Correct. The label of the button remains the same. If you had gone to the HTML
area and investigated, you would have noticed the change. Given that the label
is toggle, one would not expect it to change when the button is pressed. If you
are going to use Facebook, in any way, you are simply goin
if you mean to launch those apps, that function is handled by the dock. You can
press vo-d or ctrl-f3 to go there. It will show you all the apps added to it,
as well as any apps that are running (those will be indicated with VO saying
“open” at the end of their name). To quickly find and launch
Hello All,
Just installed a TV and can’t find the BBC radio stations. It appears great to
have so much choice but how do you find what you want to listen to?
I selected radio and was presented with a whole list of music categories and
just got lost. Is there a TV podcast on AppleVis?
First, thank you for answering my question. Second, your point about
exploration is a valid one, and I assure you that I do lots of exploration
before "thinking people to teach everything" as you put it. However, given
that VO doesn't even identify that toggle as a button, I don't thi
No, i wasn't implying it was unreasonable, but you will get very many instances
where things happen away from where VO is focussed, in FB and many other places.
On 2 Jan 2014, at 13:38, Donna Goodin wrote:
> David,
> First, thank you for answering my question. Second, your
Unfortunately, if you have Direct, tv Premeer box won't work according to the
tivo site. I use to use iTivo before ML to transfer shows to Mac. The desktop
software is't accessible on the Mac, nor will let you transfer shows. It's fine
on the PC though. THe only thing I use my XP machine for
Has anyone here ever had to use the find my phone when they’ve lost their
Iphone? IF so, is it accessible? No. I didn’t lose mine, but, just wanted to
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, sti
I have my Mini set to tab in Safari so I can find links with tab key. How do I
get to top and bottom of a web page? Is there a way to find text as in jaws? Is
there a good basic manual for a complete beginner on Mac?
reggie and Allegra
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Hi David,
Yeah, I do realize that. :)
On Jan 2, 2014, at 8:11 AM, David Taylor wrote:
> Hi,
> No, i wasn't implying it was unreasonable, but you will get very many
> instances where things happen away from where VO is focussed, in FB and many
> other places.
> Cheers
> Dave
It's accessible. I haven't ever lost my phone but when I download the Mac to my
I phone, all the buttons are accessible.
> On 2 Jan 2014, at 02:15 pm, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone here ever had to use the find my phone when they’ve lost their
> Iphone? IF so, is it acce
Your best friend for learning all about the Mac and VoiceOver is the help
system. Press control option H. that brings up the VO help menu. I think that
the getting started guide at the bottom of the list is the most helpful source
for understanding VoiceOver and how to use it in Mac apps like sa
Hello Listers,
Since I listen to my Talking Book a lot, I been wanting to put it on a iPod
shuffle. I have a Macbook and have been doing research on Daisy Talking Book
and found Orearia for the Mac so I can listen on the Mac. however I can’t seem
to figure out how to load a book on.
Now for co
To the person who answered me about finding an Iphone using my Mac, did you say
the app was called “Mac to Iphone”? Can’t seem to find it.
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and I
Oh sorry. I mean to say Find my I phone app which you down load from the app
> On 2 Jan 2014, at 03:58 pm, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> To the person who answered me about finding an Iphone using my Mac, did you
> say the app was called “Mac to Iphone”? Can’t seem to find it.
> Sent f
i found the sharpkeys.
thanks so much
Ramy moustafa saber
Musicc instructor at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 2, 2014, at 2:10 AM, Tom Moore wrote:
> Hi,
> On the same note how do I activate the number pad on the laptop keyboard
I've had to use Find My iPhone plenty to locate devices, and it works great and
it is accessible.
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to macvisionari
Did you use the web interfase at:
or did you install the Find My Iphone app on to your Mac from ITunes? Seems to
me the web interfase is a wee bit clunky.
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted R
Hi Ramy,
Another way to assign a insert key for the VM Fusion is to use
keyremap4macbook along with pckeyboardhack. This is set up on the mac side and
I found it worked better for me then Sharp keys.
