What’s supposed to be the difference between Lazarillo and blind square?  I’ve 
used both, and from what I can tell, they seem to be vary similar, other than 
one is a free app, and one is a paid app.

> On Apr 29, 2020, at 6:27 PM, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> I tried Lazarillo in Spain as I was on holiday and it was hopeless. It was 
> reporting streets & places in a chaotic way. So I ‘m afraid I’m disappointed 
> in this app.
>> On 29 Apr 2020, at 13:27, Paul Hopewell <hopew...@hopewell.org.uk> wrote:
>> Hello Petrus,
>> Many thanks for the tip on Lazarillo. I took it for a trial run this morning 
>> and it worked pretty well.I particularly like it voicing the compass 
>> direction in which I am walking.
>> One aspect which puzzles me is that it usually tells me that a named side 
>> road is x meters in front of me even when the road in question is just a 
>> side road and not a cross road. Occasionally it very helpfully tells me that 
>> the side road is to my left or my right. I cannot figure out why it only 
>> does this on rare occasions. Any thoughts on this?
>> Many thanks and best regards … Paul Hopewell
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