Re: shortcut keys for shutdown and restart

2011-05-07 Thread Barry Hadder
Hello, cntl-opt-cmd-eject for shutdown, cntl-cmd-eject for restart, and opt-cmd-eject for sleep. On May 7, 2011, at 2:24 PM, carlene knight wrote: > Hi: > > I've forgotten what those shortcut keys are. Also, does anybody know where I > can get the text file of the VO tutorial? I seem to have

Re: itunes and cds

2011-05-30 Thread Barry Hadder
Hi, First command-b to show the column browser. Then view/column browser and choose albums. Now, in the playlist you can interact with the playlist browser and brows your tracks by album title. On May 30, 2011, at 5:49 AM, Denise Avant wrote: > hello all, > i recently ripped five complete cd

Re: question about pages and voiceover formatting

2011-06-02 Thread Barry Hadder
Howdy, If you move the vo cursor from one body text to the next, you can tell that they are side by side. This is because you don't hear the rap sound, assuming you have navigation sounds turned on. Vo sees each page as a group as you interact with they lay-out area. You have to interact wit

Re: Internal Drive For Mac Mini late 2010

2011-06-04 Thread Barry Hadder
Hi, I would recommend checking out Other World Computing: They are a very good resource for Mac upgrades and accessories. They also have some decent how-tos. Hope that helps. On Jun 4, 2011, at 1:07 PM, patricia solis wrote: > Hello All, > > I have

Re: macports: installing cdrecord , help needed

2011-06-05 Thread Barry Hadder
A good way to learn how to use port is to type port at the prompt and then type help. you will get a list of all supported commands. Type help [command] for any command. On Jun 5, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: > I know if you type port install that is to install a package,

Apple’s 2019 Mac Pro will be shaped by workflows | TechCrunch

2018-04-05 Thread Barry Hadder
> > > -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or

Re: Changing Screen Measurements from Inches or Millimeters to Pixels/points

2018-05-31 Thread Barry Hadder
Hello Steve: I believe you are looking for VO utility-> verbosity-> announcements-> speak size and position in:. > On May 31, 2018, at 7:46 PM, Steve Matzura wrote: > > I thought it was in System Preferences -> Display, but I can't find it there, > or anywhere. I tried using the search featur

Re: Advice on hidden files.

2018-05-31 Thread Barry Hadder
Good one Jonathan. I never knew about that keystroke. > On May 22, 2018, at 9:14 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote: > > Hello, > > The Monday issue of not only has a good explanation of wrapping > your own cloud backup service, but also a hint about quickly revealing hidden > files in the f

Re: need a external usb cd/dvd burner for my mac book pro?

2018-06-29 Thread Barry Hadder
Chuck, I recommend this Pioneer: . You will want to download the configuration utility as well although it isn’t st

Re: need a external usb cd/dvd burner for my mac book pro?

2018-06-29 Thread Barry Hadder
PM, CHUCK REICHEL > wrote: > > Hi Barry, > Thanks. > I'll check it out. > What does the " configuration utility ." add to the drive capabilities? > Thanks again > Chuck > > > On Jun 29, 2018, at 12:37 PM, Barry Hadder wrote: > >> Chuck, &g

Re: Creating hard drive space by purging data on my hard drive

2018-07-17 Thread Barry Hadder
Hi, Purgeable data is managed by the system and you can’t directly delete it. If you need to reclaim space for a partition, then the only way to force the system to purge the data in question is to create a gigantic dummy file that is big enough to cause the drive to reach it’s limit, or copy

Re: Help working with spreadsheets in Numbers?

