cutting video on MACOSX

2013-06-26 Thread Massimo Vettoretti
hello guys. I'm wandering if anyone of you knows an accessible application under MacOSX that allows easy selecting, copyng and cutting of a video MP4 file. I was trying MPEG Streamclip, but it freezes to much. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance. -- You received this message because you are s

Re: Alex speaking oddly

2013-06-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Christina, Can you give an example of a mispronounced word? Are only parts of words being pronounced? Is Alex only mispronouncing what you type? This has happened to me when I have capslock enabled. If you can give any examples, folks might have more of a handle on what's going on. :) HtH,

Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread Chris H
Good afternoon all. Well this app will run BrailleTouch for their money. It is another one of these Braille keyboard apps, with some unique features, such as Contracted Braille support, which may attract some of you. Another unique feature is tutorial mode, so you can get used to how the keyboa

Re: Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Thankks. Will try it as I do not like Braille touch. On 26 Jun 2013, at 01:34 PM, Chris H wrote: > Good afternoon all. > Well this app will run BrailleTouch for their money. > It is another one of these Braille keyboard apps, with some unique features, > such as Contracted Braille support, which

Re: cutting video on MACOSX

2013-06-26 Thread Phil Halton
iMovie works fine for this. I wrote out alot of information on how to select and edit video in iMovie a while back. The info is available on Mike Malarsie's website search for either iMovie, or myname "phil halton". The name would probably find it easier. - Original Message

Re: Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI. I seem to have got the hang of this pretty quick but I can't afford to upgrade yet so I'll just keep practising. does anyone know if it's available for ipads? thanks regards Maria and crew from australia email: check out where we play lo

Re: Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread Chris H
In what way do you not like BrailleTouch? Is it the lack of contracted Braille? If so, then I am beginning to agree with you and others. Chris On 26/06/2013 13:53, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: Thankks. Will try it as I do not like Braille touch. On 26 Jun 2013, at 01:34 PM, Chris H wrote: Good a

Re: problem in terminal windows

2013-06-26 Thread Chris Blouch
I think this just means that there were not packages that need updated. Start by doing a sudo port outdated if it comes back with No installed ports are outdated Then there is no reason to run sudo port upgrade outdated. It will just try to match on ports that are outdated and find none, cau

Re: Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
Hi. I haven't used mbrial enough to be sure but I think it's slightly more responsive. Yes, I do also like the contracted braille. Will probably keep braille touch at least for a bit but I am thinking i may like mbraille. I need to get all the gestures down pat though. I also like the fact

Re: Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread shane christenson
Not sure if this is the case with the new m braille, but when I tried to use braille touch, and when I'd try to do the letter N, the app would come up with either a Z or a the sign, so it seemed a little backwards, so I gave up on it. If there's a way to fix this, I'd sure like to know it. Thank

Re: Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread Chris H
Both apps allow you to switch dots 1-3, 4-6. So take your pick. Chris On 26/06/2013 16:25, shane christenson wrote: Not sure if this is the case with the new m braille, but when I tried to use braille touch, and when I'd try to do the letter N, the app would come up with either a Z or a the

Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-26 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI. if you have mountain lion and go in to folder actions you can get a notification when something has gone in to your downloads folder. It doesn't tell you when it is done but at least you can see when it's started. It was ages ago when I did this. Does anyone remember the instructions?

reading .docx documents on the mac?

2013-06-26 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi everyone, I got some .docx documents that i need to read. Id rather not open windows to do it but apparently pages cant do this as standard. Is there a plugin or something that i can use to get this working? Greetings, Anouk, -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo

Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-26 Thread Chris Gilland
I'm noticing that when I run the script for the sound, it says no value both for the input and for the output. I didn't modify the template at all either. I wonder why that's happening? Chris. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" grou

Re: reading .docx documents on the mac?

2013-06-26 Thread Maurice Mines
You can use text edit to do this it will read very well and you can even write documents that can be saved in Microsoft Word format. I hope this helps you out? Sincerely maurice mines. Secretary national Federation of the blind of Washington Clark County Chapter. Email KD zero I KO at

Re: reading .docx documents on the mac?

