Hi there.
Thanks for the dvd ripping help. I have another question.
I actually like mac dvd ripper pro, but how do I get it to save in avi format?
Is that possible? Do I need something else on my mac for that extension?
May and Prince Noah
On 2013-01-04
I didn't know it was a bug.
I will let you know if it works tonight.
Kind regards,
On 7 Jan 2013, at 05:10 AM, Rachel Feinberg wrote:
> Hi Kawal,
> You, I think, are referring to the New year's day do not disturb bug that
> manifested itself then. Schedules for it don't wor
Regarding this subject I have a couple of questions. Within safari two
methods are available for selecting larger blocks of text. The one I am most
interested in is the selection between headings. I understand placing the
cursor at the beginning of a heading which contains text and doing a pinch
Hi Kawal,
I'm having the exact same problem. I have not done a restore, so I doubt
that's the cause. Like you I've tried turning it on and off, resetting the
schedule, etc., and nothing has worked. If anyone has any thoughts on what
might be going on, I'd also be interested.
On J
Hi Rachael,
Thanks. I had not heard of this, and the New Year's time frame seems about
right to me, I was thinking it had been going on for about a week.
On Jan 6, 2013, at 11:10 PM, Rachel Feinberg wrote:
> Hi Kawal,
> You, I think, are referring to the New year's day do not
I left the mac keyboard alone altogether. I just used sharp keys, and mapped
the grave key as the caps lock key in windows. This gives me the caps lock
key, and the insert key all in one. Been doing it for over 2 years, and have
never had to change it. I also mapped the backslash key as my r
Even if you just put the disturb feature on it does not work.
Kawal. On 7 Jan 2013, at 11:58 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Kawal,
> I'm having the exact same problem. I have not done a restore, so I doubt
> that's the cause. Like you I've tried turning it on and off, resetting the
> sche
I would recommend following tech news. At least look at AppleInsider. This
bug is well publicised all over the net.
In case you are wondering what this thing is about, it's not totally Apple's
fault. It's actually a problem with the ISO date. See here:
Are you using Fusion 5 or 4 at this point?
-Original Message-
From: Bart Bunting [mailto:b...@bunting.net.au]
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 10:03 PM
To: j...@jeffbishop.com; macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: VMWare Fusion 5 with mapping Capslock to Insert
Using mac sys
Are you using Fusion 5?
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Kliphton A M
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 5:29 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion 5 with mapping Capslock to Insert
I left the mac
Hi there
Another quick way to get PDF files into your iPhone is to email it to yourself.
Then when your iPhone picks it up it will ask you if you want to open it in
iBooks. Of course you choose yes. It works quite fine.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 6, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Anne Robertson
Hi there
There are several commands which are already built into voiceover for using
your braille display. Commands like plus the letter E for example, are the
return key or enter.Plus the D means delete. Then you can map keys on your
braille display to voice over commands.
Sent fr
Mine is back to normal today.
On 1/7/13 9:10 AM, Blake Sinnett wrote:
I would recommend following tech news. At least look at AppleInsider.
This bug is well publicised all over the net.
In case you are wondering what this thing is about, it's not totally
Apple's fault. It's actually a pro
I must read something to a group shortly from my computer, but I can only seem
to slow the rate of Voice Over when it is reading something like headings, not
text, say, in a file. The speech rate when it is reading text off the screen is
too quick for me to read to others. What can I do? Thanks
The fastest way I know to accomplish this is with vo command left or right
arrow until you hear rate, then vo command down arrow to reduce the speech rate.
Sent from my Mac Book Pro
On Jan 7, 2013, at 11:36 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> I must read something to a group sho
You're a lifesaver! Thanks bunches! :)
On Jan 7, 2013, at 12:40 PM, Richard Ring wrote:
> The fastest way I know to accomplish this is with vo command left or right
> arrow until you hear rate, then vo command down arrow to reduce the speech
> rate.
> Sent from my Mac Book Pro
> richr...@gmai
Hold down VoiceOver keys plus the command keys, all three in a row, and use
left and right arrows to navigate to the VO parameter you wish to adjust, then
use up and down arrows, while still holding down all three keys, VO and
Command, to set it as you want. Then let up on the three keys, VO an
Wo! You can set a dnd schedule? How do you do that? I thought it was just
either an on or off thing.
Thank you kindly,
Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message -
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu"
To: ; "macvisionaries"
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 12:04 AM
Yes, you can. Go to settings, notifications, do not disturb. It is the first
button you come to when flicking from the top left corner of the screen. Hope
this helps.
