Re: Set Default Send Address in Mail

2015-02-04 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hello, Yes. In Mail Preferences, select the compose button in the toolbar. There is a pop up button labeled " Send new messages from: pop up button”. By default, this is set to use whatever account inbox you happen to be in. You can select it to default to an individual account though. hth

Re: open windows and folders

2015-02-04 Thread Jonathan C Cohn
I seem to remember a finder preference to open new folders in new windows, but I could not find that now. I generally use the column view in finder, that if you arrow left or right you change folder levels and up and down for the current folder. > On Feb 3, 2015, at 16:36, Lorie McCloud wrote:

Creating a new mailbox a from making sure it's right.

2015-02-04 Thread Pamela Francis
Hi everyone I've had my mac for a while, yet have not seen the need to create another mailbox for a given set of email addresses until now. I belong to this list along with an android list; both of which are very high traffic. I work with an Internet radio station that does not have quite the tr

Re: upgrading?

2015-02-04 Thread Jonathan C Cohn
Yes, first upgrade iTunes. I would recommend doing at least one back up. Personally I make sure Time Machine is up to date and then use SuperDuper to make a bootable image of my boot disk. The next step is do go to the App Store and download the installer, this shows up in your applications f

Re: Creating a new mailbox a from making sure it's right.

2015-02-04 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi Pam, you'd want to create the mailboxes you need, then either visit the Rules tab in Mail Preferences to set up rules to filter by various criteria, or your provider may have a way fo doing this server-side with iMap. The advantage of the latter approach is that the rules will work across all

Re: Creating a new mailbox a from making sure it's right.

2015-02-04 Thread Pamela Francis
Hi Jonathan, I use Gmail. Does that matter? Pam Francis On Feb 4, 2015, at 7:19 AM, Jonathan Mosen wrote: Hi Pam, you'd want to create the mailboxes you need, then either visit the Rules tab in Mail Preferences to set up rules to filter by various criteria, or your provider may have a way fo

Showing my Mac screen

2015-02-04 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys I have an Apple TV, and I have Turbo Tax that I would like to show to my sighted husband before he agrees to our joint return. He is a Windows user and has limited experience running the Mac; I don’t want him to mess up what I’ve done or get frustrated with running a system he is not fa

Re: Creating a new mailbox a from making sure it's right.

2015-02-04 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi Pam, I don't use GMail but I know it offers iMap, and I presume that means it also offers a way of creating server-side rules as it's a fairly common feature these days. No doubt there'll be GMail users on here who will know. Worst case scenario, you can certainly do it on the Mac side in Mail

Re: Creating a new mailbox a from making sure it's right.

2015-02-04 Thread Pamela Francis
Thank you ever so much for your suggestions & your help Pam Francis On Feb 4, 2015, at 7:50 AM, Jonathan Mosen wrote: Hi Pam, I don't use GMail but I know it offers iMap, and I presume that means it also offers a way of creating server-side rules as it's a fairly common feature these days. No

vmware fusion 7 deleting snapshots?

2015-02-04 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi everyone, I am using vmware fusion on yosemite. I just made a snapshot of my windows 7 install that did not include all that i wanted it to. So i want to delete it and make a new one. How can i do that htough? I see the snapshot in the treeview (its the only one) but the delete button

vmware fusion 7 mapping insert key

2015-02-04 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi everyone, I can remap the alt and windows key just fine using fusions internal tools. For the insert key i had to use sharpkeys though (i mapped it to my right shift because i could not get typing in my own key to work). I would prefer doing it within fusion though since that is clean

Re: open windows and folders

2015-02-04 Thread Buddy Brannan
In Yosemite, at least on my Mac (the one I’m on now), Finder / Preferences / General has a check box that determines whether new folders are opened in new windows or new tabs. I have it unchecked, so that folders open in new windows. — Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA Phone: 814-860-3194 Mobil

