Re: Here is the Text of the User Manual for the Nearby Explorer, for iOS, GPS Navigation App

2016-08-21 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Has anyone heard if there are plans to go worldwide with this app? Would be great if they did but i have my doubts seeing that it has been on Android for quite a while. /Krister > 21 aug. 2016 kl. 15:37 skrev Mike Arrigo : > > It's designed for blind users, but currently it only works in the Un

Navigating facebook with Menutab - maybe a newbyish question

2012-03-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I'm using Menutab Pro to get at my facebook site. I'll have to use the desktop mode, the mode that shows the full facebook in order to be able to comment or like things when i'm the first one to comment. This is no problem for me, but i have another strange one here. When i have notification

Skype and facebook

2012-03-23 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, As has been mentioned here before you can use skype to access facebook and it works really well. What i don't understand is, can i update my status on FB without updating my Skype mood message? How would i do that? If i try updating the facebook status it looks like i update my mood message

Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Krister Ekstrom
For me, the fact that the IPad has a larger display is both a blessing and a curse. I have never been friends with the IPad because when i try navigating on it, it misunderstands my gestures so if i swipe to a side, it thinks i want to move the cursor a character at a time, change language or so

Replacing an ordinary hifi, but with what?

2012-04-17 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi good people. I'll soon be moving and starting a new life in a way. I have sold my old hifi because i never found the songs i wanted when using a cd, because i never labeled the cds and lately i have started to listen to music from the computer rather than the stereo. What i want to do now is

Re: facebook question, was Re: selecting files using VO.

2012-04-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
There is an app called Menutab pro for Facebook. It's available from the Mac App store. It lives in the status menu of the mac, a part that voiceover can't reach with normal commands, however you can use a shortcut key which by default is control+f to make the programs window visible. The nice t

Re: Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Ok, i have signed up, now to see if i get accepted.:-) /Krister 25 apr 2012 kl. 17:01 skrev Ed Worrell: > HEllo listers, I am wrighting to let the list know that I have been working > with an app developer to get his Facebook client app more accessible. He is > now ready to have the app tested,

Re: Menu tab for facebook

2012-04-25 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, What do you mean by "making the app work well with voiceover"? What Menu tab does is show you either the mobile or the full facebook site, depending on how you've set it. There's a row of buttons if you arrow right with vo+right arrow from the html content. In this row you can see things like

Re: Questions about Menu Tab Pro

2012-04-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I can confirm the bug with being thrown to places you don't want to be. In my case, and this only happens when showing the mobile version of Facebook, is that i get tossed onto the "home" button and when i try going back and interact with the html contents, VO dings like there was nothing th

Re: FaceDekk beta news, and link to sign up

2012-04-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
An interesting question is if there's a Facedekk for the Mac in the pipeline? I would love to have a full featured facebook client for the Mac but with a Twitter client like interface, rather like Facedekk has. /Krister 27 apr 2012 kl. 23:05 skrev Ed Worrell: > He is fixing the inaccessible par

Re: what is data detector?

2012-04-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, And may i add to this that if you click or context menu click on a data detector that contains an email address, for example, it looks like Mail tries to gather as much relevant info as possible, such as phone number, address and so on so that you easily can make a new contact. As the case s

Libratone live

2012-04-30 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, In my quest for new sound solutions that will enable the computer to act as the music source, i have come across a speaker system that i have fallen in love with. It's called Libratone Live. It's an airplay speaker, which makes it possible to stream music from an IDevice or computer directly

Re: Priorities

2012-04-30 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, This sounds like a very interesting concept and one much worth investigating further, however, i want to put in my own 2 cents. I am not going to go into my view of the whole access/disability situation, because it's so politically incorrect and cynical that i don't think it will do good to

Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-05-01 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, As usual i disagree with this and with Cawals post. In my version of skype, which is the latest as far as i know, i always land where i want to land when Skype opens, if i have set the table to contacts, that is where i land next time i open Skype. And as for the dial pad not being accessibl

Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-05-01 Thread Krister Ekstrom
What i don't fathom with the Skype home portion of Skype is how you post something to facebook without changing mood message in Skype as well. Seems if you post something to Facebook, you also set it as your mood message, and changing mood message many times a minute is in my opinion pointless,

Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-05-01 Thread Krister Ekstrom
What i wonder about skype is this: When i am in a conference and someone wants to praticipate and calls me how can i then add them to the conference, and i'm not talking about when i'm about to call someone or if i want to add someone by calling them, i'm talking about when someone calls in and

Re: Why can't someone just answer my Ical question without confusing me with a pod cast?

