Dear List I don't understand the difference between keyboard focus and voice
over cursor. What can you do with one that you can't do withthe the other?
Do people find mouse keys useful? There are shortcuts for mouse up mouse
down, double click etc but I am not sure what they would be used for. In
Dear List I have noticed that my macbook air doesn’t sound very
good when listening to podcasts or youtube videos . System
volume is at 60 percent and balance is at fifty percent in sounds system
preferences. It sounds very unimpressive. Any ideas?The voice over
Dear List I am curious about what people have on their mac desktops and how
they got it there. I had an empty desktop when I got my mac. On David
Woodbridge's podcasts he had macintosh hd on his desktop. I have made an alias
for automator and copied it into the desktop folder and it does show
Dear List, I have noticed when searching the iTunes store on mavericks audio
books show up to purchase. If you buy these and play them in iTunes is your
place saved. I have heard that the music app on IOS does not save your place
in audio books, but what about iTunes on the mac. Also if I imp
Dear List after playing some mp3s through iTunes on the mac I found that they
had been automatically copied into my iTunes music folder even though I had
deleted them in their original location. I have consolidate files turned off
in preferences. I have tried pressing delete and command delete
Dear List I have added an icloud account to mavericks mail to supplement my
main account. It is there in the accounts tab of preferences, and I can send
outgoing mail from it by changing the from field,but I don't know how to
navigate to it and access it's in box drafts sent items etc. I can't
space to open the
>> menu and choose the account you want to send from. If the iCloud account is
>> not appearing in the from menu you probably didn't set up iCloud when you
>> first set up you're mac.
>> On Feb 25, 2014, at 5:55 AM, Lee Jones wrote:
Dear List I wondered if some kind soul could explain the concept of interaction
on the mac. On podcasts you get taught how to use it but not what the
underlying premise is behind it. What are the benefits of setting up a screen
reader this way. I find interaction an irritation. On windows in
Dear List, I am trying to view my account in mavericks iTunes. I select my
account from the store menu and it asks for my password which I enter and then
activate the view account button and then it asks me to sign in with my
password again which I do even though I am already signed into iTunes
Dear List, when I bring up spotlight search with command space and then enter
my terms I can't seem to get to the results to look through them. If I press
enter after entering my search string then it takes me to the best result, but
I can't find any list to scroll through. What am I doing wro
Dear List I wondered if anyone knows of a podcast or tutorial on how to create
a bootable drive and then get the mac to boot from the external either a clone
or set up from scratch.
Many Thanks Lee
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Dear List, I want to change some shortcuts used by specific applications in
keyboard preferences to make them more user friendly I can do this for
generalised shortcuts such as those under services, dock and launchpad etc, but
whenever I select app shortcuts in the shortcuts categories table I
Dear List, I wondered if anyone knows of a list for blind linux users. I am
interested in finding out how dooable orca is but I can't find any information
on the web. There is no applevis for vinux.
Many Thanks, Lee
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou
Dear List I want to change the cycle through different windows in the same
application from command accent to something else as I keep hitting command z
by mistake and undoing things. I can't find this keystroke in keyboard
preferences to change it. Can this keystroke be changed as it is drivi
Dear List, I copied an mp3 album folder into the music section of the itunes
media folder, but when I select music from the pop up in itunes itself it does
not show up. The only tracks that show up are those that I played with itunes
from finder. Itunes shows lots of past played files unde
Dear List when you plug an idevice into a mac and synch it what exactly is
happening. Say I have some music on the idevice, and a different set of music
on the mac, and I then synch them, does this mean that now both mac and idevice
have all the combined music, or that the phone now has what wa
You may wish to make sure that you have "Show iTunes in the
> Cloud Purchases" checked in the Store pane of your iTunes Prefs on your Mac.
> Hope this helps clarify some.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jun 3, 2014, at 7:32 P
Dear List, I subscribed to itunes match, and am trying to get my library
matched, but I keep getting told that itunes match encountered a problem and
that I need to sign out and sign back in before trying again. After lots of
tries I'm getting frustrated. Has anyone got this to work, and is th
Dear List, I have installed skype on my mac, but I can't figure out how to
accept a contact request. I can't find my list of contacts. I've been through
all the menus and I can't find a shortcut to answer a call. How do you do this?
