his blog where you can read more and subscribe if desired. On Apr 28, 2014, at 8:58 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie wrote: > So, Nick.. > Can you give the link for your blog? > thanks, > Cait > > On Apr 28, 2014, at 8:29 AM, Nicholas

Re: finereader pro

2014-04-30 Thread Phil Halton
we didn't want to ruin the fun for others;-) On Apr 30, 2014, at 9:01 AM, Cheryl Homiak wrote: > Okay, I see. I was in the new task window. If I check the "go right" checkbox > it turns into a "go left" checkbox" and now there is a scroll area with a > whole bunch of formats from which to ch

Re: olympus recorders

2014-04-30 Thread Phil Halton
Hi Feliciano, I see that the LS-14 has voice guidance. Can you give us an idea of how much of the units various features are accessible for blind users? Are all the menu functions accessible with the built-in voice guidance? How do you deal with setting levels? thanks On Apr 29, 2014, at 7:25

Re: setting up a commander

2014-04-30 Thread Phil Halton
nice thorough job on the commanders article. On Apr 29, 2014, at 9:22 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > Just in time. :) I recently posted a guide on Applevis, all about commanders. > Here it is: > > On Apr 29, 2014, at

Re: olympus recorders

2014-04-30 Thread Phil Halton
how much of the menu system is accessible via the voice guidance voice? That is, how much of the DM520 feature list can a blind person use with the voice guidance assistance? Are there any functions that we can't access? On Apr 30, 2014, at 10:46 AM, Emilio wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I have

Searching for special characters in Pages

2014-05-03 Thread Phil Halton
In text edit I can search for and replace such characters as new lines, by pressing option return in the find or replace field. In pages, these keystrokes don't produce new line characters. I tried looking for the new line and carriage return characters in the characters window by pressing comma

Re: Searching for special characters in Pages

2014-05-03 Thread Phil Halton
is strange that you can't search and replace new lines in pages, but you can do so in text edit. special characters such as tab and new line are often the subject of search and replace actions in any good word processor. Any ideas about this? On May 3, 2014, at 4:33 PM, Anne Robertson wrot

Re: Searching for special characters in Pages

2014-05-04 Thread Phil Halton
on to open a new textedit document with selection, it reads "open a new Nysus doc with selection". Will simply deleting Nysus from my system return the textedit option? On May 4, 2014, at 4:12 AM, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hello Phil, > > Have you tried going back to the document

Re: Searching for special characters in Pages

2014-05-05 Thread Phil Halton
thanks, I went into system prefs/keyboard/shortcuts/categories and selected "services. There's a treasure trove of text manipulating services to enable, especially with the addition of the services pack I downloaded a week ago. " On May 5, 2014, at 12:53 AM, Nicholas Parsons wrote: > RE the

Re: Searching for special characters in Pages

2014-05-05 Thread Phil Halton
lets you search/replace > non-printing characters like tabs, linefeed and carriage returns even if you > properly paste them in. I guess that fell by the wayside in the re-write and > hopefully will come back soon. > > CB > > On 5/3/14, 3:13 PM, Phil Halton wrote: >>

Re: Which Mac?

2014-05-07 Thread Phil Halton
I went for the 13 inch Air as well when I bought back in July last. Battery life was a consideration but I also like the feel of the 13 inch better than the 11 inch. Ergonomics matter too. On May 7, 2014, at 10:03 AM, Tristan wrote: > I got the 13 inch for the battery life. 11 inch has 9 hours

Re: expanding andfolders in list view

2014-05-08 Thread Phil Halton
I think also that when "opening" a folder in list view, it becomes the "current" folder and so pasting files will cause them to paste into that folder. I thought, but may be wrong, that if you didn't open a folder, but just expanded it, then pasting wouldn't put files into the expanded folder, b

Re: Does anyone use Dictionary?

2014-05-09 Thread Phil Halton
I am constantly looking up definitions of words on my iPhone 5 using SIRI - especially when doing some writing. There's nothing worse than using a word incorrectly when you're trying to sound like you know what you're talking about:-) I ask SIRI, "what is the definition of the word xxx". it b

Re: Does anyone use Dictionary?

