I found a table I can read in pages

2012-02-28 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, It has been my experience that tables are completely inaccessible in pages. However, recently I have come across a couple of files that have table objects in them that I can navigate and interact with. They show up after the body and before the footer, at least on the two files I ha

Re: Google eBooks

2012-03-08 Thread Greg Aikens
The one I purchased has been accessible on mac using safari and using the google books app on my iPhone. The mac experience has been more positive than the IOS one but they both seem to work fine. -Greg On Mar 8, 2012, at 6:51 PM, Ezzie Bueno wrote: > Hello list: > > Do any of you know wheth

Re: Games for Mac and MUD Clients and other little questions of new Apple Eater

2012-03-14 Thread Greg Aikens
I use TinTin mud client to access muds. It's not the best thing in the world but gets the job done, especially if you play with the cursors so they do not follow each other. Also tintin has a nice gag feature so you can easily eliminate unnecessary lines, such as blank lines. It has been a de

Re: IPhone timer?

2012-03-17 Thread Greg Aikens
There is a timer built into the clock app that comes on the iPhone. It's one of the different tabs within the app. There is also a nice stopwatch. -Greg On Mar 17, 2012, at 6:57 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote: > Hi all, > > Does anyone know of one for either the IPhone or the MBP? > > Thanks, > >

Re: Bookshare?

2012-03-25 Thread Greg Aikens
I use Safari. After unzipping the book, open the .xml file and read away. -Greg On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:22 AM, Alex Hall wrote: > Hi all, > What do people use to read Bookshare books on the mac? It should work > well with both vo and zoom, and have the ability to let Alex do the > talking (no th

Re: Bookshare?

2012-03-25 Thread Greg Aikens
r myself. > > I am asking on behalf of someone who is not very used to vo, so > hotspots, finding xml files, and so on might be a bit much. A simple > program to read bookshare's files and keep your place would be > perfect, if such a thing exists. > > On 3/25/12, Greg Aik

Re: DAISY Player for the Mac/iPhone

2012-03-27 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi, There was just a similar thread about reading bookshare books on the mac. I use safari to read them on the mac. Just open the xml file from your daisy book in safari and read away. I don't have any suggestions for IOS. -Greg On Mar 27, 2012, at 8:55 PM, Steve Holmes wrote: > I haven't s

Re: Frotz

2012-04-07 Thread Greg Aikens
I have played with Zoom some. There are a handful of resources for mac on the interactive fiction archive page. Some of the mac resources work better than others with VO. Unfortunately it has been months since I have tried so I can't remember specifics. -Greg On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jos

Re: A question regarding blindmicemegamall.com

2012-04-27 Thread Greg Aikens
Did you try restarting Safari? You could also try visiting the site using webkit. If those things don't work, it could just be a send space problem. I have run into strange issues trying to download from them sometimes. -Greg On Apr 27, 2012, at 10:46 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote: > Hi all, > > I

Re: disclosure triangles?

2012-04-29 Thread Greg Aikens
Disclosure triangles are a way to hide or reveal extra info or options. If the disclosure triangle is collapsed, the extra options are hidden and if it is expanded they are displayed. Press VO+Space to toggle a disclosure triangle. In mail, expanding a disclosure triangle shows the list of m

Re: disclosure triangles?

2012-04-29 Thread Greg Aikens
t's probably why vo-space failed. > On 29 Apr 2012, at 12:47, Greg Aikens wrote: > >> Disclosure triangles are a way to hide or reveal extra info or options. If >> the disclosure triangle is collapsed, the extra options are hidden and if it >> is expanded they

Re: Mudding on the mac.

2012-05-05 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi Allison, I have been reasonably successful using tintin in terminal. I had to play with the VO cursor settings some but here is the configuration I like and have saved as an activity.: Keyboard follows VO cursor: Yes VO follows keyboard cursor: No Insertion point follows VO cursor: Yes VO fol

Re: Mudding on the mac.