Many Thanks, Lee
You received this message because you
Dear List, after many tries I got all the way through the itunes match setup.
It told me that my music had been uploaded to icloud and that I was done.
However my files are still the low quality ones. How do I upgrade them. Also
when I add new music to my library how do I upgrade this as wel
matchable will be upgraded, those that are not will be
> re-populated as the same as before.
> HTH.
> Later...
> *
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jun 8, 2014, at 5:50 PM, Lee Jones wrote:
>> Dear List, after many tries I got all th
Dear List, if you add lower quality mp3s to your itunes library on a mac, with
itunes match turned on and the files appear on an idevice on the same apple id
with itunes match also turned on, are the files automatically matched or do
they still have to be deleted on the mac and re-downloaded fir
Hi, thanks for the info for some reason I didn't receive Tim's e-mail. Do I
understand correctly that idevices automatically use matched versions when they
are available, but the mac versions have to be deleted and re-downloaded?
Also I can't find an icloud download button on the idevice. I
Dear List, I hadn’t used my mac in a while and so had updates to install. I
did an update all, but after the computer restarted 10.10.3 was down as being
installed in the app store, but when I go to about this mac it tells me I’m
still running 10.10.2. Sometimes the 10.10.3 update is in both th
Dear List, I hadn’t used my mac in a while and so had updates to install. I
did an update all, but after the computer restarted 10.10.3 was down as being
installed in the app store, but when I go to about this mac it tells me I’m
still running 10.10.2. Sometimes the 10.10.3 update is in both th
Dear List, I have just updated my mac to the latest Itunes. I am disturbed by
the fact that turn on and off itunes match is no longer in the store menu.
Does this mean I have lost all my matched music in Icloud? They only recently
charged me for this years subscription. Also when I try to ac
Dear List, I have been using sleipnir browser on my mac for a long time, but
recently there has been a major reduction in performance. I wondered if anyone
knew of another voice over accessible safari alternative. I know that chrome
works, but I hate google, and firefox just keeps saying busy,
Dear List, I wanted to use the migration assistant to move stuff from one mac
to another, but I have recently changed wifi networks and the assistant started
searching my old network, instead of my new one. So I went into network
preferences, to try and delete the old network, by hitting delete
Dear List, I want to airdrop a file from my mac to an Ios device. I can see my
mac as an airdrop recipient under share on my phone, but when I open the
airdrop folder in finder it just gives me a grid with my name in it, and no
phone. Could some kind soul run me through the steps when airdroppi
Dear List, I want to airdrop a file from my mac to an Ios device. I can see my
mac as an airdrop recipient under share on my phone, but when I open the
airdrop folder in finder it just gives me a grid with my name in it, and no
phone. Could some kind soul run me through the steps when airdroppi
Dear List,I am new to the macworld.
How easy is it to set up a windows virtual machine using fusion. How do you
get windows installed. Load the CD? When you first install windows how do
you interact with it without a screen reader in order to get jaws or nvda
installed? Is linux easier in this rega
Dear List, Does Microsoft Office for Mac work with voice over? On the apple
website there is a list of applications that have been coded for
accessibility. Does this mean that applications that are not on the list
will not work. Does apple have to specifically code applications to work
with voice
Dear List,I got my macbook air today. I hav found it a very tough learning
curve. I can't get control option f8 to bring up the voice over utility no
matter how many times I try,, a sighted person has also tried and it does not
work. Does the focus have to be somewhere special to make this work
eys and then press F8 and let go.
