Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Anita
I second that. - Original Message - From: "deedra waters" To: "'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries" Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 2:19 AM Subject: other mac accessibility mailing list? Is there another ml that’s more mac related? it seems this list has degenerated into an ios maili

Re: Really odd situation with app updates on I O S9

2015-09-28 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I noticed that. thank god. Chris. - Original Message - From: Jeffrey Shockley To: Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 8:27 AM Subject: Re: Really odd situation with app updates on I O S9 Hi, Resetting network settings doesn’t remove Bluetoo

Re: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s

2015-09-28 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! Yes its in the eu. Well i might try it later to day. /A > 27 sep. 2015 kl. 13:55 skrev Kawal Gucukoglu : > > You could call the UK online store as they say they serve Europe as they are > based in Ireland Cork. We have to call that store if we want to order > online. I think Sweden is in

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! Well, i might say something stupid now but this is my own personal preference so don’t be angry. To me i really whish that if the iphone could be as small as the ipod touch then i’d be as happy as can be. Ofcourse this will make braille writing nearly impossible but i never use that so i don

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi! I would be curious of this as well. It does say that this list is the home of the blind Mac user community, so that it has degenerated into a list with so many topics regarding iOS is strange to me, especially since we have moderators. The description doesn't reflect iOS anywhere, though,

spotify accessibility and some questions.

2015-09-28 Thread deedra waters
so i saw on applevis when i went looking for spotify advice/answers that a developer of some sort had given a very very very brief summary of how to get spotify working with accessibility. i’m going to write up here what i did to get it to work right for me and some of what i noticed. I’m hoping

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread deedra waters
If there is no response to this question/there is no alternative ml I will happily find a place to host one. Moderators this topic really does not sit well with me because of the fact that this appears to no longer be a mac list. after all this isn’t viphone.:P > On Sep 28, 2015, at 4:47 AM,

Re: talking dashboard: the say ram script

2015-09-28 Thread Alex Hall
That one has been broken since Yosemite. I meant to fix it, but other projects kept coming up. Plus, from what I've read, ram is handled so differently in Yosemite and onward that monitoring it isn't as important as it used to be. > On Sep 28, 2015, at 02:57, deedra waters wrote: > > This scrip

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Alex Hall
A few weeks back, people were asking about posting anything related to Apple accessibility since so many products are so linked nowadays. The reasoning was that--with iTunes syncing, Handoff, keyboard commands on iOS, iCloud Drive documents, and so on--all Apple products are so linked that it wa

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread deedra waters
wow , well that makes this list even harder to try and track since it’s already overly high traffic. well if there’s no alternative I’ll still see about hosting something mac specific or finding a place to host one. i just dont have the time or the patience to wade through all of the iphone top

Re: talking dashboard: the say ram script

2015-09-28 Thread deedra waters
is there another way to see this info then? i could go the top route but unix and top and memory flat out confuse me. > On Sep 28, 2015, at 4:59 AM, Alex Hall wrote: > > That one has been broken since Yosemite. I meant to fix it, but other > projects kept coming up. Plus, from what I've read,

Re: talking dashboard: the say ram script

2015-09-28 Thread Alex Hall
Activity Monitor is a great app built into all Macs. Open it up, go to the toolbar and then into the view group, and choose the memory button. Get out of the toolbar and you can see not only a table of all your apps and how much memory each uses, but stats on your memory as a whole. > On Sep 28,

PDF files

2015-09-28 Thread 'Margaret Ricciardi' via MacVisionaries
I have a PDF image file on my Mac that I am unable to read, is there a way to convert it to something else or is there a way to read it as is? Peggy & Dixie Marie -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe fro

Re: PDF files

2015-09-28 Thread Matthew Dierckens
Hi, If you have an iPhone and dropbox, you can get the KNB reader app and it will convert that image PDF into text. Or, if you’d like to send it to me, unless it’s confidential information i can convert it into text for you. God bless. Matthew Dierckens Certified Assistive Technology Specialist

Re: PDF files

2015-09-28 Thread Jim Gatteys
Hi! Don't forget about ABBYY finereader for the mac. It is not very expensive and it does a great job scanning images like your pdf file. Jim > On Sep 28, 2015, at 7:40 AM, Matthew Dierckens wrote: > > Hi, > If you have an iPhone and dropbox, you can get the KNB reader app and it will > conve

