Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Bridging from Wi-Fi to Ethernet is no trivial matter. Typically the Wi-Fi device must be an access point. In your scenario the only way to go is NAT, i.e. using the sharing method you actually described, which really ought to be working. In Windows there are a panoply of different solutions,

Need Pointers Regarding OSX Software Developement Environment (SDE)

2015-04-27 Thread Bill Gallik
Knowing that the underlying operating system in OSX is some version of UNIX, I have some quite detailed curiosities about how to design, code, compile and manage software I may want to develop personally. Specifically: - is there a native C compiler available for OSX? - are make/nmake availab

Re: my first night with the Apple watch - what NOT to do!

2015-04-27 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! What are glances? Thanks. /A > 26 apr 2015 kl. 16:24 skrev Donna Goodin : > > Hi Doug, > > I'm not sure you did anything. I'm experiencing the same issue. I was > thinking that the problem was that that particular glance was inaccessible, > but maybe you're right, maybe it's a system issu

Re: my first night with the Apple watch - what NOT to do!

2015-04-27 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Widgets, in the Apple universe. Summary information about stuff, displayed in a convenient way for flicking through. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an ema

Re: Need Pointers Regarding OSX Software Developement Environment (SDE)

2015-04-27 Thread Alex Hall
See below. > On Apr 27, 2015, at 4:17 AM, Bill Gallik wrote: > > Knowing that the underlying operating system in OSX is some version of UNIX, > I have some quite detailed curiosities about how to design, code, compile > and manage software I may want to develop personally. > > Specifically: >

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Thank you Brian for your help with this. I really really appreciate it. As for #2, the old laptop is definitely not getting an internet connection, nor a valid IP either. You're correct about the receiver probably not having a built in dhcp server. This said, I don't know how exactly I'd conf

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Excellent! I'll definitely give that a try. My only question really remains is, do I have to use the utility to configure things, or is there a way I can log into the router as well via a web based admin interface? Also, do you know what the default login credentials are for the device, until

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Thanks - Original Message - From: "John Schucker" To: Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:06 PM Subject: Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user! In the interest of helping, here's what people are getting at. "Hi. I'm trying to make my mac bridge from wifi to

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Because my landlord wont' allow me to do this for some weird reason. Oh wait, I'll shut up. that isn't rellavant about my housing. Oh whoops? Sorry people. Chris. - Original Message - From: "Juan Hernandez" To: Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:55 PM Subject: RE: Major trouble wit

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Jeff Berwick
I think you have to use Airport Utility to set it up; I do not know if there is a web interface. There is no default username/password...It isn't secured until you do the setup. Jeff > On Apr 27, 2015, at 10:00 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: > > Excellent! I'll definitely give that a

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I'm gonna try a suggestion given by a list member on another list I also posted to, as he/she might be on to something. If that doesn't work though, then my next, and final resort will definitely be to get an Airport Express. I just hope it'll play nice with my Linksys router. If it won't, the

ReadKit RSS app not clearing all read items?

2015-04-27 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all, I regularly use Lire on iOS and ReadKit on OS X to read my RSS feeds. The way I have things set, any article I read (or mark as read) gets cleared, so that when I open either app, only articles that are new will appear. However, ReadKit has randomly decided to hang on to a bunch of artic

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Then, how do you make sure it's detecting your Airport, and not someone elses by mistake? I don't think anyone else around here has one, but just in case... Is it one of these things, I'm gonna start by connecting it via ethernet, not wifi? If so, then that answers my question entirely. Chr

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Jeff Berwick
When you go into Airport Utility, you will see an option for devices not on your network. It will be a hexadecimal name (I think) and you click it and then edit it. You'll go through the setup process like that. Anybody else' Express will already be configured, so it won't show up for you--I

Re: Which macbook

2015-04-27 Thread Aleeha Dudley
I have a MacBook air 11 inch, 4 GB Ram, with 256 GB of hard drive space. I do not do any virtual machine work, but I do think that this machine would be sufficient for such work. As a side note, Windows XP is no longer supported and is not as secure as more modern versions of Windows. HTH, Aleeh

Re: Need Pointers Regarding OSX Software Developement Environment (SDE)

2015-04-27 Thread Tyler Thompson
Alex is pretty much dead on. Xcode is your best bet for an accessible GUI based tool that will compile in C/C++. make/nmake are theoretically available but you’ll need a wine wrapper, see this stack overflow post:

Re: Need Pointers Regarding OSX Software Developement Environment (SDE)

2015-04-27 Thread Barry Hadder
Just install Xcode and you will have a complete development environment. Clang is now the native C/C++/OBJC/Swift compiler for BSD systems including of course OS X. The BSD project abandoned the GCC tool chain because of a revision in GPL version 3. That being said, you still get flex and

Cross imaging?