Empowering the blind, one person at a time.
On Jan 7, 2013, at 11:05 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gillan
To add to it there is a schedule button.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 7, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Michael Babcock
> Yes, you can. Go to settings, notifications, do not disturb. It is the first
> button you come to when flicking from the top left corner of the screen. Hope
> this helps.
I have a friend who I am emailing on his behalf.
We are trying to figure out if there is a way in mail to move the particular
email message from one mailbox to another. Right now all the email is in his
unified inbox on his Mac. We want to move it completely out of his inbox into
the ma
Hi all,
There are a few things I'd like to control more when or when not vo says them.
Announcing misspelled words as I read text. Lol, it drives me crazy when I'm
reading emails and vo announces misspelled words. Is there a way to toggle
this, or stop it all together?
Block quotes, what are
To customize the spelling option go to the voiceover utility.
Then go to verbosity and text. There should be a way to turn off spelling
mistakes to nothing or even beep.
On Jan 7, 2013, at 10:59 AM, Traci wrote:
> Hi all,
> There are a few things I'd like to control more when or when not vo
silly question.
Could he just press vo+shift+m to bring up the context menue and then hit move
to and choose his mailbox of choosing?
On Jan 7, 2013, at 10:56 AM, Chris Gilland wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a friend who I am emailing on his behalf.
> We are trying to figure out if there is a w
Sorry if i miss understood the question.
On Jan 7, 2013, at 10:56 AM, Chris Gilland wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a friend who I am emailing on his behalf.
> We are trying to figure out if there is a way in mail to move the particular
> email message from one mailbox to another. Right now all
Very cool! I was completely unaware that you could do this. I will have to look
more into this as soon as I finish my lunch. Thanks for the tip.
This message was very likely created using Siri dictation. I therefore kindly
ask that you please excuse any, and all typos Which may have oc
Hello Mike.
Yes, that does help tremendously. I will give that a try a bit later. Have an
excellent day.
This message was very likely created using Siri dictation. I therefore kindly
ask that you please excuse any, and all typos Which may have occurred.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 7
You can also do vo m, then go over to mailboxes on the menu bar and then arrow
down to move, then pick the mailbox you want to put the messages into. Oh,
first, before you do what I said above, select all the messages you want to
move by doing command a on them. Just another way in addition to
Ah thanks.
I didn't think of that one either.
On Jan 7, 2013, at 11:14 AM, cait furness wrote:
> You can also do vo m, then go over to mailboxes on the menu bar and then
> arrow down to move, then pick the mailbox you want to put the messages into.
> Oh, first, before you do what I said above
Hey, np! About time I can be somewhat useful on here, lol! You can also use
command option t to do the move command again, but it will put stuff in the
previously selected folder, so be careful! It's helpful, though, if you
typically put things in the same place over and over again, like I do
I don't know if you can upgrade your machine to Mountain Lion or not
but with Mountain Lion, I just use the built-in system notification
stuff and don't even have Growl installed. I have never used that
As for Chrome vox, it may be the cdulprate here; it sounds like VO and
the native Apple s
I think mdworker is some kind of spotlight indexing process and there
are lots of complaints in forums about if flying off the handle and
consuming lots of resources (both CPU and RAM). One common cause is 3rd
party backup systems which create local index files which change all the
time causing
Yet even another way is to use Dropbox. With that setup, you can just
copy the PDF or Epub formatted file, for that matter to the desired
folder within the Dropbox folder on the computer and then fire up the
Dropbox app on your iPhone and access the file. It will give you the
choice to put it int
So has anyone figured out a good way to get the SMART notifications out
of hard drives? The SMART reports are an early warning system where the
drive controller can notify the host that a drive is getting ready to
fail. As far as I know OSX keeps this info to itself. You can inspect
the current
Maybe I have missed some of the messages in this thread, however what makes you
think that you misunderstood my question? It sounds to me like what you were
saying to do will work perfectly. Have a great day
This message was very likely created using Siri dictation. I therefore kindly
I felt exactly the same thing, however he is claiming that he does not see that
option under the shortcut menu. I am out and about, so I am not buy a Mac or I
can verify this right at this given time. I do agree with you however, that I
would think it would be that simple.
I'd love to know if anyone finds any solution to this as well. I am not
aware of one.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Email, j...@macfortheblind.com
Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com
Hi Steve. Yes, I do have Mountain Lion installed but I don't have Growl use
notification center instead of speaking because Voiceover reads only a part of
what's going on with Facebook in terms of people changing status messages and
stuff. I use Trillian which is the only app out there that read
Hi, to read a pdf on a Mac you could also use Quicklook. Then you can at least
hear the contents. Just press Space on a pdf file and let VO read.