2012-05-06 Thread Greg Aikens
You can download Tintin from http://tintin.sourceforge.net/ It comes as a tar archive that you have to unpack. I believe the built in mac utilities can handle this, but if not, something like the unarchiver works great. Run the resulting file. Your mac will classify it as a unix executable f

Re: Renaming Files

2012-06-07 Thread Greg Aikens
Yes, I use the duplicate function to make copies of data sheets for different students/classes. This works well for the purpose. Although, you have to get used to not editing the original file. I suppose you could lock the file. Then, whenever you tried to edit it, you would be prompted to d

Re: Renaming Files

2012-06-07 Thread Greg Aikens
Also, when I select duplicate from the file menu, I am not prompted for a new file name until I save or close the file. I have only used the feature in Numbers though. I can't say if it works differently in other applications. -Greg On Jun 7, 2012, at 10:15 AM, Steve Holmes wrote: > I think t

Re: chess?

2012-07-07 Thread Greg Aikens
You can move up, down, left, and right to get an idea of the visual layout. This doesn't give you diagonal information, but it makes the game very playable. On Jul 7, 2012, at 6:29 PM, Harry Hogue wrote: > That's what I never understood. As a blind person, with a physical board, > how are w

Re: Weird mail problem with Mountain Kitty

2012-07-26 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi, I am having the same problem. My inbox is expanded so that I see the separate inboxes for my separate accounts. However, I can't see the list of folders under each account. These used to appear below my trash folder in the list of mailboxes. In Lion, I could hide these folders by clickin

Re: interesting behavior with Mail

2012-07-27 Thread Greg Aikens
I have also observed this. It will take some getting used to. -Greg On Jul 27, 2012, at 1:50 AM, Shen wrote: > Hi all, > I discovered something new with Mail in Mountain Lion. It's not a big thing, > but worth keeping in mind. > First, my Mail is in classic view. When going through a large amo

Re: Weird mail problem with Mountain Kitty

2012-07-27 Thread Greg Aikens
hat way, at least I can get > everything in my inbox. Of course, I can also get mail on my iPhone > fortunately. > Regards > Gigi > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Jul 26, 2012, at 12:42 PM, Greg Aikens wrote: > >> Hi, >> I am having the same problem. M

Re: speakable items?

2012-07-29 Thread Greg Aikens
You can try calibration through trial and error. Just move the control one way and if it seems less responsive than before, move it the other way. :) Seems crude but you can definitely do it without sighted assistance. On Jul 29, 2012, at 3:58 PM, Maria Chapman wrote: > Hi list. > > haven't

Re: Mailboxes/Folders in ML Mail

2012-08-02 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi Jeff, There are a handful of us who have had this problem in ML. There were one or two threads about how to expand these mailboxes, if you want to search the archives. Several solutions were presented but the one that worked for me was to go to my mailboxes table, use VO + down arrow to nav

Re: Easiest Way to Read Bookshare Books in Mountain Lion

2012-08-10 Thread Greg Aikens
Check the archives for more in depth tips on this, but I'm still just opening the xml file in Safari and reading it with VO. Maybe I'm still in the dark ages. If others have better solutions, please enlighten me. -Greg On Aug 10, 2012, at 1:54 PM, Harry Hogue wrote: > Hi, all, > > I don't

Re: Easiest Way to Read Bookshare Books in Mountain Lion

2012-08-12 Thread Greg Aikens
One way to get around this is to set a web spot at the place you left off. I haven't tried this under ML but in Lion it worked inconsistently and often I would forget to set a web spot when I finished reading, but it is better than nothing. -Greg On Aug 12, 2012, at 5:17 PM, Mary Otten wrot

Re: more on speech recognition on the Mac

2011-11-15 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi Donna, I haven't looked at this in a while, but there is a button labelled calibrate in the speech recognition dialog. It should bring up a slider that you can move around until it is more accurate. I can't tell you what the slider does, just that that I moved it around until it was more ac