Re: open windows and folders

2015-02-04 Thread John Panarese
I don't think that option is available any more. Since Mavericks, they have opening Finder windows in new tabs. I think this replaced the other option prior to Mavericks. Take Care John D. Panarese Director Mac for the Blind Tel, (631) 724-4479 Email, Website, http:

Re: Showing my Mac screen

2015-02-04 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, As long as the Apple TV is on and part of the same network, you can go up to the Displays Extras menu and select your Apple TV to send your display to. If the Apple TV is off, this menu item will not be visible. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Feb 4, 2015, at 06:29, Euge

Re: finally upgraded to 10.10

2015-02-04 Thread Faisal ali
Mike, this is the second updated to yosemite. the lag was a lot more noticeable in earlier releases as you might’ve heard. Its pretty bad if the second update somewhat addresses the lag, but it is still bad enough that someone upgrading from mavericks notices it. Frankly, the mac for me is a lot

Re: Downcast for OSX

2015-02-04 Thread Faisal ali
Hi, you can do this by bringing up a tontexual menu by doing a VO, shift m on the podcast and arrowing down to subscribe. > On Feb 3, 2015, at 6:51 AM, Erik Heil wrote: > > Hello guys > Well, thanks for all the help. I am now successfully playing podcast using > downcast on my Mac. Command shif

Re: Still Having VoiceOver Dropouts

2015-02-04 Thread Austin Seraphin
I feel the same way, I can’t use my Mac like this. I have a standard drive however. Now you have me curious. As i said I wiped everything and started from scratch, and the problem happened immediately after a clean install. Let’s keep digging, I need to find a solution. Either that or scrap ever

Re: finally upgraded to 10.10

2015-02-04 Thread Mike Arrigo
That's why I always wait until at least the first or second major update to an operating system before installing it. Yes, even with 10.10.2, it's still not as responsive as mavericks was, it's useable though. Original message: Mike, this is the second updated to yosemite. the lag was a lot mor

Menu bar issue resolved but it brings up a larger issue

2015-02-04 Thread Jeff Bishop
Hello, I posted yesterday about an issue I was having with Google Drive's Extra Menu item not working when clicked. This turned out to be an issue with to many items on the Menu bar. Meaning, after closing a number of items it worked. This brings up a couple of things. While VoiceOver does

Re: Menu bar issue resolved but it brings up a larger issue

2015-02-04 Thread Pamela Francis
Hi Jeff, Though I do not have an immediate answer to your immediate question, I have a question regarding your question. Was the menu issue within the OS itself or did it have to do strictly with voiceover? Why would the OS allow for more menu items than voiceover could read? That makes no sens

Move to the top or bottom of a list in iTunes

2015-02-04 Thread Grant Hardy
Hi all, I am hoping this won’t turn out to be embarrassing question of the month, but I can’t for the life of me figure out if through is a command to move to the top or bottom of a long list of media in iTunes, such as a playlist. Generally, OPTION+UP ARROW and OPTION+UP ARROW work in tables b

Re: Move to the top or bottom of a list in iTunes

2015-02-04 Thread Faisal ali
I just invoke the end command by pressing fn, option command ctrl down arrow > On Feb 4, 2015, at 12:36 PM, Grant Hardy wrote: > > Hi all, > > I am hoping this won’t turn out to be embarrassing question of the month, but > I can’t for the life of me figure out if through is a command to move to

RE: Menu bar issue resolved but it brings up a larger issue

2015-02-04 Thread Jeff Bishop
Yeah, this is the part that is confusing to me. I am unsure if the icons are not visible but VO is seeing them or what is going on here. All know is that multiple icons can not be clicked if you have to many but VO sees them. From: [mailto:macvisionaries@google

Re: vmware fusion 7 mapping insert key

2015-02-04 Thread Grant Hardy
Hello Anouk, Once you enter the dialog to add a new key mapping, you can do a couple of things. It’s best to navigate the dialog with VO+LEFT and VO+RIGHT rather than the TAB KEY, otherwise VMWare could interpret the TAB KEY as the key you want to remap. The two controls which VoiceOver calls

