Re: Let's hear each other!

2012-03-06 Thread Hank Smith
that or use one of those free conference services there are several out there. then all some one will have to do is call in. just a idea. On 3/6/2012 7:07 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote: Maybe it'd be easier to rent one of those 800 conference call things, rather than try and get 20 people h

Re: TUAW article with some strong opinions on Recognizer

2012-03-06 Thread Hank Smith
Hello I honestly can't comment on the reconizer but the money reader works flawlessly I was using it today matter of fact with out any problems. just my 2 cents Hank On 3/6/2012 9:21 PM, Cara Quinn wrote: Hi All, thought some might find this interesting… -Thoughts?… Recognizer on TUAW (some

can some one record the ipad live streaming coverage for me?

2012-03-07 Thread Hank Smith
hello I am going to be in school when the coverage of the ipad 3 starts. would some one please be so kind and record it for me? I don't want to miss any of it. the link was posted earlier. Hank -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group.

Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-22 Thread Hank Smith
so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks? On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote: Hi Jeff, There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights management. This is also true if you

Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-23 Thread Hank Smith
peech tecnhology will rob them of sales. Every single organization of the blind is fighting this stipid infantile logic. Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!! Skype name: barefootedray Facebook: On Mar 22, 2012, at 8:39 PM

netflix iphone app help

2012-03-27 Thread Hank Smith
hello. how do I remove something from my instant q from netflix app on iphone? when ever I go to platy a eppisode of a tv show it puts me on the instant q screen instead of playing the eppisode of the tv show I am trying to watch. how can I fix this? Hank -- websites: http://www.fivedollarfree

netflix iphone app help

2012-03-27 Thread Hank Smith
Hello I got the instant q problem fixed but I can't play indevidual eppisodes of a tv show. can some oen try playing a eppisode of phineas and ferb a indevidual eppisode and tell me if they can get it it to play? when I try to play a indevidual eeppisode it throws me in to the instant q instead

Re: World of Warcraft?

2012-04-06 Thread Hank Smith
what addons and how is he doing this? this sounds like so much fun! :) Hank On 4/6/2012 8:36 AM, Michael Malarsie wrote: That's right. I said it. I know someone who is 100% who plays WoW. He uses a handful of specific addons and an in game guide dog to get around. Basically he u

Re: Spotify with VoiceOver on the Mac

2012-04-06 Thread Hank Smith
I think it is accessible on the iphone and ipad and ipod. Hank On 4/6/2012 9:56 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: Just tried it and found it totally unusable with voiceover. CB On 4/6/12 12:08 AM, Eric Oyen wrote: unfortunately, spotify isn't very voiceover compatible. I ran into this problem a while a

Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Hank Smith
yep On 4/7/2012 10:04 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote: Hi, When you use the facetime app on the touch, what is the difference? I've never used it on one so was just curious. I mean, wouldn't you have to search through your contacts for the person you would like to facetime on that too? TIA. Ricar

adding stuff to the doc in lion?

2012-04-08 Thread Hank Smith
how do I add stuff to the doc in lion with vo? I am asking in behalf for a friend. thanks Hank -- websites: personal email: facebook: htt

Re: adding stuff to the doc in lion?

2012-04-08 Thread Hank Smith
. Command-O to open the app. Les On Apr 8, 2012, at 10:36 PM, Hank Smith wrote: how do I add stuff to the doc in lion with vo? I am asking in behalf for a friend. thanks Hank -- websites: http://www.tmiwi

Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Hank Smith
is a hardware interface a requirement? On 4/10/2012 1:00 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote: lew On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:58, Walter Harper wrote: what is the website On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:37 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote: further note... to road test it f

turning off screen curtain?

2012-04-15 Thread Hank Smith
Hello how do I turn off the screen curtain on the iphone 3gs thanks Hank -- websites: personal email: facebook:

vi phone email subscription list?

2012-04-21 Thread Hank Smith
Hello can I please get the v iphone email list subscription info? I haven't been on there in about a year or so and have some questions I need to ask on there and can't find the list info. thanks bunches. Hank -- websites: http://www.tmiwireless

Re: Is total control useable by Voiceover users?