On 4 Dec 2013, at 21:55, Lee Jones wrote:
> Dear List,I got my macbook air today. I hav found it a very tough learning
> curve. I can't get control option f8 to bring up the voice over utility no
> matter how many times I try,, a sighte
trackpad to bring focus to the
authentication window where you can enter your password.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Dec 5, 2013, at 8:31 AM, Lee Jones wrote:
Dear List, thanks for the helpI have made some slight progress. setting my
function keys to software control,and
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Dec 5, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Lee Jones wrote:
Dear Tim thanks for the info. I activated the OK default button for Karen and
when software update didn’t come upI went back to the voice list. Abovecompact
Daniel was downloading Karen dimmed,I waited for a
Dear List,I can't get speakable items to work. In accessibility it says that
it is turned on, all command check boxes are checked,my internal microphone
is selected,the ESC key is assigned as listen key and yet it doesn't work.
How long do you have to hold the escape key down for? How do you calibr
7;t know
if it would be helpful or not. Also, are you running Mavericks? In older
versions of OSX I found Speakable Items to be a bit unreliable, but in 10.9
I have only had one small problem so far.
On Dec 8, 2013, at 8:12 PM, Lee Jones < <>> w
Dear List wwhy are chrome and firefox not in the Mac aps store when Opera
is. I can understand companies not wanting to pay apple commission but both
firefox and chrome are free anyway. Surely by making you download from third
party sites security is reduced.
Many Thanks Lee
Dear List I can't find full spectrum security software in the aps store. I
know that the consensus is that you don't need any,but I have heard that the
apple in built firewall is actually less strong than the windows firewall,
and on windows they still suggest you don't rely on it. Is everyone us
Dear list I cannot access my applications folder
It is not on the dock with trash and downloads. I have tried option command a
and shift command a with no joy. I cannot find it in mission control or
launchpad either. Any suggestions? How do you remove an application in
mavericks? I cannot
Dear List conversation view in mavericks mail is driving me insane. I
changed to classic layout in preferences and turned off show related
messages but now I can't access the messages at all it just says
conversation blank disclosure triangle or something to that effect. I
thought classic layout t
Dear List I have safari set to open pages in new tabs not new windows in
preferences, and yet whenever I click a link on a website it opens it in an
untitled window ,it doesn't say new tab. Is there a shortcut for cycling
through tabs in safari and closing them? I struggle with closing windows
Dear List there is one particular website that I need to access which uses
java. I know it has a terrible reputation regarding security and so wondered
what the safest way is to get java on a mac, ideally without just searching
on google as I know there are fake plugins that have caused problems i
Dear List has anybody had success with opera browser with voice over on
mavericks? I downloaded it to try out the ap store,but it makes weird
clicking noises and doesn't seem to work that well. I am a novice so it
would be good to no whether it is supposed to work or not, so I can delete
it if
Dear List after hearing mac update being discussed on list, I checked it
out and I think it may be what I am looking for. I wondered is Mac update
desktop accessible with voice over to allow one click downloading? A lot of
the aps I would want to download from them are freeware, do you have to
Dear List if I try to install an application not in the ap store on
mavericks what will happen and what do I have to do. On windows you just
start the executable and it brings up a wizard and it is automatically seen
as an application. I have heard that you have to move it into the
Dear List, the first few times I searched ggoogle with safari on mavericks I
searched directly from the browser tool bar. It was slow but it did get to
the google results. I then assigned google as my home page and dset safari
to open all new tabs with my homepage,but when a new page opens I am lo
Dear List I downloaded chrome for mac and copied the disk image into the
applications folder as previously advised. It is there in the applications
folder with all the other aps but it is identified as a disk image, while
all the others around it are identified as applications. It is not available
ose the disk image, eject
it and delete it. Many apps are packaged inside disk images rather than sent
just as .app files.
On 11 Jan 2014, at 07:19 pm, Lee Jones wrote:
Dear List I downloaded chrome for mac and copied the disk image into the
applications folder as previousl
Dear List using Outlook and jaws I can search for specific text and it
will bring up all the mail that contains the search string in the to field
subject or message body. I have tried command f in mavericks mail but it
seems to bring up messages that are unrelated to my terms. I have also
Dear List, how do you cycle through tabs in mavericks safari and close them.
In the menus it says command w same as closing a window, but how does it
know whether you want the windows closing or the tab within the window
closing? Command W always brings up mission control for me.
