RE: Getting rid of cable (was Netflix)

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
30 channels hells teeth, that's crazy, We get about 6 now, for free may be a couple more than that with parliament tv if it's on. Otherwise you have to pay through the nose for Sky or satellite digital tv or join Netflix which is very limited in NZ unless you get a vpn connection to the U

RE: System volume

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
Yeah you do, it's the key directly above the del key in the 6 keys above arrows -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Saqib Hussain Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2016 12:10 AM To: Subject:

RE: uninstalling Microsoft Office question

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Scott, Not easy but very doable, You can drag and drop the application from that folder in to trash but there are still a number of conf files in the library which you would have to unhide and then go through one by one and remove each of those files. Can't really give you much more of

RE: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Andy, The best I could tell you although late in the pease is The mac book air keyboard is pretty much a standard mac keyboard in feel, only f and J keys have tactile indicators other than that it’s bloody easy to use really, feels to me like a standard apple keyboard just in a slightly small

RE: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Andy, I can’t say anything re the sense of touch but I use a mac book air 11 inch everyday and have had it for 3 years now, I wouldn’t go passed it for quality, I’ve tried the new mac book and I don’t’ like the keyboard, I find it difficult to pick the different keys and my sense of touch i

RE: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
Um, All mac book models have built in hard drives, they are all but one model now using flash based media as their harddrives. And all but one again have no optical drives as the same for the mac mini and the iMac. There is still a mac book pro with spindle hard drive and optical drive if you

RE: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
Scott the 13 inch Mac book pro with optical drive and spindal hard drive is still on the apple website, that has an Ethernet port in it still, But yes all the mac book air and mac book pro take either a usb to Ethernet adaptor or thunderbolt to Ethernet adaptor The new 12inch mac books need a new

RE: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Andy, Mac book air second hand, When you say second hand, how old are we talking? This could be the difference between using up to date OS and not. Also do you know much about it as in specs and condition of it? And as for what scott said, anything we can do to assist via facetime etc just

RE: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi andy, Iehter usb to Ethernet or thungerbolt to Ethernet, Both the 11 and 13 inch mac book air have 2 USB ports. And 1 thunderbolt ports Very rarely do I use both USB and thunderbolt at the same time, I do most network connectivity work through WiFi From: [ma

RE: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
Andy, The refurbished devices are a great option, With one year apple warrenty so you should be covered and the products have all been cleaned up and checked to make sure they are up to scratch regarding apples quality assurance standards. From: [mailto:macvisi

RE: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

2016-06-29 Thread Simon Fogarty
Yeah I’ve had this similar happen with my iPhone 6splus and the voyager edge Try playing with the audio routing. Which can be enabled to the roter From: [] On Behalf Of NCBM Moses Choo Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2016 12:58 PM To

Re: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

2016-06-29 Thread David Chittenden
It has to do with the automatic settings. Go to settings, phone, and set default to bluetooth to force the phone call to the earpiece whenever it is connected. David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA Email: Mobile: +64 21 2288 288 Sent from my iPhone > On 29 Jun 2016, at 10:58, NCBM

Re: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
Hi, so on the 6s+ I have only experienced #1, disconnection, mainly of the hands free profile and it seems related to the proximity censor. I also with the voyager edge and legend would have the last played media start when a call would disconnect. These seem much better in the most recent publ

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
Andy, no, no worries here. Your WiFi access is built in so no extra hardware needed. The ethernet dongle or the wired connection uses a thunderbolt port of which on the pro you have 2. You do not use up a USB port. Also, if you need more USB ports then why not just employ a USB hub? Port de

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
I think you will be happy with an air and of course I would be glad to help as would the other list members. Post away or we can set up a time if you want more of a QNA format. Also, I think you underestimate your abilities and overestimate the complexity. You’ll do much better than taking mo

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
Just to be clear the keyboards are the same it’s about having more room on the larger models. I’m not sure your motor limitations but I know my big hands fit on the larger keyboards just fine and I’m able to rapidly touch type and find the keyboard enjoyable. I would think you would have a goo

Re: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
David jumping in with a great tip, I’m heading there now to adjust. Thank you David!! Great tip > On Jun 29, 2016, at 7:53 AM, David Chittenden wrote: > > It has to do with the automatic settings. Go to settings, phone, and set > default to bluetooth to force the phone call to the earpiece wh

