Seil is not Sierra Compatible at this point

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi folks, the Mosen Consulting blog has a post on this, but for those who haven't seen it, many VMWare Fusion users enjoy the use of an app called Seil, which allows you to use the Caps Lock key as the JAWS key in Windows. With just a few hours to go as I write this until the release of Sierra,

Re: Installing a fresh copy of El Capitan on my Mac mini

2016-09-20 Thread Ramy Moustafa
On 9/20/16, Ramy Moustafa wrote: > HThanks so much for your advice, til now nothing. I force shut down, > by long press on the power, and starting again. with Command option r. > hope that I can get something in this time > > > On 9/19/16, Tim Kilburn wrote: >> Hi, >> >> No problem. I hope that

RE: Installing a fresh copy of El Capitan on my Mac mini

2016-09-20 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Ramy, Just a quick catch up here, If you have El Capitan on your mac mini and you use Command + R for the recovery console then you will get el capitan installing to your machine as it is a recovery. If however you have an earlier OS such as Mavericks or Yosemite Then that is what your

RE: Installing a fresh copy of El Capitan on my Mac mini

2016-09-20 Thread Simon Fogarty
HI Ramy, Just reading more of this email and I see you say the el capitan installer had downloaded. I'm just wondering if you are able to start the machine up in to a running state at all? If so then the el capitan installer files are under your applications folder Command shift A to get in

RE: T-Mobile launches LTE 4X4 MIMO and 64/256 quadrature modulation beating verizon again!

2016-09-20 Thread Simon Fogarty
Do Vodafone exist in the USA? Also is Nokia still involved in development of these protocols etc for mobile networks? I know they have just recently done something with Microsoft regarding mobile technology I think it’s purchased the mobile side of things back, but can’t remember correctly. F

Re: Installing a fresh copy of El Capitan on my Mac mini

2016-09-20 Thread Ramy Moustafa
Hello Simon: Yes, I erezed my mac hd, but when I was reinstalling the os, I signed in, ut nothing changed for a very long time, so I have to force shut down my mac mini. and I followed Tim's suggestion to start internet recovery,and the same issue. so, what might be happened? what can I do now?

Re: So what do we all think good or bad about the new home button?

2016-09-20 Thread Saqib Hussain
Hi. I'm going to pop in to my local store and do the same. > On 19 Sep 2016, at 13:29, Donna Goodin wrote: > > Me, too, Simon! > Donna >> On Sep 19, 2016, at 2:21 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote: >> >> Hi Donna & Scott, >> >> I don't have the 7 but had a look at the device in a store and was rather

RE: should those of us running the GM candidate get the new mac OS when it is out?

2016-09-20 Thread Simon Fogarty
Personally I'm not, I saw there was an update to the GM in the passed day or so And It appears in my case that printing is not being supported yet, Some of the software we deal with at work isn't going to work with 10.12, So unless I find my solutions before it's released or have a second opt

Re: T-Mobile launches LTE 4X4 MIMO and 64/256 quadrature modulation beating verizon again!

2016-09-20 Thread David Chittenden
No, AT&T wireless is Vodafone's roaming partner in the US. David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA Email: Mobile: +64 21 2288 288 Sent from my iPhone > On 20/09/2016, at 20:50, Simon Fogarty wrote: > > Do Vodafone exist in the USA? > > Also is Nokia still involved in development of

Re: Installing a fresh copy of El Capitan on my Mac mini

2016-09-20 Thread Ramy Moustafa
A Question comes to my mind: did I erased a wrong hd? I mean, will the disk utility allow me to erase the recovery small partition? I have only 1 TB hd inside my mac mini. I'm just thinking outloud. and hope I can know the answer On 9/20/16, Ramy Moustafa wrote: > Hello Simon: > Yes, I erezed

