Re: vmwarefusion and zoomtext

2009-10-19 Thread Mueller, Matt
Hi Christina. VMWare Fusion 2 currently does not work with ZoomText. It will install and run, but using any level of magnification causes screen corruption when the visible area moves. In short, its unusable for magnification, though I've used some of its screen reading features with de

Re: Is there enough VO support in I Work to justify the cost

2010-02-13 Thread Mueller, Matt
I've experienced the same issue in Pages and in Bean as well, though I have used both with VO successfully. Sadly, many such issues exist in zoom, most of them very basic to its use. Although I've reported these, I've seen no change in its performance since Tiger. To my thinking, the Zoom/Voic

Re: Is there enough VO support in I Work to justify the cost

2010-02-14 Thread Mueller, Matt
get access, and the luxury of using probably the Best UI in the >> world (ok I know I sound like a fanboy here, but I just never had much *fun* >> with windows or linux). That said, here's to hoping for further advances, >> and yes I'll surely do my part whenever possible.

RE: Zoom Text on Mac Question [was Re: iTunes/iPod Shuffle Problem]

2009-03-17 Thread Mueller, Matt
Absolutely, the magnification is usable. I moved From Windows and ZoomText to the mac about five months ago and have been using only the built in magnification and VoiceOver. Certainly many of the features are comparable. There is more fine control over zoom levels. Cursor size, contrast, an

Re: New Features in Zoom under Snow Leopard ?

2009-09-11 Thread Mueller, Matt
I've only had snow leopard installed for a couple of days, so I'm still learning the ins and outs of it. Thus far, however, I haven't noticed any perceptible difference in features or the way it behaves. On Sep 11, 2009, at 3:05 PM, claire amoroso wrote: Hi, Does anyone know if there are any i

RE: New Features in Zoom under Snow Leopard ?

2009-09-11 Thread Mueller, Matt
on white and I can no longer easily do this on the fly. Christina On Sep 11, 2009, at 1:39 PM, Mueller, Matt wrote: I've only had snow leopard installed for a couple of days, so I'm still learning the ins and outs of it. Thus far, however, I haven't noticed any perceptible differ

Re: New Features in Zoom under Snow Leopard ?

2009-09-11 Thread Mueller, Matt
27 PM, Christina wrote: > > Awesome! Thanks, that worked. I'm so glad to be able to do that. :) > > How long does that vo plus tab stay in effect? Do I have to turn it > off or anything? > On Sep 11, 2009, at 4:03 PM, Mueller, Matt wrote: > >> >> It works fine for

Re: New Features in Zoom under Snow Leopard ?

2009-09-11 Thread Mueller, Matt
vo plus tab stay in effect? Do I have to turn it > off or anything? > On Sep 11, 2009, at 4:03 PM, Mueller, Matt wrote: > >> >> It works fine for me when VoiceOver is not running. When it is, you >> just have to hit VO-Tab first to let the command pass throug

Re: Trackpad commander and Zoom. Possible to use both at the same time?

2009-09-14 Thread Mueller, Matt
It sure is. The trackpad commander performs just as it would if Zoom were not enabled. When Zoom is enabled and you place a finger on the trackpad, the voiceover cursor moves to the item at that position and Zoom tracks to it. Normally Zoom would primarily follow the mouse cursor. With