I’m having the same issue.
Very soft alarm no matter what sound it’s set to, and once the alarm
starts voiceover is super loud till the alarm is acted on.

On 9/20/16, Jeff Berwick <mailingli...@berwick.name> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think I’ve discovered a bug in IOS 10.0.1 using Voiceover and the Alarm
> app.  Unfortunately, I ended up sleeping in and missing my bus/train this
> morning.
> Can anybody confirm thet the alarm sound drops out or doesn’t play at all
> when Voiceover is running?  I have also tried it with the mute button set
> and I think that causes a problem too.
> Assuming we can recreate this bug, how do I submit this to Apple as I’ve
> never submitted one before.
> Thx,
> Jeff
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