2014-05-09 Thread Phil Halton
t two books per year. This current book is > taking much longer to write. Also, I cannot use Microsoft Word with Voice > Over, so I have switched to Pages. Pages is not compatible to the AutoVetters > I use to convert the books to an eBook format. > > Challenges all around r

Re: Voice Changer

2014-05-09 Thread Phil Halton
First, make sure to use Command-option-control left and right arrows to make sure you're on the voice item. Then use the up and down arrows to change voices. On May 9, 2014, at 2:01 PM, isaac wrote: > Yes to change voices on the fly use control option command up arrow and > down-arrow. > isaac

Re: saving emails to the documents folder as rtf and the control key not stoping voiceover from talking

2014-05-12 Thread Phil Halton
Also, as to the problem of the control key, remember that it is a pause/resume switch, and that pressing it once is supposed to pause speech, and pressing it again will resume speech. So, pressing it indiscriminately will result in the situation you report. That is, if you press it a bunch of ti

Re: apple mail

2014-05-12 Thread Phil Halton the address listed above is a website that gives a very thorough explanation of the Gmail webmail system. It is written from the JAWS screen reader point of view, but it is easily transferred to VoiceOver usage. It

Re: working with numbers

2014-05-13 Thread Phil Halton
Hi, what you are referring to sounds like moving to regions with Control arrows. There is no such command in numbers that I am aware of. I was a big Excel fan and I too found this to be a problem at first. But, because numbers uses a canvas system as opposed to a large spreadsheet, with tables b

Re: Installing Apple Scripts

2014-05-14 Thread Phil Halton
If you put the script in the library/scripts, and then enable the scripts menu you can access the script from the extras menu bar. You can read about how to enable the scripts menu in the help system for the AppleScript editor. Sent from my IPhone > On May 14, 2014, at 3:10 PM, Alex Hall wrot

Re: Overheating MBA When Running Windows In Bootcamp

2014-05-16 Thread Phil Halton
my MBA gets warm now and then too, but I don't think that's a problem. I also run windows, but in a VM in Fusion. Don't worry about it unless it gets frequent and extreme. On May 16, 2014, at 6:49 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > I don't have Windows 8 or an MBA. I can tell you this, though: the fan on

Re: is iMovie accessible?

2014-05-16 Thread Phil Halton
the older version used to be reasonably accessible, at least for the most common editing functions. I don't know about the latest version. On May 16, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > You know, I have been wondering the same thing. I think the app is quite > accessible but getting help

Pages text selection bug workaround

2014-05-18 Thread Phil Halton
As a relatively new user of Pages, I have encountered the bug wherein it is not possible to select text that spans page boundaries. I sent feedback to Apple through the menu option. However, while it is not possible to select text across page boundaries in a forward direction, I have found that

preserving VoiceDream IOS app meta data

2014-05-18 Thread Phil Halton
I have a very large file stored in VoiceDream that I have bookmarked and highlighted heavily. Is there any way I can backup this file with these bookmarks and highlights so that in the event of a crash or reload of the file, I do not lose these meta data and have to re bookmark and re highlight

Re: Reading Documents

2014-05-20 Thread Phil Halton
I did a little checking and found that you can enable certain text services that will convert line endings to and from Mac/Unix/Windows among other interesting things. I enabled the line ending services and tried them out on a text file created in windows. Everywhere there was a blank line in th

Re: numbers & voiceover: moving sheets?

2014-05-20 Thread Phil Halton
You don't specify which platform, IOS or OSX, but with numbers in OSX, I have successfully reordered sheets by marking the sheet for dragging with command comma, and then dropping the sheet before or after the desired sheet with command less or greater than. How it is accomplished on IOS I have

Re: numbers & voiceover: moving sheets?

2014-05-20 Thread Phil Halton
item at the end of a line? > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On May 20, 2014, at 11:46 AM, Phil Halton wrote: >> >> You don’t specify which platform, IOS or OSX, but with numbers in OSX, I >> have successfully reordered sheets by marking the sheet for dragging with

Re: reading documents

2014-05-20 Thread Phil Halton
I forgot, these are add-on services that aren't built into OSX. You can download the service pack from the below link. Once there, use VO-F to search for "WordService" and download that freeware app. Its a collection of some really great t

Re: numbers & voiceover: moving sheets?