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Jamie Pauls
A of There was quite a lengthy thread not long ago about the fact that Apple products are tending to blur. Many on the list felt that they should be able to talk about various products since they are all used together. I don't know of an email list that prohibits the discussion of any topic othe

Re: accessible blogging software for mac

2015-09-28 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I highly suggest Mars Edit. It's in the app store. Chris. - Original Message - From: "Singing Sparrow" To: Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 10:14 PM Subject: accessible blogging software for mac what accessible blogging software packages are out there for the mac? -- You receive

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Phil Halton
Just recently, within the last few weeks, this question was answered by the moderator Mark Taylor. This list is now and pretty much always has been and "all things Apple" list. That includes the watch iOS operating system OS X etc. it makes a good deal of sense as the entire Apple line of produc

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
And, not only that, but it's what most of you said you wanted, so don't start complaining. Chris. - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" To: "'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries" Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 8:02 AM Subject: Re: other mac accessibility mailing list? A few weeks

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread E.T.
iOS and OS X are these days very much intertwined. There is more iOS traffic because iOS 9 was just released. From E.T.'s Keyboard... Many believe that we have been visited in the past. What if it were true? On 9/28/2015 5:16 AM, deedra waters wrote: wow , well

Re: accessible blogging software for mac

2015-09-28 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I love Marsedit! > On Sep 27, 2015, at 9:14 PM, Singing Sparrow wrote: > > what accessible blogging software packages are out there for the mac? > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "MacVisionaries" group. > To unsubscribe from this group and sto

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread deedra waters
i’m not going to debate staying current with you accept to say that i have life on top of a mailing list with this kind of traffic you’re crazy but seriously i wish there was a better way of relaying a message like that on a ml with this much traffic. Maybe put something in the footer of the me

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi! Thanks for the clarification those in the know. It does make sense, but my point still stands. Since there is no policy document sent to you, or located anywhere as far as I can see, the description should still be changed to reflect that this is a list on which all Apple products can be

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Mary Otten
Anders, I agree with you about phone size. I really would like to have something the same size as the 5S. The fourss, or the iPod touch, which is the same dimensions I think as far as width and height are concerned, are OK too. But I wish they would do something for those of us with smaller hand

Re: Installing Windows on Mac Question

2015-09-28 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
There were certain 64-bit machines that couldn’t go to Yosemite because they could only run a 32-bit kernel and 32-bit EFI or had non-discrete GPUs that weren’t supported by 64-bit drivers. Hence you could well be able to run 64-bit Windows or another OS on a 2007 Mac, but not OS X. Obsolescen

Re: talking dashboard: the say ram script

2015-09-28 Thread 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
from what I've read memory is very hard to measure in the new system. Not only do you have the usual virtual memory/swap but there is also now compressed memory so what's free and used is even more murky. About Tech has a brief explainer on compressed memory:

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Todor Fassl
The real question is what works. Is there such a problem with people posting IOS questions that the list is harmed somehow? Too much traffic? People aren't going to get that they can't ask IOS questions here. If you want to make a rule like that, it's going to be very difficult to enforce. And

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Todor Fassl
I am guessing you never moderated a list before, right? There are 2 types of list moderators. Those who see it as their job to help people solve problems and those who think it's their job to enforce rules. You sound like that latter type. What you will almost certainly end up with is a sli

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread E.T.
This thread would be considered off topic on many mailing lists, and rightly so. From E.T.'s Keyboard... Many believe that we have been visited in the past. What if it were true? On 9/28/2015 8:50 AM, Todor Fassl wrote: I am guessing you never moderated a list b

RE: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread george b
I seem to recall this same thread was asked to end a couple of weeks ago from mark and he did it very politely -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of E.T. Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 08:59 To: macvisionaries@goo

Touch ID and purchasing things in the Apple online stores

2015-09-28 Thread Mary Otten
I am confused about the use of touch ID in places like the iBooks store, app store or iTunes store. I thought I was set up for that. But I just purchased an iBook. I hit the buy button and was prompted to sign in with my password. I put my finger on the home button for touch ID, nothing happene