Re: How to delete messages in my mail on my iPhone

2011-11-15 Thread Greg Aikens
There is an edit button towards the top right of the mail display. Double tap Edit and then double tap the messages you want to delete. You will notice that as you move through your messages they will be read as selected or unselected. When you are done selecting everything you want to delete

Re: Bookshare on the Mac

2011-11-18 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi Scott, I read bookshare books on my mac by opening the xml file in Safari and reading it with VO. Hope this helps. -Greg On Nov 18, 2011, at 8:32 PM, Scott Rumery wrote: > Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to read Bookshare books on the Mac? > I think that using V O to read a book

Re: Bookshare on the Mac

2011-11-18 Thread Greg Aikens
tic because if I am not mistaken, by reading it in Safari there is no > way to bookmark where you leave off. If I am wrong, please let me know. > > Scott > On Nov 18, 2011, at 9:54 PM, Greg Aikens wrote: > >> Hi Scott, >> I read bookshare books on my mac by opening the

Re: Word Games for the Mac?

2011-11-19 Thread Greg Aikens
I have been able to use TinTin for mudding of the mac pretty successfully. I set up an activity for terminal so that the VO cursor does not follow the keyboard or insertion point. This means that even though VO will interrupt itself, it doesn't move my cursor all the way to the bottom, so I ca

frustrating issue with papa john's mobile site

2011-11-19 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, I am having a hard time entering new credit card information on the papa john's mobile site because whenever I enter a value, such as my credit card number, Safari reformats it with commas and even rounds the value to the nearest 10. I have tried unchecking autofill and spell check o

Re: playing interactive fiction games on mac?

2011-11-21 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi, I have used Zoom. It is available from the interactive fiction archive. -Greg On Nov 20, 2011, at 11:43 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote: > Hi, > > I use frotz on iphone and wa wondering what best to use to play the same > games on the computer and ideally to sync my progress with phone. > > I

Re: frustrating issue with papa john's mobile site

2011-11-21 Thread Greg Aikens
in. Unfortunately there's not a whole lot you can do about that. > On Nov 19, 2011, at 10:47 PM, Greg Aikens wrote: > >> Hello all, >> I am having a hard time entering new credit card information on the papa >> john's mobile site because whenever I enter a value,

Re: MacLegion 2011 Winter Bundle includes Nisus Writer Pro and MacGourmet + 7 other apps for $49.99

2011-12-10 Thread Greg Aikens
How does Nisus handle tables with VO? That would be a huge selling point for me. I may look at the demo, but thought I would ask too. -Greg On Dec 10, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Esther wrote: > Hi All, > > One of the interesting accessible alternatives for Office on the Mac is Nisus > Writer Pro, whi

Re: Daisy Reader under Lion

2011-12-15 Thread Greg Aikens
Learning Ally has a program that reads their books and I think there is a version you can buy that lets you read any daisy materials. Sorry I don't remember the name right now. Hope this helps. Greg On Dec 15, 2011, at 12:31 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > Guys, > I promise I have looked in the arch

Re: Gps on the iPhone

2011-12-16 Thread Greg Aikens
Navigon definitely has a pedestrian mode. I like to use Navigon in conjunction with Sendero. -Greg On Dec 13, 2011, at 7:46 PM, Gigi wrote: > Hi Hank > I think it is the p o I things because I called one restaurant > > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Dec 13, 2011, at 7:04 PM, Hank Smith wro

Re: Gps on the iPhone

2011-12-16 Thread Greg Aikens
n Dec 16, 2011, at 4:58 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote: > Hi Gregg. > Where is the pedestrian mode on Navigon. I have Sendero also. > > Regards, > Gigi > > On Dec 16, 2011, at 11:06 AM, Greg Aikens wrote: > >> Navigon definitely has a pedestrian mode. I like to

Re: Jumping to pages in Preview

2012-01-11 Thread Greg Aikens
I go into the view menu and select single or double page for viewing. That way, when VO wants to jump to the top, it is limited to the page or 2 that are displayed instead of the entire document. Hope this helps. GregOn Jan 11, 2012, at 11:54 AM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote: > Hi Everyone, > >