2012-05-06 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, In defence of Jenny, let me say this, in many, not all but many cases at least on the IPhone, there simply is no built in help or documentation for the program one is working with, at least that's my experience. I have seen a lot of cases, though i can't think of any at the moment where the

Re: Leaving the list.

2012-05-06 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi and thanks Sören for the good words. I agree completely but have yet another question: Do we really want to scare potential switchers away from the best, most accessible computer platform there is? /Krister 6 maj 2012 kl. 10:13 skrev Søren Jensen: > Hi. > I'm sorry to hear that people are st

Re: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-05-07 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi Ray, I can see where you're coming from, however i like ITunes, both the player and the library part, just because ITunes tries to be smart and organize things for us. By doing that, it allows me to find a special album and a special song, something i've never been able to do in my previous s

Re: Accessible Fruitmachine is published

2012-05-15 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi there. This is a really good game, and this comes from someone who is very, very picky when it comes to apps and games. I don't care so much for swiping down or shaking the phone to start, but if you add it, please make it a togglable option so that we can play however we want. What i would r

Re: Accessible Fruitmachine is published

2012-05-15 Thread Krister Ekstrom
but I don't get this. downloaded the game >>> last night. So far as I can tell you just keep pressing the start button >>> and hope you get three of the same fruit? Is that all there is to it, or >>> am I missing something? >>> Cheers, >>> Donn

Re: Facebook help

2012-05-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, What i would like to know, and i wonder if this just is a Menutab problem or if it's like this on the main facebook site? Most of the facebook contents is readable with the mac although it can be a bit tricky to navigate through, however when in Menutab showing full sight, just as you go int

Either i'm utterly stupid or...

2012-05-23 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Skydrive is outright clumcy to say the least. Nowhere did i find a way to share folders with others like you do in Dropbox. You can't do anything at all except putting files in the skydrive folder with the mac app that seems to require being open in the background all the time, but why it has to

Re: Either i'm utterly stupid or...

2012-05-23 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I don't agree there. Dropbox has a sub menu on its folders and files whereby you can share whole folders etc. That doesn't seem to be the case with Skydrive. It should be but it isn't unless i'm wrong here. I didn't find anything on the web site either. /Krister 23 maj 2012 kl. 17:17 skrev

Simple yet powerful to do list saught

2012-05-25 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hello, I'm on the lookout for a todo list application that can work both on Mac and on IPhone, can sync with eachother, ideally can be started with a hot key rather like Evernote and can have timed alarms or reminders assignable to a note. I do not under any cirkumstances whatsoever want List re

Re: Air play compatible speaker systems

2012-05-27 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I bought, and am very satisfied with the Libratone Live. It's one unit that contains two speakers. If really wide stereo spread is your thing, then this isn't for you, otherwise the system is great. I never thought that a box that small could pump forth that kind of sound. The Libratone spea

Re: The Apple Key Note

2012-06-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, Maybe a stupid question here, but could Ariadne help us if walking in a forest? I thought it was more for streets and such, but i could be wrong. /Krister 12 jun 2012 kl. 14:03 skrev irid domnori: > yes, the Gps navigation was developed by an Italian developer and it's named > Ariadne gps (

Re: ThumbJam music app on sale for $0.99 through Monday

2012-06-16 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi there, Please consider the following to not be a dissing of the app in question, but a cry for correction or help from someone wanting to know. I may just be totally conservative here, or miss something obvious, but i never got the hang of thumb jam. To me, it's just a toy for making various r

Trying to get the hang of thumb jam

2012-06-20 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I'm playing around with thumb jam at the moment. I like the sounds and so on but i would like to know a few things: How do you play chords with it? If you put the scales to only chords, only one chord can be played and changing it isn't really possible unless you change keys rapidly, so how

Re: Is Propellerheads Reason accessible now?

2012-06-26 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi I would also like to know this. I tried to install the demo but apparently it needed some kind of dongle to even work, and so i couldn't check it out. I felt it unnecessary to install a dongle and drivers and the like only to see at first glance that this ain't going to work. /Krister 26 ju

Re: Is Propellerheads Reason accessible now?

