Re: Anyone know if Pinterest is accessible on either the Mac or IOS?

2020-02-26 Thread Jessica Moss
It seems to be better than it was about 3 years ago when it was the big rave and everybody was using it, but I couldn’t get it to do much of anything other than read the titles of peoples’ pins. Now I’ve found it to be doable, but it takes a little playing around with it. You need to find the

Creating ringtones via IPHone.

2020-03-26 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve started using the music to ringtone app to create my own ringtones, which I really love aside from the fact that if you want to use strictly your IPHone and not go through Apple Music to sync them, you have to use Garage Band, which I’m finding not to be as easy as I thought. Under the sha

Re: Stopp ads loading

2020-04-02 Thread Jessica Moss
Is this available for IOS as well? That’s actually where I see the worst of it, due to these ads constantly refreshing, and as it’s loading, it disrupts VoiceOver from speaking, but the sound for the ad is muted, so I just happened to have found out by accident one morning that an ad was loadin

Re: Ggames on the mac

2020-04-05 Thread Jessica Moss
That is an awesome site, how do you find shortcut keys for game play though? I figured out some of them by chance, but would love to know how you figure out things like your distance in 1000 miles, or what special cards you’ve played. > On Apr 4, 2020, at 8:56 PM, Shirley Healy wrote: > > Tha

Re: Ggames on the mac

2020-04-05 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve downloaded it, but get a message that it can’t be opened because the developer is unidentified. Is there a way around this? > On Apr 5, 2020, at 4:07 AM, 'Shawn Krasniuk' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Another good client I would recommend is RS Games. They just released a new > versio

Re: Ggames on the mac

2020-04-05 Thread Jessica Moss
I finally got the RSGames client to run on my Mac, and the volume for everything is extremely loud. Is there a way to fix this? > On Apr 5, 2020, at 4:07 AM, 'Shawn Krasniuk' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Another good client I would recommend is RS Games. They just released a new > version

Installing zoom on the Mac.

2020-04-20 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve noticed for some strange reason, that when I click the install button to install zoom on my Mac, the progress indicator suddenly becomes busy, and in the end I have to force it to quit. Has anyone else had this issue? I can install it on my phone and run it with no issues, so I’m stumped

Re: Installing zoom on the Mac.

2020-04-20 Thread Jessica Moss
password and press return, the installer will run as expected. > > Robert Carter > > > >> On Apr 20, 2020, at 7:55 AM, Jessica Moss wrote: >> >> I’ve noticed for some strange reason, that when I click the install button >> to install zoom on my Mac, the progres

Re: An Iphone app for arranging my Medicines

2020-04-27 Thread Jessica Moss
There are several that will do this. Seeing AI is a decent one, but I don’t think you can save items in it though. Also, if you’re willing/able to shell out some money for it, Aira is a really good service that uses live agents to describe things around you, and you can ask the agents to take

Re: GPS Apps

2020-04-29 Thread Jessica Moss
What’s supposed to be the difference between Lazarillo and blind square? I’ve used both, and from what I can tell, they seem to be vary similar, other than one is a free app, and one is a paid app. > On Apr 29, 2020, at 6:27 PM, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > I tried Lazar

Re: Question About E-mails from Ramy

2020-05-04 Thread Jessica Moss
I have, but unfortunately have no information as to whether or not they can be ignored, but agree that reading them can be cumbersome with Voiceover on the Mac. Strangely enough though, I’ve found that when those same messages come through on my IPHone, those aren’t displaying there, only a sec

Remoting into a Crome book via the Mac.

2020-05-06 Thread Jessica Moss
I never thought I’d be needing to do this, however, I’ve been getting messages from Hannah’s teacher stating that she’s not turning in work/checking in on Microsoft Teams. I’ve finally just made her. Come out of. Her room to do her work, but would like to know how I can view exactly what’s up o

Re: Remoting into a Crome book via the Mac.