Many Thanks,
Dear List, I thought I would try one password on mavericks. I have
successfully added identities, and cards but I can't figure out how to get it
to put the information into form fields on a website. When I opened safari it
asked me whether I wanted to install the one password extension and I s
Dear List, when the time comes to upgrade my mac, to yosemeti, I wonder how you
go about installing one version of osx over another. I know that a clean
install is the best option, but it seems to be extremely complicated. When the
new os arrives am I right in thinking it is downloaded from th
Dear List I need to synch some non drm mp3 files to someone else's idevice. I
know I can sign out of itunes and sign in with there apple id, but I don't
want to do this because I don't want to mess up my itunes match and would like
to keep their library separate from mine. Is it possible to
will do just what you need.
> I downloaded it from
> This is just my 2 cents!
> On 9/19/2014 2:33 PM, Lee Jones wrote:
>> Dear List I need to synch some non drm mp3 files to someone else's idevice.
>> I know I can sign out of itunes and sign in
Dear List, I have forgotten how you turn on voice over on the mavericks login
screen. I thought it was in voice over utility but it isn't and then I had a
dim recollection of it being in users and groups but I can't find it anywhere.
Many Thanks, Lee
You received this message because you a
Dear List, I looked in the library application support folder on my mac and I
do have a java folder with two folders inside extensions which has nothing
inside, and java virtual machines. . I have java turned on in sleipnir browser
because there are some websites I need that use java. Where is
Dear David, your podcasts sound really good is it possible to subscribe to them
with a podcatcher?
Many Thanks, Lee?
On 14 Oct 2014, at 19:05, David Griffith wrote:
> Podcast List
> Using Safari on the Mac Part 5. Strategies for using and customising the
> Reading List.
> https://www.sen
Dear List, I can no longer find the voice dream file sharing documents table
with latest itunes on mavericks. My idevice is running 8.1 and I assume the
latest voice dream reader as I have autoupdate turned on. I would be grateful
for any assistance.
Kind Regards, Lee
You received this
Dear List, in the past I have always used macbooks, , , which obviously have
trackpads built in, but I acquired a desktop mac, and I can’t get anything out
of the magic trackpad. I have checked blue tooth in system preferences and it
is showing as connected, I have trackpad commander turned
Dear List I am running Sophos home and malware bites on my mac. I use a time
capsule plugged into my ISPs router, and then my mac uses the time capsule for
wifi. Sophos is saying that it has detected a virus either on my time capsule
or in a time capsule backup, I don’t no which. Sophos says
Dear List I want to do a clean install of High Sierra. I have never done one
before, which is embarrassing as I have been using a mac for years. Can you do
a clean install direct from the recovery partition without an external drive.
On apple support it gives instructions for how to wipe your
Dear List, I have been having issues with time machine. It just wiped my
capsule for no apparent reason. I have heard good things about carbon copy
cloner in the past. Is it still accessible? How does the functionality differ
from time machine?
Many Thanks, Lee
The following informatio
Dear List, is it possible to turn off up next in itunes. I just want it to play
what I tell it to play, and don’t want it to keep playing what it thinks I want
it to play.
Many Thanks,Lee
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any
Dear List, I wondered if there was an accessible third party firewall for mac.
I’ve been using the built in one, but I have been having a few malware like
behaviours in safari, even though malware bites doesn’t find anything. I keep
being offered mackeeper, and have to close the page down. Mi
Dear List, I wondered if anyone had any advice about how to use the
notification centre on mac. I use it on Ios, but find the mac version
completely unusable. What am I missing.
Many Thanks, Lee
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you h
Dear List, I updated to Mohave and I am geting a message asking me whether to
allow scrod to access system events. Does anyone know what scrod is and
whether it needs access to system events.
Many Thanks, Lee
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
Dear List, has anyone had any success signing into a mac with two factor
authentication independently. On the one occasion I tried to do it when my
icloud music library session timed out, I found it impossible to get the
numbers entered in time, and the focus seemed to be moving all over the pla
69 matches
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