Hi David, I think it is quite okay.Thanks for the further explanation. Lets
wait for the next update and see how much better it would be.  In the mean
time, it is useable, got to keep on pairing again and  again. 


From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of David Chittenden
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 8:50 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

I am extremely embarrassed to say, I went from memory and did not remember

The correct location for routing the call is: settings, general,
accessibility, call routing. The choices are: automatic, earpiece,
speakerphone, and handset. The nice thing about automatic is it remembers
for each headset separately. The problem is that it defaults to speaker or
handset during the first use of a new headset, and getting audio to route
properly can be a little fiddly. Also, answering the call by pressing the
headset button usually routes to the headset, whilst pressing the answer
button on the phone routes to the handset.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA 
Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

On 29 Jun 2016, at 22:12, NCBM Moses Choo <mosesc...@ncbm.org.my> wrote:

Hi David,  Mine is already set audio routing to bluetooth headphone. 


From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of David Chittenden
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 7:54 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Iphone 6+ having bluetooth issues

It has to do with the automatic settings. Go to settings, phone, and set
default to bluetooth to force the phone call to the earpiece whenever it is

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA 
Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

On 29 Jun 2016, at 10:58, NCBM Moses Choo <mosesc...@ncbm.org.my> wrote:

Dear all, 
Anyone out there having bluetooth issues? 
I use the following bluetooth earphones. 
The  Jabra Boost and the Voyager Edge from Pentronics 
The pairing has no issue at all. In fact, it pairs rather quickly. However,
the issues are:
1.    During a call, the earphone can automatically get disconnected. 
2.   at times, the phone is connected (assistance from sighted person)
however, no sound comes from either the speaker nor the earphone. 
3.    There are times  that voiceover will breakup. 
Tried turning on and off the phone, 
Tried removing  and repairing,
tried  resetting all network settings, 
tried  turning on and off airplainmode,
I did not experience all these with earlier IOS versions. 
Would appreciate some info from members here. 
Thanks in advance 
Moses Choo. 

As of 1st January 2016, NCBM has moved into a new office. 



National Council for the Blind, Malaysia 

Unit 13-8, 13th floor, 

Menara Sentral Vista,

No. 150, Jalan Sultan Abdulsamad,


50470, Kuala Lumpur. 



Tel       22762973 

Fax      22761653

WEB    www.ncbm.org.my <http://www.ncbm.org.my/>   

Email for general enquiry  i...@ncbm.org.my 



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