2014-05-23 Thread Phil Halton
is placing tables strictly for sighted considerations? VO isn't affected in any way by the placement of tables as far as I know. That's one of the things I like about spreadsheeting with a screen reader, we don't have to bother with formatting unless we're going to be sharing with sighted users.

Re: Money Management

2014-06-01 Thread Phil Halton
if you can develop your own spreadsheet banking registers, then Numbers is excellent. I do all my personal accounting on home-grown spreadsheets, bank registers, etc. On Jun 1, 2014, at 12:08 PM, Tristan wrote: > Hi, > > What is a fairly accessible app that I can use with the Mac for banking

Re: space bar on a macbook pro using voice over

2014-06-02 Thread Phil Halton
this may sound strange, but I had the same problem when I first got my MBA. It turned out that I was having trouble differentiating the space bar from the command key - they both are smooth and featureless keys right next to each other. I made a long strip of braille tape with letter l's spaced

Re: Itunes Help needed

2014-06-02 Thread Phil Halton
That won't get the album/folder into yur library database. You either have to load the folder from within iTuens itself, or move the folder into the "add automatically to iTunes" folder in the music library. That'll put the MP3's into the database for you when you first open iTunes. I'd delete t

Re: Need help getting to VM memory allocation settings

2014-06-05 Thread Phil Halton
I think you need to uninteract from that point. selecting memory, or other settings, kicks you into a sub level of the toolbar I think and uninteracting once or twice will let you move again. On Jun 4, 2014, at 8:29 PM, Bill Holton wrote: > > > Sent from my iPhone hi. > When I close my vir

Re: Need help getting to VM memory allocation settings

2014-06-05 Thread Phil Halton
ne > >> On Jun 5, 2014, at 7:58 AM, Phil Halton wrote: >> >> I think you need to uninteract from that point. selecting memory, or other >> settings, kicks you into a sub level of the toolbar I think and >> uninteracting once or twice will let you move again

Re: Planning to install windows 7 on my mac using bootcamp

2014-06-06 Thread Phil Halton
You'd best read the bootcamp utility guide pdf that you can download through the utility itself. it'll tell you all the dirty little details. On Jun 6, 2014, at 6:39 PM, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote: > before i try to install windows 7 on my mac, i would like to know about more > into part

Google chrome, ChromeVox, and VoiceOver

2014-06-10 Thread Phil Halton
I've just started using chrome with chrome box for a video intensive site where the webmaster recommends either chrome or firefox. How are people using Chrome/chrome box? I'm leaving VO on and just use the chrome box navigation keys to get around on the page, and VO for menus and such. Any sugge

Re: Mac Daily News

2014-06-10 Thread Phil Halton
I think when he might have meant is that this is not a news aggregator site. Instead, it's a site for troubleshooting problems that were having with software and such. Do I sense a flame war coming on here? I hope not. Sent from my IPhone > On Jun 10, 2014, at 5:17 PM, CJ Daniel wrote: > > S

Re: [New post] Apple removing music downloading apps from App Store

2014-06-11 Thread Phil Halton
nice little controversy we've got going here. On Jun 10, 2014, at 11:17 PM, Sean Murphy wrote: > Chris, > > > Thanks for the post. Ignore what others say unless the moderator states > otherwise. this is very informative. > > Sean > On 11 Jun 2014, at 1:16 am, Christopher Hallsworth > wrot

Good iPhone app for recording audio snippets

2014-06-18 Thread Phil Halton
I want to record short guitar riffs and progressions on the iPhone, and then be able to easily play them back - perhaps looping them if desired. Kind of like an audio scratchpad with looping capabilities. The built-in voice recorder app is not quite up to speed for my needs, but something like t

The new iMovie V10.x

2014-06-20 Thread Phil Halton
Is anyone working successfully with the new version of iMovie that came with Mavericks? I'm pretty good with the old iMovie (Mountain Lion), but I just spent a good hour with the new version and I don't really get it. Any help in getting to grips with this app? -- You received this message beca

Re: The new iMovie V10.x

2014-06-21 Thread Phil Halton
nate and found a copy of > Imovie 9 on my g'daughter's Air and am back in business. > > ag > On 6/20/14, 10:02 AM, Phil Halton wrote: >> Is anyone working successfully with the new version of iMovie that came with >> Mavericks? I'm pretty good with the old iMovie

managing music library with iTunes Match on

2014-06-21 Thread Phil Halton
I just turned on iTunes match and everything went okay, putting my library in the cloud and making it available on all my comps and devices. Now, I'd like to clean out some albums and add some others. How do I 1) remove an artist or album from the library? do I just delete him/her from within iT

