Seems to me you might be dealing with a book in two parts, but, not sure.
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
On Feb 16, 2014, at 11:14 PM, Daniel McGee
Actually, if you have the installation files (like on the Mac, you
can copy and paste to the vm.
Just select the file in Mac OS, press command-c to copy. Then, go into the VM,
make sure you are in the desktop or another folder (like Downloads) and press
command-v. It will co
So will textedit meet my needs?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 12:46 AM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> I believe it is still in beta.
> --
> Cheryl
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
> thrown in the trash!
> Then God gave me a n
ok how about pages?
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I figured out how to delete the library. But yeah that probably would be easer.
On Feb 13, 2014, at 2:29 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
> Wouldn't it be easier for you to select songs and create a playlist of theM?
> Jürgen
> Am 13.02.2014 um 13:39 schrieb Scott Berry :
>> When in the iTunes l
Hello everyone.
Could someone please tell me the commands for selecting text by character, word
and line?
Thanks much.
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Wow, this is interesting. So, after you c/p the installation file into the
folder of choice, onceyou open the vm, or rather, run the vm, you should be
able to run the installation file and install your screen reader?
That sounds much neater then fiddling around with narrater and going onto the
they should be there
On Feb 16, 2014, at 6:43 PM, Angelo wrote:
> they should be free, if it's a iPhone 5 c or 5 s, go to the featured tab,
> near the bottom you'll see apps made by Apple, double tap it and all your
> free apps should be there.
> hth
> Angelo
> a.r
I looked through the voiceover help menu and I don't see any thing about select
text by word or line but to read by word is control option w to read by line
is control option l. To read by current character it is control option c.
On Feb 17, 2014, at 7:36 AM, Scott Berry wrote:
> Hello ever
I think this is the dorrect link:
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Scott Berry
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 4:28 PM
To: macvisionaries
Hello all,
I have been a serious XM radio subscriber for years. Currently, I use the app
as it offers more for the price. For those who do not have anyone to assist
with labeling buttons, they are as follows from left to right on the iPhone app
categories, all channels, favorites, Shows & on de
Hey guys,
I take it this allows you through the app to listen to all stations?
Can you label the buttons, or are they in the process of fixing them?
When you’re in wifi range, does it use your wifi?
From: [
Yes, it does.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 10:33 AM, "Jed Barton" wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I take it this allows you through the app to listen to all stations?
> Can you label the buttons, or are they in the process of fixing them?
> When you’re in wifi range, does it use your wifi?
Ok, definitely not out yet. 2009 is not the version we are
interested in. The new version is now being actively worked on after DBT
11.2 was released. And of course, we are not told what the time frame is.
Quote of the nanosecond . . .
We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops.
Robert & D
Pam, I have a question for you or anyone else more familiar with the app than I
am. Is there a way to display the channel names? Currently, the app shows
what's on each channel, but doesn't display the name of the channel unless I
start listening and tap on the actions button.
I did find the ch
Have any of you made a donation to the youview app?
if so, can you convert videos to mp3?
I checked the web site but didn't find the answer.
You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
"God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"
You received this message be
Unfortunately the view menu doesn't offer anything, as the column is there it
just stopped saying unread next to the unread messages. Mail in Mavericks is so
awful in every aspect, my only conclusion this is Apple's way in to forcing
people to only use their iCloud mail accounts, as now I can't
I have this keyboard, but all of the sudden in Mavericks I can't use it half
the time as it loses bluetooth connectivity. It will work for about ten minutes
and then just lose connectivity and I can't even get the bluetooth menu to
disconnect from it so I have had to go back to my old Apple Keyb
What are you trying to view, Brian? I missed a part of this thread. Do you
have your preview pane showing? If you are talking about the status of
messages being read or unread, you have to collapse the preview pane to get
this to read correctly.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac f
Hello Scott,
How you select text on a website depends very much on how it has been encoded.
Here are the various ways of doing it.
Interact with the element for which you wish to select characters or words and
use the usual Shift plus right arrow for characters and Option-Shift-Right
arrow for
Ok so continuing along this thread. We've now got fusion installed,
jaws installed and now noticing a bit of a problem. This problem is when
using various programs, currently we're using mushclient, it's seemingly
running a bit slow giving about a half a second to one second lag on
The subject says it all?
Where is this thing to be? It would be so useful.