2012-05-11 Thread Hank Smith
is there a website for this system? want to know more On 5/11/2012 3:27 PM, Ed Worrell wrote: Hello all, I was just wondering if anyone has had luck with HoneyWell's app for the Total Control Security system, can you control the alarm system with Voiceover on the iPhone? The log-in screen seems

iso facebook app that is vo friendly?

2012-05-15 Thread Hank Smith
Hello is there any ios facebook vo friendly apps besides the main facebook app that I can getfor my iphone? I am running a 3gs thanks Hank -- personal email: facebook: zello: hanksmith5 Klango: hanksmith Skype: hank.smith966 Amateur radi

Re: FaceDekk beta info, for those involved

2012-05-16 Thread Hank Smith
is it to late to get on to the beta list? if not what is url again? I lost the orriginal email. Hank On 5/16/2012 1:16 PM, Ed Worrell wrote: Hello listers, sorry for the cross post. Just emailing the people that are involved with the FaceDekk beta testing. Here is what I have been told by the d

Re: biding obsolete keys on a full-sized keyboard

2012-05-17 Thread Hank Smith
and what about the scrull lock key? On 5/17/2012 5:57 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote: Yeah, Pause sounds right; anyway, no one uses these keys, but I wanna bind em; any idea how? • Mark BurningHawk Baxter • AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969 • MSN:

Re: Garage band question

2012-05-27 Thread Hank Smith
did u produce this? Hank On 5/27/2012 1:07 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: I am selling for $35.00 a tutorial which is over 3 hours long on using Garage Band with Voiceover and definitely covers what you're trying to do. Let me know if interested. Chris. -

problems sincing movies to my iphone

2012-06-04 Thread Hank Smith
Hello I am trying to sinc some movies to my iphone I imported seasons 1 and 2 of phineas and ferb, its showing up in my tv shows section and movies section of my itunes library. when I go to hanks iphone select movies, check the eppisodes to be sinced and hit apply it doesn't sinc. when I check

Re: Today's Maccessibility Live Stream

2012-06-11 Thread Hank Smith
I was at school and couldn't attend what did I miss? On 6/11/2012 8:31 AM, Darcy Burnard wrote: Hi everyone. Just a reminder that we'll be doing a Live Stream this afternoon covering the Apple WWDC keynote. The keynote starts at 1 PM eastern, and we should be starting our stream at around 12:

Re: a Dictation button?

2012-06-15 Thread Hank Smith
how can I test ios 6 on my 3gs? On 6/15/2012 4:13 PM, Pete Nalda wrote: Is the dictation going to be available for the iPhone 4? Or only 4s? Egun On, Lagunak! Basque for G'day, Mates Louie P. (Pete) Nalda Http:// Http:// Http://

Re: remote access for macs?

2012-06-18 Thread Hank Smith
as far as I know this doesn't ixist. On 6/18/2012 1:33 PM, May and Noah wrote: Hey there. I was wondering if the macs have remote access like with jaws? i need to help someone fix their mac and we're in two different locations of course. Do we have that capability? If so, can someone send me th

Re: O/T Where is Web Visum?

2012-06-21 Thread Hank Smith
if any one knows how they did it on the server end. I wouldn't mind hosting the thing. I couldn't tell u how many times I used that plugin and if it wasn't for that plugin I couldn't get in to certain sites. On 6/21/2012 8:56 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: Gone for good I'm afraid. The domain is up

radio automation software for the mac?

2012-06-21 Thread Hank Smith
Hello am curious any one know of any radio automation software for the mac? hope to hear back. Hank -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this

Re: Dragon Naturally Speaking and MacBook

2012-06-21 Thread Hank Smith
I heard that it wasn't vo friendly but this was a while ago and things may have changed. hth Hank On 6/21/2012 10:19 AM, Mary Scott wrote: Hi all, A friend who is blind and does not want to type wants to know if Dragon Naturally Speaking can work on a MacBook and does he have to type. I have

Re: O/T Where is Web Visum?