2013-06-26 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Anouk, Both Pages and TextEdit can read DOCX documents, what they can't do is save documents in that format. However, for straightforward reading, TextEdit is the best. Cheers, Anne On 26 Jun 2013, at 18:11, Anouk Radix wrote: > Hi everyone, > I got some .docx documents that i need t

Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-26 Thread Alex Hall
That is odd. I ask for that information right from the system, no screen scraping shell commands to grab it, so it is a Mac thing. It might be your sound device. Are you using the built-in sound card, or a bluetooth or USB speaker or card? As for downloads, folder actions are how I plan to do t

If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Karen Lewellen
Hi folks, I do not want one truth be told. My goal is a phone with buttons, and while some remain available from my provider, I may not end up with much choice lol. I understand from many using the iphone for dialing that it is slow and a pain. my questions are two, and very strict ones. do

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hello. The first question is true, using Siri, you can dial numbers, and send text messages is possible using your voice. I don't believe there is a keyboard scrictly for dialling, however. Hope this helped. On 2013-06-26, at 12:55 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote: > Hi folks, > I do not want one truth

Re: reading .docx documents on the mac?

2013-06-26 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi Anne, weird, i tried opening a docx fdocumebnt in pages but it said error and could not open it, i will try it again in textedit. Greetings, Anouk, On Jun 26, 2013, at 6:46 PM, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hello Anouk, > > Both Pages and TextEdit can read DOCX documents, what they can't do is sav

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Eugenia Firth
I know exactly what you mean since back in 2010 I was determined I was not going to get a phone without buttons. However, now that I have my iPhone, there is no way I'm going back. It just takes some getting used to. You can use the onscreen keyboard for dialing. Good luck with your choice. Reg

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here: Talks or mobile speak recommend button phones which they support. Regards Cheree Heppe Sent from my IPhone 4S On 26/06/2013, at 9:55, Karen Lewellen wrote: Hi folks, I do not want one truth be told. My goal is a phone with buttons, and while some remain available from my

RE: If I really must get an iPhone...

2013-06-26 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. I agree with Gigi here. It's a little more inconvenient to dial with an IPhone but it's not that big of a deal for me.. On the other hand, I can do so many things with my IPhone that the tradeoff is well worth it. I have used talks with Nokia phones and it can never compare with the

Missing Tweets in YoruFukurou

2013-06-26 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all, First off so proud of myself to actually use the copy to clip board last phrase spoken by Voiceover to correctly spell YoruFukurou instead of using Night Owl. Ok, enough patting only my back. I always keep YoruFukurou open, but have noticed big gaps in my timeline, maybe from when my

Re: Alex speaking oddly

2013-06-26 Thread Christina C.
Hmmm, one example is that in the subject line of this email, Alex says oddly with a distinctive H sound at the beginning like its spelled HODDLY. If I spell out the last name Solden but I refer to the whole family as the Soldens then Alex speaks "S" it sounds like he actually says es with the s

RE: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Jamie Pauls
You cannot, however, add a contact using Siri. As much as I agree with all comments about how great the iPhone is, I feel that we need to try to answer the specific questions as much as possible. I am pretty sure you can use a Bluetooth keyboard to dial phone numbers, although I haven't done so. Al

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Alex Hall
I thought the same thing as you: I can't use a touch screen phone - I can't feel the numbers, so if I can't hear, I can't do anything with it. However, two things have helped me: 1. You can save everything to contacts on your phone, then just tell Siri to call a contact name. You can also add c

Re: Alex speaking oddly

2013-06-26 Thread Alex Hall
That's why I gave up on Alex. He sounds okay in promos or quick snippets, but I quickly found him to be annoying for real work. My personal favorites for speech are either Lee or Serena. Give those and the other Nuance voices a try (assuming you have 10.8) and see what happens. On Jun 26, 2013,

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Karen Lewellen
Hi, I appreciate your take. This is just the sort of discussion I wished to avoid as you are not me, your communicating patterns are not mine, and I respect your choicewhich has absolute zero to do with my own. I asked the question based on what I desire...and sought nothing else. I resp

Re: Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread Christina C.
I am new to learning braille right now and I have been using Brailletouch pretty well but I have not upgraded. I am still keeping my fingers crossed that apple will find a way to incorporate specialized keyboards like the brailletouch or the fleksy keyboard because I don't use these great tools

RE: reading .docx documents on the mac?