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to macvisionaries+unsu
As John mentioned, it's likely that your Preview Pane is active. When the
Preview Pane is active, the status is usually misread as Mail considers
something read once the Preview Pane of a message has been opened. Simply
arrowing over the message causes the Preview Pane to activate so, fro
Go to the sources table and then you will find the playlist.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Lisette Wesseling
> wrote:
> The subject says it all?
> Where is this thing to be? It would be so useful.
> Thanks.
> Lisette
> --
> You received this message because you ar
Hi. I'm selling two items;an iPhone 4s and an upgraded mac pro desktop
computer with flat panel monitor. Please write me off list if
interested. I only accept Pay Pal and while I can ship the iPhone
world wide, the mac pro desktop will be a US only sale due to the
weight of the machine. Thanks.
Thanks for the button labeling, Pam. Is there a way to search the app for
particular artists, decades stations, etc.? I saw a search button on-line, but
can't seem to on the app. Also, I cannot reliably locate a back button.
On Feb 17, 2014, at 10:41 AM, Jessica D wrote:
> Yes, it d
thanks angelo, i found it, and i install the garage band for free
On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:43 am, Angelo wrote:
> they should be free, if it's a iPhone 5 c or 5 s, go to the featured tab,
> near the bottom you'll see apps made by Apple, double tap it and all your
> free apps should be there.
> ht
No sorr, it's not there for me.
On 18/02/2014, at 9:18 am, Isaac Hebert wrote:
> Go to the sources table and then you will find the playlist.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Lisette Wesseling
>> wrote:
>> The subject says it all?
>> Where is this thing t
Hi Teresa,
If I'm not mistaken, if you go through the categories section on the app, or
under shows on demand, you may be able to get the channel name. Like you, I'm
not one who cares for there current layout. However, that Appice come a long
ways with its degree of accessibility.
Pam Franci
Hi Christine,
Backing out of the app is a bit tricky. You can find station names under
categories. Don't look on all channels. You will only see the artist currently
playing or the show name currently playing.
Pam Francis
On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:41 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
Thanks for the
This whole mail question is confusing to me. If I tab past the first screen
when I open mail I see mailboxes, some of which are checked and some not. Why
is this? What is the check for? Also, if I once get a conversation open, do I
have to arrow to each post and then do a VO J to read and then
can somebody help me use the garage abdn, i would like to record my instrument
at the same time my voice. or maybe contact me on my skype,
my skype name is dionipher
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Hey Tim,
Ugh, I think my preview pane was actually closed as I followed your steps and
now to the right of the horizontal splitter is now the message I was focused on
which wasn't there before, and of course I can't get it to close. So
unfortunately I don't think the messages no longer saying u
Hey John,
I had the preview pane closed and unfortunately now it is open trying to get it
to close. Even with the preview pane closed though the first column in classic
mail which is status just stopped letting me know if messages were unread and I
hadn't changed any settings trying to get bac
OK, just finally got that tricky preview pane to close. I had my track pad
commander on didn't realize it had to be turned off, so now just waiting for a
new message to arrive, and hoping that maybe the preview pane was open all
along and I didn't realize it, so hopefully the unread status will
select "music", then select the playlists radio button. it is located in the
table of playlists.
On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:32 PM, Lisette Wesseling
> The subject says it all?
> Where is this thing to be? It would be so useful.
> Thanks.
> Lisette
> --
> You received this message beca
Hi all,
I just tried to send an attachment to myself at a different email address. It
was clear on my Mac that the file was attached, but when I opened the message
from my other account on my Pc, there was no attachment. Anyone know what's up?
You received this message becau
Excuse me of my lazy response. I was overwhelmed by valuable comments and
opinions. Thanks all. We promise to listen to everything and try to do the
best to improve it as much as we can. We have decided to provide it as is
globally by online other than just attending some exhibitions and waiting
Hello all, I have OS Server installed from the factory on a Mac Mini. I have
two problems:
1. I have installed the server app on my laptop and have chosen to access the
OSX server on the Mac mini. The mac mini shows up in the list of available
servers. It then asks me for a username and password
did you try your account username and password? I do not have this so cannot
tell you what would work but am simply trying to put a suggestion out their for
On Feb 17, 2014, at 6:51 PM, Frank Ventura
> Hello all, I have OS Server installed from the fa
Thanks Jeesica, I have tried my short username and password with no luck.
