Google for App Cleaner which does a very good job at removing apps
cleanly as well as contain some other tools.
Christopher Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook:
Find my blog at
Hi Jonathan and Rob,
Alsoft's Disk Warrior can be run from a bootable cloned backup. It's just that
running it from the DVD is not accessible because the system can't load
VoiceOver from the DVD. However, if you've installed a version on your hard
drive (either from the DVD or, more commonly,
Now does this mean the steps have to be done again with adium?
Since my Facebook chat was already set up this way but now no longer works.
May and Prince Noah
On 2013-04-25, at 6:48 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, Christopher,
> Basically, it involve
Hi all! I'm wondering how to set up facebook with Adium and/or the messag Mac
app. I looked at the internet site I found and it said i had to go to my
profile and change something in my settings, and I have no clue how to do that.
Can someone give me a step-by-step idea of what I'm supposed to d
Much of what I suggest has already been mentioned but I'll chime in anyway.
• Due to speed and RAM on-board, I suggest you get one of the Retina Display
units. It will come with more RAM, usually 8 GB and with the SSD HD which is
considerably faster for doing the production work of Pro T
You could try logging in as root which may give you more results in the
searches although I'm not certain that it actually does. It does, though, give
you easier access to normally hidden or inaccessible files.
One thing I forgot in my list of files to delete was to go into
The Digi 002 uses Firewire 400 but the newer Macs come with Firewire
800. The good news is that it is backwards compatible but you'll need a
little dongle to change the shape of the plug. I've used these to
connect older firewire drives to my newer laptop. Something like this:
I'm noticing that even though my buddies appear to be offline, they're still
getting messages and chats with the Messages app.
On Apr 26, 2013, at 1:15 AM, May and Noah wrote:
> Now does this mean the steps have to be done again with adium?
> Since my Facebook chat was already se
Yes. Once it's connected, open system preferences and choose sound.
From here, you can set the headset and or microphone as your default
output and input devices.
Original message:
Hello all:
Can the Mac work with a USB headset, and if so, how does one set this up?
You can have an of
I never saw an advantage in buying a Retina display before, but you have
completely changed my mind!
You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
Sent from my Mac Book Pro
On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:06 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> Much of
That doesn't answer my question though.
Yes, they can get messages, but they have to start the conversations. Can't see
them otherwise.
May and Prince Noah
On 2013-04-26, at 10:37 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> I'm noticing that even though my buddies app
I'm not sure what the original question was, but if it's increased volume you
want, try VLC ( That app seems to go way above the volume iTunes
or Quicklook can manage, and I usually leave the volume down some to keep
things manageable. Sorry if your question was something different
Hello everyone,
I've been trying to install Flashplayer for the last few days
without any success.
I went through the archives and found a post in which someone said
that one can install it by opening the downloaded file and selecting
"resources" by clicking on the'show package contents' opti
Hi all,
I am about to put Skype on my Mac for the first time. I know the program, but
have used it only on my iOS devices for a couple years, and on Windows before
that. Are there accessibility concerns regarding this application on the Mac?
Is there anything VO-related I need to know? Any setti
Need to be careful with the Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter. You device
shows up as a Thunderbolt device which some software doesn't know what
to do with:
The retina can go be configed with a 2.8Ghz processor while the r
I use Skype on the Mac all the time. While there are no accessibility concerns,
I would say that some of the command patterns are a little lugubrious,
involving many keystrokes to accomplish seemingly simple action. Other than
that, however, it is perfectly accessible in music, and as I said, I
Great, thanks. Hopefully the options I use will be in the menus, so I can
assign my own keyboard shortcuts to them. Well, I'll find out soon. Still, I'm
glad there are no major problems; I see Skype come up on here every so often,
but never followed the conversations because I never used it befo
Hi Tim, all.
Because I already have pro tools hardware, including a fast external USB drive on
which I do all my production work, some of this is not relevant.