2020-05-06 Thread Jessica Moss
saying that > he's not submitting as much work as he should be. It's really > frustrating. > > > > On 5/6/20, Jessica Moss wrote: >> I never thought I’d be needing to do this, however, I’ve been getting >> messages from Hannah’s teacher stating that sh

Re: Remoting into a Crome book via the Mac.

2020-05-06 Thread Jessica Moss
> Jonathan Cohn > > > >> On May 6, 2020, at 11:31 AM, Jessica Moss > <>> wrote: >> >> That’s been the same thing here, and we had to have a meeting with her home >> room teacher, and it was really unpleasant to hea

Re: Remoting into a Crome book via the Mac.

2020-05-06 Thread Jessica Moss
most “remote-in” solutions are not > particularly screen reader friendly with respect to reading the others screen > contents. > > Later… > > > Tim Kilburn > Jamf Certified Tech > Apple Teacher > (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition) > Fort McMurray, AB Canada &g

Re: Remoting into a Crome book via the Mac.

2020-05-06 Thread Jessica Moss
>> Best wishes, >> >> Jonathan Cohn >> >> >> >>> On May 6, 2020, at 11:31 AM, Jessica Moss wrote: >>> >>> That’s been the same thing here, and we had to have a meeting with her home >>> room teacher, and

Re: Remoting into a Crome book via the Mac.

2020-05-06 Thread Jessica Moss
t since that's not Mac or iPhone related just > message me off list and I will give you the address. > > sent from the iPhone 11 Pro > >> On May 6, 2020, at 2:30 PM, Jessica Moss wrote: >> >> When it comes to either/or, wouldn’t that need to be set up on he

Re: Remoting into a Crome book via the Mac.

2020-05-07 Thread Jessica Moss
view, as most “remote-in” solutions are not > particularly screen reader friendly with respect to reading the others screen > contents. > > Later… > > > Tim Kilburn > Jamf Certified Tech > Apple Teacher > (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition) > Fort McMurray, A

Re: Body Cams

2020-05-11 Thread Jessica Moss
What company even still makes camera glasses aside from Google? This is actually something that a lot of Aira explorers have been struggling with sense its discontinuation of their Horizon glasses, and in my opinion, the smart thing to do would be to create something similar to what OrCam has d

Swift Playgrounds question.

2020-05-11 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, I have a couple of questions regarding this app, and am hoping someone on here could please give me some tips to get started with it, or with my next question, if it’s worth using for this task. It appears that this app is supposed to be a means of teaching someone to write code, which I un

Re: Body Cams

2020-05-11 Thread Jessica Moss > Many believe that we have been visited > in the past. What if it were true? > > On 5/11/2020 1:27 PM, Jessica Moss wrote: >> What company even still makes camera glasses aside from Google? This is >> actually something that a lot of Aira explor

Strange issue with the IPHone playing split tracks.

2020-05-13 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve noticed recently, that the feature before iOS 13, where you could simply tilt your phone if you were playing a split track and wanted it to play in stereo instead, seems to no longer be in existence. Perfect example, if I wanted to here “Aquarius” by “the Fifth Dimension,” I can barely hea

Re: Strange issue with the IPHone playing split tracks.

2020-05-13 Thread Jessica Moss
phone and find the music app > settings you should find the QE settings in there. It is usually turned off > by default but if you turn it on you can adjust your preferences for the type > of music and other stuff. This may have nothing to do with your issue but > it’s worth a l

Re: Body Cams

2020-05-14 Thread Jessica Moss
Oh not to worry, I had something really similar to that happen to me in middle school. My 6th grade year, I was in special ed PE, which included students in wheelchairs, and we went out one afternoon to walk the track, and I was walking with a friend of mine when I felt someone rolling over my

Re: a problem with quick look

2020-05-18 Thread Jessica Moss
I’d love to know this as well, as I’ve noticed about a year ago them doing the same thing, but mine randomly skip forward and make all sorts of strange sounds like I’ve just downloaded pirated music instead of the CD’s I ripped to my hard drive. > On May 18, 2020, at 7:46 AM, 'Kristeen Hughes'

Swift playgrounds VS Visual Studio code.