Chrome Busy

2015-09-28 Thread Barry Abbott
Hello all. I have an iMac late 2009 with Eue Site camera. When using Google chrome it is constantly going to "chrome busy" and I have to force quit the app. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app but the same thing keeps happening. I have not yet installed the ChromeVox extension. Any idea

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Robin
I think they (they being Apple) should ComeOut with a couple of iPhones with TheSameSpecs&Features with the exception of TheirSize If Apple had an iPhone6S, which had all of the features of the iPhone6S+ ... I'm specifically Referrin'To the Optical Image Stablization, which is exclusively on

Re: Touch ID and purchasing things in the Apple online stores

2015-09-28 Thread Regina Alvarado
Mary, have you turn your phone off lately? I believe there is a time period, about 4 hours, where you can use your fingerprint after signing in with your Apple ID. If you have shut down your phone, you have to always sign in. Clear as mud? reggie & Lex On Sep 28, 2015, at 12:08 PM, Mary Otten

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Regina Alvarado
What is optical image stabilization? Sounds like nothing I would need, and I like the smaller feel of the 6s. Just curious to know if this is necessary. By your post, it sounds like it costs more too. Oh, I was able to get a screen protector with gorilla glass. What a difference to the touch an

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Mary Otten
Whether you need optical image stabilization is dependent on whether you use the camera to take pictures. If you do, it may help. If you don't, and that includes even if you do OCR, it's not worth it. It will not matter. Go with what feels better in your hand, because if you get something it's

RE: iPhone 6s Plus Audio Demonstration

2015-09-28 Thread wayne coles
hi just click on the word here From: [] On Behalf Of Faisal ali Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 1:24 PM To: Subject: Re: iPhone 6s Plus Audio Demonstration Hi, I don’t see the link anywh

RE: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread george b
The the glass screen protector at your carrier’s store and they will put it on for you. Note; I had one and my brother also and they both got bubbles under them so we took them off. From: [] On Behalf Of Mary Otten Sent:

Re: Touch ID and purchasing things in the Apple online stores

2015-09-28 Thread Mary Otten
Yes, I tend to turn my phone off at night when I'm asleep. That is, of course, unless it is being charged. But I have certainly turned my phone off on various occasions since getting it. So that may explain the problem. Unfortunately, I don't have anything I want to buy right now to test out the

RE: Touch ID and purchasing things in the Apple online stores

2015-09-28 Thread george b
Well go buy something and when it asked for your finger print or password just cancel if the finger print is still active it will tell you to put your finger on the home button if not it as you know will ask for your password From: [mailto:macvisionaries@google

Re: accessible blogging software for mac

2015-09-28 Thread Singing Sparrow
How good is it from a bignners point of view? I have a word press blog i set up but don't have any web hosting so i would be doing the blogging from the web itself? On 9/28/2015 8:37 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: I highly suggest Mars Edit. It's in the app store. Chris. - Original

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Mary Otten
My carrier store does not have glass screen protectors. That is T-Mobile. I got one for my 5S2 years ago from the Verizon store. I have seen one online made by anger, and sold from Amazon via anchor direct. I am debating whether or not I want to get another one. Mary Sent from my iPhone > On S

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Mary Otten
Optical image stabilization isn't the only thing you get for that extra hundred dollars for the 6S plus. I don't know how it is accomplished. It is possible that they need the larger size to make it happen. I don't know how big the Samsung phones are either. But I do know that for me as a blind

Re: Chrome Busy

2015-09-28 Thread Jeffrey Shockley
Hi, I’ve seen this before although, not in a really long time. The easiest way that might fix it hopefully, is to use something like App Cleaner to completely uninstall and by that I mean, not only delete the app, but it also removes preference files and such for it. Then, try reinstalling Chrom

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Phil Halton
Deidre, are you on the premium subscription to this list or are you on the Freeside. All of us on the premium subscription get regular updates and flyers from the administers about these things. Sent from my IPhone > On Sep 28, 2015, at 10:40 AM, deedra waters wrote: > > i’m not going to deb

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Robin
That's not true because Nokia has that feature on its VZW (NowRetired) LumiaIcon (Lumia929) & Samsung has it on their MobilePhones since launching the GalaxyS5 & Beyond (that includes the Note Series as well as the Galaxy S Series the GalaxyS6 is about 5.1 Inches & the GalaxyS6Edge+ is about

RE: Touch ID and purchasing things in the Apple online stores

2015-09-28 Thread Alan Lemly
Mary, I think you might want to post your Touch ID issue to viphone because I think a larger population of Touch ID users are on that list. I'm curious about your Touch ID and Passcode settings. I'm asking the below from an iPhone 6 running iOS 8.3 perspective so I hope they make sense.