Re: The new iMovie V10.x

2014-06-21 Thread Phil Halton
tion book. this is >> also the opinion of several (all) reviewers. I was fortunate and found a >> copy of Imovie 9 on my g'daughter's Air and am back in business. >> >> ag >> On 6/20/14, 10:02 AM, Phil Halton wrote: >>> Is anyone working succe

Re: Good iPhone app for recording audio snippets

2014-06-22 Thread Phil Halton
el on the Tonight Show >> called Loopy? Dunno if it's accessible though and it's $8. >> >> >> >> >> >> CB >> >>> On 6/

Amazing Slow Downer app fully accessible

2014-06-22 Thread Phil Halton
It is so refreshing to find a full-featured app that is fully accessible to voice over users and Amazing Slow Downer is just that. ASD is an app that lets you isolate sections of a song and slow it down through a range of speeds without changing pitch. It also allows for changing pitch by semit

Re: Accessible Metronome App for iPhone?

2014-06-24 Thread Phil Halton
An interesting note about setting the tempo: a three finger swipe in the tempo picker will move by 8 or 10 bpm instead of just one at a time with a dingle finger swipe. On Jun 24, 2014, at 6:44 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: > > Hi, Scott. > > I downloaded the app and although several of the button

Amazing Slow Downer bug work-around

2014-06-27 Thread Phil Halton
I've been working with the developer of Amazing Slow Downer (rolph at RONI music) to find an economical solution for a VoiceOver related bug in the "trim loop Viewer" screen The problem was that once in the loop trimmer screen, with voice over turned on, there was no way to exit the screen and

Re: inserting an insert

2014-06-28 Thread Phil Halton
Then you tell your screen reader to use the insert key and press the graybacks and key as though it were the insert key. Sent from my IPhone > On Jun 28, 2014, at 3:40 AM, Christopher Hallsworth > wrote: > > Try the grave or accent key instead. This key should be to the left of the > number

Re: Urgent! Dropbox selective sync with voiceover

2014-06-28 Thread Phil Halton
I use selective sink and I can tell you that you will need sighted assistance. Even with limited vision and magnification on it is very difficult for a vision impaired person to find those checkboxes and check them there's no audio feedback whatsoever. Again, you will definitely need sighted ass

Re: (Solved) Urgent! Dropbox selective sync with voiceover

2014-06-29 Thread Phil Halton
God gave me a new heart and life: >>> His joy for my despairing tears! >>> And now, every day: >>> "This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: >>> The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; >>> his mercies never come to an end; >>> they are

Re: Is there no way to reach master track in the latest version of Garage Band?

2014-06-29 Thread Phil Halton
I couldn't even reach the master track in the previous version. I don't think it's an accessible element. On Jun 29, 2014, at 2:56 AM, Vic wrote: > Hi, > Am I missing something or there is no way to reach master track in the latest > version of Garage Band? After I enable "Show Master Track" o

Re: question about Mac book Air

2014-07-02 Thread Phil Halton
I recently bought a MacBook air for just this purpose being able to run Windows infusion. I bought the model 13 inch 250 6K hard drive actually a flash drive, 8 gig ram, and the upgraded I seven processor. This is what was suggested for me. It's a muscle machine and you'll love it. Sent from my

Re: Frustrations with updating Adobe Flash player

2014-07-05 Thread Phil Halton
I think the website you want is Sent from my IPhone > On Jul 5, 2014, at 7:43 AM, Daniel McGee > wrote: > > I wouldn't worry about it. In any case, I would advise you to download the > latest flash player from adobe's main site. Just in case, this update that > you try to

Re: Highlighting a column in Numbers

2014-07-05 Thread Phil Halton
I think it asks that because spreadsheets, unlike other documents, require a lot of formatting. They can be very large and you don't want to send a huge spreadsheet to your printer. So, it makes you go through some selection process of what you want to print. That's my best guess. At least that

Re: Highlighting a column in Numbers

2014-07-05 Thread Phil Halton
Clicking the column header you know, a, B, etc. That will select of the column. Another way to do it is simply to hold the shift key and press command down arrow while you're at the top of the column. That should select the entire column. Sent from my IPhone > On Jul 3, 2014, at 4:47 AM, Jürg

Making movies without iMovie?