Eric Caron
On Jan 2, 2014, at 11:20 AM, ramy moustafa wrote:
> i found the sharp
I'm working on the same issue today. I just did a search in the app store for
the Find my iPhone app, and it did not appear. I'm wondering if the iCloud
interface is now the only option?
On Jan 2, 2014, at 10:41 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Did you use the web interfase at:
Try Find My Phone instead. That search should bring up the app as the
first item.
On 1/2/14 12:09 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
I'm working on the same issue today. I just did a search in the app store for
the Find my iPhone app, and it did not appear. I'm wondering if the iCloud
Just did. I get a message saying your search had no results.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 11:14 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Try Find My Phone instead. That search should bring up the app as the first
> item.
> CB
> On 1/2/14 12:09 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Ray,
>> I'm working on the same i
Yep, that did it. Odd, since it's for the Mac, I would have expected it to be
in the app store. thanks, Ray.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 11:37 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I find it in the ITunes store. Try there.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
Unfortunately, you cannot do what you are requesting. All DTB books are copy
protected. This means, they can only play in NLS approved players which have
been unlocked, or in the BARD Mobile app which you have signed in on and your
credentials have been verified by NLS.
David Chittenden, MSc, M
I find it in the ITunes store. Try there.
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
On Jan 2, 2014, at 11:23 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Just did. I get a message say
Thing is, I only find the version of Find my phone that you install on the
Iphone itself. There seems to be no version to install on the Mac. I guess
maybe that if you want to use your Mac to find your Iphone, you’d need to
install Find My Phone on the phone and then sign in at:
Ahh, that's the bit of confusion. You are right, there is no "Find My
Phone" app or the like for the Mac. That's all in the icloud web page. I
was also searching the iTunes store, not the Mac App Store.
On 1/2/14 12:50 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
Thing is, I only find the version of Find my ph
While I'm not familiar with the particulars of how Disk Utility does it,
most drives have a reserve of extra blocks that can be substituted if a
bad spot develops. So by writing something to every block ahead of time,
any bad blocks will get noticed and replaced with a spare. I would think
Right. The $97 one I got from Amazon was an original sealed in a package
so it seems to have been legit. At least it installed in VMWare with no
On 12/29/13 12:34 AM, Geoff Stephens wrote:
I don’t want to go digging around to find documentation for why you don’t have
to have a sys
I was doing this for somebody else to run their QuickBooks on so I
wanted to make sure everything was legit. I didn't know about the
upgrade installer trick but it turned out to be slightly cheaper getting
a full version off Amazon than an upgrade directly from Microsoft.
Anyway, it's all worki
Virtualization products like VMWare, VirtualBox and Parallels are apps
which emulate the bare hardware of a physical PC. So, in theory, you
launch one of those and you'll get a basic PC ready to do your bidding.
Most people use them to load Windows on but you can load an OS that
normally will r
I think you can find it on the via app and it should take you to the app store
to download it; I'll check that out and get back to you.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 12:09 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Ray,
> I'm working on the same issue today. I just did a search in the app store
> for the Find my iPho
I searched for it throught the Via App, clicked the download option, and it's
still there on my end. You might want to give that a try if you don't have the
via app..
A friend recommended that to me a year or 2 ago, and I found a load of stuff
through that that I'd never heard of before and s
So if I really wanted to run a program only Windows, I would have to have a
virtual solutions program on my Mini. Most things one can do work fine on Mac,
reggie and Allegra
On Jan 2, 2014, at 2:39 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
Virtualization products like VMWare, VirtualBox and Parallels
Let the unix variant geek wars begin! So the terminal or shell is where
you type commands to be processed by the unix side of OSX. OSX is
actually based on the Mach Kernel and NextStep, which was bought when
Apple acquired Next and brought Steve Jobs back to the helm. Next Step
incorporates som
Hey Dave,
Have you figured out how to get all of your News Feed to show up? I thought I
had found the toggle but pressing it does nothing, so in menu tab I have giant
time gaps between posts on my news feed.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 5:06 AM, David Taylor wrote:
> Correct. The label of the button rem
Thanks for that info. I was told when I got my Mac that Virtual box was not
access able, so that why I used Bootcamp to dual boot. But thanks for pointing
out that Fusion is fully accessible. So maybe later on I will try that out wen
I want to learn Windows 8.
