HI list.
Over the last few days i have had a strange problem occurring. If i am
cursoring around, voice over seems to fade away while it’s reading for a few
This seems to be happening in most apps, and all of the voices. It seems to
happen randomly. Has anyone had this occurrence?
I hav
can you listen to audio files on the mac version of voice dream reader? i
cannot test it as my mac is too old and won’t update.
> On 7 May 2022, at 12:34 am, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> If I had a setup for it, I likely would. Especially if the program provides
> anything I cannot get e
Hi list.
in the past if i launched team viewer and voice over reported that there were
no windows, quitting and re launching the app usually worked.
Today however this is no longer working.
Is there any solution to this problem?
Is the information available anywhere in the menus?
yep that used to work for me too.
> On 25 Aug 2020, at 11:05 pm, Jessica Moss wrote:
> I’ve actually had to launch it twice when it does that to me, which is vary
> regularly, and that always seems to fix it for me.
>> On Aug 25, 2020, at 2:26 AM,
HI. this is a nice tip and one i didn't know, being a new mac user.
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
On 14/04/2012, at 5:06 AM,
Hi. i am pretty sure i have this right. someone correct me if i'm wrong. but
you press command n for a new tweet then press f followed by a space and the at
symbol followed by the twitter name. press enter at the end.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb b
HI. is it possible to read a bookshare book on the mac? I have read to go for
the iphone but was just wondering if i download a book via the mac whether or
not i can read it using the mac?
Maria and crew from australia
check out
tem voice to read it. thanks
> On Apr 16, 8:25 pm, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI. is it possible to read a bookshare book on the mac? I have read to go
>> for the iphone but was just wondering if i download a book via the mac
>> whether or not i can read it using the mac?
Hi. i am a new mac user. can you tell me what to do with this script to make
it work?
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 11/04/2012, at 2:40 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
, put in your bookshare password, and it extracts the file just as
> on a PC. You can then read the book in Safari or other preferred web browsers
> which otherwise work with VO.
> Christine
> On Apr 16, 2012, at 11:48 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI. thanks. will this app
HI. has anyone tried this?
is it accessible?
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
On 25/04/2012, at 8:34 AM, - wrote:
> http://
mmm i couldn't find the link either.
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
On 25/04/2012, at 2:35 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Hi Maria,
> I
hi. what about switch?
that's one i'm using at the moment i saw it on aple vis.
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
On 06/05/2012,
HI. i was going to send a similar email.
would like to know if it's possible to play things like alter eon on the mac.
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter b
HI. what is tin tin and where do we get it?
How do we then set it up so we can play in the terminal?
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
Hi. i use an app called youtube to mp3 i don't remember the link but it is on
apple vis I put it there.
if you have trouble with the app let me know and i'll explain how to do it.
Maria and crew from australia
check out
mmm maybe i'm lucky but i've never had a problem with vo not speaking at the
log in screen
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
On 06/05/201
> I didn't know switch worked with the mac. I'll go to apple vis.
> On May 6, 2012, at 12:45 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> hi. what about switch?
>> that's one i'm using at the moment i saw it on aple vis.
>> hth
Hi. is fire fox now fairly accessible on the mac? might be good to have it
around just for solving captchers
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bu
HI. went to the website and downloaded fire fox. when i launch it though i
just get minimize close and zoom. do i have the wrong version?
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
tacey and Chesley.
> On May 6, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Now that i think about it. isn't there a way to convert m4a to mp3 using
>> itunes?
>> regards
>> Maria and crew from australia
>> email
Hi. where is the flash pannel in system preferences? i sometimes get an
update flash player pop up and can't seem to figure out how to get it to
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.
skype s
> Sent from Dean Adams Macbook Pro
> breezepa...@gmail.com
> phone: 0243206031
> Mobile: 0428133758
> Skype : deanadams9
> On 07/05/2012, at 12:15 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Hi. where is the flash pannel in system preferences? i sometimes get an
matic pop-up
> version.
> Later...
> On 2012-05-06, at 8:15 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Hi. where is the flash pannel in system preferences? i sometimes get an
>> update flash player pop up and can't seem to figure out how to get it to
>> install
HI. ok so i have sinced my contacts with my mac and i was able to send a
message from the mac to a friend who has an iphone and she got it. However i
got the reply on my phone and not on the mac as far as i can see. is there a
way to also get the message in the messages app?
