Hi Teresa,
Do you use an iphone with lastpass as well? If so, how does lastpass deal with
password sync from the mac to the phone and back? 1Password uses dropbox. Which
are the sharing methods, if any at all, for lastpass? Also, can you have your
own vault, i.e., not one online but one in an e
Wow that's very handy. Most of the time, VoiceOver would not let me mark the
file for dragging to airdrop, or if it did, it wouldn't let me command period
drag the file into the airdrop window. In other words, selecting the file in
question gave me problems. Your method, context menu on a
Another way to see how much disk space you still have, while working in the
finder, is to show its status bar. X items, x free. Also if you turn on the
path, then you will always know where you are working, even in places where
that's not immediately apparent.
On Aug 27, 2012, at 11:1
Hi all,
I somehow managed to move one of my mailboxes so it is now thelevel 2
subfolder of another unrelated mailbox. I did this inadvertently when trying to
remove things from my favourites bar using the track pad. I don't know which
of the dragging maneuvers did this. or I would simply re
Der Christopher and Kawal
Since a year or so back, when you try to access BBC iplayer radio programmes
it comes up with a whole new rigmarole because they have associated this with
something called the Radio Player Partnership. You don't have to download
anything, it just comes up automaticall
I live in the UK. Before when I did listen to stuff using the Mac, I used to
open the stream in separate window. I not installed flash on my Mac Book Pro.
What is the paid App and is it for the I phone? I have BBC player installed on
my I phone which is free.
On 29 Aug 2012, at 11:00 A
Dear Listers,
Has anyone on the list been using google+? If so, is it accessible/easy to
manage with Voiceover? IsGoogle+ like facebook? I've been invited by somebody
to join but I'm not sure what to do yet. I want to confirm its accessibility
first before I take the plunge.
Thanks for any tip
Hi all,
I'm so glad I finally figured this out! For some reason, when the system
focus moves from track to track, only the check box for the currently selected
track that enables recording is checked. I discovered this by turning off
cursor tracking and going through the tracks one by one.
Yep. Apple has just removed that feature which is a step backward in the mail
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:
Den 29/08/2012 kl. 03.29 skrev "Christina C." :
> I have googled this and I've had no real luck. I found
Just curious as to whether anyone is using an accessible HTML editor on
the Mac and if so, which one it is?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.c
This won't work for using capslock as you used to. Remember that this hack is
system-based, not just something in vo. The entire operating system thinks the
caps lock key is the control and option keys pressed together, so telling vo to
ignore the next key will do nothing.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 2:
Hello folks,
Recently I posted asking a question about an iTunes problem. While the response
was appreciated, it did not help resolve my issue.
Basically, iTunes is not registering my library because none of my music,
movies, podcast, or television show are appearing within the application.
I know that there also is a BBC Radio Player widgit for the dashboard,
which, had it worked, would have been awesome, but it didn't. I mean, it
looked plenty accessible, it just didn't play, when I hit the play button.
It buffered, but that was as far as I got, so who knows.
- Ori
OK, but, can it be confirmed that if you're in the states, as I am, the IOS
BBC Player won't work? I guess I could install it and try it. It's not
like I'd be out anything since it's free. LOL!
- Original Message -
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu"
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2
Thank you so much. I am now convinced to change it. Mel
On Aug 28, 2012, at 10:47 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
> Hi Mary,
> If you follow my podcast you will no longer have a caps lock key but
> rather a very convenient Voice Over key. If you want your caps lock back you
> can either go
I've heard mixed opinions. Personally, I can't stand Google Plus. I have
had nothing but trouble with it from an accessibility standpoint.
- Original Message -
From: "Andrew Lamanche"
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 6:16 AM
Subject: Google+ accessibility
Dear Listers
Yeah. Text Edit.
- Original Message -
From: "Al Puzzuoli"
To: "Mac Visionaries"
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 9:12 AM
Subject: Accessible HTML Editor?
Just curious as to whether anyone is using an accessible HTML editor on
the Mac and if so, which one it is?
I didn't check the past threads but have you re-pointed iTunes to where
your library is located? Holding down the option key during launch will
cause iTunes to prompt you to locate the iTunes library.
On 8/29/12 9:33 AM, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
Hello folks,
Recently I posted asking a ques
I've never experienced anything like that. I'm guessing that you either have
multiple Library files in your iTunes folder or that there is something corrupt
within your existing Library database since you're still having issues when
trying to add things.
I would have iTunes recreate your
Hi all:
I am trying to use fade outs in garage band for several tracks in different
positions. Selecting the option under the track menu causes all the audio in
the project to fade out and that is not what I want. I wonder if someone has
been able to make a particular sound fade out or in in ga
Maybe this will help. FOund this on the macworld page:
Good luck.
Symptom: There's no music in your iTunes library when there should be.
Cure 1: Rebuild your music library by creating a new iTunes database file. To
do so, follow these steps.