2012-06-21 Thread Hank Smith
a domain points to the ip address of the server. eg points to the ip address that hosts my website. a domain allows one to type in a address instead of a bunch of numbers. thats just a simple explanation of a domain. hth Hank On 6/21/2012 1:31 PM, Daniel McGee wrote: Hi all, whe

Re: radio automation software for the mac?

2012-06-21 Thread Hank Smith
thanks I will give this a look at. Hank On 6/21/2012 2:18 PM, andre carioca wrote: In Brazil, Some Mac users runing an application called Audiorack Suite. 2012/6/21, Hank Smith : Hello am curious any one know of any radio automation software for the mac? hope to hear back. Hank -- You

Re: O/T Where is Web Visum?

2012-06-21 Thread Hank Smith
here u go On 6/21/2012 3:45 PM, Blake Sinnett wrote: I was thinking if I knew the IP for WebVisum, I could modify the hosts file to fix the domain issues. Too bad I don't know it. -- From: "Hank Sm

Re: NFB Convention -- who is coming

2012-06-27 Thread Hank Smith
I am coming to the nfb convention. I will be with the saavi grou. southern arizona asocian of the visually impaired. On 6/27/2012 1:23 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote: Hi Nancy. First, we have AC. We need it. I live in Dallas, I know. Here's my question. Are you bringing the Macs as well? If I get a br

Re: NFB Convention -- who is coming

2012-06-27 Thread Hank Smith
I was just responding to the email asking if any one was going to be going to the convention. I will not reply to this topic again. On 6/27/2012 4:33 PM, Lisette Wesseling wrote: Sorry but what does this have to do with the Mac? On 28/06/2012, at 9:48 AM, Hank Smith wrote: I am coming to the

Re: VMWare Fusion Not Supported Under Mountain Lion

2012-07-25 Thread Hank Smith
I think so. On 7/25/2012 3:53 PM, Harry Hogue wrote: Hi, I have version 3.1.4. Would I have to pay to upgrade? Harry On Jul 25, 2012, at 4:42 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote: Hi. What version of fusion are you running? I'm running 4.1.3, and everything is working fine here. I'm not using Jaws th

Re: 2 things still not fixed in Mountain Lion.

2012-07-25 Thread Hank Smith
how is it different? I don't have lion so don't know what u are talking about is it instruments that are different or over all crappy quality? On 7/25/2012 5:31 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote: Also, and I freely admit that compared to your issues this one is petty, but midi playback is still awful unde

Re: Mountain Lyon and VM users please report in

2012-07-27 Thread Hank Smith
I thaught there was a command to do this did they remove this? On 7/27/2012 5:31 PM, Rachel Feinberg wrote: the only thing you can do is drag your finger on the trackpad, from the top left corner, diagonally to the bottom right, then click with it. That should take the focus away from voiceover

Re: Autocomplete in Safari Address bar

2012-08-08 Thread Hank Smith
try hitting the space var before typing in your address this used to work a while back. On 8/8/2012 6:37 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: That drives me not to, but, at the moment at least, I don't think there is any way to do that. Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now a very proud and happy

Re: .me mail settings?

2012-08-12 Thread Hank Smith
I thought .me email accounts was going to be retired? On 8/12/2012 10:29 AM, Shai wrote: Hi Bill, Pasted below is a link that links to an apple support discussion on this topic. On the site if you keep scrolling down past the initial discussion are the settings that should be used in Outlook. The

Re: hot spot shield?

2012-08-12 Thread Hank Smith
what does it do? Hank On 8/12/2012 10:51 AM, Kliphton wrote: Has anyone used this app on their iPhone or computer? Checking it out on the iPhone now, seems to be pretty accessible, only thing is you need to toggle it on and off in settings, general, network. If you do it in the app itself,

Re: wondering about Wine

2012-08-15 Thread Hank Smith
its a linux app that is used in linux and jaws or nvda won't work with it. didn't know they did a mac port of it. On 8/15/2012 5:57 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: Okay, Anybody here ever heard of Wine? It's supposed to be a windows imulater that lets you run windows software on a Mac without actually

