thanks Kevin, just wanted you to know I saw your reply, having mail problems
over here! You're absolutely right about this folder and it's working
wonderfully for me!
On 2012-05-11, at 12:22 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
> Caitlyn,
> I use the Automatically Add to itunes smart folder as well.
this does work, if you arrow up and down the go menu after hitting option.
also if you do, for example, vo shift h, then vo shift g(shortcut for the
go to menu), then just type "library) this will get you there as well. None of
these will keep the libraries visible all the time, thou
thanks for the reminder about tinker tools. I'd forgotten about that app, have
to go get it before I forget about it again!
On 2012-05-30, at 7:59 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> There is a defaults command for doing this in the terminal. Or you could
> download the tintertool applicati
Ok, trying to set up dictation in ML and can't quite get it.. Where exactly do
you turn on listening or whatever? I've set up the microphone, thanks to
Donna, but can't seem to find the listening doo hicky or whatever! lol! I
also can't seem to find a list of phrases to say to my mac to g
Hi Clin and Mark,
I've done all the setting up of dictation and of the speakable items.
As far as dictation, when I hit the key I've decided to use in an edit field ,
I hear the ding sound, I say what I need to to, and when I check, nothing
whatsoever is written in the edit box!
Supposedly, th
Heya, Mark! Thanks bunches! With help from you and my husband, I got this
thing to work, sorta! It messes up email addresses, but that's to be expected,
I supposes! I guess it gets better over time, though.. speakable items, well,
I don't expect to be useing that much, anyway, really, like y
We have been kicking around the idea of getting a couple of new macs for a
couple of weeks now since bothour pc's are not working that great anymore.
The main thing that is holding us back is our heavy reliance on Kurzweil. I
am a grad student and we also use k1000 for scanning our mail daily
m with Kurzweil though as I've used it here on my
Windows PC and no one can deny its a great package - even though its
massively overpriced in my humble opinion - but as I said before, you a
little knowledge of Voicoever will go a long way and save you a lot of time.
On 17/02/2011 3:11 AM, Cait
Just doing a little catching up here.. after a windows 7 crash(ugh!).. this
is one reason I really want to switch, windows is always crashing..
Thanks to everybody who answered my scanning question.. For now, because of
school, looks like I'll have to keep the win machine around for th