Re: Installing a fresh copy of El Capitan on my Mac mini

2016-09-20 Thread Ramy Moustafa
Hello all: finally, I found my friend, came to my studio to give me something, I asked him to llok to screen, he found a screen, asking us to select network, of cores the voice over was not speaking in this screen at all. I select the network with Keyboard, I inter my network key, and the recovery

Re: Alarm Bug in IOS 10.0.1

2016-09-20 Thread kary johns
I’m having the same issue. Very soft alarm no matter what sound it’s set to, and once the alarm starts voiceover is super loud till the alarm is acted on. On 9/20/16, Jeff Berwick wrote: > Hi all, > > I think I’ve discovered a bug in IOS 10.0.1 using Voiceover and the Alarm > app. Unfortunately

Re: Installing a fresh copy of El Capitan on my Mac mini

2016-09-20 Thread Ramy Moustafa
Hello all: Sorry for all my hascle, now, the continue button is dimmbed, nothing changed, , no progress etc. I made a restart, with command option r, and this time it worked, and after it opens, I went to disk utility, I found my hd is called untitled, only 1 hd, I quit and I choose install os, b

Re: A Question About How To Add a Favorite in the iOS 10 Phone App

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Davert
The other thing I'm seeing with this particular feature is that I'm not able to add contacts as favorites for FaceTime Audio. Also of interest, the contacts I have as FaceTime Audio favorites on iOS 9 have not all made the switch to 10. Has anyone else experienced this? I don't think it's an access

Re: Installing a fresh copy of El Capitan on my Mac mini

2016-09-20 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, It sounds like your HD is fine, it has just been erased. You should do the following: 1. Restart it again with cmd-option-r. If you have access to a wired connection instead of WiFi, that would be better, but not imperative. 2. When given the choices, choose Disk Utility. 3. Press on t

Re: iCloud Keychain

2016-09-20 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Just a quick clarification first. There is usually no need to enter the security code when choosing to approve the device from another device. For example, if I wished to enrol my iPhone to use the iCloud Keychain, and if I'd already had it enabled on my Mac, then I'd choose "Approve from

Re: iCloud Keychain

2016-09-20 Thread E.T.
Hi Tim, At this point I am not sure I ever did enable Keychain. Working from the Mac I cannot get past the dialog for the code. If I enter one the iPhone gets a text with a verification code which I type in on the Mac which then cycles back to requesting the security code. So I get nowhere.

Re: T-Mobile launches LTE 4X4 MIMO and 64/256 quadrature modulation beating verizon again!

2016-09-20 Thread Mary Otten
I agree with you about the possible dish network merger. I don't see any upside there at all. Mary Sent from my iPhone > On Sep 19, 2016, at 10:04 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > > You’re forgetting one key thing though, T-Mobile floats a lot of stock out > there and issued blocks recently to r

Re: iCloud Keychain

2016-09-20 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, I suggest that you then first turn iCloud Keychain off on your iPhone. It shouldn't require a code for that, just your Apple ID credentials. Now, try enabling it on your Mac. If it is already on, when you click on Options, a dialog should appear that gives you the option to change your S

Re: T-Mobile launches LTE 4X4 MIMO and 64/256 quadrature modulation beating verizon again!

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
They used to also hold a very large block of Verizon Wireless. Verizon however has paid to separate from what I understand. > On Sep 20, 2016, at 5:20 AM, David Chittenden wrote: > > No, AT&T wireless is Vodafone's roaming partner in the US. > > David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA > Email: dchitten

Re: T-Mobile launches LTE 4X4 MIMO and 64/256 quadrature modulation beating verizon again!