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
This question has been briefly discussed before, but not in very great detail. Here is my situation. I own a copy both of Carbon Copy Cloner, as well as Super Dooper. With these type imaging apps, is it possible to do a cross restoration? In other words, let’s say that I make an image of my m

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I guess, here is my ultimate question: what are the differences in the Express, the Extreme, and the Time Capsle? I’m considering which I want to get. I know the Express would work for my purpose, but I’m wonderring down the road if having the Extreme or what not might be beneficial over havi

Re: Which macbook

2015-04-27 Thread Devin Prater
About XP, yes that’s true, but its the only OS I’ve found that is already virtualized and ready to go with NVDA. I’d rather not have to deal with installing Win7Pe or anything like that. > On Apr 27, 2015, at 9:42 AM, Aleeha Dudley wrote: > > I have a MacBook air 11 inch, 4 GB Ram, with 256 GB

Re: Which macbook

2015-04-27 Thread Matthew Dierckens
Curious, what programs do you absolutely need to use windows for? I only ask because unless you absolutely need to put windows on the mac, there's no use for it. God bless. Matthew Dierckens Certified Assistive Technology Specialist Macintosh, Windows and IOS Trainer U.S. number: 573-401-1018 Pe

Re: Which macbook

2015-04-27 Thread Devin Prater
The biggest thing I use Windows for is playing MUD games, like Clok. I tried ti with terminal, and voiceover skipped the incoming text. > On Apr 27, 2015, at 10:59 AM, Matthew Dierckens wrote: > > Curious, what programs do you absolutely need to use windows for? > I only ask because unless you a

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Tim Kilburn
Chris, Your scenario should work as you outlined. 1. Make sure you have an active Wi-Fi connection to the Internet on the Mac. 2. Make sure Internet Sharing is not checked. 3. Set the Share from pop-up menu to “Wi-Fi”. 4. Check the Ethernet checkbox within the ports table. 5. Check the box t

Re: Which macbook

2015-04-27 Thread sadam ahmed
Hi, I’ve recently upgraded from the clasic MacBook Pro 13-inch to the Retina MacBook pro mid-2014 with 512GB and 8GB of RAM. Absolutely loving the difference! If there’s an Apple Store close to you try to get some hands on time with the Mac portables. Regards, Sadam Ahmed On 28 Apr

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Jeff Berwick
The main difference between the three, as I remember, is: 1. Airport Express is simply an extender, 2. The Extreme is a router and wifi and, 3. The Time Capsule is a router, wifi and disk drive. I suspect you can use the drive as a regular drive, but I'm only using mine for time machine backu

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Actually, the base functionality of all three devices is the same. The Express, the Extreme and the Time Capsule can all be used as routers, thus, can serve as your connection from the Internet to your home network. the Time Capsule is actually just an Extreme with a built-in HD. Yes, you

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Yes, Time Capsule is definitely very pricey, but I ended up buying one anyway because the USB port of the Extreme is only USB 2 and I could easily saturate the bandwidth to it over gigabit Ethernet. If this isn’t really a concern for you, then using an Extreme together with an Express is a very

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, yes, USB 2, I forgot about that limitation. Most of the time it’s not a big deal, but you do have a point for sure. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Apr 27, 2015, at 11:19, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote: Yes, Time Capsule is definitely very pricey, but I ended up buying one

Re: Well, I did it, Pre-ordered the Apple watch!

2015-04-27 Thread Scott Davert
Hello Myrna and Kawal. No, the watch itself does not have braille support, but you can control most, if not all, aspects of the watch through the iPhone app. Myrna: I think the store on west 14th is my favorite in Manhatton, followed by the one up by Central park. I was a bit underwhelmed at the st

Continued issues with Safari

2015-04-27 Thread KristeenHughes
Hello All, I ran Clamsav yesterday and got one message that an infection was found. It was some kind of a fishing filter infection and came from E-mail. I deleted it. However, Safari still comes up with a window every time I open a page. It says that it sees I am a comcast customer and asks me i

Re: Cross imaging?