1. Quit iTunes if it's running.
2. Locate
Hi all,
I know this has been around before, but it isn't something I've ever needed to
do. What's the best way to convert a txt or PDF document to MP3?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send e
I have a cablemodem and it has worked out well for me over the years. I
was able to upgrade the wifi with newer boxes while leaving the
cablemodem in place. Likewise when my cablemodem died I just replaced it
without having to redo my wifi. I guess there is some value in having
everything in on
Hi all,
I have Piano Pub for pandora, but it doesn't seem to work on ML. So, what else
do people use for Pandora? I heard there are keyboard shortcuts on the website,
but what are they and do they work iwth vo on Safari? Thanks.
Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
Pandora still works for me.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have Piano Pub for pandora, but it doesn't seem to work on ML. So, what
> else do people use for Pandora? I heard there are keyboard shortcuts on the
> website, but what are they and do th
Hi everyone,
I am just taking a closer look at the web spots and I can't seem to find the
difference between two commands that seem to me to perform the same action.
What is the difference between VO [ and ] and VO Command [ and ]?
Thanks for clarifying this for me.
Please check
I recently installed this software to control my Squeezebox Classic. I am
noticing some challenges with using Voiceover. Does anyone have tips for using
it with the latest versions of both? For example, When I click on the different
settings categories, nothing happens. Thanks for
Pianopub works for me if I boot using my external drive that runs snow leopard,
but it doesn't work under mountain lion at
all. It just brings up the problem reporter. This started happening before
Mountain Lion was even released, so I'm baffled
with regards to what caused it. Hopefully, there wi
The IOS BBC player does not work in New Zealand. It says its content is not
available outside the UK. So I doubt it would work in the US. A real shame I
On 30/08/2012, at 1:46 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
> OK, but, can it be confirmed that if you're in the states, as I
There is probably some clever way to do it from the GUI but I'm
comfortable doing stuff in terminal so here is how I would do it. Get a
text file with what you want said. In terminal do
say -o audiofile.aiff < textfile.txt
That will use voiceover to generate an aiff audio file of the spoken
What doers the o stand for, and can you keep it from reading the text aloud? I
am wondering if it will be any faster than my automator workflow.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 2:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> There is probably some clever way to do it from the GUI but I'm comfortable
> doing stuff in
-o means the next thing on the command line is the name of the output
file. The process is silent unless you add a --progress flag which will
update the last line in terminal with stats like the number of seconds
of processing left (ETA). No idea about the speed of your automator
flow. Or maybe
To vary the speed, you put in two left brackets ra number and two right
brackets at the top of the file. it reads it at that speed witn whatever your
system voice is set to.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 2:37 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> -o means the next thing on the command line is the name of
does it use default vo settings?
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
On Aug 29, 2012, at 2:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> There is probably some clever way to do it from the GUI but I'm comfortable
> doing stuff in terminal so
Hello Donna,
The easiest way to convert text to MP3 audio is to enable the service command
"Add to iTunes as a spoken track". You have to select the text first, and
you'll be in a dialogue box where you can choose the voice. To increase the
speech rate, put the command mentioned by Jane at the
Hey, I wish I had an answer for you. Please do let me know if you
figure out how to get it to work, as I was looking to get a twit
marker program, but I think they are paided, and wanted to find out
how accessible they were before purchasing one. Thanks
On Aug 28, 9:02 am, Steve Holmes wrote:
> T
I have unfortunately never been able to get this to work. I would be extremely
interested in a solution as well.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 9:35 AM, Daniel Montalvo Charameli
> Hi all:
> I am trying to use fade outs in garage band for several tracks in different
> positions. Select
Hi! This service command worked very well for me under snow leopard, but under
lion and mountain lion, something has changed,
and it no longer works as expected. It reads the text file aloud as the
conversion is going on, and if I mute that, the file
is no longer created. Also, even though my pun
I am excited to try this out! Thank you for sharing!
On Aug 29, 2012, at 5:24 AM, Gavin Grundlingh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm so glad I finally figured this out! For some reason, when the system
> focus moves from track to track, only the check box for the currently
> selected track t
I wanted to download the interesting podcast about vo to caps lock. However if
I paste the link in safari or if I click on it, it starts playing in safari. I
would just like to download it.
I accessed the shortcut menu of the link in mail and there was an option to
download linked file. HO
I use Pandora all the time for music for massage. I use the item chooser to
find what I want. It works but it is frustrating at times.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have Piano Pub for pandora, but it doesn't seem to work on ML. So, what
> else do people use for
Thanks for the reply. So far no-one else has even replied. For me,
both tweetlist on the iPod and Yoru*** on the Mac use tweet marker and
there is no charge to use it. I can't even remember if I had to add
an account to it. There must be some kind of ID. The only account I
had to set up recent
Have any of you all been having issues this morning with Siri? I've noticed
since about 8 eastern time this morning, it's not worked for me, nor has the
I've even rebooted my phone to absolutely no help.