2018-08-21 Thread Barry Hadder
Hi, To select a column: Interact with the table and go to the table headings with vo-shift-\. Vo-space on column reference tab, then move vo to the column tab you want. Vo-space on the column tab to select the column and all of it s data and copy with command-c. Move vo to the column of the desti

Re: handbrake Question

2018-09-26 Thread Barry Hadder
Yes you can, but there are a few steps to set everything up. First, download an application called makemkv. It cost $50, but is free while in beta. The GUI is not accessible, but can easily be used from the command line. Whether or not you actually use it however, you need it in order to acce

Re: handbrake Question

2018-09-27 Thread Barry Hadder
t; > Wow! this is quite a process. I don't know whether I'll try it or not, but > I do appreciate the info. Thank you, Barry. > Cheers, > Donna > > >> On Sep 26, 2018, at 5:56 PM, Barry Hadder > <>> wrote: >> >> Ye

Re: Copying web links to your desktop

2018-12-10 Thread Barry Hadder
First, open the desktop folder window from your home folder. Next, choose edit bookmarks from the book marks menu in Safari. Choose a bookmark and drag it to the desktop window. You can release the mouse on the desktop icon in the side bar. You can also release the mouse at the scroll area or i

New Mac Pro is Quieter Than iMac Pro, Has Optional Wheels, and Was Kept in Top-Secret 'Stealth Enclosure' - MacRumors

2019-06-05 Thread Barry Hadder
> > -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of t

Not Bourne Again

2019-06-07 Thread Barry Hadder
Hello all: For anyone this may concern, The default shell starting in Catalina will no longer be bash. It will be the zsh shell. It appears that Apple will be phasing bash out all together at some point. So, I suppose now would be a good time to switch over and tweak any shell scrips. It’s

Re: Math Content and VoiceOver with Safari

2019-06-07 Thread Barry Hadder
Here is a page with examples you can experiment with; > On Jun 7, 2019, at 10:29, KellyFord wrote: > > Hi, > > Does anyone know the current story with MathML content and VoiceOver with > Safari? For example is there any way to have the braille of t

Re: General Screen search on iOS

2019-06-07 Thread Barry Hadder
Two finger triple tap brings up the item chooser. I believe that is what you are looking for. > On Jun 7, 2019, at 23:18, B G wrote: > > I've a feeling we may be at somewhat of a cross-purposes here gentlemen. > (smile) > None of the choices available on the rotor will take you to the next > te

Re: Copying text from a web site

2019-09-01 Thread Barry Hadder
First, you need to create a folder in your Library folder called KeyBindings if you don’t already have one. Second, the key stroke to set a mark is actually control-@ as defined in the dict file. Note however that you can change it to whatever you would prefer. I also want to note that the

Re: Copying text from a web site

2019-09-01 Thread Barry Hadder
Well, I have to correct myself. Anne was correct in that the keystroke in the DefaultKeyBinding.dict file to place a mark is control-space. I have just tried it and I can confirm that it still works. > On Sep 1, 2019, at 23:37, Barry Hadder wrote: > > First, you need to create a

Re: Copying text from a web site

2019-09-02 Thread Barry Hadder
nounces the selection and start reading the selected > text) > > > > As a final comment, this only works for me in pages or textedit, but it > doesn't work in web pages; however, > > something is something and I find it particularly useful, so I would like to &

Re: Copying text from a web site

2019-09-02 Thread Barry Hadder
Well I need to correct myself again. ‘@‘ does mean command, but you don’t want to use that. Use control-space to set a mark. The first definition shouldn’t be there. > On Sep 2, 2019, at 08:47, Barry Hadder wrote: > > Hi, > “^\@“ means control-space. In other words \@ is a

Re: Blindly work with Xcode

2019-09-02 Thread Barry Hadder
Tibor, What version of Xcode are you using? You can get the Xcode beta with a free account. You might want to consider using SwiftUI instead of interface builder. The only problem being is that it is still very young. Let’s take one thing at a time. In interface builder, you can imbed a v

Unix at 50: How the OS that powered smartphones started from failure | Ars Technica

2019-09-07 Thread Barry Hadder
A bit of tech history for any who may be interested. --

Unix at 50: How the OS that powered smartphones started from failure | Ars Technica

2019-09-07 Thread Barry Hadder
Let me try this again. I don't think the first one got sent right. this is a bit of tech history for any who may be interested. > > >

Re: Inserting date into input.