God Bl
t; rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On May 7, 2012, at 2:31 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Maria,
>> If you keep your Messages app open on your computer, you should receive it
>> there.
>> HTh,
HI. i found the message. i was looking in the wrong place. how would i reply?
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
You received this message because you are s
Hi. thanks i will try to set it up and set vo the way you said. one more
question how do i then tell vo to remember the settings when i re open the app?
i know it has something to do with activities but have never done anything with
them before.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Ka
On 07/05/2012, at 4:26 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> You need to go to the nightly builds site. http://nightly.mozilla.org/ .
> hTH,
> Teresa
> "Visualize whirled peas."
> On May 6, 2012, at 6:52 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI. went to the websit
e same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
On 07/05/2012, at 4:26 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> You need to go to the nightly builds site. http://nightly.mozilla.org/ .
> hTH,
> Teresa
> "Visualize whirled peas."
> On May 6, 2012
hi. to find your drop box folders, at least this is how i do it.
open anything you like in finder interact with your side bar using vo j arrow
down to drop box then press vo j again to get in to your drop box folders. The
only thing i am not sure how to do is check on the progress of a file th
est setting that up with Safari running first.
> HTh,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On May 7, 2012, at 5:08 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI.
>> lol i'm silly. cclicked on the download li
HI. the apple site has some, I also found some at www.ICanWorkThisThing.com
there is a mac with voice over section. I hope this helps.
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 18/05/201
HI. anyone given this a go?
sounds good if it does what it says.
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 13/05/2012, at 8:47 AM, Allison Mervis wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> F
HI. i have learned to tune that out.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 13/05/2012, at 3:12 AM, Doug Lee wrote:
> I tried unchecking the Visual Alerts you ment
what about putting something on applevis?
just a thought.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 18/05/2012, at 2:59 PM, Tim Emmons wrote:
> I am sending this to
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 19/05/2012, at 4:16 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
> It's nice, but there doesn't seem to be a way to review the output once it's
> read out the first time.
> On May 17, 2012, at 12:34 PM,
On 20/05/2012, at 11:19 AM, Allison Mervis wrote:
> It's definitely worth the price. I've been meaning to contact the developer,
> but haven't had time.
> Allison
> On May 19, 2012, at 6:03 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> hmmm i guess if it's
Hi. i use the mobile site on the mac. using safari. i read a tip somewhere
that if you go in to the developer menu and change the user agent to internet
explorer or fire fox it is supposed to work better. this seems to work for
me. At least for what i've needed to do. I kind of use a combi
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 21/05/2012, at 11:11 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> Maria,
> How do I find this developer menu?
> On May 20, 2012, at 7:07 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
Hi. so glad i could help. I am a new user and it's good i was able to give
you some useful information.
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 22/05/2012, at 2:50 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote
I am wondering the same thing about amadiaus pro.
I have figured out how to mix 2 tracks by googling around but can't figure out
how to get a sound to come in at a specific time.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
in Amadeus Pro is to pause at the location you
> want the audio to start, then Command+Y to move the insertion point there,
> then press command+option+V to paste the audio on your clipboard to a new
> track.
> Garth
> On 27/05/2012, at 9:26 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
On 24/05/2012, at 12:15 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
> That would be great! The more of us who offer constructive criticism, the
> better.
> Allison
> On May 20, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI. if you want someone else to contact the de
> You'll have two tracks, one with the original sound and the second with the
> pasted. When you play back you'll hear both sounds. When your finished you
> can down mix to one track by bouncing the tracks.
> Garth
> www.iblindtech.com
> On 27/05/2012, at 10:07
> On May 27, 2012, at 3:30 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Hi. is there an indepth tutorial on using this app? Am switching from gold
>> wave. lol
>> thanks
>> regards
>> Maria and crew from australia
> I'm actually not sure. Sometimes there's a section of the app which lists
> contact info. I'm sorry I can't be of more help than that.
> Allison
> On May 27, 2012, at 5:13 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Hi. I'm pretty new to the mac side of buyi
>> On 28/05/2012, at 5:56 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> check www.icanworkthisthing.com. I think they have a manual up there.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rica...@appletothecore.in
HI. I've also found blogger for the iphone to be pretty accessible. will go
see if i can find mars edit.
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
HI. thanks lots for this. downloading as we speak.