2021-08-22 Thread Jessica Moss
I’m currently attempting to learn HTML code, so I, along with the rest of the team at Omnicommander can help fix the issues we’re all running into with the web sites I check on a regular basis, instead of simply auditing everything I find wrong with them and sending in spreadsheets on a daily ba

Re: Swift playgrounds VS Visual Studio code.

2021-08-22 Thread Jessica Moss
gt;> >> Later… >> >> >> Tim Kilburn >> Jamf Certified Tech >> Apple Professional Learning Specialist >> Apple Teacher >> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition) >> Fort McMurray, AB Canada >> >>> On Aug 22, 2021, at 9:14 AM, Jessic

Re: iOS 15 Roll-out Today?

2021-09-20 Thread Jessica Moss
It hasn’t on my end yet, and I heard the same thing as well. > On Sep 20, 2021, at 10:14 AM, Dave Carlson wrote: > > Did I hear that iOS 15 will. Be pushed out on September 20? Has anyone > received the download? I’m in Pacific Time Zone. > > Dave Carlson > Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodwor

ICloud files appear to be hidden on my Mac.

2021-09-20 Thread Jessica Moss
I need to access my documents folder within finder, which I used to know how to do, but sense I rarely keep anything there anymore, I unfortunately can’t remember the command to access “all my files” as opposed to the users portion of finder. Can someone please point me in the right direction o

Re: Amazon app on the I phone using voice over.

2021-10-19 Thread Jessica Moss
I noticed that as well, and that it’s unfortunately been this way for a while. The cursor loses focus like nobody’s business, especially after you’ve found what you want and try to click on it to order it, then the cursor just jumps all over the place. > On Oct 19, 2021, at 2:10 PM, Katey Jack

Re: VoiceOver Doesn't Speak?

2021-10-26 Thread Jessica Moss
I noticed this on occasion as well, and it’s always hit or miss after the computer goes to sleep. Sometimes it will announce on waking that I need to enter my password, and sometimes it will be completely silent. > On Oct 26, 2021, at 12:52 PM, Tibor Niesner wrote: > > Hi, > > did you try re

Re: Keyboard clicks on Monterey

2021-11-04 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve noticed a few times I don’t hear them either, but that’s always sporadic. > On Nov 3, 2021, at 6:57 PM, Les Kriegler wrote: > > Hi, > > I am running Monterey and I still hear the clicks most of the time. When I > was running Big Sur, I also heard the clicks most of the time. I don’t notic

Can't save changes to existing text edit document.

2021-12-03 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve just updated an existing text edit document I’ve had on my USB drive for years, and had no problem saving changes to it in the past, and now all of a sudden am getting a strange message that I don’t have permission to make changes to the file. I’ve gone into “get info” in finder, and under

Re: Can't save changes to existing text edit document.

2021-12-03 Thread Jessica Moss
usb drive is protected, you have unknowingly hit the switch to > enable protection. > > >> On Dec 3, 2021, at 11:21 AM, Jessica Moss wrote: >> >> I’ve just updated an existing text edit document I’ve had on my USB drive >> for years, and had no problem sav

Volume vary low when using bluetooth on the Mac.

2021-12-09 Thread Jessica Moss
I’m not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but I’ve just recently noticed, when connecting several different bluetooth speakers I own to my Mac, I can max the volume on my computer as well as the speaker itself, and the sound level is barely audible. I’m unfortunately not seeing a settin

Messages suddenly disappearing in mail app.

2021-12-15 Thread Jessica Moss
I just opened the mail app this morning only to find it suddenly completely wiped. I have no idea how this could’ve happened, sense I haven’t deleted anything, and have no idea if they can be recovered or not. I’ve even checked the recovered folder, that I didn’t know even existed, only to ha

Re: Messages suddenly disappearing in mail app.

2021-12-15 Thread Jessica Moss > <> > > > Twitter > @FiogkosZoe > > Love Isn't butterflies in your stomach, love is the heart beat you feel when > he's late > > >> On Dec 15,

Re: Messages suddenly disappearing in mail app.

