Hi there
Last year, I tried it. It could be made to work, but you really had to know
taxes to know if you got it right. Also, it crashed when I tried to save it.
Hopefully it's better this year.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 11:38 PM, Juliette Swiler wrote:
> Hello everyone
Are used TurboTax last year and a couple of other years. Mostly my wife does
the taxes and I just review what she's done. I have not had issues. Our family
has been using turbotax for mac for over a decade. You can contact me off list
if you have need for help.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan
Hello there
I did have trouble, but I will try it again. Therefore, I think this is
definitely a list topic. It seems we get to discussing taxes every year during
this time.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2015, at 7:21 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> Are used TurboTax last year and a
Hello again,
FFirst of all, thanks for all the responses to my other questions. Really
helped a lot
I was thinking of trying to get a full-blown GNOME desktop environment
running on this machine, as I am familiar with that environment. Doing some
research, I can see that their is an open sou
This problem is solved simply. If go into the terminal, and use the "rm"
command in order to delete your files, they are not moved to the ~.trash
directory. Unfortunately, their doesn't seem to be a way to change this
behavior from within the GUI, but perhaps other users will correct me. Ho
The problem with iBooks storage is that it is essentially unique to iBooks.
The ePub files it manages are uncompressed into a container directory under its
control, and given weird and wacky names. I have some books from iBooks, its
true, but I also have many from other publishers and sources,
What about just install it to bootcam instead?
How often that you need to run Linux and Mac OS side by side...
Just my thoughts
On 28/01/2015, Erik Heil wrote:
> Hello again,
> FFirst of all, thanks for all the responses to my other questions. Really
> helped a lot
> I was th
I believe if you use command-shift-backspace, that bypasses the Trash and
purges the file. At least, prior to Mavericks, it worked. I always send to the
Trash first, but I believe you still can bypass this.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Email, j.
Wondeful suggestion, though with Bootcamp, you'll have to repartition the
drive, wich IMHO is overkill for this situation. So, it looks like VMware
is the easiest way to accomplish this task. Not to mention, its a lot
quicker. That's if Linux is even supported in a Bootcamp environment.
Hi, other listers please correct me if i'm wrong. my understanding is
that you can install any OS to bootcam.
On 28/01/2015, Erik Heil wrote:
> Hello,
> Wondeful suggestion, though with Bootcamp, you'll have to repartition the
> drive, wich IMHO is overkill for this situation. So, it looks like
The cmd-shift-delete does not do that. You can have the GUI ignore the “Are
You Sure” dialog when emptying the trash by using cmd-option-shift-delete
reducing one step along the way. In my opinion, opening Terminal and using the
“rm” command also does not actually make it any faster as th
I believe you can set up the Empty Trash function to perform a secure erase
where the deleted data is overwritten. You pay a time penalty to do this but
it will be more secure.
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 11:27 PM, The Believer wrote:
> Unlike Windows, there does not seem to be a way
Right. I forgot about the option key. I personally think it's better to
have the safety mechanism of going to the Trash first. I have accidentally
deleted my share of items without realizing it until later so the command-z to
undo the command wasn't available at that point.
Take Care
An update/clarification with respect to iBooks on the Mac.
• You can add other format books into iBooks such as pdf’s. Press cmd-shift-o
for the Add to Library item and choose the book or books you wish added to your
• When you press return or double-click on the newly added boo
I also have found know way to export a book title in the way you mentioned.
One thing to consider however is that you can see the book title associated
with each generated ID string in the books.plist file found in the books
On Jan 27, 2015, at 11:13 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
The Command + Shift +Back Space key stroke does not work for me in OS 10.9.5.
Angus MacKinnon
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M3us are either playlists or streams. In the first case, you would just import
it into iTunes and sink it with an IOS device. I don’t know about the latter,
but you might try viewing it in textedit to see if you can find a URL. It
might bee best to find an app to deal with m3us on IOS.
On Ja
Hi all,
so I updated my machine today to 10.10.2, but my system preferences for what
ever reason appears to be stuck. Its set on iCloud and it shows it as loading.
But there is nothing else in the window at all. Any ideas as to what is going
You received this message because you
Try pressing cmd+left-bracket.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2015, at 12:41 PM, Faisal ali wrote:
> Hi all,
> so I updated my machine today to 10.10.2, but my system preferences for what
> ever reason appears to be stuck. Its set on iCloud and it shows it as
> loading. But there is nothi
I figured it out. Apparently, it was stuck in the terms of service for iCloud
drive. Why this wasn’t immediately obvious when CMD tabbing over to it I do not
know. I only figured this out by tabbing when I was in system preferences.
> On Jan 27, 2015, at 10:52 AM, Devin Prater wrote:
> T
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2015, at 11:17 AM, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
> macvisionaries@googlegroups.com Google Groups
> Topic digest
> View all topics
> Bypass Trash - 6 Updates
> Some more Questions - 4 Updates
> Another Shot at
Hi all,
I am looking for somebody who is confident with editing Apache .conf files and
setting up virtual hosts. I am struggling my way through this, and can get it
working somewhat. I get one site working, but can't seem to replicate my work.
You can email me off list if you like at:
Thank you. The M3Us show in iTunes on my OS 10.9.5 iMac and do not sync to the
iPhone 5S. I have opened the M3us in text Edit and have found very long URLs.