Does anyone know how to in
Hi Chris,
I have a few questions for you using VMWare.
1. I have a OEM copy of 8.0 (not professional). Will this work with VMWare? Its
never been opened.
2. Can VMWare be placed on an external HD that has been partition to handle
both the Mac/PC?
3. Do you need to allocate RAM and SSD HD spa
That did work when I did it on my account, but I couldn't make it work on
somebody else's account when I had access to it for a reason a few months ago.
I can't get most of the menus to work in any version of FB at the moment. Don't
you just wish they would fix accessibility in all areas of
If you use fusion, you won’t need sighted assistance. You can either use a
physical dvd if you have one or an iso file.
things can get hairy after the installation of windows before you get any
speech loaded, though. This is my experience, anyway. I have an installation
of win 7 righ
Really?! How did you pull that off installing Windows with no sighted
assistance? Is there a step by step directions for a blind user that can
install Windows? I searched everywhere on Google, and I can’t find anything. Or
I’m just not looking at the right place.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted
I meant Duxbury as one of the programs that I would run on the virtual end of
my Mac. I couldn't get out of the spell checker before sending my last post.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 11:39 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Virtualization products like VMWare, VirtualBox and Parallels are apps
If you need occasional access to some Windows-only app a virtual machine
can be a nice way to do it. Of course, like a real Windows machine,
you'll have to install Windows and your screen reader of choice. The
only common complaint is mapping of the caps lock and insert keys.
Apparently the Mac
Shucks, thought I’d ask. There is an app called DTB to iTunes, and under the
help info they said you can decrypt it by using DTBmaker, so I was wondering if
anyone knows about it.
Guess I will just use my old 3gs as a decimated player.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro
Hello everyone,
Once again, I have another question for here. Long story short my sister have
been blind for years and I just recently lost my vision. However I jumped to a
Mac right away, but my sister is transiting from Windows XP to Mac. One problem
she had was learning Duxbury, there was no
Hi Chris,
This brings me to another question. Can you plug in an USB full Windows
keyboard and have it work on the MBA? I have one lying around here and it would
be nice to have a full keyboard when using the Window side in the virtual
Eileen On Jan 2, 2014, at 12:42 PM
Hi Daniel,
I'm not sure if this topic was recently discussed on this list or another.
However, I did received a recent post on the Duxbury list serve stating that
once 11.2 is released, creating and dedicating time for a Mac Duxbury version
is high on the priority list. Who knows when it will
According to the Apache web site, Apache Open office supposedly works
with VO now, but last I tried it I could only access menu bar items and
couldn't actually work with the text in the document. That's been a
while so maybe they fixed it again. LibreOffice claims the same thing.
Did you try th
Ok, thanks for letting me know on that. I have no experience with Duxbury, so i
will pass that along to my sister.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro
2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7
Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
On Jan 2, 2014, at 3:01
Thanks for confirming, yeah is there a more ironic Twitter handle than FBAccess
On Jan 2, 2014, at 3:18 PM, David Taylor wrote:
> Hi,
> That did work when I did it on my account, but I couldn't make it work on
> somebody else's account when I had access to it for a reason a few months
> ago.
Okay, here’s what’s going on.
I have two files which I wish to ad to ITunes. No big deal about ading them,
making sure the Meda data is correct and all that: however, I wish these files
to be added to two customized albums I am putting together. Can I add these
two files twice and make sure
I did research on that. Even Apple said that LibreOffice, and OpenOffice is
fully accessible . When I looked around, the last accessible format was on
Lion, and Openoffice 3.