Re: Pages question

2012-01-18 Thread Greg Aikens
Under Lion you need to choose export from the file menu. The steps should be straight forward from there. -Greg On Jan 18, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote: > Help! > I did a performance review with Pages, and I need a copy in Word, or text > format. I cannot figure out how to do th

Re: Abby Fine Reader Express

2012-02-04 Thread Greg Aikens
You can use Abby without first printing the files. Indeed, this is how many people use it since it does not directly support all scanners. -Greg On Feb 4, 2012, at 2:15 PM, Paul Hunt wrote: > Hello everyone. I'm going to purchase Abby Fine Reader but don't have a > scanner yet. If I buy it bef

Re: Tables [was:] Re: numbers

2012-02-23 Thread Greg Aikens
Another way to edit cells in Numbers is to move to the cell you want to change and hit Option+Enter. This will put your cursor in the cell for editing. You can navigate to any point in the cell by using the arrow keys or arrow keys + the option key. Once I discovered this, working with Number

Re: editing cell contents in numbers?

2012-02-25 Thread Greg Aikens
Option + Enter should put your cursor in the cell to edit. -Greg On Feb 25, 2012, at 5:37 AM, erik burggraaf wrote: > Hi, is there a key to edit cell contents in numbers? The standard f2 > doesn't work. I checked all through the menus and couldn't find it. I > looked in the inspector and it

Re: Unreal VoiceOver very choppy again

2014-01-24 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi, I am experiencing this periodic choppiness in speech and even sluggish response from VO. Restarting VO helps sometimes but sometimes it doesn’t. When it is at its worst, I also hear fan noise as though my laptop were running hot or some process is eating up all my CPU. Any tips of what t

Re: Hebrew voice and hebrew braille for mac

2014-01-26 Thread Greg Aikens
> Whether this rumor is true ot not, I hope Apple will include Hebrew support > to Voiceover as soon as possible. > Thanks, Rafi. > > -Original Message- > From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com > [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Greg Aikens &

Re: playing and rewinding on youtube

2014-01-31 Thread Greg Aikens
On many of the ads, you can skip them after watching the first several seconds. I only know this from watching youtube with sighted friends. I haven’t found a way to do this with VO. On Jan 31, 2014, at 11:50 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: > I doubt they would supply a way to skip the commercials s

6 or 8 dot braille for brf files

2014-02-11 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, I have a BRF question. When reading a brf in text edit, I turn off automatic braille translation. As far as I can tell, I have to use 8 dot braille for the brf to be represented correctly. Is there a way to read a brf file in 6 dot braille correctly? Currently, when I uncheck the 8 do

Re: 6 or 8 dot braille for brf files

2014-02-11 Thread Greg Aikens
ur text with command-a, then go into > the edit menu, transformations, and change the text to lower-case. It's > possible at this point that you could try six-dot Braille, but once you > transform the text to lower-case, I don't think it makes any difference. > > HtH,

Tagging people and pages on Facebook

2014-02-14 Thread Greg Aikens
Does anyone know of a step by step guide of how to tag someone using Facebook and voiceover on the mac? I was able to do so back in December but now I can't seem to figure it out again. I don't know if Facebook has changed or if I'm just not remembering what I did correctly. Any tips or guidance

Re: Tagging people and pages on Facebook

2014-02-14 Thread Greg Aikens
by the name and press >>> return. It should give you a name with a link, which will be the tag. You >>> can edit this to only show the first name, but VO is a little weird with >>> it, so you might have to interact with the tag text first. Trying to pick a >>&

Re: free software for solving capchas on mac

2014-03-15 Thread Greg Aikens
You can disable the extension at any time in safari, just like you would do for any extension. Open the preferences dialog with Cmd+, and switch to the extensions page. There is a list of extensions. Select the one you want and interact with the scroll area. Find the check box that says enable a

Re: an annoying little problem

2014-03-18 Thread Greg Aikens
If you aren't trying to record it, couldn't you just use your built in microphone as input and your external speakers? It's not recording quality obviously, but depending on what you are doing, this set up will allow someone to hear voiceover and any other sounds coming from your mac. You could