I cannot speak for the music people, but the first thing I was told in
radio production is never put pro tools itself and your product
I actually think Skype is much better accessibility wise on the mac
however I do admit to using the client on the other platform but require
third party software in order for it to be fully accessible. not so on
the mac. One nice feature in the mac client is the ability to use the
system voice
I believe the last couple of times I was able to install directly from the
downloaded app without first going into the bundle.
Best wishes,
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:15 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've been trying to install Flashplayer for the last few days
> withou
Also, use tab and spacebar when navigating the install window. VO-arrows will
not work right. You can also use the trackpad or mouse keys.
On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:25 AM, "Jonathan C. Cohn" wrote:
> I believe the last couple of times I was able to install directly from the
> downloade
Sorry, I thought my original e-mail would be included in the last one.
I am looking for a program that can boost the sound volume in mp3
files. On the PC, I used mp3gain because it worked better than
soundcheck does in iTunes and amplifies the file itself instead of
just when you listen on iTunes.
A hacky way is to play with the gain on the iTunes equalizer. With EQ on
you can up arrow on the pram vertical slider to add 12dB of gain. It
won't announce the value as you up arrow but 5-6 up arrows should max it
out and if you VO-right and left it should announce 12dB preamp. In
addition you
This is wonderful all around thanks.
As expressed I will make some slight decision changes in some areas but
not in others.
Thanks much,
On Fri, 26 Apr 2013, Chris Blouch wrote:
The Digi 002 uses Firewire 400 but the newer Macs come with Firewire 800. The
good news is that it is backwa
I have never seen an option from the finder to encrpt a physical disk. I have
seen it for disk images.
There are two versions of File Vault full disk encryption and user level
encryption. Every discussion I have seen recommends using the full disk
encryption of file vault. One truly amazing par
Hi everybody. I'm putting this on list one more time in case anybody
is interested... I don't use it much and I'd like to use the cash to
upgrade my mac pro desktop and some studio gear etc. Please write me
off list to make an offer. Thanks!
The machine has Applecare until November 30, 201
How do you update it? Sometimes, a dialog pops up asking me to update it, and
nothing I try seems to initiate the process.
You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
Sent from my Mac Book Pro
On Apr 26, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Teresa Cochran w
Interesting. I wonder if there were some special characters that say
interpreted as commands rather than stuff to say. Say normally shouldn't
care what the source of the text is.
On 4/25/13 5:40 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
hi chris. Yes that is true, that say will speak your ls, so it wo
Hi. Regarding audio work, yes, of course you want to have all your
sessions on an external hard drive. Upgrading the internal drive is
still a good idea though. The likelihood of a mechanical drive failing
is far higher than that of a solid state drive failing. so, for peace
of mind, it's a good id
The say command certainly has some special processing when encounterring
information in double brackets. That is why you can change the speed when using
the save text as MP3 contextual menu.
Best wishes,
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Interesting. I wonder if t
I'm wondering if anyone has used any screen reader running under Windows and
VmWare with the apple keyboard with numeric keypad?
My question is this. Where that keypad provide you with a JAWS/NVDA key, like a
normal PC keyboard with a keypad does? Or are their differences with the apple
The shortcut key you are missing is control-F6 Move focus to floating window.
This can also be used for the Help window.
This is set in systempreferences keyboards keyboard shortcuts keyboard and
text input.
Best wishes,
On Apr 23, 2013, at 3:14 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
Hi all,
I've been making due with my mac mini's internal speaker since my old
PC speakers, a 5.1 set that hadn't worked properly in years, went
kaput. After grieving the loss for months (not really,) I think I'm
finally ready to move on and get a nice set of speakers.
Now I throw it to you for an
If you are looking for file modification instead of presets, try Audacity. Just
open your file, install the MP3 encoder as described in the documentation, and
then open your file. Go to effects, then amplification, and make your changes,
then export the file to MP3.
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:34 AM,
I regularly plug my apple USB keyboard with numeric pad into a windows system.
