Is there a program I can use to rip autio tracks from video files and
save them in MP3 or some other audio format?
Thank you very much for your help.
Donovan Osborn
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On Sep 22, 2012, at 3:19 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> Interact with arrange layout area/timeline/instruments. Then VO down arrow
> to the hook and interact. Now navigate to the loop slider and loop it as
> many bars as you like.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@app
My pleasure,
If you need anymore help, you can contact me privately off list at the e-mail
below if you wish. Good luck with your project.
Ricardo Walker
On Sep 23, 2012, at 4:07 AM, KJSC radio wrote:
> Thanks.
> On S
Hi Chanel
Yes, I'm pretty sure you're talking about mountain lion. I had this happen, but
I used to have this happening windows as well. I have been told that if you
have a lot of stuff on your desktop, it slows your computer Dillone because
it's setting up your desktop when you restart. I don't
Hi to everybody,
Does anybody have installed on his/her mac the application Jemini, the
duplicate finder?
Is it accessible with voiceover?
I just want to know before, eventually, buy it.
thanks in advance.
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Hi Veronica
I am sorry that you're having troubles, but I can't report any of these
troubles. I don't have any. So, it sounds like to me there something going on
here with your system that needs to be looked at. If you are somewhere where
you can do it, perhaps you should take both your devices
hi all,
sorry about that! i meant to say not i.o.s. 6 but the recent 10.8.2
update. did anyone have the slow to start voice over in a choppy manor?
when i wrote the previous message it was late in the evening almost midnight
when i wrote it. i meant to state the most recent update for
Hi Chris and others,
I'm pasting the text below from my old message to the list. I cleaned
it up a little.
This is the information used to change your caps lock key to the VO or Control
and Option keys held down together.
I also use the added bonus of the caps lock working as the inse
Hello everyone,
Recently I have become a fan of Instapaper for iOS.
How can I drag the Instapaper read later feature to my Safari toolbar for
saving items to my account while using the Mac?
Thank you for anyone help.
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Hi all,
First of all, let me head off any legality replies. I could simply burn my
tracks to a CD and rip them as mp3 files; all I'm looking to do is save a few
steps and a cd. Besides, I pay as much for iTunes files as I do for Amazon, but
the Amazon ones are already mp3s I can put on any of my
Hello all.
Is anyone noticing focus issues when going in the Bluetooth part of
settings. For example, if you double tap bluetooth off to turn it on,
does VoiceOver repeat the previous state, rather than or as well as the
new state? Does your VoiceOver also lose focus using the swiping gestures?
I purchased an album in iTunes and was able to download it onto my iPhone. My
question is, how can I also download this music into my Mac's iTunes library?
I don't see any download all purchased music button link1 or tab
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Googl
I managed to do this in garageband but I suppose there are a bit more straight
forward apps but since this was already installed on the mac I went for it.
Basically you paste in the file and then in the track list you have a video and
an audio file. You delete the video one and then you can save
you should sink your purchases from your iPhone by selecting that voice from
the store menù on iTunes on your mac after you have connected your iPhone via
usb or via wireless.
Il giorno 23/set/2012, alle ore 19:26, Bill Holton ha
I purchased an album in iTunes and was able to
hello -
i would like to make a list of people on twitter.
the list is made already but i need to add people to it.
is there a way to do this in YoruFukurou for example?
God Bless.
Your friend in the music industry
Hi all,
I just made yet another discovery that most of you likely already know. As
usual, I'm sharing it on the off-chance that someone else does not yet know it
and will find it helpful.
In Finder, press space on a file to launch it in Quicklook. For music files,
the music plays with basic con
Yes, I love this feature. I use it a lot to listen to something quickly.
If you have a folder of music files, you can also simply press down-arrow in
quick look to jump to listening to the next song, instead of exiting quick
look, down-arrowing and entering quick look again.
Brandon Ol
Cool, I hadn't found that one yet. I'll have to investigate what else this can
On Sep 23, 2012, at 3:17 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
> Yes, I love this feature. I use it a lot to listen to something quickly.
> If you have a folder of music files, you can also simply press down-arrow in
I don't think it's a focus issue in the Bluetooth part. I think IOS wants you
to confirm you really want to switch it on or off. I agree once should be
It worked this way on previous IOS versions, except it was buried deeper in
settings than it is now. I'm happy with it being where
Thank you Eric! I installed it!