Speaking contents of merged cells in Numbers

2015-03-01 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, I have taken a break from the list for quite a while but I’m back with a question about Numbers. When I merge cells, I would like for voiceover to read the content of the merged cells as I arrow across my table. Right now the announcement I get is “H1 through K1 added to selection. H1

Using range of header rows and columns in numbers

2015-03-07 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, I have a spreadsheet with two header rows and two header columns. The Leftmost header row lists each month. The second header row list individual transactions for each month. The leftmost header row is a merged cell so that all of the January transactions fall into the January header.

Re: Using range of header rows and columns in numbers

2015-03-07 Thread Greg Aikens
e referenced in formulas to refer to the entire column beneath it. > Similarly with column headers, the column closest to the actual data columns > can reference the entire row to its right. > > >> On Mar 7, 2015, at 9:45 AM, Greg Aikens wrote: >> >> Hello all, &g

Re: Using range of header rows and columns in numbers

2015-03-07 Thread Greg Aikens
ust a thought. > >> On Mar 7, 2015, at 10:05 AM, Greg Aikens wrote: >> >> My mistake. Let me repost with the correct terms. >> >> Hello all, >> I have a spreadsheet with two header rows and two header columns. The >> Leftmost header column lists

Re: spotify

2015-03-23 Thread Greg Aikens
I would also be interested to know if others have had success with desktop clients. I have used the web player but I can’t get VO to consistently read the different parts of the page when I want to search for new music etc. I currently use the IOS app. Thanks, Greg > On Mar 23, 2015, at 7:24

Re: Logos Bible Software

2015-03-30 Thread Greg Aikens
These bible sites are great, but Logos gives you the ability to cross reference between the biblical text, texts in the original languages, commentaries, do word studies, etc. It allows you to upload and add to your own reference library. It’s a pretty nice software package. > On Mar 29, 2015,

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-26 Thread Greg Aikens
Get a small table to set next to your desk for the receiver. Seriously, $5 at Salvation Army or something. > On Apr 26, 2015, at 3:58 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: > > As I said in my subject, I don't want to turn anyone off from reading this > e-mail. If you genuinely think you can h

renaming tables in Numbers, revisited

2015-05-03 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, Is there a new way to rename tables in Numbers? For a while now I have been using Ann Roberson’s solution involving mouse keys etc. but for some reason that doesn’t seem to be working for me anymore. I end up selecting whatever row my cursor started in using the old method. Can anyone

Re: renaming tables in Numbers, revisited

2015-05-03 Thread Greg Aikens
f) can supply the script. > >> On May 3, 2015, at 8:39 PM, Greg Aikens wrote: >> >> Hello all, >> Is there a new way to rename tables in Numbers? For a while now I have been >> using Ann Roberson’s solution involving mouse keys etc. but for some reason >> tha

Re: renaming tables in Numbers, revisited

2015-05-03 Thread Greg Aikens
t, or someone on list (perhaps even me if I > get off my duff) can supply the script. > >> On May 3, 2015, at 8:39 PM, Greg Aikens wrote: >> >> Hello all, >> Is there a new way to rename tables in Numbers? For a while now I have been >> using Ann Roberson’s soluti

Re: pdf files

2015-06-18 Thread Greg Aikens
I’m pretty sure this is a mac program. She said that just like when you are using Windows, you need an accessible PDF. Best, Greg > On Jun 18, 2015, at 3:20 PM, May McDonald wrote: > > Thanks, I'll see if there's a mac version of this since I don't use windows. > >> On Jun 18, 2015, at 9:34 A

Re: can't add a signature

2015-07-01 Thread Greg Aikens
Not a dumb question. I can’t make this work either. I thought I remembered someone offering a solution a while back but was unable to locate it in the list archives. As a work around, I have just created the signatures under each account name instead of under the all accounts spot. > On Jul 1,