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Jessica
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: Two pro
Hi, On the subject of braille for mac, brailleblaster is looking for qualified
testers, documenters and utility people who can do things such as building
installer packages.
Erik Burggraaf
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://ww
Sometimes firewalls will do that. I don't know if it was your case but usually
when it does happen, there will be a note stating that the attachment was
removed for security reasons.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 5:56 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just tr
The attached AppleScript closes all Message viewers and then opens one up
without the preview pane. This should prevent the preview pane from
I don't know if anybody else has gotten this to work since there were
discussions on the Apple forums about errors when trying to turn off
Hi Jonathan,
I didn't see any such message. And I never had this problem before the upgrade
to mavericks.
On Feb 17, 2014, at 7:52 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> Sometimes firewalls will do that. I don't know if it was your case but
> usually when it does happen, there will be a
Hi all, here is a really stupid and simplistic question. With the Mac running,
how can I lock the screen, as to require a PW to unlock, without quitting the
running programs? I need to secure the Mac but keep the running apps going.
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Hi Frank,
Usually the checkbox to administer the Server from another Mac is not checked
by default. You'll need to go to the Mini, open the Server app and select the
server name in the Services table. Stop Interacting with the table, navigate
to the Settings button and press it. Interact wit
Hi Frank,
Two ways you can deal with this. First, in the Security & Privacy pane in
System Prefs, make sure that the checkbox for requiring a password after Sleep
or Screensaver is checked. This behaviour is normally on by default in
Mountain Lion and Mavericks but if, for some reason, it is
if this is an iMac assuming you have checked the checkbox referred to below to
require a password after sleep. You can press the power button once and that
will put it to sleep.
On 18 Feb 2014, at 3:41 pm, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Frank,
> Two ways you can deal with this. First, in
Hi Reggie,
The method by which one reads Mail seems to be a personal preference. I prefer
to turn the Preview pane off, stay in the newer modern view, arrow through my
messages and press return to open them. When I press return, the subject and
senders name are announced again then the messag
Hi Brian,
Oops, sorry. I should add that bit about the Trackpad commander to my
instructions for removing the Preview Pane. I seldom use the Trackpad
commander so don't think of that enough. Sorry if it gave you extra
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Feb 17,
Hey Tim and John,
Just wanted to let you know that I did get the unread back in the status
column, so the preview pane must have been open without me knowing it. Thanks
for the help. Any idea why my Logictech 760 bluetooth keyboard might keep
losing connectivity? I can't even disconnect it from
can somebody check there audio mini setup, because i think i deleted something
there,. i only have two on my audio mini setup which is the built in microphone
and builit in output on the audio devices,, thanks in advance
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Hey Tim,
No no big deal it took me a few minutes but then the light bulb went off that
maybe the track pad commander had to be off and as soon as I turned it off, it
worked perfectly. Thanks again. Appreciate all of your help always. Best,
On Feb 18, 2014, at 12:01 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi
my last experience with Sophos was that its interface wasn't very accessible.
It gave me a tool bar, but the main scroll area wasn't visible to voiceover. I
use ClamxAV for my anti-virus and the built in firewall to keep the script
kiddies out.
On Feb 17, 2014, at 7:49 AM, Frank Ventura
Can someone please discuss DenvenMail, Fast Mail and MailMate. Also, how VO
friendly tey are. I am considering something other than the Mail program in
Angus MacKinnon
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Two cautions with using the Power button method. If you put your Mac to sleep,
then those apps also go to sleep. I could be mistaken on the iMac, as I am not
near one at the moment to confirm, but, on my MBP, you need to hold down the
power button for about 3 to 4 seconds to get this beha
I did a bit of searching on the Net regarding your Logitech keyboard and it
seems that this is a common issue. It's possible that the unit is going to
sleep and that is why you're having the problems. There are a number of posts
To increase the memory, first, shut down the VM. Then, once it's shut down,
you can press command-e to get into settings or that VM. You should see
options for processors and memory in there. All you do is adjust the memory
size and close that screen.
Hope this helps.
On Feb 17, 20
Does anybody here use Brailliant-32 (latest generation) Braille display
with VoiceOver on Mac OS?
I noticed that oftentimes Braille does not come back on the display after
the computer goes out of the sleep mode. The only way to restore Braille is
to replug the USB cable to the Braille di
Tim, thanks, that is exactally what I needed to know.
From: []
On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: Locking a Mac
Hi Frank,
Two ways you can
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