2019-09-11 Thread Barry Hadder
Here is a slightly different approach. I created an automator action with Xcode that will return the current date and time. It has adjustments for the time and date styles. With the newly created action, I created a quick action work flow with Automator. It will be visible in the services menu

Re: Still Need Help with Negative Numbers

2019-09-15 Thread Barry Hadder
Hi, I am using Voiceover with Excel and vo reads negative numbers. In the text tab of verbosity settings in vo utility, do you have numbers read as words? Also, how are you moving between cells? There are three ways: arrows, tab, and the vo movement commands. How you do this may affect how vo

Re: Still Need Help with Negative Numbers

2019-09-15 Thread Barry Hadder
f the negative is announced differently when it's a entered > number vs a formal, but it all works fine for me. You've stumped me so far. > Good work :). > > Later... > > > Tim Kilburn > Apple Teacher > (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition) > Jamf

Re: Still Need Help with Negative Numbers

2019-09-15 Thread Barry Hadder
Well, I’m Not Tim, but I’l answer anyway. In the currency category of number tab of format cells, I have -$ format selected. With read numbers as words, vo reads the negative sign when I use the vo movement commands. It’s also worth pointing out that if you prefer the parentheses format, and you

Re: Still Need Help with Negative Numbers

2019-09-15 Thread Barry Hadder
Slite correction, In this case, read numbers as words or digits makes no difference. So, I am also stumped. I have no idea why you are having any isues. > On Sep 15, 2019, at 14:06, Barry Hadder wrote: > > Well, I’m Not Tim, but I’l answer anyway. > In the currency category of n

Re: Still Need Help with Negative Numbers

2019-09-15 Thread Barry Hadder
Yes, I am using Alex. > On Sep 15, 2019, at 14:22, Dave Carlson wrote: > > Barry, > And do I presume that you are also using Alex and that he is able to > pronounce the negative values? > > Dave Carlson > Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician > > > > > > -- > The

Re: cursors

2019-09-17 Thread Barry Hadder
Hi, control-option-arrows moves the vo cursor. It can go where keyboard focus might not can. Arrows or tab moves the system keyboard focus. It is usually not advisable to have the mouse follow vo, but if you lock the mouse it will follow vo automatically. > On Sep 17, 2019, at 12:27, hemacha

Re: How to drag and drop in Mail or iTunes

2019-09-18 Thread Barry Hadder
The best way to drag and drop is the following: 1. Move vo to the object to be dragged with vo-arrows (control-option-arrows). 2. rout the mouse to vo with vo-command-f5. 3. Lock the mouse with vo-command-shift-space 4. Move vo to the destination. 5. Release the mouse with vo-command-shift-spa

Re: Getting the focus to the body field

2019-09-18 Thread Barry Hadder
Keep in mind that the body of an email message is not an edit field so the system focus can not move to it. That is why tab doesn’t work in this instance. If this is indeed what you are talking about. > On Sep 18, 2019, at 12:55, hemachandran karah wrote: > > Dear all, > > I still f

Re: How to drag and drop in Mail or iTunes

2019-09-19 Thread Barry Hadder
No you don’t. > On Sep 19, 2019, at 08:40, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Before you release the mouse with vo+command+shift+spacebar, you need to > route mouse cursor to vo cursor with vo+command+f5 again and then release the > mouse. > >

Re: Getting the focus to the body field

2019-09-19 Thread Barry Hadder
ut composing a new email. > > Take care, > Hem. > > > -Original Message- > From: On > Behalf Of Barry Hadder > Sent: 19 September 2019 00:32 > To: 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries > Subject: Re: Getting the

Re: Getting the focus to the body field

2019-09-19 Thread Barry Hadder
I should say that you don’t in the current version of Mojave. this behavior has changed in various versions of OS X. > On Sep 19, 2019, at 10:16, Barry Hadder wrote: > > That would work. Although, focus really should all-ready be there. > Vo-arrows is always your insurance thou

