Re: IMAP configuration for Yahoo mail on a Mac

2011-06-24 Thread Geoff Shang
On Fri, 24 Jun 2011, Vince Mistretta wrote: If Yahoo has imap then instructions should be on their site. Maybe not for Apple Mail, but for any other. All you really need are the proper port numbers and SSL required options. IMHO, anyone who uses Email across the Internet (i.e. somewhere othe

Re: IMAP configuration for Yahoo mail on a Mac

2011-06-24 Thread Geoff Shang
On Fri, 24 Jun 2011, Kliph&Sharrie wrote: where do you get mac mail from? Is this an email address or a mail client. Actually, I believe it might be both, but in this case they mean the email client which I think is just called Mail on the actual mac. It comes with Mac OS. Geoff. -- You

Re: average ram for a blind user?

2011-06-25 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote: Naama, I'm Naama's husband. Of course, she can answer for herself, but I helped make the decision. you say you upgraded your iMac, and you are pleased with the results, how much did you have in the past, what speed of RAM, which Mac do

Re: average ram for a blind user?

2011-06-25 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote: the original author of the question asked, and its in the subject line of the message, how much RAM does the average user need. Actually, it was "average ram for a blind user?" And I think the flurry of answers here demonstrates that there

Re: Trying to set up growl

2011-06-26 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sun, 26 Jun 2011, Shannon Dyer wrote: I have installed growl. I'm wondering how to set it up and customize it to work with specific applications in specific ways. All of Growl's stuff is in System Preferences. You can set up how it acts by default and how it works with specific applicatio

Re: Trying to set up growl

2011-06-26 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sun, 26 Jun 2011, Georges Zaynoun wrote: From where do one get growl? Geoff. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this grou

Re: Trying to set up growl

2011-06-26 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sun, 26 Jun 2011, Shannon Dyer wrote: I now see growl, the twitter client (sorry, but I can not spell its name), That'd be YoruFukurou. and dropbox in the application menu under growl in system preferences. I still do not see either skype or adium. They should be there, though Skype and

Re: Trying to set up growl

2011-06-27 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sun, 26 Jun 2011, Shannon Dyer wrote: For somr reason, it only shows me one application, which is the twitter client I use. It doesn't allow me to set what notifications i'd like though. It just makes random sounds at me. Quite possibly those randomsounds are coming from YoruFukurou itself

Re: dvd ripping and deregioning

2011-06-27 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sun, 26 Jun 2011, Chris Snyder wrote: I just bought a dvd from the UK because it has video description. My macbook pro's dvd player wants me to change my dvd player region, and says that I can change it up to five times. Since I live in the states, I do not wish to do this. Does anyone know

Re: Update on mac running hot, from bad to worse!

2011-06-29 Thread Geoff Shang
On Tue, 28 Jun 2011, Esther wrote: If you can bring up a terminal window (Command-Shift-U in Finder to go to the Utilities folder, press "t" to go to Terminal and Command-Down arrow to launch). You can kill the applespell.service process if you know its process ID number. For example, if the

Re: Bootcamp vs Fusion

2011-06-29 Thread Geoff Shang
On Wed, 29 Jun 2011, Georges Zaynoun wrote: Can I download a fusion demo to do a bootcamp installation and if yes from where? Thanks. You can get a 30-day trial of VMWare Fusion from You'll need to register before you can download it. Wh

Re: Bootcamp vs Fusion

2011-06-29 Thread Geoff Shang
On Wed, 29 Jun 2011, David McLean wrote: What is the advantage of importing a Bootcamp partition into Vmware? I guess I'm confused why you'd want to do that if you can run a Vmware Machine? The advantage is that you can use the same installation either in Boot Camp mode or as a VM, instead

Re: question about apple mail

2011-06-29 Thread Geoff Shang
On Wed, 29 Jun 2011, Naama Shang wrote: Yes, it is possible, and it even actually knows the g mail server, but it sets it up as IMap by default, so if you want pop3, you need to change it, and accept eh certificate. It's also worth noting that, at least in our experience, even though you tel

Re: Questions About VMWARE Fusion

2011-07-01 Thread Geoff Shang
On Thu, 30 Jun 2011, Ezzie Buenito wrote: After viewing many of your discussions, I've decided to try running Windows on my Macbook Pro with Fusion. The questions I have are as follows: 1. When I select VMWARE Fusion on the finder, can I install JAWS at that point? No. You need to configur

Re: Questions About VMWARE Fusion

2011-07-02 Thread Geoff Shang
On Fri, 1 Jul 2011, Justin Ekis wrote: I'm confused about these instructions for switching focus between Windows and the mac. It's nowhere near that complicated for me. When I command-tab out of fusion, I'm bak in the rest of my mac programs, just like switching from any other window. When I c