I'm really really perplexed.
You received this message because you
Piano pub doesn't work on ML? Please! tell me, you're kidding!
- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall"
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 12:55 PM
Subject: pandora solutions?
Hi all,
I have Piano Pub for pandora, but it doesn't seem to work on ML. So, what
else do people
I've had that happen now and then. I think it's one of those things that
will probably happen once in awhile until they get IDevices that don't need
the servers to process for it.
- Original Message -
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 3:21 PM
ok, but with Piano Pub?
- Original Message -
From: "brianna Snyder"
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: pandora solutions?
Pandora still works for me.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
Hi all,
I have Piano Pub for pandora
Check your downloads folder in finder. You should find the file there. You can
use Command Option L to jump to the folder.
On 30/08/2012, at 6:04 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to download the interesting podcast about vo to caps lock. However
> if I paste the link in saf
ok, but can you confirm if you're also having the issue? or is it just me?
- Original Message -
From: "Brent Harding"
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: What the heck's wrong with Siri!?
I've had that happen now and then. I think it's one of those thin
Hello Missy,
This is really strange. I have the same problem as you when converting a Mail
message to MP3, but not with a TextEdit document. In both cases, I changed the
voice from Alex to an Infovox iVox voice. I' still using Lion.
On 29 Aug 2012, at 21:38, Missy Hoppe wrote:
I should have clarified. I use PianoPub, and I run Mountain Lion. It works as
good as it ever did. Make sure you've got the latest version.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 4:23 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
> ok, but with Piano Pub?
> Chris.
> - Original Message - Fr
Hello Anne:
thanks for this suggestion, I thought there was something like this. But how
does one activate that command? It is checked in Service Prefs, but I don't
see any option to implement it either in iTunes, or in Text Edit. What am I
On Aug 29, 2012, at 2:03 PM,
Hello listers,
Is there any bible software for the mac, if so could someone provide me the
download link for it.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
Also, on any file you want to download, try pressing option-return on the link.
This will force a download of the file.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 1:25 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
> Hi
> Check your downloads folder in finder. You should find the file there. You
> can use Command Option
Also, on any file you want to download, try pressing option-return on the link.
This will force a download of the file.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 1:25 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
> Hi
> Check your downloads folder in finder. You should find the file there. You
> can use Command Option
Hi all
Kawal, if you have the iPlayer app, you wouldn't need the BBC Global app. I
don't know how you were accessing the BBC on your Mac before, I used to use
Real Player, but I don't think that works any longer.
Lisette is right about accessing the BBC content outside the UK. However, if
I am also using Piano Pub on ML with no problems.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 5:22 PM, brianna Snyder wrote:
> Hi,
> I should have clarified. I use PianoPub, and I run Mountain Lion. It works as
> good as it ever did. Make sure you've got the latest version.
> Brianna
> On Aug 29, 2
Hi guys,
I saw Navagon and Ariadne in the App Store, and am thinking about downloading
them; are there trials of either app, since Navaon is like $60.00? And should
I use both of them because Ariadne gives you turn by turn directions and is
more accessible? I saw where it specifically ahs Vo
Thanks, Chris. When I feel brave I'll try this. :)
On Aug 29, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> There is probably some clever way to do it from the GUI but I'm comfortable
> doing stuff in terminal so here is how I would do it. Get a text file with
> what you want said. In terminal
Well, I'll try downloading it again and see if it works any better. Sorry for
the misinformation and any disasters (choking, spilled drinks, etc) my news may
have caused Piano Pub users who recently upgraded.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 7:36 PM, Greg Aikens wrote:
> I am also using Piano Pub on ML with
If redownloading helps, please let me know. I've redownloaded, uninstalled,
reinstalled, copied the functional version from
my external drive, and nothing works. I'm guessing that pianopub needs to be
updated, but it seems that it's still working
just fine for a lot of people. I've tried contacti
Text Edit is pretty basic but does allow you to save documents in html format.
Rapid Weaver does allow for website creation but us not truly an tml editor.
On Aug 29, 2012, at 7:01 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
Yeah. Text Edit.
- Original Message - From: "Al P
Text edit works great... or... did you mean you wanted a wysiwyg editer. I
just use Text Edit, but then I know html very very very very well.
- Original Message -
From: "Grant Hyde"
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: Accessible HTML Editor?
Text Edi
Hello Donna,
For this command to become available, you need to highlight the text to be
converted, then get a contextual menu with VO-Shift-m. The command should then
show up under Services. I have a shortcut for it which is Cmd-Control-i.
On 30 Aug 2012, at 00:40, Donna Goodin w
Hello Harry,
I don't think either app has a trial version. However, they work well together.
Navigon is designed to run in the background, so you can have Ariadne as the
current app and it will tell you where you are at regular intervals. Obviously,
they're both only as accurate as the iPhone's
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