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
On 28/05/2012, at 11:08 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
x27;t realise at first but the recording cut out just near the
> end and I missed the last bit of the run through, Sorry.
> Garth
> On 29/05/2012, at 4:39 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI. thanks lots for this. downloading as we speak.
>> Go
thanks estre.
this is a much easier way to copy a link then i was trying to do.
this is great.
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 01/06/2012, at 5:46 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> He
HI. i find interacting for me was learned through trial and error.
but then i am a very hands on person. after all your student can't hurt
anything by interacting with stuff and seeing what happens.
just a thought.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygi
I am also thinking about setting up a virtual machine. Is there a recommended
amount of resources the virtual machine needs to run properly but leaving
enough for the mac? Will a virtual machine run ok on a mac mini with 8 gigs of
ram? And, how do I run a screen reader with an apple blueto
Hi. YOu could try mars edit. I am using it to post to the blogger site as i
was having the same problem. You can get mars edit for a 30 day trial, so it
shouldn't cost anything to try. Just google for trial version of mars edit.
Sorry i can't help with the word press site as I don't have an
Hi. I was updating some apps in the app store and for iphoto, i movie and
garage band I got the message saying i had to buy the apps before they could be
updated. Trouble is, these apps were on my system already when i got the
computer. I thought maybe they were demo versions so i clicked buy
HI. wondering if anyone has tried world radio lite? I can see the table with
the stations but can't figure out how to start one playing or stop it change
the volume etc. Speaking of the app store, If there isn't a lite version of an
app available how do folks determine if the app is accessib
Hey. good point. I never thought of it that way, but i think you're right. I
also think it gets easier with practise.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 07/06/20
Hi. was planning to run nvda. One of the reasons i got a mac was the expense
of keeping up with jaws, but that's another story lol
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 06/06/2012, a
HI. once these settings are set, how do you then tell the mac that you want a
usb keyboard only to work in the virtual environment? this could be a possible
work around and it would mean i wouldn't have to remap keys as the usb keyboard
i have has an insert key.
Blessings! Mari
HI. your youtube stuff and website sounds interesting. Care to share?
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 10/06/2012, at 11:29 AM, Blinkin wrote:
> I export my videos to YouTube.
i believe the command for fast forwarding is command option right arrow? is
this correct?
if I hold down command option and press right arrow usually the file i"m
trying to play goes back to the start.
does anyone have any idea why i can't rewind or fast forward?
God Bless! Maria
HI. ok I'll try that. so it's f 7 and f 9?
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 12/06/2012, at 2:02 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Depending on how yo
Cool that works with the function and that's no problem. mmm wonder why the
other doesn't work?
how weird.
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 12/06/2012, at 2:02 AM, Mark BurningHawk
mail part. twitter bubbygirl
On 12/06/2012, at 2:09 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
> HI. ok I'll try that. so it's f 7 and f 9?
> thanks
> Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
> Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
> twitter: bubby
actually there are some files that don't work. Anyone have any idea why that
would be?
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 12/06/2012, at 2:09
> There are live streams that won't work with those keystrokes.
> Teresa
> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
> On Jun 11, 2012, at 9:14 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> actually there are some files that don't work. An
ways on the lookout
> for workarounds.
> On Jun 3, 2012, at 9:45 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I am also thinking about setting up a virtual machine. Is there a
>> recommended amount of resources the virtual machine needs to run properly
>> but l
Hi. doing a course where i need to download a whole training package. tried
to down load the word format but it's in outline view so not reading correctly.
Have managed to download the pdf version and would like to convert it to txt
or rtf for easier viewing and navigating. I need to copy an
stil these features look pretty good.
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 16/06/2012, at 3:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hi.
> This is why I didn't say exactly what the feature is o
Hi. I am not getting the unknown. I get a connection group and other options
did you try interacting with the unknown?
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 18/06/20
started I would greatly appreciate it.
> On Jun 18, 2012, at 10:48 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Hi. I am not getting the unknown. I get a connection group and other
>> options did you try interacting with the unknown?
>> Blessings! Maria Joe and loving gu
k the section i need help with?
Also when i export a document to word format and then save it after making
changes will it stay in that format? IE will I be able to open it in word when
I get to TAFE?
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiven
ages in Pages, you could select the section and change
> the colour. Press Cmd-Shift-c to open the colour window where you can choose
> your colour. The same command closes it again.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 19 Jun 2012, at 02:10, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> so, how are you guys getting a thing out of it? nothing is labeled and i
>> can't open anything.