Re: can't add a signature

2015-07-01 Thread Greg Aikens
select that particular account in the table, the Names table is empty, and > the Choose button is dimmed. G. > Thanks, > Donna >> On Jul 1, 2015, at 9:36 AM, Greg Aikens wrote: >> >> Not a dumb question. I can’t make this work either. I thought I remembered >

Re: can't add a signature

2015-07-01 Thread Greg Aikens
e the signature created >> using the right account name, but I can't make it pair with the account. >> When I select that particular account in the table, the Names table is >> empty, and the Choose button is dimmed. G. >> Thanks, >> Donna >>> On Jul 1,

Re: can't add a signature

2015-07-01 Thread Greg Aikens
Never mind. I got it to work. For some reason I have to bring the mouse twice. The first time it does not move the mouse cursor to the correct position but the second time seems to work. Thanks again for this. > On Jul 1, 2015, at 11:35 AM, Greg Aikens wrote: > > Hi Anne, > Tha

Accessible video conferencing/presentation software

2013-10-15 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, Does anyone have a recommendation for a good, accessible with VO, video conferencing software? I'm looking for something that will support maybe 40 people or so and I would like to be able to share documents or a slideshow presentation if possible. Does google hangout do this? And

Re: entering text in numbers (without deleting previous content!)

2013-10-16 Thread Greg Aikens
Press option+enter on a cell to enter the cell to edit it. This will work for text, but for editing a formula, highlight the cell in question and press VO+Shift+F3 to turn off cursor tracking. Then stop interacting with the table/layout area and use VO+Left arrow to navigate to the formula edi

Re: Pandora, edit station details

2013-10-27 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi Traci, You can delete a station from within Piano Pub. Select the station by double clicking with the track pad like you would do to play it. Then, stop interacting with the stations table and VO+right arrow until you hear "Dash button." This lets you delete the station. Hope this helps.

Re: Pleading, begging and groveling for hhelp once again: bookshare troubles

2013-10-29 Thread Greg Aikens
Just a thought: Several of us had a similar problem a while ago. The fix was to go into the Preferences in Safari, choose the Advanced tab, and then check the box that says "Show Develop menu." Then, go into the Develop menu from the menu bar and select "Disable Local File Restrictions." For

Re: Copying files to another mailbox

2013-11-03 Thread Greg Aikens
Select the message or messages you want to move, then press VO+Shift+M to bring up a context menu. "Move to" is one of the options. Press right arrow to get into a list of mailboxes and select the one you want and press enter. Hope this helps. -Greg On Nov 3, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Eugenia Fir

Re: Solving captures on a mac?

2013-11-07 Thread Greg Aikens
Are there any other text boxes to fill in on the page? It usually starts working whenever I start filling in the form. Greg Aikens, M. Ed. Teacher of students who are blind and visually impaired Cobb County School District gpaik...@gmail.com On Nov 7, 2013, at 7:37 PM, Alex Hall wrote

Re: Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages

2013-11-13 Thread Greg Aikens
Anne, I might be interested in something like this. I have been disappointed in my inability to master Pages on Mac as well as I have MS Word on Windows, but I see you post about many of the things I have found frustrating. Do you have a description anywhere listing what kind of materials are

Re: Can't Expand Conversations in Mail

2013-11-25 Thread Greg Aikens
I’m also having this problem but am able to expand the message with VO+Space. Left arrow works to collapse it. Not sure why this is happening. On Nov 25, 2013, at 10:27 PM, Jonathan Mosen wrote: > Hi everyone, I'm stumped by an issue my partner is having on her Macbook Air > and wonder if

Renaming a table in the new Numbers using Mavericks

2013-12-05 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi all, I used to use the Inspector to change the names of tables in Numbers but am no longer able to do so with Mavericks and the new version of Numbers. I see many of the old features from the inspector in the format area, including a checkbox that is called “Table Name,” but don’t see any wa