2021-12-15 Thread Jessica Moss
Where do I find this out? > On Dec 15, 2021, at 3:31 PM, Dave Carlson wrote: > > Jessica, > Make sure that your mail is being synched via iCloud, as well as your iPhone. > > Dave Carlson > Farfar, Pioneer, Oregonian, Engineer, and Woodworker > > > > > -- > The following information is impo

Re: Messages suddenly disappearing in mail app.

2021-12-15 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, so I’ve clicked my name at the top, and I’m just presented with a window that Voiceover won’t read. Interacting with it unfortunately does nothing either. Am I missing something? > On Dec 15, 2021, at 3:37 PM, Dave Carlson wrote: > > Jessica, > > On your Mac, it’s system preferences an

Re: MVNO carriers versus the big three AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile.

2021-12-19 Thread Jessica Moss
It just happens on occasion for me, the biggest drawback for me for the most part, is texts not going through when I need them to, which doesn’t happen often, but is still a big inconvenience when it does. Another big thing to consider, is if you’re planning on using an Apple Watch with your ph

Re: Teamviewer

2021-12-23 Thread Jessica Moss
Team viewer is very accessible. I use it both with Aira and with my current job if there’s an issue with the web sites I’m needing to audit, so we can get things fixed faster. > On Dec 22, 2021, at 11:51 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: > > what about the crowdcast app on IOS? > >> On Dec 22, 2021,

Re: Apple Pay

2022-01-25 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, question, sense I’ve never done this either. How do you know when you’re in camera shot of the reader when you’re ready to make your transaction without being able to see it? > On Jan 25, 2022, at 9:04 AM, Phil Halton wrote: > > And by “point “, Joseph means put the phone within a few inc

Re: VO command to make any window expand to its largest size

2022-02-04 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, I may be a little late to the party on this one, but I’ve actually had instances with some of the sites I’ve had to test requiring me to need to zoom in and out, due to the size of the main window behaving as if it were a mobile site instead of a desktop site. So while I don’t know for a fa

Re: Captcha recognition in Safari on Mac OS

2022-02-24 Thread Jessica Moss
Romula is the only one that I know of that does this, and during the time I used it, I didn’t always find it to be helpful. There were multiple instances where I knew sites had captchas, but it wouldn’t find them. > On Feb 24, 2022, at 10:56 AM, Tibor Niesner wrote: > > Hello, > > does exist

Varifying my PayPal account via the Apple App Store.

2022-03-02 Thread Jessica Moss
For the last year or so, I’ve had all my subscriptions I’ve been billed for go through PayPal. However, I ended up with a mysterious charge about a month ago that had a blank receipt go through that I reported to Apple/Paypal, which PayPal refunded me for. However, sense then, Apple has appar

Running Steam on the Mac.

2022-03-18 Thread Jessica Moss
I’m only just starting to hear about this gaming platform, so I really know nothing about it aside from it seems to have a load of different games to pick from, and, from what I’ve come across on , which is several years old, the client itself isn’t vary access

Discord for Mac question.

2022-04-11 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve just attempted to download discord for Mac, only for it to constantly give me this “updater failed” with a countdown timer retrying over and over, which just sits there and continues to do the same thing no matter what I do. Does anyone have the slightest idea as to what this means? I wa

Re: Teams

2022-04-29 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve never had any luck with it either. I had to do a lot of playing around with it to figure out how to do simple things like respond to chats, and after I’d finally managed to navigate to the window where the messages were displayed, then get back to where I was supposed to be able to respond

Re: RSgames

2021-01-16 Thread Jessica Moss
I’d like to know this as well. I’ve been running the beta version for a while, which works fairly well, the only issue I have with it, is that the volume control appears to be broken, so I end up having to play the games with the volume being maxed and no way to turn it down. > On Jan 16, 2021

Re: RSgames

2021-01-16 Thread Jessica Moss
; > >> On Jan 16, 2021, at 15:44, Jessica Moss wrote: >> >> I’d like to know this as well. I’ve been running the beta version for a >> while, which works fairly well, the only issue I have with it, is that the >> volume control appears to be broken, so I end up

Re: Emoji's on the Mac?