2012-06-26 Thread Krister Ekstrom
love to see Ableton Live become accessible too, as it is another > great product. > > > Guess the most we can hope for is a GarageBand update with MIDI event support. > > Chris > On 26 Jun 2012, at 10:28, Krister Ekstrom wrote: > >> Hi >> I would also like to

Re: Editing audio files on the mac.

2012-07-17 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi all. Just FYI, this is a really old version of Audacity. v2.x is out. No clue about accessibility in that version, or if there's a special version floating around somewhere. /Krister 17 jul 2012 kl. 02:23 skrev Harry Hogue: > Thanks; I downloaded it. Is there a shortcut guide included for t

Re: mountain Lion for non-English users

2012-07-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, All the speech bugs that i wanted to be fixed in the Swedish Nuance/Realspeak voices are indeed fixed. The Swedish Oskar voice no longer clashes with the system voice making the system voice go silent. The strange announcing of characters when typing with typing echo set to characters are go

Re: Mountain Lyon and VM users please report in

2012-07-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I tried my XP machine under Vmware, and i didn't see any problems for what i'm using it for. I also have a virtual Windows 7 machine but haven't tested it. What is the problem i should be looking for? /Krister 25 jul 2012 kl. 20:27 skrev Eric Caron : > Hi listers, > > Anyone who has

Re: Braille Support Broken in Mountain Lion!

2012-07-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I'm successfully using my Alva Bc640 in bluetooth mode, and i've also used it successfully in Usb mode. /Krister 26 jul 2012 kl. 08:34 skrev Johanna Herranen : > Hi folks, > I'm successfully using Baum VarioConnect 32 here with Mountain Lion. It's > connected via USB, but I could try Blueto

Re: Oh, Another Frustrating Thing

2012-07-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I think that there's actually a podcast about this on applevis. I saw something that had the title "What's new in Mountain lion, the new spotlight menu with voiceover" or something for that effect. I thought i should look at it, but forgot it and then i installed mountain lion and i haven't had

Re: Observations about mountain lion so far

2012-07-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I'm generally very satisfied with Mountain Lion too. I wish i could make replies to mentions and direct messages from Twitter directly in the notification center, maybe there's a way, although i haven't found any. Anyone else who knows about this? This message has been entirely typed, becaus

Re: Mountain Lion Is Awesome!

2012-07-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, The nuance issues are indeed fixed, keep in mind though that after installing Mountain Lion, you have to go to the program update and look for new updates. When you do, you will find a bunch of new voices amongst other things. Just update everything and you'll be good to go. All the bugs in

Re: Twitter in 10.8 (was: Re: Observations about mountain lion so far)

2012-07-30 Thread Krister Ekstrom
One thing i really can't understand, though i've got a good explanation of Twitter in ML is why we can't reply directly to mentions and DMs directly from notification center? I mean what's the point of posting a tweet from the Notification center only to have to go to our favorite twitter client

Re: Twitter in 10.8 (was: Re: Observations about mountain lion so far)

2012-07-30 Thread Krister Ekstrom
ent of their own? I don't think its a bad idea, boxcar does it on the Mac > after all, but I wonder if Apple would truly consider doing it. > > Ricardo Walker > > Twitter:@apple2thecore > > > On Jul 30, 2012, at 6:40

Re: Mountain Lion Is Awesome!

2012-07-30 Thread Krister Ekstrom
right arrow a couple times until you encounter a list where the apps to be update are stored. Here you can see the new versions of the apps and if you arrow further right with vo+right arrow, you will find descriptions of what's new in this version. HTH /Krister 29 jul 2012 kl. 13:32 skre

Re: what's the story with Menu Tab for Facebook?

2012-08-01 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Ahem, thought Friendly was only for the IPad. Can you get it on the app store, otherwise, where can you obtain it? /Krister 31 jul 2012 kl. 16:49 skrev Ed Worrell : > Hello, I am using Friendly for Facebook. I have been looking for a accessible > iPhone Facebook app, to no luck. Then I started

Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion

2012-08-01 Thread Krister Ekstrom
This is interesting. I am using Google Chrome as my default browser, because there were some "busy busy" reports from Safari, are you saying this is smoother now in ML? I really want to go back to Safari as a default browser because you can't select text in Chrome unfortunately, but do you think

Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion

2012-08-01 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, Keep in mind though that the selection commands only currently work in Safari and not in Chrome. I don't know why this is, and i really wish whoever would implement this into Chrome because i don't want to stay locked to one browser because all features work there, rather i want all browsers

Re: what's the story with Menu Tab for Facebook?