Re: Shutting Down Quick Nav When Not in Safari

2019-10-12 Thread Barry Hadder
What is your default speech verbosity set at? I suspect that it is low. If this is the case, you need to set it to medium. > On Oct 12, 2019, at 18:44, Dave Carlson wrote: > > Ann, Sorry, but I do not find any disclosure triangle in the Voiceover > Activities dialog. I created an activity,

Music App And Large Libraries

2019-10-17 Thread Barry Hadder
.888914/ <> Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns abo

iPod Turns 18: Here's What People Thought in 2001 - MacRumors

2019-10-23 Thread Barry Hadder
Interesting bit of reminiscing. How the world has changed. > > <> Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac

Re: What am I Doing Wrong -- Find Text on a Safari Web Page

2019-11-03 Thread Barry Hadder
I use the item chooser. Press vo-i and start typing the string you want to find at it will drill down to a list of results as you type. Arrow through the results and press enter. Incidentally, the item chooser works anywhere. > On Nov 3, 2019, at 21:35, Dave Carlson wrote: > > I get frustra

Re: Safari and

2019-11-04 Thread Barry Hadder
The problem seems to be javascript. I am able to navigate the artist information successfully if I disable javascript from the develop menu. Note, check show develop menu in menu bar in Safari advanced settings. It spite of the warning I get at the top of the page, it seems to work fine withou

Re: Playing DVD's on the Mac

2019-11-06 Thread Barry Hadder
The DVD player is in /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/. The easiest way to get to it is from spotlight. > On Nov 6, 2019, at 09:11, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Hi, > > The native DVD Player app is in the Applications folder on your Mac. > > Later... > > > Tim Kil

Re: Playing DVD's on the Mac

2019-11-06 Thread Barry Hadder
Petrus, To play a dvd, you need to select a title from the go->title menu. DVD menus are not accessible. Also, note that VLC can not play copy protected media on its own. You would have to download and install a couple of libraries first. > On Nov 6, 2019, at 13:21, Petrus Tuerlings wrote: > >

Re: Playing DVD's on the Mac

2019-11-06 Thread Barry Hadder
whatever you said in the DVD player? I still have to work out how to do a > spotlight search. > >> On 7/11/2019, at 09:27, Barry Hadder > <>> wrote: >> >> Petrus, >> To play a dvd, you need to select a title from the go->titl

Re: Searching in mail.

2019-11-12 Thread Barry Hadder
Another possibility for people who don't have the search is to try forcing the toolbar to use the default set. In the customize toolbar dialog, move to the default set of toolbar items image and bring up the context menu. > On Nov 11, 2019, at 18:48, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries > wrote:

Re: How to set Font Size in Text Edit?

2019-11-12 Thread Barry Hadder
Hi Donna, I am able to do this if I rout the mouse to vo and either click the combobox or click a value in the list. Did you rout the mouse to vo before you tried clicking with the track pad? Later. > On Nov 12, 2019, at 13:48, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > I used to do that,

Re: How to set Font Size in Text Edit?

2019-11-12 Thread Barry Hadder
Another way that I just found is to make selected text smaller or larger with command-- or command-+ respectively. I believe Tim was referring to the show font dialog with command-t. So, there you have it. You can forget about the mouse all together. > On Nov 12, 2019, at 19:39, Barry Had

16-Inch MacBook Pro Returns to Pre-2016 Arrow Key Layout, Sticks With 720p Webcam and 802.11ac Wi-Fi - MacRumors

2019-11-13 Thread Barry Hadder
A bit of Mac news worth mentioning: The physical escape key is back. > > > -- The following information is important for all mem

Re: 16-Inch MacBook Pro Returns to Pre-2016 Arrow Key Layout, Sticks With 720p Webcam and 802.11ac Wi-Fi - MacRumors

2019-11-13 Thread Barry Hadder
age- > From: On > Behalf Of Barry Hadder > Sent: Thursday, 14 November 2019 10:15 AM > To: > Subject: 16-Inch MacBook Pro Returns to Pre-2016 Arrow Key Layout, Sticks > With 720p Webcam and 802.11ac Wi-Fi - MacRu

Re: Any Word about the new Mac Pro release?

