and ipod touch.
the best app for reading PDFs and much more!
A inteligência e a vivacidade da mulher afugentam de ordinário os homens
medíocres, cujo orgulho de posse prefere, à beleza vivaz e raciocinadora, a
beleza triste, passiva, submissa e silenciosa.
Júlio Dantas
Mario Navarro
yes, tom is very good.
I am using tom to.
A dignidade pessoal e a honra não podem ser protegidas por outros. Devem ser
zeladas pelo indivíduo em particular.
Mohandas Gandhi
Mario Navarro
No dia 25/01/2014, às 00:12, Jessica D escreveu:
> I have never
I am using only HTML5.
I dont need flash.
on youtube, HTML5 is great.
works perfectly.
on the other tasks I am using HTML5 to.
so far so good.
A ambição é o maior estímulo humano. É com ele que se edifica.
Carlos Malheiro Dias
Mario Navarro
No dia 26/01/2014
works good.
update 2 times.
snowleppard to mountain lion and mountain lion to mavericks.
A compaixão para com os animais é das mais nobres virtudes da natureza humana.
Charles Darwin
Mario Navarro
No dia
hi diana. please can you tell me how you do that?
can You write me a short manual?
A dignidade pessoal e a honra não podem ser protegidas por outros. Devem ser
zeladas pelo indivíduo em particular.
Mohandas Gandhi
Mario Navarro
No dia 22/02/2014, às 13
hi friend, very good!
I've added to my bookmarks.
thanks .
Em geral, na natureza humana existe mais tolice do que sabedoria.
Francis Bacon
Mario Navarro
No dia 22/02/2014, às 15:12, Barry Hadder escreveu:
> Hi,
> There is an on line guitar t
hi, thanks friend.
I'm goin to try.
A mulher é uma flor que só à sombra exala o seu perfume.
Alphonse de Lamartine
Mario Navarro
No dia 22/02/2014, às 17:58, Taylor Scott escreveu:
> I use an app called steady tune.
> I think it is made by the same
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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This came to rock.
enter this link and see the triller on youtube.
their kickstarter project
A mulher é o negro do mundo. A mulher é a escrava dos escravos. Se ela tenta
ser livre, tu dizes que ela não te ama. Se ela pensa, tu dizes que ela quer ser
John Lennon
Mario Navarro
hi nick, you right.
I can not to.
Aquilo que os homens de facto querem não é o conhecimento, mas a certeza.
Bertrand Russell
Mario Navarro
No dia 26/02/2014, às 11:36, Nicholas Parsons
> I can't work out how to remove contacts
honra não podem ser protegidas por outros. Devem ser
zeladas pelo indivíduo em particular.
Mohandas Gandhi
Mario Navarro
No dia 28/02/2014, às 21:02, Ray Foret Jr escreveu:
> I believe you need to hard format an 8 GB card or more and that is the step I
> believe you s
thanks, I'm all ready download it.
A amizade é simplesmente a amável concordância em todas as questões da vida.
Marcus Cícero
Mario Navarro
No dia 01/03/2014, às 12:10, Ray Foret Jr escreveu:
> Free as the sunshine. You won't find it in the Apple
oh man, you have absolutely right.
is why apple gives more emphasis on accessibility for ios system.
I myself have understood this a long time.
best for everyone is buying an ios device and have the future in their
I'm selling my iMac to buy an iphone 5 S.
exactly because I can do everyt
eading PDF with the voice over?
O dever é uma coisa muito pessoal; decorre da necessidade de se entrar em
acção, e não da necessidade de insistir com os outros para que façam qualquer
Madre Teresa de Calcutá
Mario Navarro
No dia 24/04/2014, às 23:49,
ossuírem o
poder mágico e delicioso de reflectirem uma imagem do homem duas vezes maior
que o natural.
Virginia Woolf
Mario Navarro
No dia 21/05/2014, às 18:17, Tim Kilburn escreveu:
> Hi,
> I was just at an Apple Learning Tour event last week and let some of t
and how do I know that the message is attached. lol!
every time I read a message I have to go see on the menu if the message
file is attached ...
that's crazy.