2012-08-01 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I don't want to start a flame war here, but unless i am comitting some user errors i sadly have to disagree with you about Friendly being the best Facebook app, or rather Menutab pro and Friendly can do just about the same thing. They can both show both the mobile and the full facebook site

Dropbox no longer shows dropbox sub menu

2012-08-07 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hello. I was going to make a new folder in my dropbox folder and share it with a friend, however, i can no longer see the dropbox sub menu with the different menu choises for sharing a folder and the like, how can i get this sub menu back? This dropbox has been with me since Snowie i think and i

Re: Dropbox no longer shows dropbox sub menu

2012-08-08 Thread Krister Ekstrom
, > > Ioana > > Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or most online > stores. > Sent from my phone > > On Aug 7, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote: > >> Hello. >> I was going to make a new folder in my dropbox folder and share

Re: messages app for chatting with Facebook friends?

2012-08-08 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Only one problem with that approach, and that problem is a deal breaker in my not so humble opinion: You can actually like and comment using Trillian, although you apparently have to route the mouse cursor to where you want to reply and/or like, otherwise you can mess up things as i learned just

Re: 1password accessibility

2012-08-22 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I can't quite get my head around the extention. It sorta works here for logins, but i also have credit card info that i want it to fill in for me, this worked before, but doesn't seem to anymore. Too bad, unless of course i've missed some command or something somewhere. Anyone used 1password to

Anyone has a link to a working version of Stanza?

2012-08-22 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, Subject says it all really. I'm wondering if anyone on the list uses Stanza under Mountain Lion and if there's a working version out there to download? There was a discussion on the list a while back, but i didn't follow it then because i wasn't interested at the time but then a friend aksed

Sound studio - is an obvious feature missing or have i overlooked something?

2011-11-17 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hello good people. I'm experimenting a bit with Sound studio, and all in all, it seems like a quite good app for its price, some good features like pre- and post roll, so you can hear results before and after a selection before you edit is obviously missing, but i can live with that. One thing i

Djay4 very very sluggish with Voiceover.

2011-11-17 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, Today Algoriddim released the DJay 4 for the mac. It's supposed to have a host of new features and they have also redesigned their user interface. I purchased it for the introductory upgrade price of $19.95 and when i tested it and tried to move with the vo keys response was very, very slugg

Re: Djay4 very very sluggish with Voiceover.

2011-11-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
he point. > > > > > > Best > > > Yuma > > > > On 18/11/2011, at 5:49 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote: > >> Hi, >> Today Algoriddim released the DJay 4 for the mac. It's supposed to have a >> host of new features and they have

Re: algoriddim DJ 4 updated and accessible

2011-11-21 Thread Krister Ekstrom
19 nov 2011 kl. 16:25 skrev Yuma Decaux: > Full set of audio effects and one shot effects that can all be configured and > paremetered for custom transitions. I couldn't see the fx at all, just like in earlier versions. Am i doing something wrong? > A sampler section for up to 8 samples that c

Re: Mac feel natural

2011-11-24 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I have been using the Mac since 2008 and am never ever ever ever going to go back to windblows again. It took me a weekend to set it up and once done, i left windblows behind and have never looked back since. Ok, i've got a vm with XP and one with 7 in it, just to see what i'm not missing. T

Re: Mac feel natural

2011-11-26 Thread Krister Ekstrom
ots of factors but one major component of feeling comfortable >>>>>> is simply knowing what keystroke to press without >>>>>> having to think about it. The simple fact is that the required keystroke >>>>>> to achieve something on a Mac is likely

Re: Skype Accessibility

2011-12-14 Thread Krister Ekstrom
In my opinion there is nothing that needs fixing in terms of accessibility in the MacOs skype client, however i have a question for the skype team: If i want to add someone to a conference i'm in, and that someone is calling that is i don't intend to call them, i intend to bring a caller in, can

Re: Skype Accessibility

2011-12-15 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I was going to keep my big politically incorrect mouth shut in this thread, but i can't help saying this: Do *not* expect the bugs we report will be fixed 10 minutes ago, because they won't. Maybe it'll take several updates if at all. Someone said a good thing in another thread a while back, nam

Re: Skype Accessibility

2011-12-15 Thread Krister Ekstrom
affects the way another component, whether it be a script, >>>> function, library object, etc to behave differently, thus meaning >>>> that each part has to be edited several times to solve. So, yes it's >>>> going to take a few version updates to resolve.

Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I agree with you wholeheartedly, Gigi. I don't want a bolt-on solution, now that i have seen what VO can do and right out of the box too. If, as someone stated earlier VO in some cases is in par with Jfw 4.5, then it's perfectly fine with me, since everything Jfw since v5 or probably earlier on

Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi there. 24 dec 2011 kl. 21:42 skrev Mike Arrigo: > and open office also works, although it takes some getting used to I have more or less given up on Openoffice just because of that getting used to factor. I wonder if you have made a tutorial or podcast on using openoffice with VO or if you

Re: And Finally! A Loadstone like GPS solution on the iPHone

2012-01-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
But as i understand it, you have to put in your own points and stuff yourself, this is why i never used loadstone, because if you hadn't made points yourself or if there weren't readymade maps, made by users it was as good as useless. Call me lazy if you will, but i'd much rather prefer walking

Re: Turning Off Google Chrome Vox

2012-01-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Is there really such a command? I thought you had to deactivate chrome vox to turn it off. I wish there was such a command as turning CV on and off quickly because just like you i'd only use CV when VO can't cope with things and that isn't very often that happens. The only time i've seen Voiceov

Re: And Finally! A Loadstone like GPS solution on the iPHone

2012-01-19 Thread Krister Ekstrom
your friend. You can just walk freely in any open area > and ask the app to guide you back to your point of origin. > > Cheers! > On Jan 18, 2012, at 8:21 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote: > >> But as i understand it, you have to put in your own points and stuff >> yourself,

Re: And Finally! A Loadstone like GPS solution on the iPHone

2012-01-19 Thread Krister Ekstrom
tomatically tell you where it is. It is not > up to you to set up direction information. You just shake it up and walk. Lol. > > E > On Jan 19, 2012, at 10:39 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote: > >> But before the app can guide you back to your destination, or for that >>

Midi controllers with Djay 4

2012-01-19 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, A while back, someone on this list mentioned that they had DJay 4 and i think a Numark Mixtrack pro. I just wondered how that controler is accessibility wise, are there good knobs and buttons on it? Also how big is it? By that i mean that i have a Vestax Spin Dj control and i find that there

Re: automatically opening and converting with Abby Fine Reader Express

2012-01-25 Thread Krister Ekstrom
What i wish would happen with this method is for the trash to go away, that is, you don't need that tiff file for anything else than to get a text one time, so i would like for that tiff file to automagically get deleted after having been used, rather as if it was a temporary file. This doesn't

Re: Facebook on Mac

2012-01-26 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I use an app called Menutab pro available from the App store. What's good with this app is that you can both get the mobile and the desktop versions of Facebook in the app and toggle between them as you like. The buttons are now clearly labeled and the app, although in the menus normally onl

Re: Facebook on Mac

2012-01-26 Thread Krister Ekstrom
gle between just > the web page or a separate easier to navigate specific app? In other words, I > wonder if there is an app that makes reading news feeds more efficient than > using the web page. Thanks. > Marc > On Jan 26, 2012, at 2:12 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote: > >>

Re: good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi there. Thanks for the tip. This has been working for quite a while, reaching the menus by way of using the mouse to get to the status menu or what you might call it, but are you actually saying that the preferences dialog is now visible and workable with Voiceover, something that's been impos

Re: NVDA as Windows screen reader (was 10.7.3 is out!)

2012-02-02 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, If you don't wanna clutter up the list with off-topic replies to this off-topic message, please feel free to reply to me off-list at Which if any of the latest snapshots or beta releases of nvda can do Ocr? I seem to have heard that NVDA now does Ocr rather like Jaw

Re: very bad impression about 10.7.3 was Re: 10.7.3 is out!