RE: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

2016-06-29 Thread NCBM Moses Choo
Hi David, Mine is already set audio routing to bluetooth headphone. Thanksk, Moses. _ From: [] On Behalf Of David Chittenden Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 7:54 PM To: Subject: R

RE: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

2016-06-29 Thread NCBM Moses Choo
Thanks, will such things happen on other headphones as well? I have already bought 2 headphones and both also has given me problems. If the problem persists, no point buying another headphone. I do hope this will be solved with the next IOS. Moses. _ From: macvisionaries@googl

SuperDuper or CCC

2016-06-29 Thread Martin Brown
I wish to make a bootable drive of my internal Macintosh HD. Are both SuperDuper and CCC equally accessible with VoiceOver? And, do the folks on this list have a preference? Thank you in advance for any help. Martin -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries

Re: Getting rid of cable (was Netflix)

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
Few wrong things here and let me help clear up as far as I know. First, digital is much more efficient, requires a lot less power than the old analog signals. Also a lot less impacted by multi path or other atmospheric issues because it’s all numbers at that point you can apply tricky math to

Re: Getting rid of cable (was Netflix)

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
You guys are still watching MASH, wow. Always interests me what shows are popular around the world. I hear Doogie Houser is huge in India for example, not sure if that’s true. Yes, near major cities you may get 30, 50 or more over the air channels. Most are either religious garbage, home shop

Re: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
Hi Moses, I have had varying issues with all brands. Plantronics I find to be the most reliable, Era by Jawbone is stylish but not as astable. All seem better in the latest public beta release so yes I’d expect a better result with the next maintenance update. > On Jun 29, 2016, at 8:18 AM, N

Re: Getting rid of cable (was Netflix)

2016-06-29 Thread Donna Goodin
I'm with Simon on this one. It bummed me out when Netflix lost MASH. :) Cheers, Donna > On Jun 29, 2016, at 7:28 AM, Scott Granados wrote: > > You guys are still watching MASH, wow. Always interests me what shows are > popular around the world. I hear Doogie Houser is huge in India for example

Re: Getting rid of cable (was Netflix)

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
Reminds me of when the family when I was younger would watch Mash and WKRP. Ah back when TV was still good. > On Jun 29, 2016, at 8:36 AM, Donna Goodin wrote: > > I'm with Simon on this one. It bummed me out when Netflix lost MASH. :) > Cheers, > Donna >> On Jun 29, 2016, at 7:28 AM, Scott Gra

Re: Getting rid of cable (was Netflix)

2016-06-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Oh, WKRP! Now *that was a funny show! Cheers, Donna > On Jun 29, 2016, at 7:41 AM, Scott Granados wrote: > > Reminds me of when the family when I was younger would watch Mash and WKRP. > > Ah back when TV was still good. > >> On Jun 29, 2016, at 8:36 AM, Donna Goodin wrote: >> >> I'm with Si

Re: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

2016-06-29 Thread David Chittenden
I am extremely embarrassed to say, I went from memory and did not remember correctly. The correct location for routing the call is: settings, general, accessibility, call routing. The choices are: automatic, earpiece, speakerphone, and handset. The nice thing about automatic is it remembers for

Re: Getting rid of cable (was Netflix)

2016-06-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey Scott, You know, it's funny. We've been on lists together for years, and I've never thought of you as a Sheldon. But now that you draw the parallel, I can see where there might be some similarities. :) However, I suspect that Sheldon would have had zero tolerance for the ... um ... arra

Re: System volume

2016-06-29 Thread Saqib Hussain
Hi. I have tried all of your suggestions and nothing is working. Thanks for the help anyway. > On 28 Jun 2016, at 18:49, Ricardo Walker wrote: > > Hi, > > One more thing, > > I would go into system preferences/ Keyboard and under the keyboard tab, make > sure Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as st


2016-06-29 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I can't resist asking. I have a friend who told me that Microsoft Powerpoint on the mac was actually quite doable. I don't doubt him in the least, but I am curious for those who've used both it, as well as Keynote. Which do you all find works better? Are their certain scenarios where one may

Re: SuperDuper or CCC

2016-06-29 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Both are 100% accessible, and both will absolutely get the job done. This discussion from time to time keeps cropping up on list. My personal preference is Super Duper, but there really isn't any particular reason. A lot of people will tell you that CCC does more. Whether this can be confir