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 23, 2012, at 8:16 AM, Eric Caron wrote:
> Hi Chris and others,
>I'm pasting the text below from my old message to the list. I cleaned it
> up a little.
> This is the information used to change your caps lock key to the VO or
I finally have or found time to get started on this project of sort. Can
someone tell me the different ways to do this. I understand one way will
cost and the other might require visual assistance, which is fine but I want
to run my mac and windows 7 machine side by side.
You re
I run mine with boot camp. It doesn't run within Mac OS.
VMware fusion costs 50$ but it shares recourses with your Mac.
Hope that can help!
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 23, 2012, at 1:07 PM, "Kimsan" wrote:
> Hi,
> I finally have or found time to get started on this project of sort. Can
> some
Wow guys, What is going on. I just updated to mountain lion on my new macbook
which I bought in January 2012. Ever since I updated my power fan has been
screaming and performance has been sluggish. I've done the 10.8.2 update. I've
removed all the startup items I feel like I can do without.
I'm lucky. I haven't had any of these issues!
Is there an easy way to downgrade to lion?
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 23, 2012, at 1:56 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Wow guys, What is going on. I just updated to mountain lion on my new
> macbook which I bought in January 2012. Ever since I upda
I did some googling about bootcamp so I have this windows 7 professional
disc for one of my windows 7 machines can I use that?
Another question is can I run it on my dell machine, the macbook pro or will
I have to install it using the mac. Holy heck, hope that made sense. We can
skype if you want
Wow! That's something which happened to me when I went from SNL 10.6.8 to
Lion 10.7. Try a disk repair and then, completely shut down your machine. Let
it sit over a period of perhaps 12 hours. that should do it. did it for me
when this happened upon my upgrading from 10.6.8 to 10.7. Don'
Hi Timothy,
there is a way to do this. Go to configure tabs, with command+p. you'll want to
find the add button and vo+space on it.
Once you do that, you'll have to put in a name, then tell what the tab type
is. For example, choosing to make it test, then telling it that it's a twitter
list ta
Just sent you a Skype request!
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 23, 2012, at 2:21 PM, "Kimsan" wrote:
> --
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Hi. If it is an OEM copy of windows, it probably won't work. If it's a
microsoft developer version or a retail version, you should have no
issues assuming you have your product key handy.
Installing windows via bootcamp and having a dual boot system is a
better idea than running windows virtually
I think I didn't explain clearly enough. I made my album purchase on my
iPhone and downloaded it fine to my iPhone. Trouble is, when I now go to my
ZMac and launch iTunes the album doesn't show up there. In the iTunes store
it's right there under recent purchases, only whenI checkj downloads
Hello everyone,
is it possible to get a word count in TextEdit, or is this only available in
Pages? I don't remember.
I am writing a document in TextEdit, and would really prefer not to need t copy
it over to Pages just to obtain a word count.
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Hi Cameron,
I have run windows both in bootcamp and in VM Fusion. Both have
advantages so I don't think you can say for sure bootcamp is better. Currently
I'm running my Macbook pro with VM Fusion and Windows 7. I have many
applications running on both systems and am changing between
Yes running it virtually will work and you do have the advantage of
being able to switch from mac OSX to windows without a restart.
However, my main issues with running windows virtually is that running
both operating systems side by side taxes your ram and processor a lot
more and could also effec
Hi Bill
I've done this before i.e. I've purchased something on iTunes, it's downloaded
to my phone. Then when I sync my phone with my computer it copies the album to
the computer. Have you tried syncing your phone to your Mac?
On 24/09/2012, at 10:13 AM, "Bill Holton" wrote:
> Hi.
> I
It's an OEM copy.
I just want to put all of my eggs into one basket and just work off the mac
an quickly shift over to windows when need be.
So, let's go step-by-step I need to download bootcamp first right?
Boot camp needs to be used on the mac machine?
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For more options
Apple hasn't protected there m4a files in years. How old is your music?