Re: Menu bar issue resolved but it brings up a larger issue

2015-02-04 Thread Mike Arrigo
You might try rooting the mouse to the menu item and actually doing a mouse click, sometimes that works when double tapping the trackpad doesn't. Dropbox is an example of that. Otherwise, I would look through your status menus and see if there are any you can remove. Original message: Hello,

Re: Move to the top or bottom of a list in iTunes

2015-02-04 Thread Grant Hardy
Faisal, the key combination FN+CONTROL+OPTION+COMMAND+ UP and DOWN ARROWS works for you? That is to say, all four keys to the left of the spacebar plus UP or DOWN? This unfortunately doesn’t work for me. I simply hear the tone to indicate that I have pressed an invalid key, so that is curious.

Getting to subfolders in Pages

2015-02-04 Thread Daniel Gartmann
Hi, I am using the latest version of Pages under OS 10.10.2. When trying to save a document I can't get to the lowest level of subfolders on the system. The top-level folders such as iCloud and Documents show up but the browser with the subfolders isn't there. So, anyone knows how to get fu

Re: Creating a new mailbox a from making sure it's right.

2015-02-04 Thread Grant Hardy
Pamela, I don’t recommend creating the rule locally on your Mac because there can be issues when your computer tries to move large batches of mail located on an IMAP server. I would recommend creating a Gmail filter. Try the following. 1. Log into Gmail on the web. For ease of use, go to the ba

Re: Move to the top or bottom of a list in iTunes

2015-02-04 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, You shouldn’t need the cmd key in this combination. The combination VO-shift-left and VO-shift-right have been used to move to the top or bottom respectively since VO came to life. Most of us would also need to add the FN key if the checkbox is not checked in the Keyboard pane of System P

Re: Getting to subfolders in Pages

2015-02-04 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, When you are in the Save dialog, there should be a Disclosure checkbox one VO-right from the Save As field. Make sure it is checked. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Feb 4, 2015, at 14:33, Daniel Gartmann wrote: Hi, I am using the latest version of Pages under OS 10.10.

Re: Move to the top or bottom of a list in iTunes

2015-02-04 Thread Grant Hardy
Tim, I think you’re thinking of the command VO+FN+LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS. SHIFT would not be included. In any case, have you tried this command in iTunes? It definitely doesn’t work for me, whether or not I have interacted with the table in question. For that matter, it doesn’t work in any other lar

Re: Creating a new mailbox a from making sure it's right.

2015-02-04 Thread Pamela Francis
Hello Grant, Thank you ever so much for your detailed instructions. I will flag this email and try it this evening and let you know. Really appreciate it. Pam Francis On Feb 4, 2015, at 3:41 PM, Grant Hardy wrote: Pamela, I don’t recommend creating the rule locally on your Mac because there

Re: Move to the top or bottom of a list in iTunes

2015-02-04 Thread David Griffith
I think there is some confusion, Command is not involved at all. VO Shift Home and VO Shift End have always worked for me to jump to the beginning and end of a table in iTunes. I do not have a laptop but as I understand it FN left arrow and FN right arrow substitute for these home and end comma

Re: Move to the top or bottom of a list in iTunes

2015-02-04 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Yes, it works for me in iTunes 12.1 or whatever we’re at now. Without the shift key only moves to the top or bottom of the visible space whereas when you add the shift key, you will move beyond the visible area to the top or bottom of the entire table or window. In my case for iTunes, FN-

Re: Move to the top or bottom of a list in iTunes

2015-02-04 Thread Grant Hardy
David and Tim, Aaah, yes, I clearly wasn’t paying attention as I was thinking of VO+FN+LEFT and RIGHT to “go to visible beginning”/end. The command you listed, “go to beginning/end” with VO+SHIFT+FN+LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS does indeed work. Many thanks! I am a relatively new Mac user and most app

Re: Showing my Mac screen

2015-02-04 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Tim Thanks for the information. It is just like a thought. That is the most ideal way that we can do this activity, so that I can run the computer and my husband can look at the screen easily for himself. Gigi Sent from my iPhone > On Feb 4, 2015, at 9:24 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote: > > Hi, >

