I need to be able to e-mail documents composed in Pages to someone in Word
format. I have been doing this literally every day for years now -- it's
what I do for work -- but, with the new version of Pages that I just now
put on my Macbook Air, I can't figure out how to do this. Help, please!
> format from. You can interact with each one to see what it is, but you
> have to route the mouse to one of them in order to select one. There also
> doesn’t seem to be any indication that one is chosen, but it looks like it
> can be done.
> Hope that helps.
> On Oct
Am I understanding correctly that we'll soon be able to read iBooks on
the Mac? If iCloud is going to be synching all devices, then a book I
purchase on my iPod Touch would be available on my Mac, too, no? I'm
hoping so.
-- Howard
You received this message because you are subscribed to
All of a sudden, and for no reason I can think of, the command VO-j,
which I use a million times each day in Mac Mail to jump from a
message in the inbox to that actual message, isn't working. Instead of
doing what it's supposed to do, it interacts with the list of
mailboxes. Huh? Yes, I've tried r
Has anyone figured out a way to get around -- or get rid of -- the
annoyingly sluggish response time when typing -- it's happening as I
write this -- under Lion? I've found it in Pages, in Mail, in form
fields on Safari. I've found it everywhere, actually. I'm using Alex
and don't wish to switch, f
I've frequently had problems when using Google News. VO will crash,
restart, crash, restart, etc. If I quit Safari and try again, it might
be OK -- or not. Haven't, thankfully, encountered this problem when
using regular old Google.
chad baker wrote:
> Hi guys i'm having the same problem with goog
After upgrading to the newest OS yesterday, I can't read Bookshare books in
Safari, which is how I like to read 'em. What I've always done is just
download the book, open the xml file -- and I'd be good to go. No more.
Safari opens a completely blank file.
I've got no idea why this might have ha
Should have said that I'm talking about 10.8.2 on the mac -- not the new
iOS. Thanks.
On Thursday, September 20, 2012 1:45:10 PM UTC-4, Howard Dupuis wrote:
> After upgrading to the newest OS yesterday, I can't read Bookshare books
> in Safari, which is how I like to
I have the previous generation MBA -- with an SS drive. It's got
plenty of power for what I do -- mostly reading and writing -- though
it might not be the ticket for someone who is looking for all sorts of
ports, etc. Depends what you will be doing.
It really is astonishingly light. When I first ha
If you hold down the option key as you are launching iTunes, you'll be
given the opportunity to create a new library. (And where to put it,
too.) Then, just do the same again (hold the option key) when you
launch iTunes and you'll be asked to choose which library you want to
Hope this helps.
Go to MobileMe in System Preferences. Click "Account" tab. Click
"Account Settings" button -- you may need to enter your password after
this -- then "Account Details" and then "Account Options." There, at
the bottom of that page, you'll be able to cancel your account. I just
went through these ste
Hi -- I've had good luck with the Unarchiver:
It's pretty straightforward, and gets the job done.
On Oct 7, 6:16 pm, May McDonald wrote:
> Hi again. How do you open zip files with mac?
Yes, it's very annoying, isn't it? How's this for a work-around: If
you still have an old PC kicking around (with JAWS on it), the list of
possible CDs is accessible. Import it on that PC, and then use the
new home sharing feature on iTunes to transfer it from the PC to your
Mac. Not exactly the m
What you are describing is what I found most frustrating when I made
the switch to the Mac. Thankfully, it became a jillion times easier,
at least on well-written Web sites, once I upgraded to Snow Leopard.
(I recognize that that is not an option for you at present on the
computer you are using.)
Here's what someone I trust to know such things once told me when I
asked him a similar question: "You don't *need* to have backed up,
unless something goes wrong, of course." I got his point.
On Oct 20, 9:34 am, May McDonald wrote:
> Good morning everyone. I will be getting my copy of sl this
I've been trying out groups mode on the Web, and have found that while
I quite like it on some sites, it can be astonishingly annoying and
difficult on others. Have folks here had similar experiences? Do you
find yourself switching back and forth between groups and DOM modes,
depending on the site
Just hold down the VO keys and then turn two fingers clockwise on the
trackpad. Imagine that you are turning a knob on a radio, using
perhaps your thumb and index finger. vO will announce that the
trackpad commander is on.