2021-02-09 Thread Jessica Moss
I actually noticed that as well, and was wondering if I was doing something wrong, sense I couldn’t seem to figure out how to simply select one. > On Feb 9, 2021, at 8:56 AM, 'Stur It Up Productions' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Ok, so I am doing the control, command spacebar to bring up th

Microsoft Excel on IOS.

2021-02-16 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, I’m barely new to Microsoft Excel in general, and have just now learned how to use it on my Mac, and found the templet my supervisor created for our team to use really smooth and easy to work with. However, trying to open and use it on IOS, which I was really hoping to be able to do, sense

Re: Microsoft Excel on IOS.

2021-02-17 Thread Jessica Moss
I have a subscription, I’ve logged into it and saved the file to 1 drive, but when I open it, unlike on the Mac side, it’s just all over the place as far as columns being sorted/read, seems to remain in read-only mode, and the dropdown list that displays on the Mac side to highlight the guidelin

Re: Microsoft Excel on IOS.

2021-02-17 Thread Jessica Moss
g > said, I don’t think Excel is as accessible on IOS. Numbers can open Excel > files. Maybe you could use that instead. > > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Feb 16, 2021, at 11:24 AM, Jessica Moss wrote: >> >> Ok, I’m barely new to Microsoft Excel in gene

Web sites maxing resources in Safari.

2021-02-19 Thread Jessica Moss
The following url: Is currently maxing all the resources on my Mac, and this is after having to do a fresh install of Big Sur, due to what I thought the issue was (Citrix Server not uninstalling correctly and burying itself in multiple plac

Re: Web sites maxing resources in Safari.

2021-02-19 Thread Jessica Moss
ing on the page at all. There is something going on. I am not > sure what it is. > > Greg Wocher > >> On Feb 19, 2021, at 2:01 PM, Jessica Moss > <>> wrote: >> >> The following url: >> >> https://omnicomma

Re: Web sites maxing resources in Safari.

2021-02-21 Thread Jessica Moss
27;Jason White' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Your only solution will be to take it up with Apple Accessibility directly. > > On 19/2/21 2:01 pm, Jessica Moss wrote: >> The following url: >> >> <> &g

Trillion question.

2021-02-23 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, trying this again. I’m trying to reconfigure trillion, along with everything else after having to do a reinstall of Big Sur on my Mac, only for trillion to show my Facebook status as off line, and the extras menu to do nothing when clicked in order to change this. I hear Voiceover announc

Re: Trillion question.

2021-02-24 Thread Jessica Moss
n Krasniuk > Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs > Skype username: bbstheblindrapper > Facetime: <> > >> On Feb 23, 2021, at 9:05 AM, Jessica Moss > <>> wrote: >> >> Ok, trying this again. I’m

Tips on using powerpoint with Voiceover.

2021-03-14 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve now gotten to the point with Omnicommander, where we’re now trying to do presentations via Powerpoint on the most common issues we’re finding each month with the web sites we’re testing/auditing, so we can start conveying to these various companies not only what we’re finding inaccessible a

Saving attachments within text messages.

2021-04-27 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve just been sent several attachments via text message that I’d like to save and transfer to a folder on my hard drive. However, the issue I’m running into, is that same text message didn’t relay from my phone to my Mac, which I find interesting, sense both parties have IPhones, and I’m findi

Re: Saving attachments within text messages.

2021-04-27 Thread Jessica Moss
It isn’t unfortunately. > On Apr 27, 2021, at 10:06 AM, Brad Snyder wrote: > > In your iCloud drive, you should find a Downloads folder. > See if the item you attempted to save is in this folder. > > - Brad - > > > On Apr 27, 2021, at 08:52, Jessica Moss <ma

Re: Saving attachments within text messages.