Re: Making Blind Adrenaline Games Accessible on the Mac

2011-07-02 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi Brianna, My wife and I are Blind Adrenaline subscribers. I must admit to not having thought about this, but you're right- there really should be a mac client. For those who've not used Blind Adrenaline, it's a paid service. But it's not very expensive and you don't get a lot of the BS y

Re: Auto log in for the Mac

2011-07-03 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sun, 3 Jul 2011, Frank Ventura wrote: Hi all, my Mac Book Pro just started doing something different after the last round of updates. When powered on it used to immediately log me in. Now when powered on it lands at the log on screen and asks me to log on, even though I have the only account

Dropbox preferences

2011-07-05 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi, Is it possible to access Dropbox preferences with Dropbox 1.1.35? My wife has a Dropbox account that's working fine, but we now want to set up my Dropbox account under my own login on the mac. The Dropbox window comes up and there's a dropbox configuration folder in my home folder, but I

Re: Is the true, or just a rhumor

2011-07-06 Thread Geoff Shang
On Wed, 6 Jul 2011, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: I don't even know what all the new features'll be, nor where I'll find out when the time is right. It's pretty long. Geoff. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: Will It Be Easy To Install Lion?

2011-07-07 Thread Geoff Shang
On Thu, 7 Jul 2011, Hayri Tulumcu wrote: Hello Mike! You will not be able to install a new copy of lion. It is only an upgrade DVD that you can get! It requires that the snow leopard is already on the machine! From what I've read, you only need to have Snow Leopard in order to download Lion

Re: Executing from present working directory -> was Compiling C++ in terminal

2011-07-07 Thread Geoff Shang
On Wed, 6 Jul 2011, Chris Blouch wrote: export PATH=./:$PATH That adds the ./ location plus all the existing path settings. Now you should be able to just run foo from wherever you are without putting the ./ in front. This is not recommended, however. All you need is some nasty script or

Re: XCode/C++ integer assignment from console.

2011-07-07 Thread Geoff Shang
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011, Geoff Waaler wrote: I am getting started with C++ using XCode 4.0.2. You may well do better on a general programming list rather than this one. For what it's worth, I copied your code verbatim and compiled and ran it under Linux, and it worked exactly as expected (i.e. no

Re: Accessible FTP Client

2011-07-07 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi, We use Cyberduck for FTP. It speaks well apart from file transfers. You can't see how they're progressing but Growl can tell you when they're done. HTH, Geoff. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To

Re: voice over hints question

2011-07-08 Thread Geoff Shang
On Fri, 8 Jul 2011, Caitlyn Furness wrote: How do you turn off voice over hints? Go into the VoiceOver settings with control-option-f8, choose verbosity from the list and select the hints tab. You can turn it off there or you can adjust how long it waits before providing the hints. I don't

Re: Executing from present working directory -> was Compiling C++ in terminal

2011-07-08 Thread Geoff Shang
On Fri, 8 Jul 2011, Chris Blouch wrote: I'm assuming you meant export PATH=$PATH:./ There shouldn't be any need for a trailing slash. If I echo $PATH I see: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin No trailing slashes there. I guess I wasn't all that concerned about malic

Re: Restoring files from a Time Machine Backup

2011-07-08 Thread Geoff Shang
On Fri, 8 Jul 2011, Chris Blouch wrote: First it will make incremental backups once an hour until it fills up all available space on the backup volume. At that point it will start to prune the oldest backups first to make room for new backups. So the bigger your drive and the smaller the incre

Re: Apple Mail or gmail, pop or imap

2011-07-09 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sat, 9 Jul 2011, Jon Cohn wrote: If you like to keep your folder structure of e-mails the same on all of the systems then IMAP is the only stand solution. POP just allows scanning, downloading and deleting of e-mails on your e-mail providers server. Actually my first sentence is a bit off

Re: Porting qwitter to mac?

2011-07-09 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi, There's apparently been some work done on a mac port of Qwitter, but if I recall @Mongoose_Q's tweets correctly, there's some issue with keyboard intercepting on the mac which is making it a problem. I don't know where there's any official status on this. There's a mac list on the Qwitt

Re: configuration for VM fusion?