2012-02-02 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Things are working well here too. Two bugs are yet to be squished though, one is the realspeak voices that seem to wonder in pitch and the other one has to do with the Swedish and possibly other international realspeak voices that seem to mispronounce some letters when typing them. A workaround

Re: Anyone Using Google Chrome with VO?

2012-02-07 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I'm too using Chrome now and have even set it as my default browser. Only thing i have noticed so far is that it seems Chrome can't read pages with frames, that is framesets. IFrames work fine, but when a page is devided into frames, VO acts as if the html content was empty. Anyone else noticed

Re: Anyone Using Google Chrome with VO?

2012-02-08 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I don't understand that issue with lists, all the lists i've seen from popup buttons to content lists have worked very well with Chrome, no problem whatsoever. As for VO not responding when clicking links, well that happens in Safari and webkit too and i have also seen this behaviour with ot

Pros and cons with sound studio, was Re: Help getting started with Amadeus

2012-02-09 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, This might seem like excessive quoting, and i apologize for this but it's important for my questions to get them in context. Qs and As below: 9 feb 2012 kl. 13:47 skrev Robert Carter: >> 2. Are you able to hear a cut preview? >> > Yes, pressing the spacebar when material is selected will pl

Re: Pros and cons with sound studio, was Re: Help getting started with Amadeus

2012-02-09 Thread Krister Ekstrom
oud and happy Mac user!!! > > Skype name: > barefootedray > > Facebook: > > > > > On Feb 9, 2012, at 8:20 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote: > >> Hi, >> This might seem like excessive quoting, and i apologize for this but it's >&

Re: Pros and cons with sound studio, was Re: Help getting started with Amadeus

2012-02-09 Thread Krister Ekstrom
et to exactly > where I want to edit and tap the "m" key to set a mark. It works like a charm > for me. > > Robert > > > On Feb 9, 2012, at 8:20 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote: > >> Hi, >> This might seem like excessive quoting, and i apologize for

Re: Web Creation and Voice Over

2012-02-11 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, Last time i looked at Rapidweaver it seemed very accessible, it's a bit on the expensive side, but maybe worth looking at. It's a web creation system where you can both use code and wysiwyg style editing. Both worked well as far as i can remember with VO. It's available in the Mac App store.

Re: Web Creation and Voice Over

2012-02-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
of > Rapid Weaver for Dummies! I couldn't figure out how to begin using the > program. Can you describe how to use the products? > > Thanks, > Grant > On Feb 11, 2012, at 2:05 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote: > > Hi, > Last time i looked at Rapidweaver it seemed very

Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
17 feb 2012 kl. 23:39 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen: > I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would like > my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset or the > built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking in my living > room spe

Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hmm, i haven't had this problem, in fact i hear alerts and VO messages at the same time many times. The only time i have an issue with this is when i use the Realspeak voices that seem to have some kind of conflict with the Alex voice or the other apple and possibly even Infovox voices. Are you

Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I think that the Braille issue is a typical European one. Here, we want to be able to operate the braille independent from speech, so we could make the braille for example track where the speech isn't at the moment if you catch my drift. I too want to see a more independent braille operation tha

Re: New accessible solution for Social networking on the iPhone

2012-02-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
18 feb 2012 kl. 16:52 skrev Ed Worrell: > The app interface is very simple. The app was made only to update your status > and to look at, like. and comment on your friends status messages. It will > not allow you to send direct messages to your friends, or allow you to chat > with them What i

Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread Krister Ekstrom
t; > Best regards Annie. > > Best regards Annie. > Den Feb 18, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev Krister Ekstrom: > >> >> 17 feb 2012 kl. 23:39 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen: >> >>> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would >>> like

voice quirks was Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread Krister Ekstrom
re continuing this. > > Best regards Annie. > Den Feb 19, 2012 kl. 2:28 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom: > >> Interesting that Acapela voices don't work propperly. How about the nuance >> voices do they work as promised? >> /Krister >> >> 19 feb 2012 kl.

Re: Accessible sound editing or sequencsing software on the Mac question

2014-02-23 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, What version of audacity is accessible now? Are we still on the special version of 1.X or have we moved forward? /Krister 23 feb 2014 kl. 00:56 skrev Alex Hall : > Don't forget about Audacity. It's free, cross-platform, accessible, and easy > to use once you get the hang of it. > > Sent fr

Re: OS10.9.2 is out!