2021-04-27 Thread Jessica Moss
Brad - > > > On Apr 27, 2021, at 09:07, Jessica Moss <>> wrote: > > It isn’t unfortunately. > >> On Apr 27, 2021, at 10:06 AM, Brad Snyder > <>> wrote: >> >> In your iCloud drive, you

Big Sur questions.

2021-05-20 Thread Jessica Moss
This has probably been asked multiple times, but I’ve been having the hardest time figuring out how to do the following sense updating to Mac OS Big Sur. First of all, when those occasional confirmation dialogues pop up that Voiceover never seems to read, but I hear this constant chime sound ov

Re: Big Sur questions.

2021-05-20 Thread Jessica Moss
Recognition) > Fort McMurray, AB Canada > >> On May 20, 2021, at 8:19 AM, Jessica Moss > <>> wrote: >> >> This has probably been asked multiple times, but I’ve been having the >> hardest time figuring out how to do the

Re: Big Sur questions.

2021-05-20 Thread Jessica Moss
r, use VO-FN-number. So, to do VO-f1-f1, press > VO-FN-1-1. Similarly for f2, f3 etc. > > Later… > > > Tim Kilburn > Jamf Certified Tech > Apple Professional Learning Specialist > Apple Teacher > (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition) > Fort McMurr

Re: Bad News Bears MacBook Air 2011

2021-05-28 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, what in the world is a swollen battery, and what are the causes of it/signs to look for that you have one? I’ve never heard of this. > On May 28, 2021, at 8:15 AM, > wrote: > > I had a swolen battery on an old iPhone SE and took it to my carrier at the > time and had to replace the phon

Retroarch question.

2021-05-29 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, I had no idea this existed until I found it on However, even after re

Re: touch typing

2021-05-29 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve noticed this as well, and that it’s just become increasingly sensitive, but didn’t think there was much that could be done about it. > On May 29, 2021, at 6:59 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: > > as the ios versions have gone up I have had increasing problems with touch > typing on my phone. som

Re: Retroarch question.

2021-05-30 Thread Jessica Moss
he user guide, > in order for Retroarch to even do OCR. Alternatively, you can use VOcr to OCR > the screen of any emulator. > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On May 29, 2021, at 7:23 PM, Jessica Moss wrote: >> >> Ok, I had no idea this existed until I found it on >

Re: Retroarch question.

2021-05-30 Thread Jessica Moss
rder for Retroarch to even do OCR. Alternatively, you can use VOcr to OCR > the screen of any emulator. > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On May 29, 2021, at 7:23 PM, Jessica Moss wrote: >> >> Ok, I had no idea this existed until I found it on >> https://www.appl

Re: Retroarch question.

2021-05-30 Thread Jessica Moss
t; in order for Retroarch to even do OCR. Alternatively, you can use VOcr to OCR > the screen of any emulator. > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On May 29, 2021, at 7:23 PM, Jessica Moss wrote: >> >> Ok, I had no idea this existed until I found it on >> https

Re: Retroarch question.

2021-05-31 Thread Jessica Moss <> > >> On May 30, 2021, at 8:45 AM, Jessica Moss > <>> wrote: >> >> Ok, I’ve just signed up with them, but can you please refresh my memory on >> where I would go to find the API key

Re: Retroarch question.

2021-06-01 Thread Jessica Moss <> > >> On May 31, 2021, at 8:48 AM, Jessica Moss > <>> wrote: >> >> Ok, I’m confused, what is? If we’re talking about my activation key, I have >> that copied and pasted already, I

Re: Retroarch question.

2021-06-01 Thread Jessica Moss <> > Https:// <> > >> On Jun 1, 2021, at 9:45 AM, Jessica Moss > <>> wrote: >> >> Ok, I have no idea if this was how this was supposed to look, and I >&

Re: Change Reaction

2021-07-22 Thread Jessica Moss
Honestly, I’ve enjoyed their games as well, and wanted to contact them with ideas for further production, as well as testing them should they be on board with producing more games. However, I have yet to find any place on their web page to contact them, which I find interesting. > On Jul 22, 2

iPhone X questions.

