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> On Jan 27, 2015, at 11:17 AM, wrote:
>       Google Groups                           
> Topic digest 
> View all topics
> Bypass Trash - 6 Updates
> Some more Questions - 4 Updates
> Another Shot at Yosemite: iBooks Aversion - 2 Updates
> Turbotax application - 4 Updates
> iTunes folders - 2 Updates
> boot camp drivers - 1 Update
> Audio Hijack Pro & version 3 - 2 Updates
> Converting M3Us to MP3s - 1 Update
> question about facebook on skype - 1 Update
> A question about setting up hotkeys.; Keyboard Maestro - 1 Update
> Where are my books in ibooks actually located? - 1 Update
> Bypass Trash           
> The Believer <>: Jan 26 10:27PM -0800 
> Unlike Windows, there does not seem to be a way to permanently 
> delete a file. It goes to Trash then you Empty Trash. Its a good safety 
> measure but there are times its an unnecessary extra step.
> Are either of these apps accessible? Trash X and Trash Without. Or 
> are there other apps that are better?
> From The Believer. . .
> . . . what if it were true?
> Erik Heil <>: Jan 27 09:06AM -0500 
> Hello,
> This problem is solved simply. If go into the terminal, and use the "rm"
> command in order to delete your files, they are not moved to the ~.trash
> directory. Unfortunately, their doesn't seem to be a way to change this
> behavior from within the GUI, but perhaps other users will correct me. Hope
> this helps.
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 1:27 AM, The Believer <>
> wrote:
> John Panarese <>: Jan 27 09:56AM -0500 
> I believe if you use command-shift-backspace, that bypasses the Trash and 
> purges the file. At least, prior to Mavericks, it worked. I always send to 
> the Trash first, but I believe you still can bypass this.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> Lion
> Tim Kilburn <>: Jan 27 08:36AM -0700 
> Hi,
> The cmd-shift-delete does not do that. You can have the GUI ignore the “Are 
> You Sure” dialog when emptying the trash by using cmd-option-shift-delete 
> reducing one step along the way. In my opinion, opening Terminal and using 
> the “rm” command also does not actually make it any faster as the poster is 
> hoping. It would take more keystrokes to change to the Terminal app, enter 
> the “rm” command followed by the file path, than a quick cmd-delete to put 
> the item in the Trash, then a cmd-option-shift-delete to empty it. I recall a 
> thread a number of years back somewhere on the Net where people were 
> discussing the same sort of thing. Some folks think it’s better the Windows 
> way, others prefer the safety of the Apple way, it’s all a matter of opinion, 
> I guess.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> Marshall Scott <>: Jan 27 07:15AM -0700 
> Hi,
> I believe you can set up the Empty Trash function to perform a secure erase 
> where the deleted data is overwritten.  You pay a time penalty to do this but 
> it will be more secure.
> Marshall
> John Panarese <>: Jan 27 11:08AM -0500 
> Right. I forgot about the option key. I personally think it's better to have 
> the safety mechanism of going to the Trash first. I have accidentally deleted 
> my share of items without realizing it until later so the command-z to undo 
> the command wasn't available at that point.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> Lion
> Back to top
> Some more Questions           
> Erik Heil <>: Jan 27 05:59AM -0800 
> Hello again, 
> FFirst of all, thanks for all the responses to my other questions. Really 
> helped a lot 
> I was thinking of trying to get a full-blown GNOME desktop environment 
> running on this machine, as I am familiar with that environment. Doing some 
> research, I can see that their is an open source version of the Xorg X11 
> Window system that I can install. Ideally, I would love the greatest and 
> latest stuff viable from the GNOME Project which at present, is Gnome 
> 3.4.X. However, I think we have some problems. If I'm wrong in these 
> assumptions, feel free to correct me where necessary. If memory serves, 
> GNOME 3.x has some dependencies on systems, which is Linux-specific. That 
> is, their is at present, no BSD-compatible system implementation. I don't 
> believe that system needs to be running, however I do believe that core 
> system library functions are now dependencies. Does it make sense to 
> install a copy of VMware Fusion and install a copy of Debian into the guest 
> VM? If I do go this route, is their anything I need to be concerned about 
> in Fusion specifically? Note that I have a license for VMware Workstation. 
> Will I have to purchase an additional license for Fusion? 
> Second question 
> Does it make sense to install the GNU-specific tools? In my opinion, they 
> are simply just better than the implementations provided by BSD. I could 
> install them out of the way, into for example, /usr/local/bin, as that way, 
> it won't conflict with software that is under version control via whatever 
> package management system that OS X uses to manage updates.
> Joanne Chua <>: Jan 28 12:59AM +1030 
> What about just install it to bootcam instead?
> How often that you need to run Linux and Mac OS side by side...