2014-07-05 Thread Phil Halton
Does anyone have experience with a movie making app other than iMovie? I still have and use the older V9 of iMovie, but the new V10 just sucks (oops! can I say that about Apple;-). I'm wondering if there's a friendlier, more accessible app out there that will let me do some rudimentary movie pro

Re: Highlighting a column in Numbers

2014-07-06 Thread Phil Halton
hin the table, turn >> Cursor Tracking off with VO-shift-f3. >> >> HTH. >> >> Later... >> >> Tim Kilburn >> Fort McMurray, AB Canada >> >>> On Jul 5, 2014, at 1:47 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote: >>> >>> It doesn'

Re: Making movies without iMovie?

2014-07-06 Thread Phil Halton
; Daniela Rubio T > iPhone: +34662328507 > > > > > El 06/07/2014, a las 00:42, Phil Halton escribió: > >> Does anyone have experience with a movie making app other than iMovie? I >> still have and use the older V9 of iMovie, but the new V10 just sucks (oops!

Re: Amazon and Recorders

2014-07-11 Thread Phil Halton
I used to use Voice Memos before they change the interface. Now I really like to use DropVox instead. It's a very clean interface with virtually no buttons except record, and when you're finished recording it gets sent straight to your dropbox account. Sent from my IPhone > On Jul 11, 2014, a

Re: No sound in iPhone 5S speaker...

2014-07-13 Thread Phil Halton
It sounds like you have some dust or dirt keeping the microswitch open. the switch that leads to the earplugs is a very small switch and a little piece of dust can keep it propped open fooling the iPhone into thinking that something is plugged in. Thus no sound will be played through the speaker

Re: Numbers

2015-02-20 Thread Phil Halton
> On Feb 19, 2015, at 11:21 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote: > > Just started playing with numbers on the mac for the first time, I’m an excel > user at work. > 1. Can you define a range with a name so you can just reference the range > with that name? Yes, place your range name in a header row, (

Re: Numbers

2015-02-21 Thread Phil Halton
> On Feb 21, 2015, at 1:58 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote: > > Hi Phil, thanks for your help. Okay, starting to get somewhere. Never been a > fan of formula editors, usually just prefer to type it straight in., but > getting the hang of this one. The place holders keep getting

Re: Shortcuts to websites

2015-02-22 Thread Phil Halton
Here is a link to a podcast that David Griffith did on this very topic. > On Feb 21, 2015, at 5:23 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote: > > Hi all, > I used to have directions for creating shortcuts for websites on my des

Calendar list view gone

2015-02-24 Thread Phil Halton
My calendar on the iPhone was working fine, giving me a list view of all events. Then yesterday I entered a few calendar dates on the Mac and now the iPhone app has lost the list view and now displays that month view that only says how many events on any given day, and you have to interact to se

Re: Calendar list view gone

2015-02-25 Thread Phil Halton
24, 2015, at 11:25 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > > Just tap a day in the month and it should display the list under the gird of > days. If not, tap the List View button on, I believe, the bottom of the > screen. Or am I misunderstanding the question? >> On Feb 24, 2015, at

Re: Calendar list view gone

2015-02-25 Thread Phil Halton
month and it should display the list under the gird of > days. If not, tap the List View button on, I believe, the bottom of the > screen. Or am I misunderstanding the question? >> On Feb 24, 2015, at 11:05 PM, Phil Halton > <>> wrote: >> >

Re: Applescript help

2015-02-26 Thread Phil Halton
I’ve come to this script late. I would like to know what the “package” is and if it is geared towards teaching apple script creation? I’m an old Cobol, RPG, Bal, Pascal, APL, Basic etc … programmer from way back and wouldn’t mind getting back into it for the odd script writing need. thanks > On

Re: question about VM Fusion

2015-02-26 Thread Phil Halton
when I get that sound that indicates a wrong or dead keystroke, and Fusion doesn't seem to respond, I switch to full screen mode with command control F and that usually shakes things up and gets things working again. Also, sometimes I VO end (function+right arrow) and then hit tab a few times u