2015-04-27 Thread Dionipher Presas Herrera
is this your trying to do? > On 27 Apr 2015, at 5:36 pm, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: > > This question has been briefly discussed before, but not in very great detail. > > Here is my situation. I own a copy both of Carbon Copy Clo

Re: Well, I did it, Pre-ordered the Apple watch!

2015-04-27 Thread Deb Lewis
Well one problem I'm noticing with the Watch and Braiolle is that now none of my notifications are coming to the phone. They all come to the watch, but since there's no Braille support for the Watch they'd be lost altogether if I couldn't use the speech. I lov ete haptic feedback that I have a noti

Re: Continued issues with Safari

2015-04-27 Thread Grant Hardy
I’d be tempted to simply back up your data, erase the hard drive, then reinstall from scratch, making sure you are careful and selective when restoring from your backup. You only want to restore personal files like documents and music, but not applications, preference files or anything of that

Re: Which macbook

2015-04-27 Thread Grant
Hi Devin, if you’re going to use VMWare to virtualize Windows, you don’t have to mess around with the Windows Setup. VMWare can install Windows for you. You supply all the needed information such as your desired username in the VMWare interface itself, which is fully accessible. Shortly thereaft

Re: Problems with Safari

2015-04-27 Thread KristeenHughes
Jonathan, I tried your fix, but when I went back into Safari after turning my WIFI back on, I received the Mac support window and a man named Jake began a live chat with me. He asked me if I was experiencing problems with my Mac as a Michigan Comcast customer. He told me he was there to help me

Re: organising by threaded conversations on Mac

2015-04-27 Thread Grant
Hi Daniel, there isn’t really a setting for doing this, but if you change your verbosity level to low, then “disclosure triangle” will no longer be announced. You’ll then simply here “x conversation collapsed” or “x conversation expanded”. You can set this up as an activity that only runs when y

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Phil Halton
So Chris, you mean to say that you can't lay a cable along the baseboards in your room? Where do you live? In a maximum-security prison? Does is landlord actually live in the room with you? Weird! Good luck with all of that. Sent from my IPhone > On Apr 27, 2015, at 10:04 AM, Christopher-Mark

Re: Well, I did it, Pre-ordered the Apple watch!

2015-04-27 Thread Donna Goodin
That's interesting. I'm not having that experience, my notifications are going to both the watch and the phone. Cheers, Donna > On Apr 27, 2015, at 1:36 PM, Deb Lewis wrote: > > Well one problem I'm noticing with the Watch and Braiolle is that now > none of my notifications are coming to the ph

Open office for the Mac.

2015-04-27 Thread sadamahmed1992
Hi all, I am wondering how accessible the current Version of open Office is for the Mac? Thanks in advance. Best wishes, Sadam. Sent from my iPhone. -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this gr

Re: Using Amazon on the mac with voiceover

2015-04-27 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! I actually haven’t played much with amazon on the mac. I have the amazon app on my iphone and that works like a charm. But the amazon page is tricky even in windows or linux. /A > 26 apr 2015 kl. 21:50 skrev Devin Prater : > > Hi all. I’m trying to use Amazon on the mac, but am having slight t

Re: Seeking Recommendations for Check Writing Software

2015-04-27 Thread Eileen Misrahi
Hi, My question regarding Checkbook is: Can you print checks from it? I thought a while back that on one of these list serves that that feature was not supported. I believe at the time that there wasn’t any Mac app that had that feature. That’s one reason why I have BootCamp installed on my Ma

Re: Seeking Recommendations for Check Writing Software

2015-04-27 Thread The Believer
This may be the case. I had gone to the web site to look at the features and did not see mention of check printing. From The Believer. . . By way of the Chariots of the Gods cameth the Aliens who dwelt amongst the humans, and bringeth much knowledge. On 4/27/2015 9:39 AM, Eileen Misrahi w

Re: some really handy Facebook shortcuts

2015-04-27 Thread Brian Fischler
Thanks for posting this can anyone get half of it to work. Yes, read the correction for a mac to only use Control. Seriously Access World fix your article, what a joke of a writer to get such an important thing wrong. I have tried to use the shortcut to post a new post but neither the P nor cont

Re: Which macbook

2015-04-27 Thread Devin Prater
Okay, wow. How do I get VMware to self install windows? Whenever I open for example the win 10 installer I have to install everything myself. Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 27, 2015, at 1:47 PM, Grant wrote: > > Hi Devin, if you’re going to use VMWare to virtualize Windows, you don’t have > to

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Tim, I presume that I need to go in on my router and set its subnet to use 192.168.2.X instead of 192.168.1.X for all things. Right? I say this because I did precisely what you said, and it doesn't work. The only thing I can think is to change that subnet. Let me look up with Linksys smart

VoiceOver says something about formatting by having VoiceOver jump to the Formatter. WTF?

