My rule fo thumb is determine the task and what best gets it done.
On 3/7/12, matthew Dyer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been using a mac now for over 2 years and only use windows when I
> really need to like if I have to work whare it is required for example. I
> do all of my personal stuff on my
When I open up itunes it says itunes two. There are no applications
showing in this itunes. Makes me think there is another itunes with
all my apps because this one has no apps in it. Someone from mac
support who viewed my mac said I indeed had two itunes or two
libraries or somethin. (Sardonic chu
> I tried to turn on notes in iCloud. I was prompted to create a new email
> address. Has anybody done this process. I was curious, as to why it wouldn't
> simply use the current email address that's associated with your Apple ID for
> instance.
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I had the same results iwth my braille pen. The mac sees it paired but
thinks its a computer.
On 11/20/11, Peg Jolene wrote:
> Matthew:
> Thank you for your input. I have performed those procedures correctly.
> Perhaps my previous post was not clear. When I use the correct settings for
> eith
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Other then having someone read it to me, how might I find the serial
number for my mac book air?
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to about this mac. Then
> VO right arrow to the version of Mac OS X you're running, and that's a
> button. VO space on that and it will change to your serial number.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googl
>> Go to the apple menu by pressing VO+M, and then go to about this mac. Then
>> VO right arrow to the version of Mac OS X you're running, and that's a
>> button. VO space on that and it will change to your serial number.
>> -Original Message--
When I go into mail I hear there are 500 some messages. These are in
my gmail inbox. I don't find the list of messages. I find things like
inbox edit and empty table. Fact is, I'm not getting to my messages.
The real fact is, I've been studying this computer four a couple
months and real
ve yourself the need to interact with the tables. I've
> been using Mail since September, so I'm also a fairly new user.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Brian Albriton
When the mac says you are in a group or radio group, what is it
calling a group. apparently, its different than a table, the meaning
of which is pretty clear.
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frequently get the message mail has no windows.--
BriaWhat could be causing this.
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After I open a web address I can't get out of that little area that
has book barks, downloads, google and other such stuff.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.
I open the commander tabnavigate to the add button and press W, the
letter I want to launch the word processor.
I navigate to the menu button, activate it, and from that menu
activate the custom option. I press vo-space to launch the open
application dialog. nAt this point I'm not finding the appli
I'll tell you what. I am not finding what you mention. If you can,
tgll me, how do I navigate this dialog. Perhaps that's the wrong
question. What features would I find available to me in this dialog?
All thebest, Brian
On 1/8/12, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> should be able to VO right over
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jan 8, 2012, at 5:10 PM, Brian Albriton wrote:
>> I open the commander tabnavigate to the add button and press W, the
>> letter I want to launch th
I used to get this question from people using books from overdrive. An
old mac user said they used something called soundtaxi.
I believe is the website but I know nothing other than this fellow
said he had success with it.
On 9/24/11, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> Hi all,
> Subject says
A couple years ago I ran across an actual book on voice over but have
lost track of it. I am getting some use out of the available online
help but if there is a book or two on VoiceOver I'd like to know.
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I have is in two volumes, and Apple was letting us download
> without cost. I bought the volumes from National Braille Press, I think for
> about $18.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> On Nov 6, 2011, at 2:26 PM, Brian Albriton wrote:
>> A couple years ago I ran across an actu
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