Re: Pages and Textedit: Highlighting Text on more then one page

2015-02-28 Thread Phil Halton
This looks very interesting, and I didn’t see it earlier either. I’m going to give it a try. Thanks Barry > On Feb 28, 2015, at 10:50 AM, Barry Hadder wrote: > > I can tell you how you can select text across page boundaries in Pages. I > explained this in an earlier post. So, I don’t know i

Re: anybody know of an actually accessible video editor for the Mac

2015-03-01 Thread Phil Halton
May I ask; why do you say that Shave should be accessible? Personal experience? wild guess? Any more details about the accessibility would be a help. Reading the blurb, it says that there is full keyboard control, but I’m not sure I’m ready to assume that means its fully accessible either. > O

Re: anybody know of an actually accessible video editor for the Mac

2015-03-01 Thread Phil Halton
eply, that’s > why I wrote „as far as I know“. Any experience - if positive or not - are of > interest for me. > Jürgen >> Am 01.03.2015 um 15:54 schrieb Phil Halton > <>>: >> >> May I ask; why do you say that Shave should be access

Re: Go Pro

2015-03-01 Thread Phil Halton
I know that Mike Malarsy did a review on the GoPro and it is accessible to an extent. I guess it needs sighted assistance to setup the connections though. > On Mar 1, 2015, at 12:59 PM, May wrote: > > I'd be interested in knowing this as well. I would love to be able to get > more videos done.

KNFBReader pre-purchase question

2015-03-02 Thread Phil Halton
After listening to Mike Hanson’s podcast on KNFBReader, I’m about to take the $100 plunge (ouch!). I’ve read the AppleVis forum and blog, and listened to podcasts, and now I’m asking for the experience of listers. I have a iPhone 5 (not 5S), running the latest IOS 8.x. How is the app performing

Re: input monitoring on garage band please help

2015-03-02 Thread Phil Halton
I just looked around in GB10 and see that there was a monitor button in the track headers, but you probably already know that. Might it be a problem with your sound card? By the way, what are you using for a sound card? If monitoring is gone in GB under both OS’s where it used to be available i

Re: Editing Audio

2015-03-03 Thread Phil Halton
I heartily agree with this recommendation, both the app and the tutorial which was invaluable for me. I’ve been able to work with multi-track editing in AmadeusPro since using Jonathan’s tutorial. It is a little tricky at first to get the hang of things, especially the playhead and insertion poi

Time Machine to the rescue

2015-03-03 Thread Phil Halton
My windows 7 VM crashed and burned and that gave me the opportunity to try out Time Machine and my new time capsule. I was able to restore the 30GB VM file from a last known good state and everything went smoothly. The time capsule was a good investment! -- You received this message because

Safari can't handle

2015-03-03 Thread Phil Halton
I don’t know what the problem is, but Safari was a total basket case on . So much so that I had to switch over to Internet Explorer in a windows VM to do my taxes. IE handled the process like a champ, but Safari was like a knee-walking drunken sailor on

Re: Time Machine to the rescue

2015-03-04 Thread Phil Halton
I have no permanently connected hard drives other than the SSD in my MBA. periodically I do a SuperDuper backup to an external drive. Am I correct in recalling that one can retrieve a file from a superDuper backup by opening the sparse bundle and simply navigating and copying the file? In that c

Re: Safari can't handle

2015-03-04 Thread Phil Halton
t done. > > when I tried using Tax Act and called their customer service people, they > refused to talk to me unless I paid them first. Since the issue was > accessibility, I told them to forget it. > > Regards, > Gigi > >> On Mar 3, 2015, at 7:40 PM, Phil Halton &g

Clean OS X restore with TM data restore

2015-03-05 Thread Phil Halton
I am considering a clean OS X install and file restoration from Time Machine. Are these the correct steps to follow? 1 clean install of OS X from Recovery mode or Yosemite USB install drive, with hard drive wipe from within disk utilities first. 2 Use migration assistant to restore dat

Re: vm fusion

2015-03-06 Thread Phil Halton
If you can configure your screen reader to use the insert key as its modifier key, than there is an easy solution in Fusion settings. you can set a key, (I and many others use the grave accent key), and have fusion send the VM an insert key whenever you press your selected key. JAWS and NVDA can

Re: merging several clips into one video on my mac?