RE: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread george b
Lol and what does all of this have to do with the subject line -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Robin Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 10:09 To: Subject: Re: size of the Plus (was

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Regina Alvarado
I bought it in the Sprint store. It is wonderful. I would say Amazon or other places have them, though. No more stuck fingers. In fact, I find myself tapping even lighter on the screen. Do not know why this is so, however. It just happened. It cost about 40 dollars so it is more expensive, but

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Regina Alvarado
Were you able to feel the bubbles? Interesting. I wonder why as it fits over the glass of the phone. Well, I guess I will find out. LOL. It will not matter to me unless it bubbles under my fingers, but it could drive a VI or sighted person to drink I imagine. On Sep 28, 2015, at 12:46 PM, geor

Re: Touch ID and purchasing things in the Apple online stores

2015-09-28 Thread Mary Otten
Yes, Alan, I do have all three of those things active in my touch ID settings. Everything checks out in the settings. And I posted this question to both places because I know there are people on Mac visionaries who do not subscribe to the iPhone list. Mary Sent from my iPhone > On Sep 28, 2015

RE: Touch ID and purchasing things in the Apple online stores

2015-09-28 Thread Alan Lemly
Mary, I figured you had the settings sorted and sorry that I didn't see your post in viphone. Alan -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Mary Otten Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 12:37 PM To: macvisionari

RE: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone, I hope you are all doing well. First, let me mention that, as I hate to hijack a thread, I will post the following comments in a separate thread, as well as this one. Second, both Cara and I always appreciate any feedback on list policies as it is necessary to revisit such subj

MODERATOR NOTE and REQUEST: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone, I hope you are all doing well. First, let me mention that, as I hate to hijack a thread, I will post the following comments in a separate thread, as well as this one. Second, both Cara and I always appreciate any feedback on list policies as it is necessary to revisit such subjec

Using 3D touch with VoiceOver

2015-09-28 Thread Scott Davert
Hi all. I developed both a guide and podcast on this, so for those struggling, maybe one or the other will help. The guide can be found at: The podcast can be found at:

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Alex Hall
OIS seems to mostly help with stabilizing video, from what I've read. Holding still for a shot with an OCR app, you probably won't notice it as much. To say that Apple could include OIS in their smaller devices but chooses not to seems groundless. We don't know if they could or not, because we d

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! True. But i guess we have to get use to bigger phones. In the early 2000 the phones got smaller and now suddenly they growing bigger in size again. /A > 28 sep. 2015 kl. 17:14 skrev Mary Otten : > > Anders, > I agree with you about phone size. I really would like to have something the > same

Re: Touch ID and purchasing things in the Apple online stores

2015-09-28 Thread 'Kevin Cussick' via MacVisionaries
Well your not alone I get the same thing every time I buy an app from the app store. > On 28 Sep 2015, at 17:08, Mary Otten wrote: > > I am confused about the use of touch ID in places like the iBooks store, app > store or iTunes store. I thought I was set up for that. But I just purchased > a

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
100% agree with E.T. Chris. - Original Message - From: "E.T." To: Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 11:59 AM Subject: Re: other mac accessibility mailing list? This thread would be considered off topic on many mailing lists, and rightly so. From E.T.'s Keyboard... ancient.ali

Re: accessible blogging software for mac

2015-09-28 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Not sure. What's a bignner, in the first place? Chris. - Original Message - From: "Singing Sparrow" To: Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 12:50 PM Subject: Re: accessible blogging software for mac How good is it from a bignners point of view? I have a word press blog i set up but

Re: size of the Plus (was: Improved speaker on iPhone 6s)

2015-09-28 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! Well i do hope though that the battery last longer on n iphone 6s than on my 5S. Even though its been replaced. /A > 28 sep. 2015 kl. 21:18 skrev Alex Hall : > > OIS seems to mostly help with stabilizing video, from what I've read. Holding > still for a shot with an OCR app, you probably won'