2011-07-09 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sat, 9 Jul 2011, Kliph&Sharrie wrote: Okay, got windows all installed thanks to my sited wife. The thing that is getting me, when I go to assign the ram and hard drive space, it's not showing me my choices in ram or GB's, it says something about 1024 MB and 32.26 percent. Is there a way t

Scrolling a PM40 display

2011-07-10 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi, We've hit a little problem and figure someone here will know. Naama is using her PACMate 40 display with VoiceOver and wants to scroll the display so that she can see the righthand part of the line. But we can't find a keystroke that will do this. Does anyone know how this is done? It

Re: Scrolling a PM40 display

2011-07-10 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sun, 10 Jul 2011, Anne Robertson wrote: If the PM 40 works like the PM 20, you use one of the whiz wheels, the right-hand one I think, to pan right or left. hmm. The right one does something odd, can't work out exactly what, but keyboard help doesn't say what it is. I hate this arrangem

Re: Scrolling a PM40 display

2011-07-10 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sun, 10 Jul 2011, Anne Robertson wrote: If the PM 40 works like the PM 20, you use one of the whiz wheels, the right-hand one I think, to pan right or left. Thanks to you cluing us in about being able to assign Braille display commands, we went to check them out. First, it seems that rig

Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-10 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sun, 10 Jul 2011, Scott Howell wrote: Here is the situation. I recently switched to Comcast business class. I was provided with a SMC Network cable modem. THis box is actually a switch consisting of four ports. Currently I have my AirPort router plugged into the SMC and thus I have a double

Re: Are there any audio described stuff in the Itunes store?

2011-07-11 Thread Geoff Shang
On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: The bottom line is, as far as I know, and I could be wrong, I don't think you can have a US store account, if you're in the UK. To the best of my knowledge, it will automatically route you to the store in your country. It will automaticall

Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-11 Thread Geoff Shang
On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote: Is it possible to set the scope of the dhcp on the comcast device so that it will only ever assign 1 ip address? This should mean that its dhcp server just won't respond to any requests for ip's from clients after its 1 ip has been assigned, leaving t

Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-11 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sun, 10 Jul 2011, Scott Howell wrote: I neglected to mention that the only way to put the damned SMC cable modem into (effectively) bridge mode is to pay an extra $15 a month for a single static IP. I ain't gonna do that. Is this because the Airport doesn't know how to talk PPPoE, PPPoA, P

Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-11 Thread Geoff Shang
On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote: I'd be interested in knowing why you connected an extra router to your router as opposed to a switch? It seems overly complicated considdering that a cheap unmanaged switch would have done the same thing and probably would have given you gigabit. Tw

Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-12 Thread Geoff Shang
On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Scott Howell wrote: I wish I could turn DHCP off on the Comcast modem, but that is not possible. Apparently you have to have a static IP to do this and then they (Comcast) have to do it. I had talked to them today about this (Comcast that is) and they explained things some

Re: [Bulk] Joining a call to aa conference on skype?

2011-07-12 Thread Geoff Shang
On Tue, 12 Jul 2011, Ray Foret Jr wrote: See the list archives for my recent instructions how to add someone to a Skype call. Also, to answer a Skype call, just press the accept button in the dialog. Answering a call from a conference is the same as answering a call from one person. OK but

Re: navigating tables on the web with my new mac

2011-07-19 Thread Geoff Shang
On Tue, 19 Jul 2011, Kevin Mattingly wrote: If you want to read the full row, you should be able to hit control-option-r and it should be read. This is the one area that I feel VO lacks a little in on web pages. There are apparently improvements to VoiceOver regarding web pages in Lion. I k

Re: a music question

2011-07-19 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi Carolyn, If you really want to get the best result you possibly can and you are not completely confident in doing it yourself, you may want to get a professional to do it. I've not done work like this with LPs, but I have with cassettes and it can be fairly exacting work if you want to do

Why use a TrackPad?

2011-07-25 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi, My wife and I were pondering on the subject of trackpads in relation to using VoiceOver, and we thought we'd tap into the collective whisdom here. What, if anything, does a trackpad allow you to do that you can't do with the keyboard? Or is it merely another interface to the same command

Re: Why use a TrackPad?

2011-07-26 Thread Geoff Shang
On Mon, 25 Jul 2011, Dan wrote: While I do use my trackpad, mostly I use the full keyboard. The trackpad is really useful while on web pages, for example. In what way? What can you do with it that you can't do on the keyboard? Geoff. -- You received this message because you are subscribed t

Re: Why use a TrackPad?

2011-07-26 Thread Geoff Shang
On Mon, 25 Jul 2011, erik burggraaf wrote: Well, it's one way of avoiding all the multi-finger keystrokes. Indeed. I forgot to mention that we bought a full-sized keyboard with numpad so that we could use Numpad Commander, which I guess is relevant to this discussion. So the question is, s

Re: Apple may have done a number on themselves.

2011-07-28 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi, It's true that the MacBook is no longer being sold to regular consumers. But it's still being sold to educational institutions. As such, it's still being manufactured. So I'd expect it will still be possible to get your MacBook serviced for the foreseeable future. Geoff. -- You receiv

Logging in with the Sendspace wizard

2011-07-28 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi, Apologies if this has been asked and answered before but I've not managed to find anyone else with this problem. We also checked out Chris' podcast and he didn't mention anything special about logging in. We have the problem that we enter our details into the wizard's connect dialog but

Re: seems that Drop Box is now utterly useless with Voice Over.