Re: Two questions about virtual machines and a brief intro

2012-08-15 Thread Hank Smith
is virtual box vo friendly? last I used it it wasnt On 8/15/2012 7:04 PM, Damashe Thomas wrote: Hello, Thanks for the notice Alex, I will take a look at virtualbox also. Paul, is performance terrible with openbook? Thanks - Original Message - *From:* Paul Hunt

Re: Safari questions with ML

2012-08-16 Thread Hank Smith
if u have multiple tables with colums do you have to vo left and vo wrote to go to colums with in a table? not sure if this makes any sense. Hank On 8/16/2012 10:48 PM, Steve Holmes wrote: I see that no-one has so far discussed tables with you. While interacting within a table in HTML content,

Re: iTunes Gift Card Question

2012-08-18 Thread Hank Smith
yes. u can use the itunes gift card for anything in the app store. hth On 8/18/2012 4:09 PM, Jane Jordan wrote: I was sent an iTunes gift card. Can I Use this to, say, make in-app purchases? Jane -- websites: http://www.

Re: Audio in Safari

2012-08-18 Thread Hank Smith
try just the space bar On 8/18/2012 6:41 PM, Marc Sutton wrote: Hi, I was able to tab to the install button, but pressing enter or doing vo shift space didn't activate the button. Or vo space for that matter. I just heard the system bonk sound for no go. Marc On Aug 18, 2012, at 6:38 PM, Kimbe

Re: Fleksy

2012-08-18 Thread Hank Smith
but don't u have to use the roder feature to paste in the text? On 8/18/2012 9:36 PM, James Mannion wrote: I completely agree. This app is fantastic for being able to type in to the IPhone. I truely don't think the people that see the copy and paste into something as a deal breaker truely have no

Re: Is Facebook Now Completely Broken

2012-08-22 Thread Hank Smith
is there any telephone number to facebook corpret where we can complain to?On 8/22/2012 12:07 PM, Christine Grassman wrote: I'm right behind you with a few swift kicks to appropriate places, especially after reading yesterday that their "first priority" is their users. I would send the link, bu

Re: Anyone has a link to a working version of Stanza?

2012-08-23 Thread Hank Smith
what does this app do? On 8/23/2012 1:32 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote: Hi, I just uploaded the app file to my server. I'll leave it there for a week for everyone who wants to download. It's not the whole DMG file but the app itself. Here it works fine hopefully it'll also work for you. The link to

Re: update for Vmware Fusion available - not looking like anything new in the accessibility department

2011-11-19 Thread Hank Smith
Hello what did you do to get snow leopard and lion to run under vmware 8? Hank On 11/19/2011 3:53 AM, Scott Howell wrote: Matthew, One thing that was really interesting is that you can run Lion, SL, or even Leopard. I don't know that this is entirely knew, but certainly new that it is mentione

Re: Itunes Match

2011-11-19 Thread Hank Smith
Hello what is the song limit on itunes match? I have over 8 thousdand tracks On 11/19/2011 4:00 AM, Scott Howell wrote: Ah ha, how silly could I be. Of course that makes sense. Funny, now that you mention it I thought I had read that somewhere, but since I could not find that info, I wanted to

Re: Itunes Match

2011-11-19 Thread Hank Smith
tore. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Hank Smith Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 10:31 AM To: Subject: Re: Itunes Match Hello what is the song limit on itunes match? I have over 8 thous

Re: spotify and the Mac

2011-11-25 Thread Hank Smith
Hello it is simi accessibile on a windows device am unsure on ios and on mac. am surprised one can not make it vo friendly with the new graphic button labeling system in lion though. Hank On 11/24/2011 12:16 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote: My brother was telling me about a program called spotify. It

Re: Pandora or equivalent accessible with VoiceOver?

2011-11-26 Thread Hank Smith
Hello if you want to record pandora as well theres pandora jam it is 14.95 hth Hank On 11/26/2011 6:21 PM, Chad King wrote: Theres also an app called Piano pub Sent from my iPhone On Nov 26, 2011, at 7:18 PM, Robert Carter > wrote: Hi, Another very simple and not

Re: Pandora or equivalent accessible with VoiceOver?