Re: Touch ID and purchasing things in the Apple online stores

2015-09-28 Thread Les Kriegler
I've never been able to purchase anything from the App Store using touch ID. I haven't tried it under iOS nine with my new phone, but I'm wondering if I will have the same issues. Sent from my iPhone > On Sep 28, 2015, at 3:31 PM, 'Kevin Cussick' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Well your not

Suggestions for a PDF program for a mac

2015-09-28 Thread Margaret Booth
Can someone recommend an accessible PDF program for a mac using voice over. Margaret Sent from my iPhone -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to m

Re: Suggestions for a PDF program for a mac

2015-09-28 Thread Michael Babcock
could you clarify what your looking for? Are you looking to make PDF files, or read PDF files? Michael Babcock Your Blind Digital Marketing Partner. @payown on periscope and twitter. > On Sep 28, 2015, at 2:05 PM, Margaret Booth wrote: > > Can

Amadeus Pro Update On The Mac

2015-09-28 Thread Eileen Misrahi
Hello All, Just got a notification that I have 2 updates. One of them is Amadeus Pro. Has anyone performed the update yet? With so many updates for the iOS 9 platform, I don’t want to have any surprises, since the current version of Amadeus Pro is working. Thanks for your advise. Kind regard

iBooks with the Mac and iPhone6

2015-09-28 Thread Eileen Misrahi
Hello Folks, I decided to take the plunge and post this topic here. With so much discussion about the appropriateness of subject matter this one involves both the Mac and iOS device. I have a textbook downloaded into iBooks on both my MacBook Air 2013 and my iPhone6. Is there anyway to obtai

Re: iBooks with the Mac and iPhone6

2015-09-28 Thread Eileen Scrivani
Hi Eileen M, I’ve been doing this same thing with my Mac Book & IPhone 6. It appears to me that the page numbering is not in synch between the 2 devices. I think it has to do with the fact that less material appears on the Iphone’s screen than what the Mac Book can show. I have on the phone

Re: accessible blogging software for mac

2015-09-28 Thread Singing Sparrow
beginner LOL other then that not sure. On 9/28/2015 2:34 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: Not sure. What's a bignner, in the first place? Chris. - Original Message - From: "Singing Sparrow" To: Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 12:50 PM Subject: Re: accessible blogging software

Re: accessible blogging software for mac

2015-09-28 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Oh, aa, a beginner perspective, then, yes. It's quite good. Chris. - Original Message - From: "Singing Sparrow" To: Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 7:42 PM Subject: Re: accessible blogging software for mac beginner LOL other then that not sure. On 9/28/2015 2:34 PM, Christopher

Re: iBooks with the Mac and iPhone6

2015-09-28 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! I did try it but it doesn’t seem to work here. BUt maybe my mac is a bit to old. /A > 29 sep. 2015 kl. 01:11 skrev Eileen Misrahi : > > Hello Folks, > > I decided to take the plunge and post this topic here. With so much > discussion about the appropriateness of subject matter this one invo

Re: iBooks with the Mac and iPhone6

2015-09-28 Thread Eileen Misrahi
Hello, Thanks for responding. I decided to Google it and came up with some results and ideas. So here goes: On the Mac, open iBooks and go to its preferences by pressing Command-comma. 2. Select the general tab with VO-space and stop interacting with it by pressing VO-Shift-Up Arrow. 3. Tab

Re: question re setting up new iPhone

2015-09-28 Thread Scott Granados
I ended up getting mine today which isn’t bad. Working very well. The new radio / cell modem seem much improved. I hold on to LTE signals much better and the phone supports the new T-Mobile band 12 block. Seems like a hefty upgrade. > On Sep 25, 2015, at 2:17 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: > > t

Re: question re setting up new iPhone

2015-09-28 Thread Sadam Ahmed
The raw speed of these phones is nothing short of astonishing. Doing some informal testing using Geekbench there almost as fast as the 2015 MacBook. The upgraded touch ID sensor is also welcome. Not bad for a s release. Yours truly, Sadam Ahmed Sent from my iPhone -- > On 29 Sep