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
Not happy at all with Dish network and haven’t been for years. My problem starts with the CEO and works on down from there. > On Sep 20, 2016, at 10:39 AM, Mary Otten wrote: > > I agree with you about the possible dish network merger. I don't see any > upside there at all. > Mary > > > Sen

Re: Installing a fresh copy of El Capitan on my Mac mini

2016-09-20 Thread Ramy Moustafa
Hello Tim: I followed all your advices, and I think it starts installing, it didn't ask me for my Wi-Fi password or something. it shows now only my Macintosh HD as a name, I even look with VO+F@ F@, no other windows. Hope it starts downloading., just to be calm. but wouldn't I see a progress in

Re: iCloud Keychain

2016-09-20 Thread E.T.
Tim, I'm wondering now if I am mistaken here. When I try to enable Keychain, the dialog asks for iCloud security code and its a 4 digit code. This must not be the same thing as the one that requires 6 digits. Mu iPhone and iPad both do not have Keychain enabled. From E.T.'s Keyboard...

Sierra: Compatible MacBookPRO (Which Models?)

2016-09-20 Thread Robin
ExcuseMe, Jonathan Which MacBookPRO are compatible with Apple's Latest Update, or at least capable of being Updated to it? Thanx I'm Referrin'To the NEW Mac OS, which is HighlyRumored ToBe Released to ThePublic Today,Tuesday,September20th I beleive I have AnApple MacBookPRO 2012 EvenThough

Re: Installing a fresh copy of El Capitan on my Mac mini

2016-09-20 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, I believe that it should, although, I can't remember for sure how the Mountain Lion installer was. Note, that this is going to download and install the Mountain Lion (10.8.*) installer, and you'll need to go to the App Store once again and click on the Upgrade to El Capitan (10.11.*) packa

Re: Alarm Bug in IOS 10.0.1

2016-09-20 Thread becky knaub
I have the same problem. Voiceover is extremely loud but the alarm is pretty soft. Luckily I am an extremely light sleeper so I don't have any problems. Just wish voiceover wasn't so loud. Becky and GDF dog Hazel Sent from my iPhone > On Sep 20, 2016, at 8:19 AM, kary johns wrote: > > I’m hav

Re: iCloud Keychain

2016-09-20 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, so, on your Mac, it is asking for a four digit code when you attempt to enable iCloud Keychain? Hmmm. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Sep 20, 2016, at 09:55, E.T. wrote: Tim, I'm wondering now if I am mistaken here. When I try to enable Keychain, the dialog asks for

Re: Sierra: Compatible MacBookPRO (Which Models?)

2016-09-20 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, MacBook Pros Late 2010 or newer can run Sierra. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Sep 20, 2016, at 10:28, Robin wrote: ExcuseMe, Jonathan Which MacBookPRO are compatible with Apple's Latest Update, or at least capable of being Updated to it? Thanx I'm Referrin'To the NEW

Re: iCloud Keychain

2016-09-20 Thread E.T.
Yes indeed. I have been googling this too and come up with nothing helpful. I cannot access the options if I cannot enable Keychain. later I may sign out and back in and see if that changes anything. From E.T.'s Keyboard... Are We Alone in the Universe? On 9/20/2

Re: iCloud Keychain

2016-09-20 Thread Caitlyn Furness
I think this is messed up right now. I tried to restore my old keychain on my i phone and I go through all the steps and it comes back as saying that i cloud keychain can’t be enabled and gives me an ok button. I’ve tried this set up process on four successive days with no luck. I”m going to

Re: iCloud Keychain

2016-09-20 Thread Kliphton Miller
The mac OS X was released about 5 minutes ago > On Sep 20, 2016, at 12:55 PM, Caitlyn Furness > wrote: > > I think this is messed up right now. > > I tried to restore my old keychain on my i phone and I go through all the > steps and it comes back as saying that i cloud keychain can’t be enab

Re: iCloud Keychain

2016-09-20 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Yes, signing out then exiting System Preferences sounds like a good thing to do. It is good to quit System Prefs, then go back in to re-sign into iCloud. This allows for System Prefs to properly kill processes before logging back in. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Sep

Re: Sierra: Compatible MacBookPRO (Which Models?)