2015-03-07 Thread Phil Halton
This is easily done in QuickTime Player. Simply load the first movie into QT, do a "select all”, then “successively “perform an insert clip after selection” command from the edit menu for each movie you want to add. repeat the “select all” after adding each movie to ensure the clip gets added

Re: Using range of header rows and columns in numbers

2015-03-07 Thread Phil Halton
You seem to be mixing terms. you refer to “leftmost” header rows and “top” header row. Rows can’t be leftmost or rightmost, they’re stacked one above each other. Just as header columns are vertical columns each next to the other. I don’t really understand your question the way you posed it. I can

Re: Using range of header rows and columns in numbers

2015-03-07 Thread Phil Halton
uary Utilities.” > For whatever reason, this does not seem to work for me. I get a formula error > when I use sum(January utilities). > > Could anyone recommend a resource with a more in depth explanation of how the > header referencing in Numbers works? > > Thanks for

Re: Two Questions

2015-03-08 Thread Phil Halton
Mary Joe, you should probably get into the habit of specifically setting out the problem in the subject line instead of just saying things like “two questions”. We all have questions, but if you want people to get interested enough to actually take time to answer your particular question you nee

Re: How do I Access My Favorites in the New Radium Update for the Mac

2015-03-08 Thread Phil Halton
This sounds like the way it used to work before the recent update. There is an unlabeled button after the search box which toggles the search categories and station favorites list. And yes, sometimes its kind of flakey and doesn’t show up unless you arrow past it and then back again. I think the

Re: How do I Access My Favorites in the New Radium Update for the Mac

2015-03-09 Thread Phil Halton
the Chariots of the > Gods cameth the Aliens who > dwelt amongst the humans, > and bringeth much knowledge. > > On 3/8/2015 2:43 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote: >> That's why I said that everyone should email the developer. If Phil thinks >> that they've went a step

Re: How do I Access My Favorites in the New Radium Update for the Mac

2015-03-09 Thread Phil Halton
catpigstudios support about this as well as asking them to label the favorite stations list button, along with a degree of praise and thanks for their efforts. (don’t forget the thanks and praise when you ask for help from these people - they like it!) > On Mar 9, 2015, at 9:58 AM, Phil Hal

Re: Numbers question

2015-03-09 Thread Phil Halton
might you have hidden rows? check in the table menu for “unhide all rows” and see if that helps. > On Mar 9, 2015, at 4:59 PM, Amber Wallenstein wrote: > > Hi: > It just shows me A66. > A,ber >> On Mar 9, 2015, at 4:10 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote: >> >> Hi there >> I have never had this happen t

Re: How do I Access My Favorites in the New Radium Update for the Mac

2015-03-10 Thread Phil Halton
changing the icons for the search category genres. in other words, it is irrelevant for our purposes. > On Mar 9, 2015, at 10:18 AM, Phil Halton wrote: > > While we’re on the topic of radium, has anyone figured out what the popup > grid in the favorite station block does? When intera

AmadeusPro, audio data and track characteristics

2015-03-12 Thread Phil Halton
I have recorded an acoustic guitar rhythm track at 48K sampling rate with a bit-depth of 24 on a mono track, it just sounded better at 48k 24 bit. Now, I want to use that rhythm track in a 44.1k 16 bit stereo file.’ My questions are these: Question #1) what happens to the audio data if I copy it f

Re: Restoring from timecapsul

2015-03-13 Thread Phil Halton
> Sara, this was confusing for me too at first, so I’m going to outline the > process here for you. 1 open your library folder and navigate to the safari folder. To do this, from any finder window press command shift G, and enter ~/library in the go to field and press enter. tilda is the

Unlabeled buttons in Time Machine controls window

2015-03-13 Thread Phil Halton
In the Time Machine Controls window, just to the right of the date and time slider, and again to the right of the text showing the currently selected date and time are two unlabelled buttons. Does anyone know what these buttons are? There’s no help tag for them. They might be helpful, but I don

Re: Restoring from timecapsul

2015-03-13 Thread Phil Halton
arth did you figure that > out?! Thank you. Now, what if you delete a file or document, and you want to > restore it from your TC. You will not be able to follow the same steps. >> On Mar 13, 2015, at 8:34 AM, Phil Halton > <>> wrote: >> >&g

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