1. The numeric keypad works mostly as expected, though they keys used for
left/right mouse buttons are shifted one position clockwise from my PC
2. The insert key in the 6 pack is described on my mac as "Hel
I suppose I should've phrased my question about the insert key a little bit
better. I meant to ask if that keyboard when running under windows allows the
numlock to be turned off, therefore allowing the use of the numpad 0 as an
insert key for jaws and/or NVDA?
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM
How much do you want for this machine? It sounds absolutely awesome!
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:42 AM, Cameron Strife wrote:
> Hi everybody. I'm putting this on list one more time in case anybody
> is interested... I don't use it much and I'd like to use the cash to
> upgrade my mac pro d
Hi. I'd accept $2179 and that would include shipping with tracking and
full insurance to anywhere in the continental USA. Shipping to Canada,
the Uk, and Europe will cost extra. Yes, it is an amazing machine! I'm
just not doing any on location work and the money could be used
I can't give you an exact model, but have you looked at any of the stuff
from Altech Lanzing? I have a set connected to my windows computer, and
believe me, all else considered, they sound amazing. I can get them so basy
you'd blow the roof off the place, but! I also! can make them so tinny
Just so I'm clear on all of this. The DVI to VGA converter is the one that
makes it possible to hook up a PC-style monitor, right? Where do I get the
second converter?
On Apr 25, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Definitely possible and comes up on this list every now and then.
I read in macroumors forum that Sophos is regarded by some peaple to be a bad
antivirus software.
I am just an average computer user and not an expert myself, but it seems like
Webroot SecureAnywhere works fine here so far. Cloud based. Google it and see
if you can try it.
Take care
Just to double-check, these speakers you're talking about should run
on the mac mini with no problems? I like that they have that kind of
range, being able to adjust the sound like that is a major plus for
On 4/26/13, Chris Gilland wrote:
> I can't give you an exact model, but have yo
Well, here's the thing, some of them might have an equalizer, but mine for
example doesn't. Mine basically has 3 buttons on a little box which is
connected to the two satelite speakers. The set I have actually was meant
for a gaming system type computer, but yes, one of the settings makes it
Try the Beatbox portable wireless speaker system from
$70 is the price, they work either via bluetooth or via a simple line in
cable that connects to a standard 3.5 mm audio out socket, doesn't sound
too basy from what I have heard, and as the name suggests portable, in
fact v
Vo+J is your friend when accessing chat history and when going from table to
Also, keep in mind that when you're sitting in a chat window on skype, it won't
make the sound to let you know a new message has come in. So you'll probably
want to command+tab away from the application while wai
Just an FYI, if you really are doing a 5.1 surround sound setup you can
run the optical output from your mini to a standard 5.1 decoder receiver
so when you play a DVD you get all the surround-sound goodness. Other
than that, what speakers sound good is a pretty subjective thing.
Personally I l
Right. Then you hook that to the VGAtoNTSC converter I linked to from further down in the messages.
On 4/26/13 1:17 PM, Kristeen Hughes wrote:
Just so I'm clear on all of this. The DVI to VGA converter is the one that
makes it possible to hook up a PC-style monitor, right?
True, but each time you re-encode an mp3 the sound quality gets a little
worse. The iTunes method is non-destructive but that also means it only
works inside the player. Have to pick the lesser of two evils.
On 4/26/13 12:22 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
If you are looking for file modification ins
That's why I liked mp3 gain on the PC, it just boosted the file's
volume without requiring a re-encode. I am lucky though, I can get wav
files of these particular tracks, amplify them and then encode to
mp3... so it works as a stopgap solution for now. I really wish I had
something like what I had
So is this the ReplayGain stuff?
If so then using SoundCheck in iTunes should give you something similar.
There is no data field in the MP3 standard which specifies how loud the
file is but there are some 'conventions' which do so. Apple has their
Yes, I have always ben able to update Adobe FlashPlayer normally. You open the
disk image, open the app, then, as Teresa said, you navigate with tab and press
space bar to activate the relevant buttons. If you navigate with VoiceOver you
just here "image", and are not able to see the buttons. Bu
Thanks. Actually, my question was how to disable or get rid of all anti virus
software on my Mac, not to get new ones. :) But I'll keep your recommendation
in mind if I decide to get anti virus software again in the future.