Em 25/10/2013 11:11, Ray Foret Jr escreveu:
For the person the other day who was having issues receiving attachments in
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
On Oct 25, 2013, at 10:55 AM, mario navarro wrote:
and how do I know that the message is attached. lol!
every time I read a message I have to go see on the menu if the message file is
attached ...
hi my friend.
I thought it was no longer possible to select and deselect the
attachments to show in the message.
as not yet upgraded to the Mavericks, I'm just reading the comments of
the friends group.
I am thinking of upgrading to a week.
Em 25/10/2013 18:20, Anne Robertson e
one 5 user!
On Oct 25, 2013, at 10:55 AM, mario navarro wrote:
and how do I know that the message is attached. lol!
every time I read a message I have to go see on the menu if the message file is
attached ...
that's crazy.
Em 25/10/2013 11:11, Ray Foret Jr escreveu:
For the p
hi folks.
for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks:
someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started
is now available for the mavericks?
would be nice to take some questions.
I think it's still a bit early but ...
You received this message because you ar
hi guys, sorry for making dynamic reading, but I do not know if my
messages are reaching the group.
please tell me.
read below.
hi folks.
for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks:
someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started
is now available for the mavericks?
would b
On Oct 26, 2013, at 2:25 AM, mario navarro wrote:
hi folks.
for those who have already
you have to go walking with tab to the ok button.
if you move only left and right arrows vo you will not be able to find
the ok button.
you have to use the tab to the ok button.
Em 26/10/2013 18:28, ramy moustafa escreveu:
I did that but nothing changed
Ramy moustafa saber
hi all.
someone tested this features with voice over?
does the voice over gives us feedback when using these features?
the voice over supports these features?
read below:
switch Control
Complete control of the Mac with a single button for people with
impaired physical and motor skills.
the voi
hi all.
I need some help if possible.
I turned off the speech of voice over unintentionally and now can not
turn on.
I do not have a trackpad and would like to know is there any keyboard
shortcut to activate the voice over speech
I have an imac and I have no trackpad.
I've tried several solut
Em 29/10/2013 12:05, Kawal Gucukoglu escreveu:
command F5.
Sent from my I phone
On 29 Oct 2013, at 12:01 pm, mario navarro <>> wrote:
hi all.
I need some help if possible.
I turned off the speech of voice over unintentionally and now can not
Thank you all.
the problem is already solved.
I dont have trackpad.
Em 29/10/2013 13:19, Kawal Gucukoglu escreveu:
Double tap with three fingers twice on the track Pad?
Sent from my I phone
On 29 Oct 2013, at 12:25 pm, mario navarro <>> wrote:
McMurray, AB Canada
On Oct 29, 2013, at 6:25 AM, mario navarro <>> wrote:
no my friend .
sorry I have not explained myself well.
I uncheck the option to speak the voice over sounds in the category
of the voice oversounds
voice over vo utility f8.
now I have
hi friend .
vo f8 voice over utility, sound tab.
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To post
waw. very good job.
thanks my friend.
Em 31/10/2013 03:16, Nicholas Parsons escreveu:
Dear BusyCal Support Team,
I downloaded the trial of BusyCal for Mac. I absolutely love the
features in BusyCal, which are so sadly missing in the native OS X
However, unfortunately I hav
hi friends.
I would like to ask a favor to friends group.
about a feature that is very important for users of voice over and the
team Accessibility apple.
why support accessibility does not add a feature for voice over have
automatic updates? ...
is assumed the commitment to support the acce
hi nicholas.
I know that most times the problems are the apps, apps are standard
sustema osx, or other companies.
but the voice over also has some bugs in certain apps that to be fixed.
The voice over is not immune to bugs.
we all know that screen readers have bugs whatever they are.
and also
nicholas, I liked that!
yes it would be great! !
the voice over has to innovate!
to me, it seems that voice over are stopped in time ...
we have to be to inform accessibility support so they listen to us.
thanks nicholas.
I agree.
Em 31/10/2013 06:48, Nicholas Parsons escreveu:
From My White Mac Book
On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:29 AM, mario navarro wrote:
hi nicholas.
I know that most times the problems are the apps, apps are standard sustema
osx, or other companies.
but the voice over also has some bugs in certain apps that to be fixed.
The voice over is not immune to bug
you can sync all your
Voiceover preferences that are on your Macs to those devices. I don’t think so.