Have fun!
On Oct 22, 10:10 pm, Portia wrote:
> Hi all,
> How do you tur
You should get the Unarchiver:
Unzip with this, and you'll be asked for your Bookshare password, and
you'll be good to go once you enter it.
Have fun!
Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to unzip books from
JAWS needs this because it takes info off the screen and translates it
into something usable to us. Because VoiceOver doesn't work this way,
it doesn't need -- and doesn't have -- such a command. (I came over
from JAWS and had wondered the same thing.)
Not sure what it is that's screwing up the G
What is your system? While I've got only about a quarter of the songs
you have, my Mac speeds along just fine and dandy. Are you using
iTunes? You wouldn't, perhaps, be using a Mac Mini without a monitor,
would you? (If so, I know what's holding things up.)
Please do tell more.
-- Howard
Tony Ber
Good news about iTunes and use of the keyboard to get around the
Playlist Browser -- after you reboot. This is the first thing I
checked after installing the update the other night, only to find that
what had been broken appeared to remain so. But, after a reboot,
keyboard functionality was back!
All of a sudden and out of the blue, VoiceOver stopped announcing the
page I'm on in a Pages document, but this feature still works on other
Pages files. (I'm not referring to actually numbering the pages; I'm
talking about having VO tell me what page I'm on -- "page X of Y.") I
can only as
Just now learned that the paragraphs in a Pages document I'd thought
were indented are not, in fact, indented. Under tabs in text in the
document inspector, I've got 0.5 in indent for the first line of each
paragraph, but my sweetie tells me that there are no indents visible.
This comes after I sp
Hi John,
I was having the very same (and very annoying) problem, but found a
way around by bookmarking the following:
This seems to work just fine. The other, though, still crashes Safari.
-- Howard
John J Herzog wrote:
> Hi all,
> Lately, whenever I go to www.ebay.com s
Did you try the link I posted right above your note? Works for me
every time.
Chris Blouch wrote:
> Just verified that this still happens with Safari 4.0.4 and voiceover
> running.
> CB
> Howard Dupuis wrote:
> > Hi John,
> > I was having the very same (and ver
After performing a clean install of Snow Leopard on my Mac Mini (for
audiophiliac reasons), I have got everything pretty much as I want it
-- except for one thing: I now have playlists on my iPod that are not
on iTunes. Is there any way to move them back to iTunes from the iPod?
Thanks, folks.
Is there an easy way to get VO to announce the word count in a Pages
document? (Other than by going to the document inspector, I mean.)
Separately, VO stopped announcing page numbers in a document I'm
currently working on -- though that feature still works in other files
-- and I can't figure out
News of an upcoming Kindle reader for the Mac has me hoping -- like
Charlie Brown with the football? -- that Amazon will get this one
right. They promised back in March that they'd get the text-to-speech
feature working on the Kindle menus, but that has come to nothing. The
Kindle app for the iPhon
ur comments to the Kindle team.
Thanks for your interest in Amazon Kindle."
In other words, blah blah blah.
Howard Dupuis wrote:
> News of an upcoming Kindle reader for the Mac has me hoping -- like
> Charlie Brown with the football? -- that Amazon will get this one
> right. They
In the U.S., at least, it's only the eBay homepage that causes this
problem, as far as I have found, anyway. I just go to:
and all is just fine and dandy.