Re: rumola

2013-12-10 Thread Greg Aikens
It is working for me using Safari 7 and Mavericks. On Dec 10, 2013, at 6:34 PM, Patrick Neazer wrote: > Hello Everyone: > > I was wondering if people were still having success using rumola the safari > extension. when I take a look at the website it indicates that it works with > safari versi

Re: VoiceOver and Numbers: Negative Numbers

2013-12-13 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi Nick and all, I have punctuation set at “Most” and in Numbers when I have negative dollar amounts VO says dash before the dollar amount, as in dash $125.00. When I change the verbosity setting to some punctuation, I get no indication that the negative sign, or dash, is there. Hope this hel

Re: buying mp3 from amazon.com

2014-01-09 Thread Greg Aikens
You’ll need to download the amazon mp3 downloader from their site. Installation is fairly simple. The only other trick to know is that after you click on the buy button, go up to the top of the page to confirm the purchase. Best of luck. -Greg On Jan 9, 2014, at 7:53 PM, don bishop wrote:

Re: Step by Step Guide

2014-01-10 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi April, Are you interacting with the web page before you try to navigate it? You need to move to the part that says html view and interact with it using Control+option+shift+down arrow. Then you should be able to use VO+left and right arrows to move through the page. Interacting is confusin

Hebrew voice and hebrew braille for mac

2014-01-19 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, I’m trying to find a way to read hebrew braille on my mac. I found an old post in the archives that list a supported package for international braille codes but it looked like it was for Snow Leopard. The link is http://www.cecimac.org/english.htm Does anyone know of anything more

Re: Not getting all responses to my EMail messages

2011-06-10 Thread Greg Aikens
Did you check your junk folder? Sometimes this happens to me and I find the missing messages there. -Greg On Jun 10, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Chris Snyder wrote: > Hi all, > For some reason, when I look at the messages from this list, the VIPhone > list, and the ProTools Access list, I am not seei

Re: piano pub?

2011-06-26 Thread Greg Aikens
I don't believe Pandora lets you move back a song, so you won't be able to do that. As far as picking a new station, make sure to turn off the VO trackpad commander and then click the trackpad once you have highlighted the new station name with VO. This assumes that your mouse cursor follows

Re: excel spreadsheets in Numbers

2011-08-10 Thread Greg Aikens
To edit a cell, press option+enter on the cell. On Aug 10, 2011, at 6:09 AM, Cam wrote: > Hi > > Can anyone tell me how I can edit the contents of a cell in Numbers? I > have loaded in an excel spreadsheet, and can read its content, but I > can't add anything else into the sheet and I can't edi

introduction and questions about switching to mac

2010-07-21 Thread Greg Aikens
sure where to start. Any direction, specific info on one of these topics, or general info about making the transition would be great. Thanks for your help. Greg Aikens -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this gr

Re: introduction and questions about switching to mac

2010-07-23 Thread Greg Aikens
ork. I use Adium to IM. I use iWork > for all word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation needs. Go to > www.blindcooltech.com, and download all podcasts by Mike Arigo. You will > find them helpful. > Sarai Bucciarelli > Personal Come join me on www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbucc

ram requirement for voice over

2010-07-26 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi everyone, I am planning on buying a mac. I wanted to know if there is a minimum ram requirement to make sure voice over works smoothly. I know this was the case with windows screen readers last time I purchased a laptop. Thanks for the help. Greg -- You received this message because you are

Re: ram requirement for voice over

2010-07-26 Thread Greg Aikens
ami wrote: > >> I don't kow the answer to that. mine comes with 4 gig and it seems to be >> more then enough. >> >> S >> On Jul 26, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Greg Aikens wrote: >> >>> Hi everyone, >>> I am planning on buying a mac. I wanted to

skype question

2010-08-06 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, I just got my mac last saturday and I'm really liking it so far. The learning curve is quite a challenge but I can at least use it. I'm having trouble setting up skype on my machine. I have downloaded and opened the software, but when it is running I can't find where to put my log in in