2014-02-26 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I will probably get flamed for saying this, but i don't understand why it's so important to have conversation count first? I have to listen to the subject and other stuff in order to deem it interesting or uninteresting anyway so what does it matter where the conversation count is? What is it th

Re: other word processing options

2014-04-11 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I wouldn't call Libre office accessible or rather usable. Yes you can get at all controls, but the same old showstopper that has been around for as long as i have had the Mac and that's from about 2007 is still there, and that is: Every new paragraph is treated as a separate edit box, making it

Can one download the beta of the new MacOS and if so how?

2014-06-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi i just wondered if it's possible to download the new MacOsX beta 10.10 and if so how? I have registered for the free beta and haven't heard from Apple as of yet, so i guess that i'm just too eager and that i should wait, but if not, what have i done wrong. I got an email confirmation that the

Trying to install IOs 8 and fail

2014-06-05 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi and sorry for cross posting but this stupid question of mine conserns both the Mac and the IPhone. I'm trying to install the new IOS8 beta to see how accessibility is and am failing miserably because i get an error message saying the file with the firmware isn't compatible. Now i know that th

Re: Alex on IOS 8

2014-06-21 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I do like Daniel on any given platform, in fact i love the Realspeak or whatever they are called voices simply because it's the only company that provides Swedish voices for IOS if you don't want to go the Acapela route which i don't want to since it's so full of mispronounciations and other bad

Re: motionXgps drive.

2014-06-27 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, It's just for users in the U.S and Canada as far as i know. /Krister 27 jun 2014 kl. 13:27 skrev Anders Holmberg : > Hi! > Just a quicky from me. > Is this gps app only for U.s users or can it be used anyway? > /A > 26 jun 2014 kl. 17:30 skrev Les Kriegler : > >> Jessica, I'm along - time us

Re: To the NFB haters on this list: was; Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-14 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, I totally agree with David here although i can understand the purpose of the resolution that means i’m not in favour of it. I used to say that if Apples economy would be in danger, the first thing that would go down the drain is accessibility and i’m afraid, just like i think David is that t

Making a clean installation

2014-07-14 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hello, This ground has been covered loads and loads of time so please excuse me for covering it yet again. The only excuse i have is that at the time this topic was up, i didn’t have an interest in doing this, however now i have so this is my question: How do i do a clean install of an operating

Re: Making a clean installation

2014-07-15 Thread Krister Ekstrom
s the startup disk instead of your normal internal drive, > and restart. If the Mac doesn't work, hold down the option key as you boot > the Mac, and use the arrow keys to select your installer drive (you'll > probably need sighted help for this, as the boot sequence cannot s

Re: Making a clean installation

2014-07-16 Thread Krister Ekstrom
ored somewhere else before you start. > On Jul 15, 2014, at 1:04 PM, Krister Ekstrom > wrote: > >> Hi and thanks for the really good explanation of how to make a clean >> install. I'm just about to start the reinstallation process but have a >> question since i g

Re: Making a clean installation

2014-07-16 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Ok, question 1, where do i find "internet recovery"? and question 2, how can i get the mac to connect to the internet through wifi when trying to reinstall the system? I've searched and searched and there seems not to be a possibility to connect the mac to my wifi like there was before. What is

Re: Making a clean installation

2014-07-16 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, do i understand this correctly that after choice of wifi, VO can be used? I tried the cmd+option+R command thinking i could use speech directly but that didn't work so i assume you have to get past the selection of available wifi networks right? /Krister > 16 jul 2014 kl. 16:27 skrev Sabaha

Re: Making a clean installation

2014-07-16 Thread Krister Ekstrom
This is why I suggested making an installer on a thumb drive. I did that, and > I've used it several times on different Macs to quickly upgrade or re-install > the OS. It's fast, local, and works perfectly with speech. > On Jul 16, 2014, at 10:35 AM, Krister Ekstrom > wr

Re: Making a clean installation

2014-07-16 Thread Krister Ekstrom
im Kilburn > Fort McMurray, AB Canada > > On Jul 16, 2014, at 10:37 AM, Krister Ekstrom > wrote: > >> Hey, First of all, i'm sorry for asking so many stupid and probably obvious >> questions. I shouldn't be needing to do that since i've owned a Mac for at

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