2019-11-16 Thread Barry Hadder
Hey Chuck. The word at the moment seems to be December. > On Nov 16, 2019, at 17:27, CHUCK REICHEL > wrote: > > Hi List, > Anybody have the scoop about the release date for the New Mac Pro? > Thanks > Chuck > "

Apple Begins Production of New Mac Pro in Texas, But Distribution Possibly Limited to Americas - MacRumors

2019-11-20 Thread Barry Hadder
> > <> Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If

Re: Additional iTunes fields

2019-11-20 Thread Barry Hadder
Hi, The BPM field might be used for this. However, iTunes doesn’t populate it automatically. You would have to use a third party tool to analyze the file and return the proper value. Beatunes seems to be fairly popular. > On Nov 20, 2019, at 16:20, Traci Duncan wrote: > > Hi all, > > I am

Re: How does one subscribe to the Mac rumors newsletter? And are there other newsletters that would be helpful for one who wishes to stay current with Mac/Apple related news?

2019-11-24 Thread Barry Hadder
Hi Maurice, At the top of the Mac-roomers page there are a group of links with no text. Move vo to the “front page” link then right above that there should be a link to subscribe to push notifications and back from that, there will be subscribe to email list. However, all vo will say is link.

New Mac Pro and Pro Display XDR Now Available to Order - MacRumors

2019-12-10 Thread Barry Hadder
The perfect stocking stuffer. > > <> Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all member

10.15.2 Music App

2019-12-10 Thread Barry Hadder
The column browser which was previously found in iTunes is back in the latest Catalina update. Very nice. Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of

Re: Getting Stuck in Customer Reviews:

2019-12-14 Thread Barry Hadder > > <>. Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all members of the

Re: Getting Stuck in Customer Reviews:

2019-12-14 Thread Barry Hadder
> <> > --- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "MacVisionaries" group. > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an > email to macvisiona

Re: Turing off preview in Catalina Mail problem

2019-12-22 Thread Barry Hadder
Do you have "use column layout" selected in the view menu? > On Dec 21, 2019, at 13:05, Christian wrote: > > Hi all, > > I have turned off preview in mail, but VoiceOver keeps reading the message > content, but it is not shown on my braille display. This happens in the > message list. Has an

Re: How to transfer Music to a different iPhone

2019-12-23 Thread Barry Hadder
If this is local content that you are referring to, the only way I know of would be to sink the iPhone in question with the same library that the other iPhone sinks with. For content purchased from Apple, you would use family sharing. > On Dec 23, 2019, at 11:35, Paul Hopewell wrote: > > Hell

Re: How to transfer Music to a different iPhone

2019-12-23 Thread Barry Hadder
Another way that I forgot to mention is to use home sharing. To use this however, the other iPhone would have to log in to home sharing with the same Apple ID as the Mac with the library. > On Dec 23, 2019, at 12:03, Barry Hadder wrote: > > If this is local content that you are ref

Re: Question about mouse click on the Mac

2019-12-25 Thread Barry Hadder
ng on the list itself. > > Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: > and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at > > > The archives for this list can be searched at: > http://www.mail-

Re: Playing back audio files at a higher speed on iPhone question

2019-12-28 Thread Barry Hadder
You can also do this with VLC. > On Dec 28, 2019, at 07:07, Christian wrote: > > Hi all, > > I tried Voice dream reader that was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a > lot, > Christian > >> 27 dec. 2019 kl. 17:53 skrev 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries >> mailto:macvisionaries@googlegrou

Re: How do I share an EPUB file in books with someone?

2020-01-11 Thread Barry Hadder
posting on the list itself. > > Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: > and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at > > > The archives for this list can be searched at: > http://www.mail-

Re: How do I share an EPUB file in books with someone?