Re: skype question

2010-08-06 Thread Greg Aikens
Hey Dan, Thanks for this. Works great now. Greg On 8/6/10, Dan Eickmeier wrote: > Hi Greg, if you tab around in there, you'll find areas where you can enter > your skype name, and password. It requires use of the tab key to get around > that. HTH. > On Aug 6, 2010, at 2:2

right clicking a link in safari

2010-08-09 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi everyone, I am trying to download some of the podcasts from blind cool tech about the mac but am having a hard time figuring out how to get the correct cursor over the link so I can pull up a context menu to choose to download the file. I tried using V/O + Command + F4 to move the keyboard curso

Re: right clicking a link in safari

2010-08-09 Thread Greg Aikens
Thanks, this worked great. On 8/9/10, Mike Arrigo wrote: > If you want to download a file, make sure your keyboard focus is on the > link, then hold the option key and press enter, that will download the file > instead of opening it. > On Aug 9, 2010, at 11:07 AM, Greg Aikens wr

working with pages

2010-08-15 Thread Greg Aikens
Does anyone know of a good resource for learning to work with pages and V/O? Most of it is coming pretty straight forward but a few things have stumped me so far. Working with footnotes for example is something I'm struggling to figure out. Any help is appreciated. -Greg -- You received this

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-18 Thread Greg Aikens
What is the command to refresh the page? I have had this problem every once and a while too. Also, I ran into a page that kept crashing safari but I think it might have been a voice over thing. I could work with the webpage until I moved the voice over cursor across a couple of spots on the pa

safari, blackboard, and downloading files

2010-08-25 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, My school uses the Blackboard platform for accessing course materials such as power point slides and course assignments. I can access the site and navigate fine, but I cannot figure out how to download the files I need for my courses. When I pull up a context menu on the link to try a

Re: safari, blackboard, and downloading files

2010-08-26 Thread Greg Aikens
ed to this thing I guess... Thanks for the suggestion. -Greg On Aug 25, 2010, at 5:55 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > Hello, > > Have you tried pressing option enter on the link that contains the file you > want? This works often for me. > > hth > On Aug 25, 2010, at

Re: Multiple recipients in "to:" field?

2010-08-28 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi Mike, Someone correct me if there is a better way to do this. What I do is after mail correctly inserts the correct email address into the field, I tab away and then back. Then I interact with the edit field and move the cursor to the end of the field. I then put a comma and a spac and start

reading tables in pages

2010-08-30 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, I am having trouble reading tables using pages. The tables I am trying to read are in word documents. When I get to the area where the table is, my cursor gets sent to the end of the file, skipping the table and everything after it. Any suggestions would be helpful. -Greg -- You r

Re: Bible software for the iphone?

2010-09-05 Thread Greg Aikens
The free Bible app from lifechurch.tv is quite accessible. I really like it because it has a number of daily reading plans you can choose from. You do have to connect in order to access most versions of the Bible, although the do have a handful of them you can download for use when not connected

Re: Blackboard, anyone?

2010-09-06 Thread Greg Aikens
Hey Mike, I have just started using blackboard, safari, and voice over together. You're right tht the discussion threads are challenging to sort through but I haven't worked with them enough yet to give you any real tips. As I get more familiar with the platform maybe I can be of more help. -G

Re: Making calls in Skype.

2010-09-06 Thread Greg Aikens
When I want to call or chat with a contact I hit enter on the contact name in the list. A window then comes up with the text chat. I then navigate to the toolbar which has several options. One of them is a call button. When someone calls I just navigate around until I find the answer button. I g

Re: Blackboard, anyone?

2010-09-07 Thread Greg Aikens
I haven't encountered a flash issue and my school is using blackboard 9.1. When I said using blackboard was tricky I just meant it takes some getting used to. Learning to navigate between the different frames and lists and menus can be somewhat cumbersome. A lot of that is my lack of ability wit

changing line spacing, font attributes in pages

2010-09-08 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi everyone, I'm having trouble changing my text attributes in pages. I see a number of pop up menus when I stop interacting with the scroll area which contains my text but they are all dimmed and I can't click on them. I have found some of the same options in the format menu and so could accomp

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