anouk radix wrote:
> Hello, i just did a software update but I am not sure if this changed
> anything to safari. Any
Anyone got any idea why VO would stop telling me the page in a Pages
document (VO says "page 3 of 10" or some such), but this feature
continues to work just fine in other Pages documents. Also -- and
oddly -- if I copy the whole file and paste it *without formatting*
into a brand new file, it still
Just noticed that a relative handful of music files are out of place
on the external drive that holds my iTunes music. I've got a Mac Mini
with an attached drive. There, inside a folder inside another folder,
there are hundreds of other (artist) folders, each containing albums,
each of those contai
Hi folks,
I want to restore one file -- just one file -- using Time Machine. (I
use a Time Capsule.) I launch Time Machine, get back to the date and
time I want -- and then don't know what to do to get to and select the
file I want. There's a restore button, but I'm not sure at all what
that would
You want a very simple solution, a way to use eBay without having to
install something, without having to stand on your head or perform any
cyber rituals? Instead of going to ebay.com, direct Safari to:
All will then be just fine. Not too terribly fancy, but it works for
Hi listers,
The mistake in the subject line -- the lack of a space following the
comma after the word "punctuation" -- is intentional, and intended to
show the problem. Back in the old days, when I was using Windows and
Word (with JAWS), the Word spell checker would flag those kinds of
problems, re
There is much in The Washington Post that I'd care to read, but Safari
repeatedly crashes when I click on various links throughout the day.
Not always, but often. And nearly always when I try to access
something from WaPo e-mail newsletters I subscribe to. I'm assuming --
perhaps not correctly -- t
And they appear in your library however you choose to have them
sorted -- by track, alphabetically by name (or the reverse of that),
by time, shortest first or longest first -- totally your call. To play
an album as it would be heard if you played the CD, just arrange the
songs by track.
On Dec 2
There's a *very simple* solution to this. If you wish to make this
difficult beyond belief, look elsewhere, but if you just want to go to
eBay and take care of business using VO and Safari, just go to:
and all will be well.
-- Howard
On Jan 26, 10:00 pm, Kaare Dehard wrot
Not sure about what to do with Text Edit, but with Pages, the
following will do the trick:
1) Select the whole document, assuming you want the whole thing double
spaced. (Command-a).
2) Open the document inspector, choose the "Text" radio button, and
the "Text" tab below that.
3) Using VO and the r
It's way worse than I had imagined. Go to the Playlist browser, make a
selection, and iTunes crashes. Try it again, and the same thing
happens. This is ridiculous. Apple just touted accessibility at its
recent shareholders meeting, but it can't even get iTunes to work with
VO without crashing. Is t
Some more details: I'm not talking about the store. When I select
"Music" under the sources list, then VO-right arrow over to the
playlist browser, it sometimes crashes right then. At other times I
can actually choose and artist or an album -- woohoo! -- before it
then crashes. I've rebooted. I've
Hello all. I may have found the reason why iTunes was crashing, for me
at least. Perhaps others who had been experiencing the same will
If the mouse cursor tracks the VO cursor, iTunes will crash -- easily
and often -- especially when mucking around with the playlist browser.
(A very helpf
Yes, I've definitely been noticing the same thing, but not always. At
first I had thought it was happening only when I had the arrow keys
operating in Quick Nav mode (is that what it's called?), but a bit of
experimenting has shown that that is not the cause. Still, I'm loving
the new OS, which is
It's possible, of course, that I'm doing something wrong, but I've not
been able to use the playlist browser in iTunes in the way that I used
to before Snow Leopard. The browser is a list -- genres, artists,
albums. Before SL, I could just interact with the list and then hit a
key that would take
Hello to all. Just wanted to note that I'm loving the ease with which
I can move around on the Web (and elsewhere) using VO's new features
in Snow Leopard. I just now paid a few bills -- yes, it's that time of
the month -- and I was in in, around, over, and out in no time at all.
And like everyone
Thanks for this. It's pretty cool. Though I'm wondering if this is why
the Safari autofill feature is no longer working (at least for me) on
Google News.
On Sep 4, 7:43 pm, John J Herzog wrote:
> Hi listers,
> If you go to google.com, and type in some search terms, you can now
> hit the down a
Goodness. This is a real problem. I checked it out and got, um, the
point, if you know what I mean.