2016-09-20 Thread christopher hallsworth
Yes and that includes this late 2011 Macbook Pro 13 that I am typing on and have been running Sierra since its Gold Master was released to both developers and public beta testers. I tried an early beta, wasn’t impressed with it so have downgraded back to El Capitan, well truthfully I tried an ea

Re: Alarm Bug in IOS 10.0.1

2016-09-20 Thread Jeff Berwick
Okay, so it looks like something is going on that should be reported. I was not part of the beta, so I don’t have the beta app to report bugs. Is this something that should be reported to , or is there a better place for this? Thx, Jeff

Re: Alarm Bug in IOS 10.0.1

2016-09-20 Thread christopher hallsworth is the best way to report accessibility related bugs. You can also send your feedback through this online form at > On 20 Sep 2016, at 19:27, Jeff Berwick wrote: > > Okay, so it looks like something is going on that should be reported. I was >

Re: Seil is not Sierra Compatible at this point

2016-09-20 Thread Grant
Hi Jonathan and list, a new version of Karabiner has been in the works for Sierra: When I last looked at it, the settings window wasn't functional so you had to add key bindings manually, and I didn't invest the time to learn how to do that; but it l

Contacts on the iPhone 5s

2016-09-20 Thread Angus MacKinnon
I upgraded my iPhone 5S to IOS 10. How do I delete certain contacts on the iPhone? Also, How do I transfer All Contacts from my El Capitan iMac to my iPhone 5S running IOS 10? Thank you. Angus MacKinnon -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If

Changed VO behaviour under Sierra with ReadKit

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi everyone, the RSS reader ReadKit is one of my favourite MacOS apps. Since upgrading to Sierra, VO has changed the way it speaks in the list of articles. Previously, I would hear the headline, a preview of the article, and then the source, which for me is optimal. Now though, VO is speaking the

new os mail bug.

2016-09-20 Thread matthew dyer
Hi all. Now that os 10.12 is out I can safely share a bug in mail that has been driving me crazy since the beta. While in threaded view, voice over will jump you to the last message in an expanded thread. For example, if you are looking at a thread with 12 messages and you delete say the firs

Re: new os mail bug.

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
I can not confirm this behavior on Gold master MacBook Pro Mid 2015 15 inch. I’ll try again to replicate but following your description I’m not getting that behavior. > On Sep 20, 2016, at 4:04 PM, matthew dyer > wrote: > > Hi all. Now that os 10.12 is out I can safely share a bug in mail th

Re: Contacts on the iPhone 5s

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
Use iCloud, it syncs all your contacts across devices you don’t have to deal with them separately. > On Sep 20, 2016, at 3:40 PM, Angus MacKinnon wrote: > > I upgraded my iPhone 5S to IOS 10. How do I delete certain contacts on the > iPhone? Also, How do I transfer All Contacts from my El Capi

Re: new os mail bug.

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Confirmed and it's really annoying. One thing that helps a little is the return of preview when you're arrowing through an open conversation. This means I don't have to open every message and lose my place. Jonathan Mosen Mosen Consulting Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training http:/

Procedure to correct loss of unlock feature with Mac and Apple Watch

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
Ran in to this over the weekend and after a lot of work figured it out, thought I’d summarize here in case others run in to the problem they can save some time. Problem: Apple watch suddenly stops authenticating on the Mac Solution, execute the following steps. 1. enter system preferences and u

one row added VO message gone at last in Sierra!

2016-09-20 Thread Michael Marshall
hey all, I have been dying to talk about this since the beta came out for this system but you can now change how VO tells you of updates to table rows. now you can have nothing, ticks or the old and shocking one row added message. By default when I first installed Sierra it was set to nothing and

Re: new os mail bug.

2016-09-20 Thread Mary Otten
I haven't upgraded my Mac yet. But I wonder if the difference that you guys are experiencing, where Scott can't confirm, and the other two of you do, has to do with whether you are still using classic view or the new view, which isn't all that new anymore actually. Mary Sent from my iPhone >

Re: new os mail bug.