2011-11-27 Thread Hank Smith
tance. Hank On 11/27/2011 7:26 AM, Robert Carter wrote: Hi Hank, Does Pandora Jam work well with VoiceOver? Thanks, Robert Carter On Nov 26, 2011, at 8:12 PM, Hank Smith wrote: Hello if you want to record pandora as well theres pandora jam it is 14.95 hth Hank On 11/26/2011 6:21 PM, Chad

Re: off topic

2011-11-27 Thread Hank Smith
Hello where can I get the tutorial at on chome and the like with speech? I am joining late on the thread thanks Hank On 11/27/2011 9:23 AM, Barry Abbott wrote: You can also use the entertainment portion of samnet if you install google chrome with the chromevox speech extension. It is a new thin

watching tv, audio recording, and using a external moniter on macbook air?

2011-12-01 Thread Hank Smith
hello I am considdering getting a macbook air. is it possible to do the followint watch tv eg via a tv tuner, audio record viagarage band, and hook up a external moniter using a macbook air? am trying to decide if I want to get a macbook air or a macbook pro. Hank -- You received this message b

Re: watching tv, audio recording, and using a external moniter on macbook air?

2011-12-01 Thread Hank Smith
s are enough. hope this answers your question. Lew. Free Macs For The blind. feeling a little stressed. the project is getting me down today. need some positivity and help. On 1 Dec 2011, at 15:53, Hank Smith wrote: hello I am considdering getting a macbook air. is it possible to do the follo

Re: watching tv, audio recording, and using a external moniter on macbook air?

2011-12-01 Thread Hank Smith
s USB based. so it will work fine without drivers, etc. lew On 1 Dec 2011, at 16:06, Hank Smith wrote: Hello what about burning dvds and cds? Hank On 12/1/2011 8:59 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote: yes, of course. the macbook air is a very light version of a macbook pro. just as good as a macbook pr

Re: Macbook Air microphone

2011-12-05 Thread Hank Smith
Hello how does that work if you want to hook up some speakers, and a line input device at the same time if there is only 1 audio plug? Hank On 12/5/2011 12:15 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote: tjere we go. the 1 audio port is a combo jack for line in and line out signals. this won't affect the inbuilt

Re: Watching live TV on a Mac.

2011-12-05 Thread Hank Smith
On 12/5/2011 4:46 PM, Vaughn Bennison wrote: Hi, I use eyetv, which from what I can gather is the only software available. I think there used to be another one, but I can't remember it's name, and can't find it anyway. EyeTV is from Elgato systems, and is almost completely inaccessible. Yo

Re: Watching live TV on a Mac.

2011-12-06 Thread Hank Smith
he built-in guide that lets you set up recordings is not accessible. On Dec 5, 2011, at 7:21 PM, Hank Smith wrote: On 12/5/2011 4:46 PM, Vaughn Bennison wrote: Hi, I use eyetv, which from what I can gather is the only software available. I think there used to be another one, but I can'

Re: Piezo new app from audio hi jack people!

2011-12-07 Thread Hank Smith
Hello so audio hijack isn't supported on lion? Hank On 12/7/2011 10:29 AM, Red.Falcon wrote: Hi all! Someone posted about this and I thought some of you might be interested! You can get this from the app store! But this link will give you more info!

Re: Skype and Facebook Chat

2011-12-09 Thread Hank Smith
Hello this will private chat them not public chat on wall?On 12/9/2011 4:11 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: I can answer you that. Skype can indeed be used for Facebook chat. Just go in to the second table of five, interact with the HTML content area, click home, select to connect to Facebook and ente

Re: Gps on the iPhone

2011-12-13 Thread Hank Smith
Hello what buttons do you have to label on navigon? Hank On 12/13/2011 5:36 PM, Gigi wrote: Hi guys. I have Navagon. It works ok with VO, but, as someone this list said you will need to label three buttons on it. However, I like the Sendero app for a couple of things because it is a simpler pr

Re: Control your Mac with your iPhone 4S!