Playlists in Music on IOS only lets a person add MP3/MP4 files with the New
Playlists option on IOS. vLC for IOS will handle the HTT
Hi all,
this has perplexed me for some time and I cannot figure out how to change this
behaviour. During a FaceTime call, everything else such as iTunes music, or any
other sound source, the volume is turned down. therefore, it doesn’t appear to
be possible to listen to music while on a FaceTime
Apple releases OS X Yosemite 10.10.2
by MacDailyNews
[cfsp key="adsense_336x280"]Apple today released OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 which:
• Resolves an issue that may cause WiFi to disconnect
• Resolves an issue that may cause web pages to load slowly
• Fixes an issue that caused Spotlight to load remote
I am used to iTunes 11 on Windows. I just tried using iTunes 12 on
the Mac and am a bit lost there. Once connected, where would I find the
usual summary page so I can set sync options?
From The Believer. . .
. . . what if it were true?
You received this message
when your phone is connected, VO over to the iPhone button and VO space on
that. Once that’s been done, VO all the way to the right and there should be a
table wit the appropriate set of options such as summary, apps, music and so on.
> On Jan 27, 2015, at 1:08 PM, The Believer wrote:
There, found that button. Ok I have navigated around and found
everything but sync options. Where are those? Once I get that, I should
be ok. Thanks.
From The Believer. . .
. . . what if it were true?
On 1/27/2015 1:27 PM, Faisal ali wrote:
when your phone is
I have only been using the update for a while but certainly Safari feels far
snappier than it was this morning when it was the slowest I have known it. I
was having to restart Voiceover even after a OS restart. For example I was
having to repeatedly restart VO because VO F was not being rec
Well, Alex seems to have been updated even further, and the whole voiceover and
mac seem faster than before.
> On Jan 27, 2015, at 5:56 PM, David Griffith wrote:
> I have only been using the update for a while but certainly Safari feels far
> snappier than it was this morning when it was the
Hey there.
Well, I have just got the update to complete 10.2, and I can see you from
personal experience, voiceover performance has been dramatically improved. I
have noticed performance improvements specifically when navigating tables. For
example, try Skype, and you should try and navigate the
Hi there,
Please disregard my earlier message. It turns out I had a small "d" where I
should have had a capital "D." You live, you learn.
> On Jan 27, 2015, at 2:10 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am looking for somebody who is confident with editing Apache .conf files
> an
OK when you’ve selected the option from the iPhone playlist stop interacting
and just arrow left to the scroll area and interact with that and arrow through
the options in there! also without going into the scroll area from the playlist
table arrow right and you should find info about what i
where do I go in my Mac mini to update it? or will it do this automatically?
> On Jan 27, 2015, at 2:26 PM, christopher hallsworth
> wrote:
> Apple releases OS X Yosemite 10.10.2
> by MacDailyNews
> [cfsp key="adsense_336x280"]Apple today released OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 which:
Hello list,
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You go to menu bar then to App Store then to the toolbar then select software
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2015, at 7:42 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote:
> where do I go in my Mac mini to update it? or will it do this automatically?
> Thanks.
> Lorie
>> On Jan 27, 2015, at 2:26 PM, c
Thanks Colin. Playlists? Who woulda thought. Well now I wanted to
aync the iDevices with the Mac but am told its already being synced with
another ocmputer. What is the best way to take care of this so there is
no loss of content? Eventually I will wean myself off Windows.
From The Believer
Dito on all of your comments.
> On Jan 27, 2015, at 4:56 PM, David Griffith wrote:
> I have only been using the update for a while but certainly Safari feels far
> snappier than it was this morning when it was the slowest I have known it. I
> was having to restart Voiceover e
There’s no “Software Update” option there in Yosemite. Instead, from the
desktop, VO-M to the Apple menu, as previously stated. Then, arrow down to the
“App Store” option & VO-SpaceBar to launch it. It should, automatically,
present you with a—Safari-like—HTML screen containing the
Hello list could somebody please give advice on which is the best carbon
copy cloner or super duper thanks
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OK I’ve never needed to do this so not sure how to do it and save content!
But I think if you’ve already got everything in your iTunes on the mac then you
could set up as a new phone!
I do not know if this is possible but if you’ve got a back up on the PC and can
connect to the Mac maybe you
Here is what I do:
1. Press control-F2 to open the menu bar. Note this is a Mac Os X shortcut not
a VO one.
2. Down arrow from the Apple menu to open it.
3. Press return on "About This Mac".
4. Tab to and press space on "Software Update" button.
5. The App Store opens to updates.
> On 28 Jan 2015
Hi all,
Let me tell you now this is public. The beta of 10.2 which I had for a while,
was exactly the same as this public release. It was rock solid as well, at
least from what I have seen. Sure there would have been bugs not present in the
public release, but i have not seen them myself. So dit
I do not believe this is a coincidence at all. Apple told us developers to
specifically test and if necessary work on VoiceOver improvements in 10.2 as
well as some other stuff.
> On 27 Jan 2015, at 23:56, David Griffith wrote:
> I have only been using the update for a while but certainly Sa
I have also installed 10.10.2. and my first impression is also very positive.
And specially, the command+tab, to switch between applications, is much much
good job Apple
> Op 28-jan.-2015, om 03:09 heeft Devin Prater het volgende
> geschreven:
> You go to menu bar then to A
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