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
Mine is a view where each thread is showed as a group of messages that you press right arrow to expand if that helps. > On Sep 20, 2016, at 5:09 PM, Mary Otten wrote: > > I haven't upgraded my Mac yet. But I wonder if the difference that you guys > are experiencing, where Scott can't confirm,

Re: new os mail bug.

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Another option that might effect things is if the reading of messages is done in the main window or in a separate thread window. Best wishes, Jonathan > On Sep 20, 2016, at 5:11 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > > Mine is a view where each thread is showed as a group of messages

Installation of Sierra

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Is the download from the Appstore the entire package or just a stub that downloads the OS when started? Also, have there been any guides to create a flash disk installer, so I don't need to download 5 times? Best wishes, Jonathan Cohn -- The following information is important for all members

Re: one row added VO message gone at last in Sierra!

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
How come every time I read this subject I think there is a new mail message to review ? I think Alex Hall might have helped with that new row added feature. There were a few discussions of it on the accessibility developers mailing list. Best wishes, Jonathan > On Sep 20, 20

macos sierra and setup screen

2016-09-20 Thread William Windels
Hello , I have just installed macos sierra and, because of a strange reason, I lost the configuration screen. This is the screen where they ask e.g. if I would upload all my documents fro my computer to iCloud. I don’t know wat’s all further in the setup and I don’t know also how to get the con

Re: Alarm Bug in IOS 10.0.1

2016-09-20 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! I don’t know if there might be some 3rd part apps you could try. I used to use the yocto clock but it doesn’t seem be developped anymore. /A > 20 sep. 2016 kl. 00:58 skrev Jeff Berwick : > > I appreciate your thorough testing. I only have my one iPhone :( , and have > run several tests. The

how to create a bootable installer for os 10 12

2016-09-20 Thread Kliphton Miller’s-how-tutorial/ -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's

Re: Alarm Bug in IOS 10.0.1

2016-09-20 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! Come to think of one thing. Can it be some problems with the audioducking feature thats in voiceover. Just a thought from me. /A > 20 sep. 2016 kl. 18:29 skrev becky knaub : > > I have the same problem. Voiceover is extremely loud but the alarm is pretty > soft. Luckily I am an extremely ligh

RE: one row added VO message gone at last in Sierra!

2016-09-20 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Michael, Where does one go to change this setting? Thank you, Mark -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Marshall Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 1:44 PM To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries Subje

Attention Public Gold Master Users Of Sierra

2016-09-20 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey. To you public beta testers running the Gold Master release of Sierra, I just found out that the gold master release isn't in fact the same release as the version that the public got today. Our version of Sierra is 10.12 build 16A320 and we should be running 10.12 build 16A323. So with that

Re: Attention Public Gold Master Users Of Sierra

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
Sean, thanks buddy for the heads up on this. Seems odd that it’s different as I thought Gold Master meant the version that went to presses so to speak but there you go. Thank you, downloading now. > On Sep 20, 2016, at 7:38 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote: > > Hey. To you public beta testers runnin

Re: Installation of Sierra

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
Looks like Kliph posted a how too on the creation of media side and yes the download if the full release I believe. Should be fine on a USB stick. > On Sep 20, 2016, at 5:37 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote: > > Is the download from the Appstore the entire package or just a stub that > downloads the O

Re: one row added VO message gone at last in Sierra!

2016-09-20 Thread Michael Marshall
you go to verbosity, announcements and there will be an option for changing what VO does when rows change under the cursor > On 21 Sep. 2016, at 8:53 am, M. Taylor wrote: > > Hello Michael, > > Where does one go to change this setting? > > Thank you, > > Mark > > -Original Message- >

Re: Attention Public Gold Master Users Of Sierra

2016-09-20 Thread Michael Marshall
i have done this as well. > On 21 Sep. 2016, at 9:38 am, Shawn Krasniuk wrote: > > Hey. To you public beta testers running the Gold Master release of Sierra, I > just found out that the gold master release isn't in fact the same release as > the version that the public got today. Our version of

how to determine download status in app store?