The Wiki was looks like last updated in 2009.
When I had my Mountain Lion, Openoffice and libreoffice worked, just can’t
Are you sure you want to do ftp and not sftp? ftp requires rather large
swaths of ports to be opened before it will work. How did you enable ftp
on your mac?
On 12/29/13 9:55 AM, Kjsc Radio wrote:
Hello, I am thinking about setting up an FTP server using the server on Mac.
I've done this
Hi Sarah, Eileen, and Others,
Here are some tips on using the recipe clipping feature in the Mac version
of Paprika Recipe Manager. As Laura described, you press the "Save Recipe"
button in the toolbar of the Paprika Mac app window to clip recipes from
web sites. As a quick overview, you can
Thanks all,
I have maxed out my mac, I have 512 gb storage, 8 gb ram and the I7 processor,
so I can quite easily run windows 7.
To clarify, It’s recommended to allocate 10 gb for windows and jaws, plus
another 10 for other things? I’ll only be using a couple of games, dvd audio
extractor, unles
I got the Toast 11 and had someone read me the table on the left for the Tivo
transfer app in Toast. The program is not very accessible, but with sighted
help, I was able to figure out what I needed, to do the following.
I put Toast on my Snow Leopard and was able to transfer movies from my
hi Daniel, too make a new windows install, find the new item, click on
it and let the windows install helper take care of the rest.
All of this takes place under vmware, so as the windows install do
what it do best, you can't see anything going on on the screen.
I got a old xp image laying around i
I just got vlc so I can play ogg files without having to get my dear husband to
convert them for me..
Is there a way to have them airplay, like there is in i tunes?
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No luck on finding that app.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 11:14 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Try Find My Phone instead. That search should bring up the app as the first
> item.
> CB
> On 1/2/14 12:09 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Ray,
>> I'm working on the same issue today. I just did a search in the
I only find the iOS version in the iTunes store.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 11:37 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I find it in the ITunes store. Try there.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still
I have 7 rows, b/c I only have 1 Tivo. Roxio wasn't worth the $50 I paid for
it. I only use my Windows machine to transfer Tivo shows. Since XP is going
away, I'm going to replace that desktop with a Mac, and didn't want to load
Windows just for one program. I also read on a forum where
That’s right. Read my earlier messages. You will find that no Mac version
exists. You would need to install the app on your idevice and sign in with
that app to your Apple ID. Now, say you want to find your phone using your
Mac, you would, on yoru Mac, go to:
and there, sign
Thank you Ester!
This helps a lot. I have a big recipes folder that I'm trying to import, as
well as some recipes I've bookmarked off the web. I also love the search
feature. I can do a search of my receipes in the database. Thanks for the
detailed instructions. I appreciate it.
On Jan 2, 2014,
Thank you! I wish the map was accessible.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 6:17 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> That’s right. Read my earlier messages. You will find that no Mac version
> exists. You would need to install the app on your idevice and sign in with
> that app to your Apple ID. Now, say you want
Is there a Mac equivalent to Direct Show Dump Utility? This is a simple
conversion app for Windows that lets me convert the .tivo format to .mpeg
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Oh sorry, I didn't know there were multiple versions.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi:
> I only find the iOS version in the iTunes store.
> On Jan 2, 2014, at 11:37 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> I find it in the ITunes store. Try there.
>> Sent from my Mac, the
Hi Esther,
Thank you, thank you… With your detailed instructions, I just clipped my first
recipe. It's a snap when one knows all the ins & outs of a software. Your
explicit instructions did the trick. As I get more comfortable with Paprika,
I'm sure I will acquire a large library. Yesterday, I
God, I'll second that!