2011-08-02 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi, The new Dropbox betas solve this problem. We've been using 1.2.16 and it seems to work fine. Note that 1.2.18 is out now but we've not tried it. The thread on the Dropbox Beta forums about this release can be read at It's worth noting that

Re: seems that Drop Box is now utterly useless with Voice Over.

2011-08-02 Thread Geoff Shang
On Tue, 2 Aug 2011, Geoff Shang wrote: We were able to just copy the app into the applications folder as normal and then run. Of course, we had to force-quit the running DB in order to do this. Sorry, this is wrong. I forgot that it doesn't show up in force-quit. You need to go

Re: seems that Drop Box is now utterly useless with Voice Over.

2011-08-02 Thread Geoff Shang
On Tue, 2 Aug 2011, Ray Foret Jr wrote: Thing is, I still cannot access the prefs menu for Drop box. In fact, this brings up the issue that Michael raised yesterday about the mouse and hidden items in the menu bar. True, I forgot to say that this solves the context menu issue but (presumabl

Re: Accessible version of audacity?

2011-08-19 Thread Geoff Shang
On Fri, 19 Aug 2011, Jessica and Goldina wrote: you can get the accessible version of audacity here. HOw does this version differ from the release version? It's just that there's been a release or two since 1.3.11. Geoff. -- You receiv

Re: Sidebar and First Letter Navigation Broken in Lion

2011-08-24 Thread Geoff Shang
On Wed, 24 Aug 2011, Shawn Krasniuk wrote: If I want to go to my USB drive, I have to use the arrow keys. That works ok but when I try to go to my USB drive with my arrow keys, I always get caught by that Idisk thing and a message asking me if I want to start a Mobile Me account and I have to

Re: off topic: text edditing issue with iphone

2011-08-27 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sat, 27 Aug 2011, Joanne Chua wrote: sorry to be off topic but, how can one eddit a caractor within a text or a word? e.g. i spell a name wrong and wishes to eddit a middle caractor, instead of deleting from the end or from the start, is there any way for me to backtrack myself to the caracto

RE: reading an ntfs external hd in lion

2011-08-29 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi, According to the following link, you can write to NTFS volumes under Mac OS X after you install a driver: This article was written prior to Lion, so I don't know if Lion changed anything. I'

Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Geoff Shang
On Tue, 30 Aug 2011, Simon Cavendish wrote: Under Snow Leopard, we had Braille tables provided by Archie Robertson from Cecimac - free gift from this generous person. It had a unicode Braille table as well as many other language tables, and this problem did not arise there. The unicode Braille

Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Geoff Shang
On Tue, 30 Aug 2011, Paul Erkens wrote: But what I never understood was the unicode thing you mention. Is unicode sort of an extended version of ascii? Unicode is the idea that all possible symbols can be represented in the same character set. As you identified in your message, there are o

Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-09-02 Thread Geoff Shang
On Thu, 1 Sep 2011, Paul Erkens wrote: So, given the 4-byte representation of characters in utf8 unicode, a braille table could easily be made up based on that character set. This would of course imply that some braille dot patterns would occur more than once in unicode, because an accented le

Re: Playroom

2011-09-03 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sat, 3 Sep 2011, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote: Is there a mac version of Playroom? how can i play with Mac? Currently, no. You'd need to use a Windows install under Fusion or Bootcamp to use Quentin's Playroom. It'd be great to have a Mac client for it. Geoff. -- You received this

Re: getting to Aps

2011-09-03 Thread Geoff Shang
On Sat, 3 Sep 2011, Jennifer Perdue wrote: What is an easier way to get to the second page of aps. I do it by accident most of the time. I use the home button to get to the mail page but how do I get to the next page. Or, what is the easiest way to do so. If you find the item near the bot

Re: downloading & running scripts

2011-09-07 Thread Geoff Shang
On Wed, 7 Sep 2011, Traci wrote: I've figured out how to open the library folder under the hd, but my script is already inside the other library folder. I cannot figure out how to move it. find your script, then use command-c to copy and then go where you want to put it and use command opti

Re: downloading & running scripts

2011-09-08 Thread Geoff Shang
On Wed, 7 Sep 2011, Ricardo Walker wrote: I think you meant Command V and command option V I did. Sorry about that, not sure where my brain was. Geoff. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to


2011-09-08 Thread Geoff Shang
Hi, cyberduck looks pretty good for FTP access. I've not used it much and haven't tried it under Lion, but it looked promising. Only thing is that the progress indications aren't accessible. Cheers, Geoff. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the