>> Vivianna
>> On Jun 18, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>>> HI. in the connections group, there is a button that will open a list of
> Anne
> On 19 Jun 2012, at 20:22, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI. is there any way i can verify that the colour has changed?
>> kind of like an insert f command in jaws?
>> I found the table and chose the colour then pressed
Hi. i would like to know if this is possible as well. just to make sure the
right text is selected?
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 19/06/2012, at 8:26 AM, Chuck wrote:
> Hi al
thanks. i now have stanza. I take it, that all i need to do is open the pdf
and then export it to whatever I want?
thanks heaps.
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
Mahatma Gandhi
On 14/06/2012,
't stop it with the control key or
> anything else. I never even get the chance to read line by line.
> On 6/19/12, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Hi. reading line by line is a bit interesting. did you turn on the speech
>> in the options? the system voice will now read the tex
ak text
> and commands. I checked the box, boot up the mud, and then the mud's
> info starts to be spoken and I can't stop it with the control key or
> anything else. I never even get the chance to read line by line.
> On 6/19/12, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Hi. reading l
HI. that will do.
lol thanks.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 20/06/2012, at 5:53 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Maria,
> I don't know of any way to have
:18 AM, Tamesha Tate wrote:
> Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your help.
> On 6/19/12, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI.
>> just sent an email to the contact us on their page.
>> Maybe if all of those who are using this app write to them, well, who kno
HI. i think i saw something on this app on:
go to the voice over section.
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
there like monopoly shut the box etc.
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
Mahatma Gandhi
On 21/06/2012, at 6:56 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> Are there any apps, from the app store or otherwise,
Hi. no. is it accessible?
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 13/06/2012, at 4:14 AM, Traci wrote:
> Hey all, I was doing some googling to see if there was an easy
ame (or five) of Solitaire.
> Guess I'll have to make some...
> On 6/20/12, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI. let me know if you find any. That's about the only thing i miss is
>> games. I can go on the zonebbs and play, and have recently discovered
>> shryt
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
Mahatma Gandhi
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send ema
HI. if vo is turned off once in the virtual machine, does that mean if
keyboard layout is set to laptop the caps lock key wil work as normal? What is
the keystroke to switch from windows to the mac and visa versa?
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never fo
Hi. if you get an answer to this i would be interested.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 06/07/2012, at 6:29 AM, Nickus de Vos wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm trying to bu
ouch just went and had a look at the mac keeper website. is that price correct?
is there something that will protect our macs for a lower price? the price I
saw was $510.
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessa
Hi. i kind of agree with you. lol
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
Mahatma Gandhi
On 04/07/2012, at 1:33 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Boo Eloquence! If I wanted to listen to that stupid robotic v
x27;m sure my id and
password are correct. I see messages on my mac if i write them and someone
replies, but never see them on the phone.
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
Mahatma Gandhi
ge practitioner
> Call 443-570-8660 or email jasonlefevers.mass...@gmail.com to schedule a
> massage today!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 18, 2012, at 9:55 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Hi. if i send an i message using the messages ap on the mac, and someone
Hi. i actualy find it the other way around sometimes i have trouble getting
out of windows and back to the mac side.
any tips on either solution would be great.
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
hey i didn't even know this keystroke.
that's way cool. and much easier.
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
On 12/07/2012, at 12:49 PM, M
HI. how do you check which version of drop box you have?
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
Mahatma Gandhi
On 27/07/2012, at 7:34 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Just make sure you have the late
very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Jul 26, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI. how do you check which version of drop box you have?
>> thanks
>> Maria Chapman
>> bubbygirl1...@gmai
Hi. thanks for that. sounds too easy.
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
Mahatma Gandhi
On 27/07/2012, at 3:03 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
> Nope, just install over top.
> On 2012-07-27, at 1:01 AM, Mari
HI. purchased mountain kitty and went out while it downloaded. However when i
got home, i can't find it anywhere. I thought maybe it didn't download so I am
currently redownloading it. Where does ml download to?
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb bubb
Hi list.
haven't really read any emails lately so I appologize if this has already been
covered. Has anyone had a chance to play with the speakable items? I set it
up and got the computer to tell me what time it was etc by holding down the
escape key. All of a sudden though it stopped workin
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