HI.  what is tin tin and where do we get it?

How do we then set it up so we can play in the terminal?


God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 06/05/2012, at 3:56 PM, Greg Aikens wrote:

> Hi Allison,
> I have been reasonably successful using tintin in terminal.  I had to play 
> with the VO cursor settings some but here is the configuration I like and 
> have saved as an activity.:
> Keyboard follows VO cursor: Yes
> VO follows keyboard cursor: No
> Insertion point follows VO cursor: Yes
> VO follows insertion point: no
> Basically, I can't find a way to keep VO from interrupting itself when new 
> info hits the screen, but setting up your cursors this way means that you 
> will not lose your place even though new text has been added below the point 
> where your cursor is.
> Tintin also has a nice scripting ability built in.  I have found it helpful 
> to gag blank lines, effectively cutting down on the number of times VO might 
> need to interrupt itself when a new line comes in.  The way to gag a blank 
> line in Tintin is:
> #gag {^$}
> I have also gagged all kinds of other unnecessary spam and am working on ways 
> to display critical info that are spoken faster.
> These approaches have made mudding viable for me on the mac, even if it is 
> not quite what things were on the windows side.  
> Greg
> On May 6, 2012, at 12:23 AM, Allison Mervis wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I enjoy playing various muds, and was wondering what my options were in 
>> terms of accessible mud clients. I know that muds could theoretically be 
>> played in the terminal, and was wondering whether or not anyone has tried 
>> this. As I'm sure many of you know, mudding successfully  requires a lot of 
>> information to be read to you automatically so that you can quickly keep 
>> track of room descriptions, your status during a battle, etc. Do either the 
>> terminal or any other stand alone mud clients read incoming information 
>> automatically? Thanks so much.
>> Allison
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