2013-06-26 Thread harryhogue1
I would like to add a small correction here. At least with the version of Pages I have, I am able to save Word documents in 97/2003 format (.doc). In TextEdit, I can save documents in .docx format. What neither Pages nor TextEdit can handle is complex formatting with Word documents. Harry ---

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Patrick Neazer
Hello Karen and all: In response to your question … can I do everything by voice? That question cannot be answered given that everything is really a broad category. You are able to dial numbers and send messages by voice. you can set reminders by voice. however, even with a button phone you can

Re: Alex speaking oddly

2013-06-26 Thread Christina C.
I am running the latest OS on my mac where do I find these Nuance voices? Do I purchase these somewhere? I don't see these voices anywhere. I only see, Alex, Victoria, Bruce, Kathy, Fred, and Vicky. Sent from Christina's iMac :) On Jun 26, 2013, at 12:02 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > That's why I ga

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Alex Hall
I'm sorry if I came off as disrespectful. My point is that, based on your original email, your outlook on the iPhone seemed to closely match what mine used to be. I therefore offered the tools and options that have helped to alter my outlook to demonstrate that what you see as possible limitatio

Re: Alex speaking oddly

2013-06-26 Thread Alex Hall
Go to the vo utility, then speech. Choose the voices tab, open the "default voice" popup menu, and select the "customize" option. You will be placed in a table with a huge variety of voices, each of which has a checkbox next to it. Check the voices you want, hit the download button, and the voic

Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-26 Thread Chris Gilland
I'm using a mac mini, and have my sound output going through my hd television via the h d m i port, then I have my sound input set to my logitech USB headset. Chris. - Original Message - From: Alex Hall To: Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 12:53 P

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Chris Gilland
I agree with GG 100%! I will never! and I mean never! ever! go back to Windows Mobile or Symbian etc. Not unless comes hell're high water. And even then, I'd definitely do so kicking and screaming the whole way. I love my IPhone! It's my baby! LOL! Chris. - Original Message - Fr

Re: If I really must get an iPhone...

2013-06-26 Thread Chris Gilland
See, me on the other hand, I found the switch to be very very natural. Typing took some getting used to, but as far as going into the phone app, double tapping the keypad tab, then dialing a number and hitting call? that was a piece of cake! don't get me wrong though, as much as I'd love to tu

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Karen Lewellen
I did, I asked, if I have no other choice, i. e. cannot get one of the two blackberry phones with buttons and spoken input that my provider also offers, can I find an application that strictly only and simply lets me dial the phone, or if for some rare reason send a text message via voice. I

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Chris Gilland
I agree, but just complaining about I can't use it and won't use it doesn't solve anything! Kerin, please be more specific, with all due respect. Chris. - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" To: Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 2:18 PM Subject: Re: If I really must get an iphone...

Re: Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Yes, lack of contracted braille. This was free and the Braille Touch cost some money. How can one be free and the other cost money, because it was made by a blindness organisation, I wonder. Also Braille Touch made my fingers ache. I have yet to try this one but I like this one due to the co

Re: Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread Matt Dierckens
hi, Like flex before it was free, there's an in app purchase of $30 for you to post to twitter, Facebook and I think a few other things. On 2013-06-26, at 3:21 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: > Yes, lack of contracted braille. This was free and the Braille Touch cost > some money. How can one be f

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Just to say that I'm going to try an Android tablet because I like learning new things although I'd not give up my I mac or I phone. I just want Apple to bring forward new ideas and I've hear that Android has improved a great deal. I hope that Apple will do something new with the I phone altho

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
There is another alternative, However I don't know how easy it would be for you to get. The RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind people) here in the UK sell talking phones with buttons. I have only seen it since I work for the organisation but this simple phone will let you write texts and

finding deleted folder in text edit

2013-06-26 Thread jean parker
All: I have made a terible mistake. I accidentally deleted a folder in the finder and urgently need to get it back. Surely there must be a way to retrieve it? All help welcome! Jean -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubs

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Karen, If you're still on fido, they have the lg google nexus 4. It's rather iphoneish but it's half the price and does all the same things. You can buy a mini bluetooth keyboard for it. I'm looking at them on ebay right now because I want one. Between that and a handsfree you could do m

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, Have you tried a braille display? It sounds like braille would make your IPhone experience even better if you can get access to it. By the by, Don't look now, but android accessibility is on the sergence. It is definitely in place to give IPhone a run for it's money at this point, thoug

disregard but followup question

2013-06-26 Thread jean parker
Re: deleted folder Hello: I can't believe it, I actually figured how to get my folder back. Maybe there is hope for me yet. Now, a followup question. If a file or folder is deleted how long does it remain in the trash? If I do this again as I surely will, how much time do I have to correct

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread erik burggraaf
Good call, I forgot about that one. Vision aids in Toronto sells something like it though I'm not sure how feature rich it is. You could call them and ask. Erik Burggraaf Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the ontario disability support program at http://www

Re: disregard but followup question

2013-06-26 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
It will stay in the Trash as long as you want it there, until you empty the trash just like a windows Recycle bin, you empty it when you are ready. On 26 Jun 2013, at 21:26, jean parker wrote: > Re: deleted folder > > Hello: > I can't believe it, I actually figured how to get my folder back. M

some messages not being grouped in the mail app?

2013-06-26 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all, The accessible-ios list just moved from Google Groups to Freelists. With Google, all conversations were grouped perfectly. Now, though, most are not, and the most I've seen so far in a conversation is two. For instance, the moderator sent a message asking everyone to reply to it to ensur

Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-26 Thread Alex Hall
I'll bet whatever mechanism Apple uses to determine volume can't read from those devices. That's odd, but there is really nothing I can do since, as stated, I rely directly on OS10 to get me that information, not a shell script or anything else. I will keep an eye out for a solution, but I can't

Re: finding deleted folder in text edit

2013-06-26 Thread Alex Hall
Just open the trash folder. Hit cmd-shift-g in Finder, type ~/trash, and hit enter. Once you find the folder, simply copy and paste it back to where you want it to go. On Jun 26, 2013, at 4:13 PM, jean parker wrote: > All: > > I have made a terible mistake. I accidentally deleted a folder in

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Alex Hall
I did not mean to suggest that "all blind people are the same". As I said, I simply misread your original message, reading into it something that was not there, and I apologize for that. I definitely know where you are coming from when you say grouping people hampers individuality and that every

Re: Mbraille new Braille keyboard iPhone app

2013-06-26 Thread Chris H
A correction, the free version allows you to post to Twitter. Chris On 26/06/2013 20:27, Matt Dierckens wrote: hi, Like flex before it was free, there's an in app purchase of $30 for you to post to twitter, Facebook and I think a few other things. On 2013-06-26, at 3:21 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu w

Re: If I really must get an iPhone...

2013-06-26 Thread Kerri
Hello. I have never used Talk with nokia phones but I must agree, acquiring and learning the iPhone is well worth it; sure I do sometimes miss the accessible buttons but I have much more flexibility. On 2013-06-26, at 10:36 AM, Paul Hunt wrote: > Hello everyone. I agree with Gigi here. It's a l

i phone discussion

2013-06-26 Thread jean parker
Karen and all: For the possible benefit of anyone thinking about switching to the i phone, I am happy to explain my experience. I purchased my i phone in mid April but did not change my mobile provider until early May. I did this so that I could become used to how the i phone functioned and

Re: i phone discussion

2013-06-26 Thread Kerri
Hello, I will be happy to lend my experience as well. I purchased the iPhone in Septpember of 2011 but as I reside in Canada, I was unable to keep my current phone is it was sink or swim. I had no screen protector with raised dots, absolutely nothing but a book by Anna Dresner and Dean Martinea

Re: i phone discussion

2013-06-26 Thread shane christenson
Hi everyone. From the point of view of someone who's a gadget freak, admittedly, the whole touch screen idea was a little weird to me, but I have a good friend who had 1 of the first ipod touches with voice-over, and he let me play with it for about 10 minutes, and he showed me how to use thje m

Re: i phone discussion

2013-06-26 Thread Kerri
You are fortunate, Shane, I had never even *seen an accessible phone, nor iPod at all, I had no acquaintance with users. On 2013-06-26, at 4:05 PM, shane christenson wrote: > Hi everyone. From the point of view of someone who's a gadget freak, > admittedly, the whole touch screen idea was a lit

Authorizing more the. One iTunes account

2013-06-26 Thread Krysti
Hey is it possible to authorize more the one iTunes account at a time my aunt doesn't like the music I do and we use the same computer but different iTunes accounts Sent from my iPhone -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To uns

Google maps question.