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
Hi, how can you determine the download status of an app or sierra being downloaded in the App Store ? I can’t find the download progress status. Any pointers would be most appreciated. Thank you -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you h

Re: how to determine download status in app store?

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Look at the table in the purchases section. Best wishes, Jonathan Cohn > On Sep 20, 2016, at 8:41 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > > Hi, how can you determine the download status of an app or sierra being > downloaded in the App Store ? I can’t find the download progress status. > Any pointers

Re: how to determine download status in app store?

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
Ah, I don’t see anything there that shows download, should it be on the first line or is it elsewhere in the table? > On Sep 20, 2016, at 8:47 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote: > > Look at the table in the purchases section. > > Best wishes, > > Jonathan Cohn > > On Sep 20, 2016, at 8:41 PM, Scot

Re: how to determine download status in app store?

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
It should be next to the pause button Best wishes, Jonathan Cohn > On Sep 20, 2016, at 8:48 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > > Ah, I don’t see anything there that shows download, should it be on the first > line or is it elsewhere in the table? > >> On Sep 20, 2016, at 8:47 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn

Re: how to determine download status in app store?

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
I just figured it out, what I did was originally hit the download button on sierra in the group. I then clicked on the sierra name with in the group where it opened up the full entry for sierra and it shows the progress right there in minutes and percentage. Thanks as always > On Sep 20, 201

1Password update

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
I just got notified that 1Password has updates in support of the new OS. Have fun! Jonathan Cohn -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post

Re: Alarm Bug in IOS 10.0.1

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Good thinking there! I turned off audio ducking, I can't stand it, and I have not encountered this issue. Best wishes, Jonathan Cohn > On Sep 20, 2016, at 6:39 PM, Anders Holmberg wrote: > > Hi! > Come to think of one thing. > Can it be some problems with the audioducking fe

Re: T-Mobile launches LTE 4X4 MIMO and 64/256 quadrature modulation beating verizon again!

2016-09-20 Thread Brent Harding
The one thing they did that might be considered good is the whole concept of services like Sling TV to at least be able to dump the cable and have a decent selection of channels at a good price, but every time I hear about one of those retransmission disputes they get into with this or that loca

Re: Sierra: Compatible MacBookPRO (Which Models?)

2016-09-20 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Weird, I have a mid 2010, not late, but mid, 2010 system, and Sierra installed just fine on to it. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From: "christopher hallsworth" To: Sent: Tuesday

Re: T-Mobile launches LTE 4X4 MIMO and 64/256 quadrature modulation beating verizon again!

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
You’re absolutely right, my mother has missing channels now because they won’t pay the extra 8 cents per sub. The other problem is their business practices. They fire lots of US workers and farm the work out over seas, they have also fired disabled people instead of make accommodation. Not a

Re: new os mail bug.

2016-09-20 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Am also copying Apple Accessibility on this. I, too, have seen this during the beta, and reported it. I'm really shocked it never got fixed. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From:

Re: one row added VO message gone at last in Sierra!

2016-09-20 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I'm trying to remember where you set that. I saw it during the beta, but I don't remember exactly where. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From: "Michael Marshall" To: "'Maxwell Ive

Re: Changed VO behaviour under Sierra with ReadKit

2016-09-20 Thread Alex Hall
I don't currently use that app, but I wonder if that table offers column headers you could re-arrange? Interact with the table and hit vo-shift-backslash. If VO says you're in the headers, you can try dragging them around to re-order them. If that fails, my only other thought is to try dragging

Re: new os mail bug.

2016-09-20 Thread Alex Hall
Sorry, I can't confirm this either. I use standard view, with a five-line preview, if that matters. > On Sep 20, 2016, at 16:04, matthew dyer > wrote: > > Hi all. Now that os 10.12 is out I can safely share a bug in mail that has > been driving me crazy since the beta. While in threaded view

Re: one row added VO message gone at last in Sierra!