2020-05-26 Thread Jessica Moss
I’m looking at possibly upgrading from my iPhone 7+ that I’ve had about 3 years, to the iPhone XR, which, to my understanding, has better battery life/camera resolution than the new iPhone SE, which I originally was thinking about getting. For those who have this model, in your opinion, is it b

Re: iPhone X questions.

2020-05-26 Thread Jessica Moss
> life of the battery, a 30 minute charge with a quick charger should give you > 50% charge. > > Best wishes, > > Jonathan Cohn > > > >> On May 26, 2020, at 12:04 PM, Jessica Moss > <>> wrote: >>

Re: Seeing Ai issues?

2020-06-25 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve noticed, not really with the short text portion of the app, but the exact same thing you’re describing with the barcode option. It seems to be really quirky when trying to scan for a barcode, then when it finally detects it, it displays the “text not recognized” message. So at this point,

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-06-30 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, I’m confused here, how did we go from Firefox accessibility to this? > On Jun 30, 2020, at 10:35 AM, alia robinson wrote: > > when you are held down by the neck by a racist cop, you can talk until then > shut up! there is absolutely no comparison *at* all, and whites have no clue. > how ab

Google Sheets question.

2020-07-14 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve just recently had someone I work with send me his findings on the sites we test via Google Sheets, which I’m finding very cumbersome to operate on my Mac, but is perfectly readable via their IPHone app. Is there an app/workaround for doing this on the Mac? -- The following information is

Re: Triode App for radio

2020-07-23 Thread Jessica Moss
Can you play SEriusXM with this app as well, or is it FM radio only? > On Jul 23, 2020, at 9:27 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote: > > Hi! > Sounds nice. > Is it in the app store or did you do a google search. > Normally i listen via the music app because i have apple music so i can ask > siri to play

Re: Old Numpad

2020-08-03 Thread Jessica Moss
Do you know what company made this? I might look into getting one as well > On Aug 3, 2020, at 2:35 PM, Anders Holmberg wrote: > > Hi! > You might use that instead then. > If it works now i guess it will work until it dies. > /A > >> 3 aug. 2020 kl. 20:25 skrev Traci Duncan : >> >> Oh my gosh

Re: Using Outlook on the Mac

2020-08-05 Thread Jessica Moss
I’d love this as well, sense I’m finding it a pain in the butt to even navigate to my e-mail folders with it. > On Aug 5, 2020, at 2:36 PM, Paul Parravano wrote: > > Hello all, > > I’m beginning to use Outlook and am wondering if there is a key command list > or a getting-started piece that m

Re: Latest Nearby Explorer Online

2020-08-05 Thread Jessica Moss
Thanx for sharing this. I loved Mobile Geo back in the day, sense it was very precise when naming street names, intersections, etc, but I’ve had yet to find something that even comes close to that. I’ve loved Blindsquare and the like, but found its accuracy to not be as good, and would try to

Re: Mac connected to Amazon Echo

2020-08-11 Thread Jessica Moss
This may sound like a stupid question, but when connecting your echo dot to your computer, do you in turn lose Alexa’s features, or are those still available to you? > On Aug 11, 2020, at 2:30 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: > > hmmm. I'm going to have to try that. > >> On Aug 11, 2020, at 11:00 AM,

Re: team viewer and mac

2020-08-25 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve actually had to launch it twice when it does that to me, which is vary regularly, and that always seems to fix it for me. > On Aug 25, 2020, at 2:26 AM, Maria Chapman wrote: > > Hi list. > in the past if i launched team viewer and voice over reported that there were > no windows, quitting

Re: Launch bar or similar?