2013-06-26 Thread Jessica Moss
I just downloaded google maps this morning to see how it compares to Maps/map quest, and can barely get it to do anything. For some reason, it shows me as being in Lakeland instead of St. Augustine, and only shows a few cities in Fl., St. Augustine and Jacksonville not being the ones I'm lookin

Re: finding deleted folder in text edit

2013-06-26 Thread Eugenia Firth
When you get to the trash by either going to the doc or doing what was suggested before, you can also press command delete and the file goes back to where came from. Unless something terrible happens to your computer, you should not lose a file off your Mac unless you erase the trash. Regards, G

Re: If I really must get an iPhone...

2013-06-26 Thread Marianne Denning
Karen, you can dial the phone by voice and I have not had much trouble getting it to understand me even when I am giving numbers instead of one of my contacts. There are key boards available for typing and you can use the numbers at the top to dial a phone number. Someone thought you had to have

Re: If I really must get an iPhone...

2013-06-26 Thread Chris Gilland
I need to correct Marianne on one thing. Yes you did have internet connectivity when you were using Siri even in the car. You may not have been on a wireless network, true, but you would have been online through the celular towers through either 3G, 4G, or LTE. Remember, if you're not on a wi

Re: Authorizing more the. One iTunes account

2013-06-26 Thread Daniel C
Hi, The short answer is, no. Normally only 1 library can be authorized at a time on only 1 computer at a time. if anyone knows differently, feel free to correct me. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this gro

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread Eugenia Firth
No, you can't use Siri to put in contacts, but you can use dictation. I do it all the time. Admittedly, if the name is unusual, it won't work. But it certainly does help. Regards, Gigi On Jun 26, 2013, at 12:57 PM, Jamie Pauls wrote: > You cannot, however, add a contact using Siri. As much a

Re: Google maps question.

2013-06-26 Thread Brian Fischler
Why not just use the built in Apple Maps? I used it really for the first time today, told Siri the address and to get me directions from my current location, and amazingly it worked perfectly. I didn't need to do anything else, and I was very surprised to find the directions even updating in the

Re: Nisus writer pro 2.4 for sale today.

2013-06-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Hi, Just letting everyone know that I had troubles creating a MacUpdate account. The website isn't particularly VO friendly. But I emailed and he very promptly created an account for me. So if anyone else has difficulties creating an account I suggest you do the same. Cheers

Re: i phone discussion

2013-06-26 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi, Making calls on the iPhone is significantly easier when using a headset. It is then possible to use the on screen keypad to type numbers. Lisette On 27/06/2013, at 10:01 AM, jean parker wrote: > Karen and all: > > For the possible benefit of anyone thinking about switching to the i phone

Re: quickly moving through the message list with mail

2013-06-26 Thread shane christenson
Hi, Tim. Thanks for that info. What if you're on a regular mac keyboard? Thanks again. Shane On Jun 22, 2013, at 11:29 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote: > Hi, > > Assuming you're on a laptop with the built-in keyboard, try the following > after Interacting with the Messages Table: > > • VO-FN-right ar

Re: reading .docx documents on the mac?

2013-06-26 Thread Brandt
Hi there, I have successfully read .docx files using Quick look. HTH. Warm regards, Brandt Steenkamp Sent from my macbook pro Contact me: Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013 Email: My ring to Skype: California, United States +(1)760-5140161 Extension 51

Re: If I really must get an iphone...

2013-06-26 Thread ppowells09
Hello Karen, I have an Iphone 4S. I do use a hardware keyboard that attaches to the back of the phone , only slightly thickening it, yet giving me hardware tactile keys. When one gets used to the feel, it is designed for speed. It is called a keyboard buddy ase made by boxwave. The hardware key