On 27/04/2013, at 3:20 AM, Terje Strømberg wrote:
I read in macrou
Hi, I installed the frontstage app yesterday to get the garageband
jampacks but I am not able to interact with the app at all. Do i need
sighted help for this or should i just let it run longer till i can
access its menu and download the packs?
Greetings, Anouk,
You received this mes
Hi, all:
This might be a very basic question, but I've never done this before. I want to
install Mountain Lion on another partition of my internal hard drive. I'll try
my best to detail my situation.
What I want to do is install Mountain Lion, but have lion around in case I ever
decide to get Pr
What I did, is left the application open for the evening while I slept. This is
then downloaded all of the GarageBand jam packed files, it looks like it takes
about 3-4 hours. That's what my cited fiancé had said. When I installed it. You
won't be able to use this application with voiceover, but
Hi, there is GarageBand for mac and its accessible with VO
Sent from my iPhone
On 25/04/2013, at 12:42 PM, "Christian" wrote:
> Hi all,
> Haven't been on this list for some time, so I don't know how things have
> progressed, but, is there now any musical software that is accessible with
> Voi
is there a good pece of softwhere to quickly change the pitch and speed
of mp3 files on the fly?
thanks for any help.
On 27/04/2013 10:29 AM, Kjsc Radio wrote:
Hi, there is GarageBand for mac and its accessible with VO
Sent from my iPhone
On 25/04/2013, at 12:42 PM, "Christian"
Hey everyone, I know a recent version of drop box had some accessibility
issues. Does anyone know if the newest version can be used? Wanted to check
before I updated it.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Not sure. Isn't the latest version 2.0 or something? I hope they fixed it if
indeed a new version has come out. I remember we kept contacting them and they
kept saying they knew about and would fix the accessibility issues we had at
the time but they never did. It took Apple to fix things.
Huh? the mini as an optical audio out? OK? Where is it located. I've
never seen it. I know it's got h d m i, but...
- Original Message -
From: "Chris Blouch"
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: Good speakers for mac mini
Just an FYI, if you really are
I'm using the latest which is 2.0.8 and it seems fine, totally accessible
On 2013-04-26, at 5:57 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Not sure. Isn't the latest version 2.0 or something? I hope they fixed it
> if indeed a new version has come out. I remember we kept contacting them and
> they
Ah, good. Well, I'll go get it then.
Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:38 PM, Kerri wrote:
> I'm using the latest which
To start the downloads it's a menu option and the menus are accessible. The
download progress window can also be read and gives status of each pack. Also
if you have to stop dl just open the app and you'll get a notification to
continue the download.
I assume once you have the packs you can re
I purchased an Amazon video that I can Stream. I can start the video, but
cannot figure how to make it full screen, nor find the controls to play stop
fast forward,etc.
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Wow. I can't even work out how to start the video.
They really need to do something about their layout in that respect.
Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
The audio jacks are located on the very back bottom panel of the mac mini. I
believe from what I've read, the jacks are capable of accepting optical cables,
provided they have the correct tips to correspond with the jacks. The left most
jack, if you're looking at the mac mini, reaching around to
oh, you mean 3.5MM optical. ok. I thought you were saying it had the big
square shaped optical port. ok, I'm on the same page now. I was about to
say. LOL!
- Original Message -
From: "shane christenson"
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: Good speaker
This is correct. That's how the jack works.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Hi mike i've noticed that the menue extras don't work like they use to and to
quit dropbox, is a little more difficult, because you may have to use the
trackpad, like you use to, rather than vo m twice which made it easier. I found
this out last week with the 205 version. I can get in to dropbox
I find on further practice that I am able to use the VO m twice and it will
read the status but I cannot copy public links anymore.
On 2013-04-26, at 7:52 PM, Gerry Cook wrote:
> Hi mike i've noticed that the menue extras don't work like they use to and to
> quit dropbox, is a little more diffi
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