Keyboard behaving oddly

2016-06-29 Thread Saqib Hussain
Hi. For some reason my tab key has stopped working along with the command key as I can no longer quit programs. It’s like they have been disabled. How do I get them working again? Is there a way to restore the Mac to factory settings? -- The following information is important for all members o

Re: SuperDuper or CCC

2016-06-29 Thread E.T.
Martin, I looked at both and am now running CCC. Once its set up the way I want it, its on auto pilot. It also will make the backup drive bootable. Very good support as well from its developer. From E.T.'s Keyboard... Are We Alone in the Universe? On 6/29/201

Playing "The Golden Wombat of Destiny" on a Mac

2016-06-29 Thread Craig Werner
Hello, everyone. I am wondering if anyone on this list felt a flush of excitement when reading the "Subject" field of this message. If anyone remembers the adventure game for early computers called "The Golden Wombat of Destiny," please let me know if it and other 1980s text games are playable on

braille embosser

2016-06-29 Thread 'Peggy' via MacVisionaries
I am thinking about getting a braille embosser that is wireless so I can print from my phone. I know Index has printers that will do this, are their any other printers that I could look at? Only want it for personal use, so wanted something small and inexpensive. Peggy and Dixie Marie Sent fro

Keyboard behaving oddly

2016-06-29 Thread Saqib Hussain
Hi. Further to my previous message! It seems that my tab key and command key lock up periodically and I have to unplug the keyboard to resolve the problem. I’ve tried another keyboard and I’m getting the same result. I can no longer get to items in system preferences by first letter navigation e

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Andy
Hi Simon. I've had loads of helpful advice from this list today and yes, you are right. I'm going to telephone the Apple Store in Glasgow tomorrow and see what they may have in refurnished equipment. I've had so much good advice that it's very difficult. The guy who gave me the one day traini

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Andy
Hi Symon. I think I should be able to put my hands on £500, if I tighten my belt a little more. So do you think that a refurnished Macbook from the Apple store would be possible or do I need to save a little more? I'm looking for a computer that is tactyle and is running El Capitan, so herhap

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Pete Nalda
That 2012 MacBook Pro will run El Capitan Jfyi. Egun On, Lagunak! (basque for G'day, Mates Louie P (Pete) Nalda Twitter: @lpnalda > On Jun 29, 2016, at 11:49 AM, Andy wrote: > > Hi Simon. > > I've had loads of helpful advic

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Pete Nalda
Oops! El Capitan is the current OS. I meant to say that 2012 mbp will run Sierra. Egun On, Lagunak! (basque for G'day, Mates Louie P (Pete) Nalda Twitter: @lpnalda > On Jun 29, 2016, at 12:42 PM, Pete Nalda wrote: > > That 2

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread christopher hallsworth
Yes and my 2011 Macbook Pro will also run Sierra. > On 29 Jun 2016, at 18:47, Pete Nalda wrote: > > Oops! El Capitan is the current OS. I meant to say that 2012 mbp will run > Sierra. > > Egun On, Lagunak! (basque for G'day, Mates > Louie P (Pete) Nalda > >

Re: Taking The Headphone Jack Off Phones Is User-Hostile and Stupid, Have Some Dignity

2016-06-29 Thread David Griffith
I am personally disturbed because 1. I have never found a bluetooth headset loude enough for me as a severely deaf person. 2. I hate with a huge amount options which try to use my hearing aids as an alternative as the sound is also lousy 3. However I get perfect loud fidelity from a large r

Re: Taking The Headphone Jack Off Phones Is User-Hostile and Stupid, Have Some Dignity

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
David, this sounds totally unreasonable to me. First, if just losing an 1/8th inch jack upsets you that much you’ll hate android. I use both and the user experience on Android is much more clumsy and half baked. Secondly, that’s just nutty about the adapters. It’s no different than carrying

A Possible Bug? I"m not Certain. Please Help Confirm

2016-06-29 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone, Even though this is a Mac list, the following occurs on my Windows PC and so I'd like someone to either confirm or not-confirm that the same happens in OS X. 1. Either sync or backup iPhone to iTunes on the Mac. 2. Now, with the phone disconnected from the computer, in iOS Safa