2011-12-21 Thread Hank Smith
also is this ios and vo friendly? thanks Hank On 12/21/2011 7:50 PM, Courtney Curran wrote: Hi, I can't get the app to download, it keeps giving me an error. Courtney On 21/12/2011, at 3:45 in the Afternoon, Austin Seraphin wrote: If you have an iPhone 4S then you have to check out the Vocal ap

Re: siri proxy server

2011-12-31 Thread Hank Smith
Hello I think you have to jailbreak your iphone 4 to use siri with it. hth Hank On 12/31/2011 5:42 PM, Gigi wrote: Hi guys Did I read this right? Can you put Siri n an iPhone? I thought you had to have a new 4s Sent from my iPhone On Dec 31, 2011, at 6:00 PM, James Scholes wrote: Traci wro

Re: Ripping DVDs for streaming from apple TV.

2012-01-08 Thread Hank Smith
if you use osx lion what would u use? On 1/8/2012 5:30 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote: handbrake will manage certain formats fairly well. I use mactheripper and it's a nice, lightweight app if you have OS 10.6 or earlier with rosetta support installed. as it's a PPC app. I use it quite a bit and i

Re: bible application

2012-01-16 Thread Hank Smith
Hello where can you get bible software that does have the current translations, as well as the cathlic bible at? thanks Hank On 1/16/2012 12:07 PM, CJ Daniel wrote: Walter, I use the shareware program Eloquence, formerly known as MacSword. It is very good& very comprehensive. Unfortunately

iphone gps apps that work with 3gs?

2012-01-22 Thread Hank Smith
hello what gps apps work with 3gs iphone? I may be getting one at end of month. -- website: personal email: facebook: Klango: hanksmith Skype: hank.smith966 Amateur radio call sig

3 iphone 3gs questions

2012-01-23 Thread Hank Smith
hello is there any vo friendly apps that would allow me to set up my iphone 3gs to be tracked if it gets stolen? I don't want to have it get stolen and not be able to ketch the crook this time around. I have had ios devices taken from me in the past so am wanting to get a method in place to trac

Re: 3 iphone 3gs questions

2012-01-23 Thread Hank Smith
. -eric On Jan 23, 2012, at 5:41 PM, Hank Smith wrote: hello is there any vo friendly apps that would allow me to set up my iphone 3gs to be tracked if it gets stolen? I don't want to have it get stolen and not be able to ketch the crook this time around. I have had ios devices taken f

Re: 3 iphone 3gs questions

2012-01-24 Thread Hank Smith
ts. All the best, Emrah On Jan 23, 2012, at 7:41 PM, Hank Smith wrote: hello is there any vo friendly apps that would allow me to set up my iphone 3gs to be tracked if it gets stolen? I don't want to have it get stolen and not be able to ketch the crook this time around. I have had ios d

sim card in iphone 3gs?

2012-01-24 Thread Hank Smith
Hello the iphone 3gs I will be getting used, where do I insert the sim card at, and how do I do this? also atnt wants me to pay 600.00 and some change to get a month to month service apparently they make u do a credit even though you are going month to month so I will be most likely going with

Re: converting tapes to MP3

2012-02-07 Thread Hank Smith
how do you moniter what you are listening to though? On 2/7/2012 8:24 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote: Hi, sure the Macbook air does. Its just that input and output is handled by the same jack. Go to systempreferences/sounds and you can select if the headphone jack is used for input or output. hth

sim card on iphone 3gs?

2012-02-08 Thread Hank Smith
Hello where exactly is the hole to put a paper clip, to get the sim tray to pop out on the 3gs? is it buy the power switch on the top of the phone? also would a push pin work, or does it have to be a paper clip or apple removal tool? Hank -- You received this message because you are subscribed

google voice iphone apps?

2012-02-08 Thread Hank Smith
hello any one recommend any good google voice apps that work with iphone 3gs? am wanting a app that would also allow me to change alot of the google voice settings as well. Hank -- websites: http://www.tmiwi

broadcast to shoutcast server using iphone 3gs?