> Just my thoughts
> Regards
> Joanne
> Erik Heil <>: Jan 27 10:01AM -0500 
> Hello,
> Wondeful suggestion, though with Bootcamp, you'll have to repartition the
> drive, wich IMHO is overkill for this situation. So, it looks like VMware
> is the easiest way to accomplish this task. Not to mention, its a lot
> quicker. That's if Linux is even supported in a Bootcamp environment. As
> I recall, its designed to aid the installation of Windows, and we don't
> know if it modifies the system EFI partition. Simply too many unknowns.
> Joanne Chua <>: Jan 28 01:38AM +1030 
> Hi, other listers please correct me if i'm wrong. my understanding is
> that you can install any OS to bootcam.
> Back to top
> Another Shot at Yosemite: iBooks Aversion     
> David Griffith <>: Jan 26 11:25PM 
> OK I agree iOS applications can often provide better reading experiences , 
> especially with kindle and Voice Dream reader. I think a Mac ebook solution 
> remains important for people who want to for example, study as the 
> integration with productivity software may be important.
> I also agree that iBooks is clearly not a PDF solution on the Mac so will not 
> suit you as an eBook reader if you have hundreds in this format. Personally I 
> have switched to Nisus Writer Pro for PDF as Preview often does not read to 
> me even with multiple interactions with the text. 
> In relation to storage I assume this is a problem with purchased iBooks only? 
> If it is about general ebook reading I guess I go about things in a different 
> way. For example I download ePub files from various locations, including 
> magazines from the RNIB. I can open these from anywhere on my Mac, SD card, 
> external drive etc and iBooks will happily read these from any location if I 
> simply press command down arrow in Finder. I may be unusual in accessing 
> comparatively few of my ebooks from the iBooks store. 
> However I may be misunderstanding your difficulty with storage and the app.
> David Griffith
> Sabahattin Gucukoglu <>: Jan 27 02:23PM 
> The problem with iBooks storage is that it is essentially unique to iBooks. 
> The ePub files it manages are uncompressed into a container directory under 
> its control, and given weird and wacky names.  I have some books from iBooks, 
> its true, but I also have many from other publishers and sources, and even 
> those from iBooks are not all DRM-protected which means they are readable on 
> non-iBooks readers.
> Honestly, Apple could have done it right--allowing you to specify the 
> location of the iBooks directory and not tampering with them--and I'd've gone 
> for it. PDFs could be handled just as they were previously in iTunes; when 
> double-clicked, they would be opened in Preview or another application. But 
> they didn't do that, instead preferring to lock you down to their store 
> unless you were willing to lose copies of books you don't have elsewhere. 
> Very annoying. Worst of all, iBooks replaces the book-syncing functionality 
> in iTunes, so books that are moved from iTunes undergo an essentially lossy 
> conversion process, discarding PDFs and making a pig's ear of any 
> organisation. It's just not worth it for me.
> Now, it happens that I am about to build a NAS for all my stuff, and one 
> possibility there is to put original copies of media on the NAS, only moving 
> them onto my iOS device and/or Mac as and when I need them. In that light, 
> the day may yet come for me to cherish iBooks. It's not today, but it's 
> definitely a thought. This somewhat describes your scenario. I think it'd 
> still be a loss, since now I need to be connected to a network to bring 
> something in, but it would work. The silver lining would then be that I could 
> spend less on Apple hardware. :)
> Back to top
> Turbotax application           
> Juliette Swiler <>: Jan 26 11:38PM -0600 
> Hello everyone,
> This is my first year eFiling my tax return using the Mac. I see that there 
> is an app for Turbotax, but I am wondering how accessible this method would 
> be for filing my return electronically using VoiceOver. Thanks.
> Eugenia Firth <>: Jan 27 06:54AM -0600 
> Hi there
> Last year, I tried it. It could be made to work, but you really had to know 
> taxes to know if you got it right. Also, it crashed when I tried to save it. 
> Hopefully it's better this year.
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> "Jonathan C. Cohn" <>: Jan 27 08:21AM -0500 
> Are used TurboTax last year and a couple of other years. Mostly my wife does 
> the taxes and I just review what she's done. I have not had issues. Our 
> family has been using turbotax for mac for over a decade. You can contact me 
> off list if you have need for help. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> Eugenia Firth <>: Jan 27 07:25AM -0600 
> Hello there
> I did have trouble, but I will try it again. Therefore, I think this is 
> definitely a list topic. It seems we get to discussing taxes every year 
> during this time.
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> Back to top
> iTunes folders           
> Tim Kilburn <>: Jan 26 04:13PM -0700 
> Hi,
> It is actually a very clean system if you let iTunes manage the organization 
> of things like it’s meant to do. That is,
> • There are folders in your home directory like Desktop, Documents, Music, 
> Pictures, Movies etc. These are built-in folders meant for things like 
> iPhoto, iTunes, iMovie etc.