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
Yes but not fully. There are already features that the 2011 modem won’t support so be very careful here. Unless you buy a newer machine you may be missing out on some key features. Weight if these are important to you. Just because the OS boots doesn’t mean everything is available. You know

Re: Taking The Headphone Jack Off Phones Is User-Hostile and Stupid, Have Some Dignity

2016-06-29 Thread E.T.
Apple is not denying anyone anything. So another adapter might be in order. If the iPhone 7 brings new features that everyone will die for, adding one adapter to the mix is minuscule. We really need to step back and put it all in perspective. And wait to see what Apple is really going to do

Re: Getting rid of cable (was Netflix)

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
Donna, that’s funny. Sheldon couldn’t handle coffee as I recall although recently, I remember him getting drunk a few times but I suspect you’re right. Psychedelics would probably have left him cowering in the corner. Being serious though, I’ve thought, more than once, that I probably

Re: Taking The Headphone Jack Off Phones Is User-Hostile and Stupid, Have Some Dignity

2016-06-29 Thread David Griffith
I disagree totally. They are denying me a 3.5 headphone jack. On 29/06/2016 20:52, E.T. wrote: Apple is not denying anyone anything. So another adapter might be in order. If the iPhone 7 brings new features that everyone will die for, adding one adapter to the mix is minuscule. We really n

Re: Taking The Headphone Jack Off Phones Is User-Hostile and Stupid, Have Some Dignity

2016-06-29 Thread Scott Granados
I smell a troll! > On Jun 29, 2016, at 4:26 PM, David Griffith wrote: > > I disagree totally. They are denying me a 3.5 headphone jack. > > > > On 29/06/2016 20:52, E.T. wrote: >> Apple is not denying anyone anything. So another adapter might be in >> order. If the iPhone 7 brings new feat

Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread Saqib Hussain
Hi. How do I restore my Mac to factory settings. I can't fix this keyboard issue -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread jeff `greene
Hi Saqib, 1 backup all your data 2 shut down your mac 3 reboot holding down command+r which will get you into recovery mode 4 wait like a minute then hit command+f5 to bring up VO 5 you'll find yourself in a table, choose disc utility and erase your hdd 6 close disc utility, interact with that tabl

Re: Taking The Headphone Jack Off Phones Is User-Hostile and Stupid, Have Some Dignity

2016-06-29 Thread David Griffith
Not at all and that is insulting. I am hearing impaired and can only use my phone with earphones. yesterday I had to use my phone whilst charging. Using a speakerphone would not be suitable. At the moment I can simply plug in earpones whilst charging and make the call. How will that be possibl

Re: Taking The Headphone Jack Off Phones Is User-Hostile and Stupid, Have Some Dignity

2016-06-29 Thread E.T.
No one is denying you anything. The iPhone 7 is not even on pre order status. (smiles) From E.T.'s Keyboard... Are We Alone in the Universe? On 6/29/2016 1:26 PM, David Griffith wrote: I disagree totally. They are denying me a 3.5 headphone jack. On 29/06/2016

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread Saqib Hussain
Hi. If you have read my emails about keyboard behaving oddly! This is the reason why I need to reset my Mac because I can't find a solution for the problem > On 29 Jun 2016, at 21:45, jeff `greene wrote: > > Hi Saqib, > 1 backup all your data > 2 shut down your mac > 3 reboot holding down com

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Pete Nalda
Yeah, I have a late 2009, and it will not run Sierra. So, oh well :/ Egun On, Lagunak! (basque for G'day, Mates Louie P (Pete) Nalda Twitter: @lpnalda > On Jun 29, 2016, at 1:21 PM, christopher hallsworth > wrote: > > Yes and

Re: Taking The Headphone Jack Off Phones Is User-Hostile and Stupid, Have Some Dignity

2016-06-29 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, While I don't wish to minimize your concerns David, the iPhone and Apple in general is known for stepping out and taking chances with change. The iMac was introduced with no floppy disk, we got by and soon floppy drives were old news. Pretty well every Mac for years hasn't had a VGA ou fo

Plex Media App

2016-06-29 Thread Angus MacKinnon
Where can I find the Plex Media App in the Mac Appstore? I have searched and found nothing. How VoiceOver friendly is the Plex Media App? Thank you for all help. Angus MacKinnon -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions o