2012-02-11 Thread Hank Smith
hello is there a program that can stream to a shoutcast server using iphone 3gs? I am talking about broadcasting directly to a server using iphone. I know there is a icecast one but am trying to find one that works with shoutcast. Hank -- websites:

Re: broadcast to shoutcast server using iphone 3gs?

2012-02-12 Thread Hank Smith
u think it only supports iceCast but read carefully and they do mention you can use it with shoutcast as well. Don On 2/11/2012 2:11 PM, Hank Smith wrote: hello is there a program that can stream to a shoutcast server using iphone 3gs? I am talking about broadcasting directly to a server

urgent urgent urgent urgent help resetting voice over to factory defaults in osx lion

2013-01-17 Thread hank smith
Hello have a imac running osx lion 10.8 installed infovox ifox 3 switched to voice now voice over refuses to work it blinks and have no way to reset to defaults no one sighted is here to help how do I reset to voice over default with out having to reload osx? remimber I have no sighted help I am

Re: urgent urgent urgent urgent help resetting voice over to factory defaults in osx lion

2013-01-17 Thread hank smith
vo-cmd-down several times to set vo to a working voice. Once you do that, you should have no trouble getting rid of Infovox and re-selecting your preferred voice. On Jan 18, 2013, at 1:03 AM, hank smith wrote: Hello have a imac running osx lion 10.8 installed infovox ifox 3 switched to voice

Re: urgent urgent urgent urgent help resetting voice over to factory defaults in osx lion

2013-01-17 Thread hank smith
On Jan 18, 2013, at 1:03 AM, hank smith wrote: Hello have a imac running osx lion 10.8 installed infovox ifox 3 switched to voice now voice over refuses to work it blinks and have no way to reset to defaults no one sighted is here to help how do I reset to voice over default with out having to

Re: urgent urgent urgent urgent help resetting voice over to factory defaults in osx lion

2013-01-17 Thread hank smith
I am using bootcamp windows 7 to send the email. I am running latest version off the website a imac intel it doesn't talk it says like a sillable. it then sounds like a click or bomg or something I really can't discribe it but it doesn't talk and does like a click click click or something like

Re: urgent urgent urgent urgent help resetting voice over to factory defaults in osx lion

2013-01-17 Thread hank smith
ager to install and make sure your voices showed as activated? -- Cheryl May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14 HCSB) On Jan 18, 2013, at 12:03 AM, hank smith wrote: Hello have a imac running osx lion 10.8 in

Re: urgent urgent urgent urgent help resetting voice over to factory defaults in osx lion

2013-01-17 Thread hank smith
when I try to do what u suggested it still stays on volume. it doesn't want to advance to the next item in that rotation thingy meaning it doesn't switch to the voice oppsion it just sticks on volume. I have never ever seen this behavior before in my life. I can't get thing to switch to a differ

Re: urgent urgent urgent urgent help resetting voice over to factory defaults in osx lion

2013-01-17 Thread hank smith
, 2013, at 1:35 AM, hank smith wrote: when I did that and did write twice it still stuck on volume it didn't change to the different setting. Hank On 1/17/2013 11:34 PM, Alex Hall wrote: If you can find the volume item in the vo-cmd-left/right rotation, move two items right and you will be o

Re: urgent urgent urgent urgent help resetting voice over to factory defaults in osx lion

2013-01-17 Thread hank smith
times and press enter; you should be on the "reset basic preferences" item. Now vo-right wtice, then vo-space once to activate the "reset" button. You can't press enter here as the cancel button is default, so you must vo-right twice. On Jan 18, 2013, at 1:49 AM, hank smit

Re: urgent urgent urgent urgent help resetting voice over to factory defaults in osx lion

2013-01-18 Thread hank smith
18/01/2013 06:34, hank smith wrote: I am using bootcamp windows 7 to send the email. I am running latest version off the website a imac intel it doesn't talk it says like a sillable. it then sounds like a click or bomg or something I really can't discribe it but it doesn't talk and doe

google plus on the mac?

2013-01-18 Thread hank smith
Hello how vo friendly is google plus on the mac platform? it totally sucks on windows but was curious how blind friendly it is on the mac platform? Hank -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to ma

garage band podcasts?