So it isn’t pheasable to have such a feature.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:44 AM, mario navarro wrote:
nicholas, I liked that!
yes it would be great! !
, what I’m saying, is that I
don’t believe that updates to VO can necessarily be easily separated
from OS updates other than through “Supplemental” sorts of things.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:17 AM, mario navarro <>&
hi all .
who wants Siri on your computer?
Now we have a Siri accessible.
speakable workflows
Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be
executed as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in
Accessibility preferences.
I have tested it and loved it because no
just on mavericks.
No dia 05/11/2013, às 09:34, Estelita escreveu:
> Hi, will it work in mountain lion?
> - Original Message - From: "mario navarro"
> To: "mac visionares"
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 6:44 AM
> Subject
: +34662328507
> El 05/11/2013, a las 07:44, mario navarro escribió:
>> hi all .
>> who wants Siri on your computer?
>> Now we have a Siri accessible.
>> speakable workflows
>> Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Item
great, I've been waiting for this.
I hope the team has fix all issues.
all those that were identified and reported
I hope so ...
we will wait until friday.
we are here to help as we always do in this beta update.
Em 16/11/2013 03:43, Nicholas Parsons escreveu:
Apple asks developers to
ed to developers. Frankly, I wonder whehter this should
have been posted.
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the
blind built-in!
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
On Nov 16, 2013, at 12:42 PM, mario navarro <mail
yes jonathan you're right.
What a big disappointment.
most errors were not corrected.
a month and a few days waiting for good news, and at the end of waiting apple's
accessibility team gives us a handful of nothing.
I am completely disappointed with apple.
apple is worse than freedoms.
god what i
sorry my friend, but what you're talking about doesn't make sense.
the accessibility team at apple must have overall responsibility to self take
over as the only Department that serves the accessibility issues.
This Department has to assume only matters related to everything that has to do
em make the cut before OS builds are released, but
> something with Apple's quality control when it comes to accessibility has
> gone wrong..
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> On 17/12/2013,
how we
> can be a constructive part of the solution won't make any difference either.
> Take care and thanks again.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> On 18/12/2013, at 5:01 pm, Mario Navarro wro
top receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> To post to this group, send email to
> Visit this group at
> For more options, visit
for me win the compact voices.
the advantages of the use are better than the premium.
Deus fez a liberdade, o homem a escravatura.
Marie Chénier
Mario Navarro
No dia 24/12/2013, às 00:43, Daniel McGee
> Dear all, I have been thinking of late ab
Yes, I completely agree.
Ithink the same way.
here on my imac, I'm using the virus barrier express.
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someone already tested this app and if it is accessible?
someone uses?
A mulher é o negro do mundo. A mulher é a escrava dos escravos. Se ela tenta
ser livre, tu dizes que ela não te ama. Se ela pensa, tu dizes que ela quer ser
John Lennon
Mario Navarro
hi friend.
thanks for the info.
nice explication.
A liberdade não consiste só em seguir a sua própria vontade, mas às vezes
também em fugir dela.
Kobo Abe
Mario Navarro
No dia 30/12/2013, às 08:33, Jürgen Fleger escreveu:
> Hi,
> Sound Forge for Mac i
hi nick.
can you tell me if the mr.reader works on mac?
is accessible on mac?
Em 01/12/2013 03:25, Nicholas Parsons escreveu:
You might also like to try ReadKit.
• It can sync with plenty of services, e.g. FeedWrangler;
• Just press G to read full text of articles in Readability
ok, thanks nick.
Em 04/01/2014 03:28, Nicholas Parsons escreveu:
HI Mario
So far as I know, MrReader is only available on iPad. It's not available on
Mac, iPhone or iPod Touch. Certainly I have only used it on my iPad.
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ok friend, I’m going to try.
thanks for the info.
Eu sei que o meu trabalho é uma gota no oceano, mas sem ele o oceano seria
Madre Teresa de Calcutá
Mario Navarro
No dia 04/01/2014, às 08:27, Piotr Machacz escreveu:
> For my RSS needs, at the moment
hi alll.
do any of you know if there is an app for recording of kat mp3 audio recorder
for mac?
I tried to find but to no avail.
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