Re: GPS app suggestion

2013-07-28 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Shen, Navigon Europe will work fine in Italy. It has the advantage of having the maps installed on the phone so you won't incur data charges. Cheers, Anne On 28 Jul 2013, at 03:25, Shen wrote: > Hi everyone, > My wife and I are going to Italy in September for our vacation. > What GP

Re: Daisy readers for IOS?

2013-07-28 Thread Devin Prater
I think voice dream reader can do them too. It can do bookshare anyways. sent from my Mac Mini with iCloud. Devin prater email and iMessage: or Skype: devinprater msn: On Jul 24, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman wrote: > Hi. t

Hiding Preview pain

2013-07-28 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi Esther, How can I make sure my preview pain is hidden in mail? I'm running SL. Thanks, Stacey Robinson On Jul 27, 2013, at 9:12 PM, wayne coles wrote: > Hello esther thanks for that i will give that a try so again thanks > > -Original Message- > From: macvisionaries@googlegroup

Re: GPS app suggestion

2013-07-28 Thread Jamie Pauls
Apple maps with Siri works great. I am also quite impressed with NAVIGON. Sent from my iPhone On Jul 27, 2013, at 8:25 PM, Shen wrote: > Hi everyone, > My wife and I are going to Italy in September for our vacation. > What GPS apps would you recommend that will work well when we are there? We

Re: I Accidentally Turned Notification Center Do Not Disturb On; How Do i Put it back to Normal in oS X?

2013-07-28 Thread Teresa Cochran
Yes, I have Mountain Lion. I resolved my problem. I don't recall if the do Not Disturb feature is available in Lion. Teresa On Jul 27, 2013, at 11:34 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > Are you using Mountain Lion? I've never DND on my Mac. I have Lion. > > -- > You received this message because you ar

Re: metal chipping on the IPhone, is this normal?

2013-07-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
I can’t imagine metal chipping off a persons phone is necessarily normal. Especially since you have it in a case which limits some of the natural wear and tare put on the device. Only thing I can think is, there was some dirt or dust in the case that over time wore away at the metal band aroun

Re: moving VM to another computer

2013-07-28 Thread Phil Halton
Well, I took my own oft-given advice and researched the question on VMWare's Knowledge base. It looks fairly straight-forward. First put a copy of the VM bundle (.vmwarevm file) on an external drive, or on the desktop of the MBA, then in Fusion, select file/new/continue without disk/ use existing V

Re: GPS app suggestion

2013-07-28 Thread Jessica Moss
Can I get a few tips on using Apple Maps with Siri, or just how to use it in general? I tried using it a couple times recently when I was looking for a particular landmark, and found the mapquest app to be anything but helpful, but when I put in the info that I could've spelled wrong, I got no

Re: metal chipping on the IPhone, is this normal?

2013-07-28 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, interesting, how will that end up affecting my phone in the longrun? Wound I be better off at this point getting it replaced, and if so, would it be best for me to upgrade? A part of me would like to, but I can't afford to right now, so not sure what the difference would be costwise. On J

Re: free os x upgrade, was Re: Maverick date release question

2013-07-28 Thread Eugenia Firth
Maybe I missed something here, probably did. When I got my MacBook Pro, I got it three days before Apple came out with lion. I was told at the time that you got it for free if your Mac was less than 30 days oh, so I upgraded from Snow Leopard to lion for free. I guess my question is are we not m

Re: GPS app suggestion

2013-07-28 Thread Eugenia Firth
I just tested Siri out with some directions to make sure I was saying this right. Here is the way I did it, and I will give you an example. Generally, it uses your current location to start with if you are sitting somewhere or in the car. So, when I was sitting here in my house I said "Siri I ne

Re: GPS app suggestion

2013-07-28 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello Gigi. I purchased the Seeing Eye GPS app, loaded the travis county map and set up an automatic route from my home to a POI. I turned tracking on and walked the route. The Seeing Eye GPS app was completely silent. How do I get it to start giving pedestrian guidance? Thanks so much. On Ju

Off Topic: Question to australiens

2013-07-28 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Folkes, I'm planning to visit Australia next year for two or three months. I'm going to stay near Melbourne. I'm very excited about this and want to enjoy my stay as much as I can. One of the important conditions will be the wether. So I'm thinking of what season would be the nicest to be th

Re: moving VM to another computer

2013-07-28 Thread kliphton
I have never done it that way. What I do is copy my VMWare folder to a USB, then copy it to my new machine, and then hit command O to find and load it. The last time I did it, I just keep it on my external USB drive, and run my vertial machine from there. Works flawlessly! JMO Kliphton Senio