Unfortunately it's not possible to navigate propperly but it's better then
All the best
Am 07.01.2013 um 20:49 schrieb Steve Holmes :
Do you find that when you do this it cuts off the first letter of things? I
did this today and this was happening. any fixes for this or is this just a
preview problem in general these days? I do happen to have skim around here
On 2013-01-07, at 4:29 PM, Jürgen Fleger wr
I guess this have been up for discussions lots of times, but I hope
there are someone who can answer anyway.
What are the best solution for Mac users who are colaborating on
documents from Windows-users?
I mean.
- With Pages, one can edit the document, but have to export it to
doc-format. The
Last I checked the OpenOffice/LibreOffice solutions were somewhere
between buggy and non-usable. Because Microsoft continues to refuse to
make their apps accessible on the Mac and Microsoft continues to use
their own proprietary format while business clings to them the only path
forward left is
why not just select all, then cut and paste?
Ricardo Walker
On Jan 7, 2013, at 3:18 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
> Chris,
> I felt exactly the same thing, however he is claiming that he does not see
> that option un
maybe he isn't quite in the right area.
First have him make sure he is in the messages table; he can't be just in the
messages column group which has both the sorting menu and the messages table;
he must interact with or at least be focused on the messages table itself. Then
he must do command
I have been using rtf files to go back and forth which, of course, can be
edited in TextEdit. Admittedly, what I am doing is not real sophisticated, but
I have had no trouble doing it. I don't know about not being user friendly. It
didn't take any time at all to figure out how to do exports.
Hi there
What's the fee for using drop box?
On Jan 7, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> Yet even another way is to use Dropbox. With that setup, you can just
> copy the PDF or Epub formatted file, for that matter to the desired
> folder within the Dropbox folder on the compute
If you don't mind me asking, what is the reason for pressing command a before
actually going to the mailbox menu in the menu bar? What if he has only one
message that he wants out of all the messages in his message table to move? If
he presses command a, it's going to select all message
I don't believe that copy/paste will work in this particular context. I think
that I remember hearing him say he tried that, and it didn't.
Thank you kindly.
This message was very likely created using Siri dictation. I therefore kindly
ask that you please excuse any, and al
It sounded to me like he wanted to move all of them which would seem to
indicate there was more than one. If he doesn't do cmd-a and he thought he was
moving all of them, it won't work. He doesn't need to do cmd-a if there is only
one message but if he does it won't hurt anything.
Let me clarify exactly what the deal is. Basically, he has about three or four
messages in his inbox. He only wants to move the first of those messages to his
other mailbox. The second two of the three, he wants to leave alone in his
inbox without moving them. Does that make better sens
Hello everyone,
Does anyone know of an accessible remote desktop client that has an accessible
iPhone app?
LogMeIn is not very accessible on the macintosh, and the iPhone client is also
not very user friendly either.
Thank you all for your suggestions.
Sent from Emilio's iPhone
You re
Hi, trying again to see if someone can answer.
I have mac dvd ripper pro but can't figure out how to get it to save in avi
format. Can someone help please?
May and Prince Noah
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Well, the same directions still hold; you just have to make sure the message
you want to move is selected.
May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
On Jan 7, 2013, at 9:03 PM, Chris Gilland wro
Writing this from my I phone. I unpacked my new I Mac yesterday and couldn't
believe how thin it was and for the fact everything was if it wasn't there i.e.
one long screen with no chunky unit like windows machines. I couldn't believe
the small USB keyboard as I thought it was going to
Hello Chris;
Did you get an opportunity to try it out? I just wanted to follow up with you,
and verify that the directions actually worked.
Hope you are doing well.
Empowering the blind, one person at a time.
On Jan 7, 2013, at 12:09 PM, Chris Gilland wro
That's what I suspected. Thanks.
Thank you kindly,
Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message -
From: "Cheryl Homiak"
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: Moving mail from one mailbox to another.
Well, the same directions still hold
Hello everyone,
I hope this message is finding everyone well.
I have tried several times to execute the drag and drop feature, but to no
I have used VO-comma to select my items, then move to the application table I
want to drop the items into.
Each time I either try to drop the items onto
Jealous! :)
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Hi ALl,
So i've managed to find a lot of different sources and uses for audiohijack,
and it's a great tool to have.
However, i'm looking for a definite and efficient way to simultaneously record
different sources at once (for podcasting, skype while using system sounds, etc
etc.). The only hal
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