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, There is no setting that will disable specific keys on your keyboard after time has elapsed. I wonder if you're accidentally turning on Mouse keys? Mouse keys, when enabled often disables the use of the cmd key. If this is happening with multiple keyboards, then it's guaranteed to be a s

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread E.T.
If its a Voiceover issue then bring up Voiceover Utility and on the menu bar, under File you will find "Reset all Voiceover preferences". If that does not do it, try this. Resetting PRAM. Shut down. Locate following keys on keyboard: Option-Cmd-P-R Hold these keys down simultaneously i

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread Saqib Hussain
Hi. How do I turn the mouse mode off? This is my final throw of the dice before I attempt to reset the machine. > On 29 Jun 2016, at 23:14, E.T. wrote: > > If its a Voiceover issue then bring up Voiceover Utility and on the menu > bar, under File you will find "Reset all Voiceover preferenc

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Try pressing the Option key five times in a row. If a certain checkbox is checked in the Accessibility pane of System Prefs, then this set of key-presses will toggle Mouse keys on/off. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Jun 29, 2016, at 16:26, Saqib Hussain wrote: Hi. How

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread Saqib Hussain
Hi. My other issue that I can no longer navigate by first letter when in system preferences! I still am getting this command key locking up. > On 29 Jun 2016, at 22:52, Tim Kilburn wrote: > > Hi, > > There is no setting that will disable specific keys on your keyboard after > time has elapsed

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Mouse keys will affect that as well. I tested it just before I sent the original suggestion. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Jun 29, 2016, at 16:34, Saqib Hussain wrote: Hi. My other issue that I can no longer navigate by first letter when in system preferences! I stil

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread Saqib Hussain
Hi. I have pressed the option key five times as you have just suggested and I think it might have sold the problem. I was on the main desktop when I pressed it five times. First letter navigation is now working. > On 29 Jun 2016, at 23:31, Tim Kilburn wrote: > > Hi, > > Try pressing the Opti

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread jaan ali
I press come on plus; for unlock the command key Oar may be you head quik nav on turn it off Or lastly may be you have voiceover keys lock press voiceover keys and ; to unlock and lock Thanks Sent from my iPhone DISCLAIMER: "The information contained in this message is confidential and may be

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread jaan ali
Glad that your problem got solved Sent from my iPhone DISCLAIMER: "The information contained in this message is confidential and may be protected by legal privilege. It is intended only for the person(s) named as addressee. The dissemination, distribution,copying or disclosure of this message

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Great. If you'd rather not have this accidentally happen again, do the following. • open System Prefs. • open the Accessibility pane. • In the Accessibility Features table, select Mouse & Trackpad. • You'll note a checkbox for Mouse keys, make sure that it is not checked. • then you'll also

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-06-29 Thread Saqib Hussain
Hi. Thank you all for your support today. Usually I am on the Mac around 2 hours per day but today I must have spent around eight hours because of this problem > On 29 Jun 2016, at 23:46, jaan ali wrote: > > > > Glad that your problem got solved > Sent from my iPhone > > DISCLAIMER: > "T

RE: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

2016-06-29 Thread NCBM Moses Choo
Hi David, I think it is quite okay.Thanks for the further explanation. Lets wait for the next update and see how much better it would be. In the mean time, it is useable, got to keep on pairing again and again. Moses. _ From: [mailto:macvisionarie

RE: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread BBS
Hi Pete. Which Mac do you have? I read in an article that had the system requirements of Sierra that MacBook models starting from mid 2009 will be able to run it. That's good for me because mine is a mid 2010 and I'll be able to use Sierra. Shawn Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Win

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread Pete Nalda
Mine is late 2009. A friend who works at Apple wrote this on Facebook. "MacBook Pro - 2010 >> MacBook Air - 2010 >> Mac Mini - 2010 >> Mac Pro - 2010 >> MacBook - late 2009 >> iMac - late 2009 >> Doesn't look like 2009 MBP will be compatible :/ " Egun On, Lagunak! (basque for G'day, Mates Louie

Re: Mac book recommendation please

2016-06-29 Thread christopher hallsworth
Oh well indeed. Save up for a new mac . > On 29 Jun 2016, at 22:38, Pete Nalda wrote: > > Yeah, I have a late 2009, and it will not run Sierra. So, oh well :/ > > Egun On, Lagunak! (basque for G'day, Mates > Louie P (Pete) Nalda > > >