> • within the Music folder, as mentioned by Sabahattin, there is the parent 
> iTunes folder which is meant to contain all iTunes related media. So, within 
> the iTunes parent directory are the sub-directories for iTunes Library 
> database files, Album Artwork and the iTunes Media folder. This iTunes Media 
> folder logically, contains all the iTunes related media files including your 
> music, movies, TV Shows, Ring Tones, Audio Books etc.
> • If you allow iTunes to do its magic, it will place all media in the 
> appropriate locations keeping everything neat and tidy. Anything that happens 
> to be mis-labelled such as a ripped movie or TV Show can be fixed from within 
> the Get Info dialog in iTunes itself and the app will clean up some more.
> • Third party apps that you use to rip media often place things in other 
> locations, not necessarily logical to iTunes. For example, your movie ripping 
> app places the ripped movies or TV shows all into the Movies folder in your 
> home directory. This Movies folder is actually meant for iMovie or other 
> media creation kinds of apps.
> • You can certainly import these ripped movies into iTunes and, as long as 
> you let iTunes do its OCD organizational thing, it will make a copy in the 
> appropriate location within the iTunes Media world, and life will be good. 
> Once that import is done, you can delete the original copy from the Movies 
> folder.
> • In the sighted world, one would have dragged the movie or TV Show into the 
> “Automatically Add to iTunes” folder within the iTunes Media folder and no 
> extra deleting would need to be performed. In the VO world, you could cmd-c 
> to Copy the movie/TV Show, then cmd-option-v to Move it into the 
> “Automatically Add to iTunes” folder and the same thing would happen without 
> the need for the extra step of deleting the media file from the original 
> location.
> Most problems occur when we try to out-think iTunes and do things in a 
> different manner than iTunes is meant to. Not to say that this isn’t 
> possible, it just means that you occasionally will have some issues when 
> managing iTunes media in other ways.
> Hope this makes some sense.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> The Believer <>: Jan 26 09:36PM -0800 
> Thank you both. It all started when I copied the iTunes folder from 
> Windows. It was fine but then I started adding those movies.
> I scrapped the iTunes folder and restarted it. This time, taking the 
> tip from Tim, I copied all my media in one move to the Automatically Add 
> folder. Started iTunes and left it. All done.
> When I rip some more dvds I will point it to the same folder.
> I never tried to make iTunes work my way, I just did not understand 
> all its tricks. Always had left the settings alone too.
> Will move it all to external drive another day. Thank you both again.
> From The Believer. . .
> . . . what if it were true?
> On 1/26/2015 3:13 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Back to top
> boot camp drivers           
> Juliette Swiler <>: Jan 26 08:45PM -0600 
> Does anyone know how I can get a CD drive running properly on a Mac Book 
> running Windows 7 via Fusion? I must need boot camp drivers, but I don’t know 
> where to get them. Thanks.
> Back to top
> Audio Hijack Pro & version 3     
> Rob <>: Jan 26 06:43PM -0600 
> Hello,
> Can both versions of Audio Hijack be installed?
> I'm using Audio Hijack Pro.
> I want to try the new version without deleting my current version.
> Thanks,
> Rob
> Darcy Burnard <>: Jan 26 08:00PM -0500 
> Hi Rob. Yes you can definitely have both versions of Audio Hijack installed 
> simultaneously. 
> Darcy
> Back to top
> Converting M3Us to MP3s           
> Angus MacKinnon <>: Jan 26 04:19PM -0800 
> It seems that my iPhone 5S running IOS 8.1.2 only wants MP3s/MP4s. I have 
> some Radio stations as a M3U file. How do I convert the M3Us to MP3s on my 
> iMac running OS 10.9.5? And then transfer the new MP3s to the iPhone 5S using 
> WiFi and/or Bluetooth? Thank you.
> The rest of the radio stations are URLs.
> Angus MacKinnon
> Back to top
> question about facebook on skype     
> Dionipher Herrera <>: Jan 27 07:46AM +0800 
> question on how to navigate first letter on Skype? then, why do i have a lot 
> of Facebook user on my Skype, it seems that they are not name accordingly.
> Back to top
> A question about setting up hotkeys.; Keyboard Maestro     
> Annie Skov Nielsen <>: Jan 27 12:24AM +0100 
> Hi Chuck.
> I have never got keyboard maestro to work. Has anyone made a podcast about 
> the program. I would love to see an example how you make these macros and how 
> you add a hotkey for them.
> Best regards Annie.
> Back to top
> Where are my books in ibooks actually located?     
> Andrew Lamanche <>: Jan 26 09:43PM 
> Tim,
> Thank you for this pointer. Now, considering that I can't find the download 
> option when I click on the title menu in the way you described, where in the 
> Users file structure do I find the books? I would like to know where they 
> actually reside in the structure of my folders.
> Many thanks in advance
> Andrew
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> This is Chenelle,
> How do you transfer music from your dropbox folder using voice over to your 
> iTunes library? Thank you so much have a nice day.G

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