if u have multiple tables with colums do you have to vo left and vo wrote to go to colums with in a table?
not sure if this makes any sense.
On 8/16/2012 10:48 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
I see that no-one has so far discussed tables with you.  While interacting 
within a table in HTML content, use the VO-Arrow keys to move around in the 
table.  So to move up and down, hold down the VO keys and use up and down 
arrows.  That should move you down in the same column and not push back to the 
beginning of the row or any of that.  Keep in mind that as you get to the 
bottom of a column, pressing VO-down arrow will wrap you back to the top row 
and I think, advances you to the next column.  To get out of the table, Just 
get to the upper left or lower right corner of the table and then use normal 
VO-left or VO-right to move you on outside the table.  For me, tables 
automatically interact when you land on them.  I can't remember if that is 
always the case, default or if I set an option; sorry.

Hope this helps.

On Aug 9, 2012, at 8:44 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:

In a web page command option F takes you directly to google search
from what I can tell in ML Command L and this previous command serve
the same exact function

On Aug 8, 12:20 am, Veronica Elsea <veron...@laurelcreekmusic.com>
Oh how nice. I didn't realize that one could also search with command-L.
So when would one use Command-F? And where would this command look for
things? Thanks so much.


Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier 
Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club 
                  Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California
Phone: 831-429-6407

On 8/7/2012 9:15 PM, Rachel Feinberg wrote:

Hi Veronica,
For the keystroke to quickly go to the address bar where you can either google 
search, or type in a URL is command+l.
I'll wait, (along with you), for someone to explain tables, since i'm still new 
to this as well.
On Aug 7, 2012, at 8:40 PM, Veronica Elsea <veron...@laurelcreekmusic.com> 
Hi everyone!
First, I thought I'd respond to the discussion on tables. The one I encounter 
is on my bank's web site. I can find the table and VO-right-arrow through each 
item. When I'm on the first column of a row, the VO-R command also reads the 
whole row to me. I can't figure out how to bop straight down a column though. 
But at least the information is all there.
And I so appreciate those of you who reported the apparent bug here. I was 
beginning to think I was losing my mind. I just can't seem to quite figure out 
where I land and when I need to interact and when I don't. I don't remember 
having this issue in Lion but granted, I only used it a little bit because I 
was waiting for Mountain Lion before really getting going on this Macbook.
The other thing I've apparently lost track of is how to quickly do a google 
search. I have figured out that if I open Safari and just stay on the tool bar, 
I can type a url or a search term. I then VO-right-arrow to the html content 
area where I interact. But it sure seemed to me that there was a keystroke or 
something that went easily into that google search. But I just can't find it 
But boy I'd sure love a good tutorial and demo of really using Safari in ML. I 
did create an activity which turns on Quick Nav when I go into Safari, and I 
was afraid that this was what was messing up my browsing experience.
So I will await further news and see how far I get in the meantime. But thanks 
so much to all of you who are so on top of all of this stuff. I look forward to 
doing my part to pay forward. In the meantime, I'm open to all Safari 
suggestions. Thanks.
Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing the Star-spangled Banner at
Then find more music from The Guide Dog Glee Club and Veronica Elsea at
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California
Phone: 831-429-6407
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