On Jan 2, 2014, at 2:18 PM, David Taylor wrote:
> Hi,
> That did work when I did it on my account, but I couldn't make it work on
> somebody else's account when I had access to it for a reason a few months
> ago. I can't get most of the menus to work in a
Entering the IP address for your Tivo use to work, but it doesn’t anymore. You
only get a generic welcome window that has a link to
On Jan 2, 2014, at 6:16 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli
> Thanks!
> I have 7 rows, b/c I only have 1 Tivo. Roxio wasn't worth the $50 I paid for
> it
Hey all,
I just got Scanner Pro for the iPhone as it is now free in the app store. Has
anyone figured this app out? I can take a scan as I hear the photo being taken,
but after that I can't seem to have anything read to me. I thought I heard this
app was accessible, if anyone has figured it out
I have a OEM of Windows 7. I downloaded a ISO image of Windows 7 and pointed
VMWare to it and used the OEM licence number. You choose easy install and fill
in password for login and the license number before hitting continue and point
to the ISO image. After installing VMWare first and hit add b
I purchased a track today, and I am trying to download the MP3 to my Mac. It
simply is not working, I have launched the cloud player on my Mac but I can't
see anything on the screen. Does anyone have any idea what to do? Pressing
control-option-shift-space on download doesn't seem to work.
What just control, option space?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 2, 2014, at 9:32 PM, Jane wrote:
> I purchased a track today, and I am trying to download the MP3 to my Mac. It
> simply is not working, I have launched the cloud player on my Mac but I can't
> see anything on the screen. Does an
In iTues, search for these exact wordds.
Find iPhone
You'll then install the Find My iPhone app onto your i-device.
On your Mac computer using iCloud, you can find your devices, though for some
reason, the web interface is crap.
Find iPhone
Is the correct version that's found in the iPhone appsto
I've not seen the ability to do air play in VLC myself.
Sent from my iPhone
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In order to access the Tivo you have to do https://ip_of_tivo
If you do this you can login and pull down your shows.
How long does it take to convert the shows to the Iphone format?
If I use my 3 year old pc it takes like 10 minutes to convert each show I
> On Jan 2, 20
Hi everyone:
This article is good for the new Mac user. You can learn concepts regarding the
Mac OS.
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Used to be that you could add the Ogg codec to QuickTime so iTunes could
play back those files automatically. Unfortunatly the QT component for
Ogg hasn't been updated since 2009 and fails under 64-bit. If you're not
running 64-bit it might still work for you:
You can also use Paprika to email recipes to people.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 7:38 PM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
> Hi Esther,
> Thank you, thank you… With your detailed instructions, I just clipped my
> first recipe. It's a snap when one knows all the ins & outs of a software.
> Your explicit instruc
I didn't have time to download, but I was able to see my playing list on the
Windows side of things using firefox and IP address. Haven't tried it on my Mac
On Jan 2, 2014, at 8:12 PM, Gary wrote:
> Entering the IP address for your Tivo use to work, but it doesn’t anymore.
> You only get
I don't have a Tivo but Google pointed me here:
On 1/2/14 7:29 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
Is there a Mac equivalent to Direct Show Dump Utility? This is a simple
conversion app for Windows that lets me convert the .tivo format to .mpeg
Are you aware that the app can import files? It depends on the format of the
file. If you look at the documentation you will find the info. I am in the
process of importing over 10,000 recipes that have collected over the years.
On 03/01/2014, at 11:26 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli
If I understand what you are trying to do. You just have to make sure the album
name is different. The file will be in both locations. For example.
Song name: hello world
Artist: The best band
album: classical
Song name: hello world
Artist: The best band
album: Jazz
The above shoul
And if you import those 10 thousand recipes can you share that database with
others? I use MacGourmet and that is a feature that I like, it is easy to
share recipes. I have not tried paprika although maybe I should give it a
shot. I just like the iTunes-like interface that MacGourmet has.
Hi all!
I guess there is no demo version of Paprika? Does anybody know if you can have
multiple databases, say for example if you had books, one on cookies and one on
bread could you store them separately? I always liked that feature in
Mastercook for Windows but have not found any Mac softwar
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