2020-09-24 Thread Jessica Moss
Looks like I’m a little late to the party on this one, but what is launch bar? > On Sep 24, 2020, at 3:52 PM, Matthew Janusauskas > wrote: > > > Launchbar is one of the first apps I install on any new Mac. It's incredibly > useful, powerful and has very good accessibility. > > > On Fri, Sep

Re: How to Use FaceBook Messenger on Mac OS X via Messages App

2020-11-27 Thread Jessica Moss
I think that became obsolete several years ago, unless Apple brought it back recently, and I’m just out of the loop. It was a wonderful feature when they implemented it, so I never understood why it was discontinued. > On Nov 27, 2020, at 2:56 PM, Traci Duncan wrote: > > Has anyone tried this

Re: How to Use FaceBook Messenger on Mac OS X via Messages App

2020-11-28 Thread Jessica Moss
That it is, and I absolutely love it for that vary reason. > On Nov 28, 2020, at 3:24 AM, 'Shawn Krasniuk' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Oh well, that's what Trillian is for. > > Regards, > Shawn, > Sent from Sophia, the MacBook Air > > Want to join my WhatsApp groups such as Echo Enthusias

Re: Wow, folks still use Trilian?

2020-11-29 Thread Jessica Moss
There’s no cost to use it, and the older versions of the app are still extremely accessible; I’m not sure about the latest, sense when I last tried to update several months back, the accessibility was broken, and I had to downgrade. It’s a great app to have if you want to manage all your variou

Re: Bringing up the call screen?

2020-12-03 Thread Jessica Moss
I’d like to know this too, sense I sometimes can get this to work via simply pressing the home button, but sometimes even that fails. > On Dec 3, 2020, at 10:19 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Hi all, > > Recently there was a discussion about how to set your phone so that a

Re: Mac connected to Amazon Echo

2020-12-08 Thread Jessica Moss
I’ve noticed when doing this, that on my end anyhow, the sound is so low that I practically have to max the volume on both my computer/echo dot in order to hear the sound out of it. Has anyone else had this issue, and/know what the cause is for it? > On Aug 12, 2020, at 11:03 AM, Traci Duncan

Re: The Psychology of technology

2020-12-09 Thread Jessica Moss
Not to worry, I’ve got one that used to be the Horizon control for Aira, until the glasses were discontinued, and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’ve never used it as a phone, but have played around with it enough to say I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love the fact that perfect

Re: What's the correct key press to insert an emoji on the Mac?

2022-05-25 Thread Jessica Moss
I honestly was wondering that myself, sense I’ve run into that same issue. > On May 25, 2022, at 9:10 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Hi all, > > Question says it all. I have no problem finding the one I want, but no key > that I press seems to insert it into my document.

Re: Voices in new OS.

2022-06-20 Thread Jessica Moss
I just listened to it on AppleVis, and I’m really surprised they took the time to import all those “novelty” voices over to IOS. Those came with the Mac long before Voiceover was even a thing, and while I thought it was hilarious to hear one of several of my teachers at FSDB, whom many of the t

Re: Voices in new OS.

2022-06-21 Thread Jessica Moss
Honestly, Alex has always been the one I’ve been partial to sense leaving eloquence behind. I’ve tried every other voice that came out for Mac/IOS that was supposed to sound better, and for me, they just didn’t have the same flow that he has. They either were too skippy, laggy, or in some way

Re: For Blind Internet Users, the Fix Can Be Worse Than the Flaws

2022-07-17 Thread Jessica Moss
Oh yes, the all famous overlays. I’m really surprised with companies out there willing to actually put work into testing these sites to make sure they’re usable with all forms of assistive technology, that companies are still relying on this garbage. > On Jul 17, 2022, at 12:45 PM, dan d. wro

Re: For Blind Internet Users, the Fix Can Be Worse Than the Flaws

2022-07-17 Thread Jessica Moss
ple problem, trust us, there > are companies who will say how high shall we jump? > Then there is the technology privilege concept, if our personal blind person > can use a tool, the millions of others must fit that box as well. > > > > On Sun, 17 Jul 2022, Jessica Moss wr

Re: Anyone know of an accessible air-fryer?

2022-08-15 Thread Jessica Moss
We have a Quizinark (I think is how that’s spelled” model that has knobs that we’ve put bump dots on as well as around the temperature settings. > On Aug 15, 2022, at 10:55 AM, 'Robert Cole' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Hi, > > I suggest going to the store and find one that have knobs and

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