2020-01-16 Thread Barry Hadder
the Google Groups > "MacVisionaries" group. > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an > email to > To view this discussion on the web visit >

Apple Ceases Development of 'AirPort' Wireless Routers as Engineers Reassigned to Other Products - Mac Rumors

2016-11-21 Thread Barry Hadder
I think that this is really bad news. > > <> Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac

Re: Apple Ceases Development of 'AirPort' Wireless Routers as Engineers Reassigned to Other Products - Mac Rumors

2016-11-21 Thread Barry Hadder
setting up routers. > Mary > > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Nov 21, 2016, at 2:43 PM, Barry Hadder <>> wrote: > >> I think that this is really bad news. >> >>>

Re: Apple Ceases Development of 'AirPort' Wireless Routers as Engineers Reassigned to Other Products - Mac Rumors

2016-11-22 Thread Barry Hadder
ply using standard > wifi. Not only that, but Bluetooth is really becoming more the thing now. > --- > Christopher Gilland > JAWS Certified, 2016. > Training Instructor. > > <> > Phone: (704) 256-80

Re: Stereo speaker setup for a kitchen accessible with Voiceover

2016-11-29 Thread Barry Hadder
to Visit this group at For more options, visit Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any que

Re: Using Lame encoder in Mac with Audacity

2017-04-11 Thread Barry Hadder For more options, visit Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if yo

Re: Confused about spaces, windows and full screen

2017-04-15 Thread Barry Hadder
tps:// Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please con

Re: How do I find my device ID on a VZ iPhone?

2017-04-19 Thread Barry Hadder
ttps:// For more options, visit Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if

Re: How do I find my device ID on a VZ iPhone?

2017-04-19 Thread Barry Hadder
Just to make sure I was clear, I meen connect to a Mac. On Apr 19, 2017, at 20:57, Barry Hadder wrote: I think that you can only get the unique device identification number (UDID) by connecting to iTunes. in the summary section, just press the serial number button until it says UDID. On Apr

Re: Deleting the rows content without deleting the actual row

2017-05-01 Thread Barry Hadder
com. To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at For more options, visit Barry Hadder -- The following information is important for all mem

Re: Deleting the rows content without deleting the actual row

2017-05-02 Thread Barry Hadder
; > > On 5/2/17, Barry Hadder wrote: >> Hi, >> >> When vo is interacted with a table, go into the headers with vo-|. Then >> vo-space on the row reference tab and vo-space on the row you want to work >> with. >> Press delete to delete all of the data in

Re: using textMate, vim or emacs with speech and braille

2017-05-05 Thread Barry Hadder
unning of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: and your

Re: So what do we think of the WWDC new hardware?

2017-06-07 Thread Barry Hadder
They have already announced that there will be a modular Mac Pro but that it wouldn't be ready this year. I've never heard a release date. There is know way that an all in one can take it's place. An iMac is not as configurable or upgradable over time. That is essentially why the trash can fa

Re: So what do we think of the WWDC new hardware?

2017-06-07 Thread Barry Hadder
nd all that. They hard solder a lot to the boards now. This gets you to buy a whole new unit. I don’t like this strategy but there you go, my portfolio does but I don’t. I’d be surprised if the new Mac Pro is hugely upgradable, I hope I’m wrong. > On Jun 7, 2017, at 11:53 AM, Barry Hadd

Teardown of New 4K 21.5-inch iMac Reveals Removable RAM and Modular CPU - Mac Rumors

2017-06-08 Thread Barry Hadder
> > > -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concer

Former iOS Chief Scott Forstall Discusses Creating the First iPhone - Mac Rumors

2017-06-21 Thread Barry Hadder
Thought some might find it interesting to hear from the old guard. Even though I'm more oriented towards the Mac, I found this insightful. > > >

Steve Jobs Keynote WWDC 2007 - YouTube

2016-06-17 Thread Barry Hadder
I thought there might be some around hear that might appreciate this little blast from the past. This is about the time I started using a Mac. Times have changed. Enjoy. > > -- The following informat

Re: Mail Preview Paine Was: any thoughts on Mac OS Sierra?

2016-06-19 Thread Barry Hadder
t; an email to >>>>>> To post to this group, send email to >>>>>> Visit this group at >>>>>> For more options, vis

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