2015-04-27 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Every so often, while working in Pages, VO says, "Format text quickly by having VoiceOver jump to the Formatter. I don't have a clue what the Formatter is, how to jump to it, why I would want to. Clarifications? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ma

Re: Which macbook

2015-04-27 Thread Grant
Hi Devin, when you press COMMAND+N to create a new virtual machine, the option should be offered fairly early in the wizard once you browse to an ISO file. It should give you the choice to use "easy install". This is the automatic install process that I described. Now, when I tried the first pre

is the windows 10 preview is ok to install on boocamp

2015-04-27 Thread Dionipher Presas Herrera
hello, is the river for the bootcamp for windows 10 is the same for windows 8.1? since i do have the driver for the bootcamp for windows.. Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receivin

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Well, Tim, I did what you said. I even went as far as to update the settings on my router so that everything is now within the 192.168.2.X range, but it's doing absolutely no good. This is getting way off topic, so I tell you what... for the sake of everyone's sanity, I'm gonna end this thread

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I did look up the price of the Extreme, and the Express, but how much is the time capsal? Chris. - Original Message - From: Jeff Berwick To: Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 12:39 PM Subject: Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the b

Re: is the windows 10 preview is ok to install on boocamp

2015-04-27 Thread Grant Hardy
It’s definitely not supported officially. I read a MacWorld UK article implying that installing Windows 10 via Boot Camp might work, but I’d virtualize it with VMWare instead if that’s at all possible for you. Grant On Apr 27, 2015, at 2:31 PM, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote: hello, is the r

Re: Which macbook

2015-04-27 Thread Devin Prater
Ah I see. I'll have to find an updated VMware. Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 27, 2015, at 4:01 PM, Grant wrote: > > Hi Devin, when you press COMMAND+N to create a new virtual machine, the > option should be offered fairly early in the wizard once you browse to an ISO > file. It should give yo

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Jeff Berwick
$300+ for the 2 TB and $400 ish for the 3TB I believe. Jeff > On Apr 27, 2015, at 6:15 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: > > I did look up the price of the Extreme, and the Express, but how much is the > time capsal? > > Chris. > >> - Original Message - >> From: Jeff Berwick

Re: ripping DVDs

2015-04-27 Thread Juliette Swiler
OK, I got all the episodes ripped. But once I chose TV show under options for each episode, it shows one TV show under TV shows tab. So, when I clicked get info to fill in the information, it said editing multiple items. So how do I ensure that each episode is properly labeled? Do I put comas in

Re: ripping DVDs

2015-04-27 Thread Juliette Swiler
So I figured out how to fill in the title info, but I am confused. Do I put the title of the episode as the title? If so, what do I put if anything under episode ID? Or do I need to fill in anything there? Thanks. > On Apr 26, 2015, at 8:58 PM, Rob wrote: > > Yes, Before clicking rip, there is

Re: my first night with the Apple watch - what NOT to do!

2015-04-27 Thread Deb Lewis
I've found theglances to be kind of worthless becaue hty take longer to open up than apps. I know a sighted person ould like flicking through them but I don't see much advantage for most of them. On 4/27/15, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote: > Widgets, in the Apple universe. Summary information about s

Re: my first night with the Apple watch - what NOT to do!

2015-04-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Actually, I like flicking through them. Like I said, probably a subjective thing. It depends on what I want to do, too. the other thing I've done is put a lot of the relevant info on the clock face, such as battery info, activities, weather, and time. Makes the times when I have to either go

Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for the basic user!

2015-04-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Yeah, that's way! more than I can spend right now. There went that idea down the crapper! Chris. - Original Message - From: Jeff Berwick To: Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 6:59 PM Subject: Re: Major trouble with internet: Warning: not for t