2013-01-18 Thread hank smith
Hello where can I get the garage band podcasts at? I can not find them on apple vis. I am also interested in beat mapping with other tempos. eg matching tempos with other beats so they all go together, can I also get instructions on how to do this? if there is a auto beat mapping feature that to

Re: garage band podcasts?

2013-01-19 Thread hank smith
refer? Ricardo has a five part series on GB on his website. Maybe he'll chime in and direct you. I think his website is Although, it might be .info - I'm not sure. - Original Message ----- From: "hank smith" To: Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2

Re: - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-20 Thread hank smith
I think it just goes along with all of the audio described stuff they have. Hank On 1/20/2013 2:05 PM, Devin Prater wrote: Does anyone know if the goes along with the original channel, or just plays all the audio described stuff they have? On Jan 20, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Matt Dierckens

program that will back up macintosh drive and bootcamp drive on osx?

2013-01-26 Thread hank smith
Hello I am looking for a back up program that will back both my macintosh drive and my bootcamp parttition to a external drive is there such a beast that can do this and also allow me to restore both successfully? Hank -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

downloading newonce voices in osx lion?

2013-01-26 Thread hank smith
Hello how do I download newonce voices in osx lion? I can't seem to remimber how to do this. thanks Hank\ -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe fro

Re: garage band podcasts?

2013-01-27 Thread hank smith
. Maybe he'll chime in and direct you. I think his website is Although, it might be .info - I'm not sure. - Original Message ----- From: "hank smith" To: Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 12:18 AM Subject: garage band podcasts? Hello where can I

Re: Buying Acapela: This? is driving? me? Crazy!

2013-01-28 Thread hank smith
it did the same thing for me as well. On 1/28/2013 9:54 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: The other thing too that is kind of frustrating me is that every few seconds it craps out and tells me it's an evaluation coopy. I thought that it was a 30 day full functionality trial, or did I miss rea

Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-30 Thread hank smith
what jail break apps do u use to ty in yourt google voice and google voice texting? that is so awesome. Hank On 1/30/2013 8:58 PM, Raul A. Gallegos wrote: Hello Krysti, I may have some information for you. Also, Mauricio, the question wasn't about what you lose if you jailbreak, but whether it

RadiologikDJ help with voice over

2014-12-28 Thread hank smith
Hello I am trying out the RadiologikDJ and the Radiologik Scheduler programs on osx 10.10 how do I get past the registration screen I vo key space on continue button and it says vo key pressed how ever it doesn't let me get past the screen is there a certain way I have to use voice over to get

Re: RadiologikDJ help with voice over

2014-12-29 Thread hank smith
as well. On Dec 28, 2014, at 8:33 PM, hank smith wrote: Hello I am trying out the RadiologikDJ and the Radiologik Scheduler programs on osx 10.10 how do I get past the registration screen I vo key space on continue button and it says vo key pressed how ever it doesn't let me get past

Re: Piano Pub Questions

2012-08-30 Thread Hank Smith
what pandora app do u use? On 8/30/2012 9:52 AM, Rose Waagan wrote: Thank you for letting me know that, Alex. I use a different pandora app on the Mac now, which I find to be more accessible. But I do try to keep up with piano pub. I'll try and see what the problem could be when I get home. Se

Re: Long shot, but is this possible?

2012-08-30 Thread Hank Smith
I know of a sip gateway that is free for now and is ran by domations. that allows u to connect google voice to a sip device. I hearad about it on email me off list On 8/30/2012 3:32 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: Are there any accessible... or at least accessible enough... app

Re: tagging people on Facebook?

2012-09-03 Thread Hank Smith
what configuration? can some one fill me in here? On 9/3/2012 1:29 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote: You should also be able to press the @ symbol followed by part of the name, followed by enter. (for example, "@John Smith" without the quotes, then return. Most of the time, it will autocomplete for you

Re: making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Hank Smith
can u do a podcast on how u did this? this is totally awesome. thanks Hank On 9/9/2012 10:25 AM, Timothy Clark Music wrote: hello - you can make remixes on your mac just by using garageband. check this out. Timothy

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