2016-09-20 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Super! Thank you. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From: "Michael Marshall" To: "'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries" Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 8:30 PM Subject: Re: one row a

Re: Changed VO behaviour under Sierra with ReadKit

2016-09-20 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Thanks Alex, I'll have a play. Are you using another RSS reader? Jonathan Mosen Mosen Consulting Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training > On 21/09/2016, at 1:40 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > > I don't currently use that app, but I wonder if that table offers column > head

Re: Sierra: Compatible MacBookPRO (Which Models?)

2016-09-20 Thread Robin
Is Apple'sSiri operatingsmoothly on YourMacBook2010? JustWonderin' At 06:35 PM 9/20/2016, you wrote: Weird, I have a mid 2010, not late, but mid, 2010 system, and Sierra installed just fine on to it. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Ph

Re: Sierra: Compatible MacBookPRO (Which Models?)

2016-09-20 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
What? I'm sorry, but please put spaces between each of your words, as it's making it practically impossible otherwise to read your messages. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From: "

Re: T-Mobile launches LTE 4X4 MIMO and 64/256 quadrature modulation beating verizon again!

2016-09-20 Thread Mary Otten
I don't know how it is now, but we used to have dish. And their apps were never accessible at all. Very disappointing. Requests went unheard. Surprise! Mary Sent from my iPhone > On Sep 20, 2016, at 6:37 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > > You’re absolutely right, my mother has missing channels no

Dish Network and accessibility was Re: T-Mobile launches LTE 4X4 MIMO and 64/256 quadrature modulation beating verizon again!

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Granados
That’s interesting, I had a decent amount of luck with the iPhone apps at the time, I think it was an iPhone 4 I was using at the time to give the time frame. Haven’t tried in years I gave up Dish when I left California. > On Sep 20, 2016, at 10:28 PM, Mary Otten wrote: > > I don't know how

Re: Dish Network and accessibility was Re: T-Mobile launches LTE 4X4 MIMO and 64/256 quadrature modulation beating verizon again!

2016-09-20 Thread Mary Otten
Interesting. I think this was when I had a 4S that we had dish. We've actually had it a few different times. We had it back east, way before there were phones like android and iPhone. Then we had it out here a couple of different times, the last one of which was a few years ago when I had a lou

screenflow 5 in OS X 10.12?

2016-09-20 Thread Michael Babcock
can anyone confirm if this works in OS X 10.12? That’s the reason why i downgraded from the beta, is because SF 5 didn’t work in 10.12. thanks. best. michael -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the r

Re: Changed VO behaviour under Sierra with ReadKit

2016-09-20 Thread gs
I am currently installing Sierra and will definitely be attempting to solve this shortly myself. On Sep 20, 2016, at 9:54 PM, Jonathan Mosen wrote: Thanks Alex, I'll have a play. Are you using another RSS reader? Jonathan Mosen Mosen Consulting Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and trainin

Re: one row added VO message gone at last in Sierra!

2016-09-20 Thread Caitlyn Furness
Wow, thanks for this! this is actually getting me more excited to update! glad they finally gave us this feature! Cait > On Sep 20, 2016, at 4:43 PM, Michael Marshall > wrote: > > hey all, > I have been dying to talk about this since the beta came out for this system > but you can now chan

Re: one row added VO message gone at last in Sierra!

2016-09-20 Thread Michael Marshall
verbosity, announcements, look for the option that asks what VO should do when row changes under the cursor > On 21 Sep. 2016, at 11:39 am, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: > > I'm trying to remember where you set that. I saw it during the beta, but I > don't remember exactly where. > --- >

Suggestions in how can I back up information of my Mac computer before updating to Sierra

2016-09-20 Thread Helga Schreiber
Hi all! How are you all? So I want to back up my mac before updating to Sierra guys. I heard of time machine, but will that back up all my information I have and so on. If so, I don't know how to set time machine in order to use it with my mac. Or Is there any other tools that you recomme