On Sep 4, 8:02 pm, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Hi all,
> Wonder who can replicate this? It's sort of important:
> Just type in an IP address. Perhaps any IP address, but for argument's
> sak
I've found two things that help with this. First, be sure that Quick
Nav is off. Otherwise, VO gets stuck when it hits a submenu. Second.
try arrowing down the menu without using the VO keys and then entering
a submenu similarly. (Use the down arrow without holding anything
else. Then hit the righ
I'll betcha that this -- and many other iTunes problems -- will be
fixed later today with the release of iTunes 9. Here's hoping ...
On Sep 9, 9:53 am, william lomas wrote:
> Hi all has anyone else noted under snowleopard one can't
> arrow
> through their songs as they are pla
Yes, I've had exactly the same experience, and it's really
frustrating. It's especially annoying when I'm trying to get to an
artist (or album) near the middle of the alphabet! Also, if you insert
a CD to import and more than one match is found online, you can no
longer access the list of choices
Wait a minute here. What I was referring to -- and I think this is
what the original poster meant, too -- are things that used to work
but now do not. Before Snow Leopard, I could go to the playlist
browser, interact with it, and then just use the down arrow *or* hit a
key to take me down the list
Thanks for this. One point, if I may: This is an issue with Snow
Leopard, not with iTunes. Note the following (my original post) begun
fully nine days before the new iTunes became available.
"If anyone can explain how this new column browser works ..."
Ahh, there's the rub. No one will be able to explain it, because it
doesn't work. And for me, this problem began with Snow Leopard, not
with iTunes 9.
On Sep 13, 7:46 am, Scott Rutkowski
> Hi all.
> Does anyone know in the ne
This is how it was once explained to me when I was wondering the same
thing: Because Windows screen readers are operating as an overlay and
not as an integral part of the OS, most of them use something called
an off-screen model. What you are hearing is actually information that
the screen reader
Hi Kevin. While I've been a member of this group for only a matter of
weeks, and switched over to the Mac just nine months ago, I'd like to
make a point: I didn't make the switch casually, or easily, or without
a whole lot of thought. And after I made the move, I continued to use
my Windows comput
It is not just you. But for me, at least, it restarts as quickly as it
Simon Cavendish wrote:
> Dear All,
> I wonder whether any of you can test this and confirm. When I use
> google search and bring up google text box with command+option+f, and
> type my search and then press enter, a
--Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Howard Dupuis
> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 12:43 PM
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Re: Oppose. Should have introduced myself
> Hi Kevin. While I've
Do you have some reason to think that it won't? Like, it's formatted
in some particularly strange way or something?
Debra Turner wrote:
> Hi All,
> I ordered a MacBook pro which should be in near the end of this week.
> Wonder if it will recognize my 1Tb Usb external hard disk?
It'll be a piece of cake. Just plug it in, and your MacBook will
recognize it. Is it already full of stuff? Do you know how it is
formatted? (I made the move from the Windows world to the Mac at the
end of last year and have learned a bit along the way, but the thing
I've found more than anything
Your MacBook will be able to read the files you have on your drive,
and can write to a FAT 32-formatted disc as well, so you shouldn't
have any difficulties at all. That said, one could make an argument
against continuing to use FAT 32 over the long term -- and in favor of
another format -- but I'
Has anyone had any luck reading anything on The Washington Post's
newly updated website, especially when viewing the "today's paper"
link? I'm finding it essentially unusable, with links that are nothing
more than numbers, many of 'em leading nowhere I'd want to go. The old
WaPo was never the easie
On my bank's website, there's a clickable element that ends with a
"right pointing double arrow." (It changes whether you are viewing
just the past 30 days, or a longer period.) However, no matter what
kind of key command, or mouse command, or prayerful command I use,
nothing seems to happen. Is th
Just read about -- and listened to -- the new voices that are
supposedly going to be part of Lion.
If this means that Alex will be gone, then I'll not be upgrading.
These voices, at least to my ea
Denise Avant wrote:
> hello all,
> i recently ripped five complete cds with itunes. i see the individual songs
> in my music list. but how are they suppose to come out as albums which is
> what i wanted. i do not want to have to build a playlist for one of michael
> jackson's albums.
> thanks
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