Ricardo Walker
On Sep 23, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> First of all, let me head off any legality replies. I could simply bu
Why not just sync your phone? If you don't want to do that, you can go to the
iTunes store, find the purchased link and download the album that way. I have
iTunes set to automatically download any purchase made from iTunes or the app
store on my phone. This saves a lot of time in my opin
have you started up in the recovery partition and run repair permissions?
Ricardo Walker
On Sep 23, 2012, at 4:56 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Wow guys, What is going on. I just updated to mountain lion on my new
in your finder, press command shift U. This will land you on your utility
folder. In this folder is the bootcamp assistant. Run this. By the way, I
think this was mentioned earlier in the thread but, you will need to get a
retail or builder copy of windows.
Ricardo Walker
have you run repair permissions yet?
Ricardo Walker
On Sep 23, 2012, at 10:22 AM, Chenelle Hancock
> hi all,
> sorry about that! i meant to say not i.o.s. 6 but the recent 10.8.2
> update. did anyone
Wait, they haven't? So there's no drm on it at all? I just assumed there would
be, thinking of what I'd heard in the past and knowing apple's love of
protecting anything remotely connected to them. So I can just do what I want
with the files straight away? Well, that's good news!
On Sep 23, 2012
A google search reveals that you can't do this directly. The way I found was to
make a script, then enable scripts in the extras menus. When in Text Edit,
you'd go to the script menu in the extras and select your word count script
from there. Google can tell you how to do this exactly, but that'
No issues here either. My fan has always been a bit hyper, but if anything, it
may have simmered down a bit under ML.
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Chris Bruinenberg
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 5:00 PM
To: macvisionari
I used to play *.ogg files in Itunes. There's an app called "set ogg," which
sets permissions so they can be played. However, this doesn't work any more.
Anyone know another way to play OGG in Itunes 10.7?
Thanks. :)
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
Hi folks, Just got me the mountain kitty and got drop-box all set. Question: If
I drop something in the public folder, how do I do a right click or a
ctrl-click? Thanks.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group,
i do vo+shift+m
then i go to the dropbox option.
Good luck.
Chris Bruinenberg
On Sep 23, 2012, at 6:52 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> Hi folks, Just got me the mountain kitty and got drop-box all set. Question:
> If I drop something in the public folder, how do I do a
Hello, over the last day or so I saw a message about removing the preview pane
in Mail
Unfortunately I have deleted that message. Would the person be kind enough to
send it again?
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"MacVisionaries" group.
Hi folks.
I downloaded this a little while ago, but just now started using it. Is anyone
on list using this app? If so, what are your thoughts?
Ricardo Walker
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Thanks, that part I'm squared up with. It's when I've made the grand deposit
and which to ask for a link to the file for public desimination that I'm having
troubles with..
On 2012-09-23, at 9:53 PM, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:
> i do vo+shift+m
> then i go to the dropbox option.
> Good l
I believe in the most recent version of dropbox, they have gotten rid of the
copy public link option. But, make sure your interacting with the browser
before pressing VO shift M for the context menu or, you might not get the
dropbox menu.
Ricardo Walker
Just open the short cut menu and select the Drop box submenu. Having done
that, you want now to find and press space bar on "copy public link". Of
course, make certain you are focused on the file for which you wish to do this.
Note. Also, ensure you have the latest version of Drop Box.
Wrong. the public link option is still there.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Sep 23, 2012, at 9:57 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I believe in the most recent version of dropbox, they have gotten rid of t
found it, and thanks to all for your responses. I wasn't paying attention
enough and didn't notice the "dropbox" options in the context menu right off.
The public link for what I needed was acquired and appropriately distributed.
Thanks again all.
On 2012-09-23, at 11:10 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
Hello Max,
To get rid of the Preview pane in Mail, position yourself on the horizontal
splitter between the message headers and the body, bring the mouse (VO-Cmd-F5),
then do a physical mouse click with the trackpad, mouse, or number 5 if you
have Numpad Commander enabled.
Hey, no prob at all; after all, that's what we're here for.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Sep 23, 2012, at 10:26 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> found it, and thanks to all for your responses. I wasn't paying attenti
did anyone else noticed a bug in iOS 6 and Calendar? On my iPhone 4s it's the
same bug like in iOS 4: all days are shown without any appointments in months
view. After clicking on a day I find the appointments below the calendar but
not at the number of the day. VO says just "no appointment
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