Re: open windows and folders

2015-02-04 Thread Lorie McCloud
I’ve been using lists. I think right now grid view would confuse me. how does it appear if you have icons checked? > On Feb 4, 2015, at 6:47 AM, Jonathan C Cohn wrote: > > I seem to remember a finder preference to open new folders in new windows, > but I could not find that now. I generally use

Re: open windows and folders

2015-02-04 Thread The Believer
Stick with list view, much easier to navigate. In list view you navigate up and down. In icon view you navigate from left to right or vice versa. From The Believer. . . . . . what if it were true? On 2/4/2015 3:48 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: I’ve been using lists. I

Re: Move to the top or bottom of a list in iTunes

2015-02-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Tim, Just tried this and it doesn't work for me. Running Yosemite, latest iTunes. Cheers, Donna > On Feb 4, 2015, at 3:47 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote: > > Hi, > > You shouldn’t need the cmd key in this combination. The combination > VO-shift-left and VO-shift-right have been used to move to the to

Anyone know how to record audio for a text message on the iPhone?

2015-02-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all, I tapped the Record Audio button, and when I did it said dimmed, even though it didn't say dimmed when I tapped it. What am I missing? Thanks, Donna -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and

RE: Anyone know how to record audio for a text message on the iPhone?

2015-02-04 Thread Scott Erichsen
Double tap and hold to record an audio message. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin Sent: Thursday, 5 February 2015 2:16 PM To: Subject: Anyone know how to record audio

Re: Move to the top or bottom of a list in iTunes

2015-02-04 Thread Grant Hardy
You have to press the function key as well. The combination we want is VO+FN+shift+left/right arrow. Be sure to interact with the list as well. Grant Hardy On Feb 4, 2015, at 7:00 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: Tim, Just tried this and it doesn't work for me. Running Yosemite, latest iTunes. Cheers

Re: Menu bar issue resolved but it brings up a larger issue

2015-02-04 Thread David Taylor
I must admit, as a general rule, I dis able everything I can from the menubar so it is as uncluttered as it can be, as I’ve often had times when I couldn’t see things I knew should be there, whichever way I tried to get to them. > On 4 Feb 2015, at 9:10 pm, Mike Arrigo wrote: > > You

Re: Creating a new mailbox a from making sure it's right.

2015-02-04 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Pam, I’m having a positive experience creating my mailboxes right on the mac. I go into the mailboxes and select for example google. or iCloud. I usually then go to the menu bar to mailbox and select new. i put in the name in the edit field and hit enter the new mailbox is made.

Re: vmware fusion 7 mapping insert key

2015-02-04 Thread Eric Caron
One other option to consider is the Karabiner software for the mac. it used to be called keyremap4macbook. I set it up a long time ago and though I have updated my computer and it’s software many times my caps lock key works in VM fusion like a insert. and on the mac side I use it as my vo key

Re: Menu bar issue resolved but it brings up a larger issue

2015-02-04 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Haven’t tried this as I don’t appear to have too many Menu Extras, but, in VO Utility, under the Visuals pane, make sure that your VO Cursor is at its smallest. The smaller it is, the more likely it will be able to locate smaller items. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On F

Re: Anyone know how to record audio for a text message on the iPhone?

2015-02-04 Thread Lorie McCloud
I think when I did that I tapped once then held my finger on it until I was done speaking. > On Feb 4, 2015, at 9:15 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: > > Hi all, > > I tapped the Record Audio button, and when I did it said dimmed, even though > it didn't say dimmed when I tapped it. What am I missing?

Re: Anyone know how to record audio for a text message on the iPhone?

2015-02-04 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Donna, there are 2 slightly different methods. You can double tap and hold, speak, then let go. After this, you’ll have to find and double tap the send button. I find it easier to double tap and hold, speak my message, and instead of letting go, swipe up. This automatically stops and sends t